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clinic in Bkk for piles?

Orton Rd

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Had them on and off for 40 years don't need any advice about diet etc, been in hospital at home a few times for injections/bands. Once got booked in for surgery but they needed the bed for a more urgent case so got bumped off. Bad at the moment, creams of course are mostly a waste of time and ice and all the alternative things limited in effectiveness. Any recommendations for a clinic, did see one in China town when passing on the bus, can't find it now. Might try the bands again, anyone any idea on prices? Would like to avoid the big Hospitals as although the staff are usually nice the Dr's often make you feel like they are doing you a favor seeing you.

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There are no special  clinics for this and in Bangkok most doctors work out of the outpatient clinics in hospitals.  Stand-alone clinics are few and far between and often of questionable quality.


As to doctor's attitudes, depends on the doctor, they are not all the same.


This is a very good colorectal surgeon:






(same doctor, 2 different hospitals. Bangkok  Christian will be less expensive).

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i too suffered badly,they were that bad i had to wear a towel,THAT WAS TILL,one morning i had to take a mate of mine to hospital 

[out patient] and wait for him,i had to look after his 3yr.old kid.so i had him on my lap for over 2hrs.

now you can believe me or not,but i swear to this day,this curered my piles.

it was monday morning and sunday night was our night on the beer plus after it was a vindaloo curry HOT HOT BLOODY HOT.

well sat in the van with the kid on my lap my bum was starting to get very very hot and i could just about stick it.

it burned like my ring was on fire and it was agony.but a few days later there was no blood or marbles [you know what i mean]

so if you can stand a good hot indian curry,give it a try and DONT relieve yourself next day just SIT TIGHT.

so maybe sheryl can say did the CHILLIES DO THE JOB.



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never heard of that one


I'll go further.

I had bum, groin area pain that got worse and worse and I couldn't pin point the problem.

I thought it was a rash, as there was a rash (not red skin ) as well.

Lots of Dr. visits, then I finally asked for a colonoscopy.

Results showed infected hemmorids.

Dr gave me these tablets that they give to people with bad varicose vein leg problems.

2 weeks and major problem gone.

This worked for me, but this is only my experience.

Sent from my SM-J700F using Tapatalk

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 Daflon or Daffomin ? 

Yeah, that's it, Daflon.

Took a couple of weeks, not overnight.

Still got the symptoms, mildly, but it's just a small pain that all the other sport and old age pains tend to overshadow. [emoji2]

Sent from my SM-J700F using Tapatalk

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My three tips for preventing piles are drawn from many year's experience as a former sufferer. (now, only rarely)


1. Diet. Eat plenty of fibre. Ensure adequate (non-alcoholic) fluid intake. Avoid spicy food. (Yer, I know, love it too!) A soft comfortable poop should be your prime target.


2. Do Kegel's exercise daily. They're not only good for the prostate, but all the pevlic and groin area. (I do 3 minutes every morning and more, if I remember throughout the day)


3. Get off your butt and exercise. Even walking is beneficial.


Edited by Moonlover
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