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Secret Military Division Deployed To Quell Unrest And Control Protests

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I am sorry to say this, but I doubt a force of the size quoted has much to do with pro-Taksin or anti-coup political activities. I fear it is a harbinger of bad news for the Kingdom. It is the logical next step for the reasons many think were behind the coup to begin with. Again, entirely speculation on my part, but it fits the pattern.

Yep. My sentiments exactly.

'Things' are starting to 'add up' about all this in my mind, too.

Maybe the real martial law has yet to be declared...

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And if the interim government did not act by taking these measures, unecessary incidents or even a counter-coup organized by TRT's "yellow shirt wearing political chameleons" would surely take place.

The costs are nothing compared to what the TRT crooks were ripping off from the country's coffers pre-sept.19th.

Forget the death squads, that was Thaksin's era, if any left, they are unruly boys in brown that won't escape the upcoming overhaul of the joke that is most of the royal Thai police force.

it seems that foreigners just want to brown nose the new gov. to make them selves feel comfortable living in thailand.

So, according to that comment, prior to the coup, foreigners would all have been TRT brown nosers? :D

foreigners are very much brown nosing this new gov. and the same on all other military backed gov.s of the past

no body ever brown noses an elected gov.

this new gov. is making some foreigners have their noses so far up the military's black hole

Funny, you bring to mind the previous government, TRT, and some Association of Foreigners in Siam. :D

if anybody knows the top guys in the military, fine, but i doubt not one of you making such lick kissing comments on the military actually knows any of the top guys, if you do, prove it!

That's usually Colpyat's job of claiming such things. :D

not one of you brown nosing the new gov. can prove that you know any of the top brass at the army

cannot wait for the next brown nosing comment on the millitary from people who havent a clue

happy new year

hope you can use some gel to get those heads out of the armies black hole

Oh quit it with the brown nosing thing, you couldn't name one anti-Thaksin or pro-coup poster on here who ever claimed to know top brass in the military. Look at the one name in red in the quote above :o

Oh quit it with the brown nosing thing, you couldn't name one anti-Thaksin or pro-coup poster on here who ever claimed to know top brass in the military. Look at the one name in red in the quote above :o

There is a certain irony in how some of you pro junta folks insist on ignoring clear facts in order to keep digging your heads up the present government's behinds. Mybe you should read this link:

Call for Surayud to quit over forest retreat


and this one:

FREEDOM OF SPEECH :Anti-coup website blocked again without notification


Being still on a holiday in a western European country it actually is very refreshing to be in a place where we can talk without fear about everything, and have access to all news and reports. Maybe some of you apologists for mind control and strange police squads supervising this have lost some perspective here...


Being still on a holiday in a western European country it actually is very refreshing to be in a place where we can talk without fear about everything, and have access to all news and reports. Maybe some of you apologists for mind control and strange police squads supervising this have lost some perspective here... :D

Are you ok? :D

Anyway, next someone will find out that when Surayud takes a nap on his porch, his feet are actually pointing at a statue of Buddha located 600 miles away. :o

Are you ok? :D

Anyway, next someone will find out that when Surayud takes a nap on his porch, his feet are actually pointing at a statue of Buddha located 600 miles away. :o

Perfectly OK, thanks for asking.

And as long as also our present PM (unelected) is following the long Thai tradition of corrupt hypocracy - pretending to be democratic while violating all democratic rights of the population and acting oh so moral and virtuous while occupying land originally reserved for the poor - we will not have have to fish for lunacies such as your examples.

Are you ok? :D

Anyway, next someone will find out that when Surayud takes a nap on his porch, his feet are actually pointing at a statue of Buddha located 600 miles away. :o

Perfectly OK, thanks for asking.

And as long as also our present PM (unelected) is following the long Thai tradition of corrupt hypocracy - pretending to be democratic while violating all democratic rights of the population and acting oh so moral and virtuous while occupying land originally reserved for the poor - we will not have have to fish for lunacies such as your examples.

Hi Colpyat

There is a good anlysis here:


Funnily enough the analysis mirrors exactly what someone I know in TRT says is the strategy. As she said the trouble is that none of it looks much compared to what Mr. Thaksin stands accused of.

A typical defence of they are all the same means Mr. Thaksin wasnt that bad and shouldnt be punished is what they are trying for by muddying the water. Of course these defences ignore the fact that two wrongs dont make a right although historically they can influence some. The problem is at least according to my source that nothing approaching Mr. Ts indiscretions is likely to be found, but I am told that as more is exposed of Mr. Thaksins indiscretions and the nearer they come to conclusion the more counter stuff to expect.

Funnily enough the analysis mirrors exactly what someone I know in TRT says is the strategy. As she said the trouble is that none of it looks much compared to what Mr. Thaksin stands accused of.

I wouldn't call that little article an anaylsis at all.

What is the point of that thing?

Just because Thaksin was more corrupt, other's corruption can be ignored and is beyond scrutinity?

Asking uncomfortable question is automaticaly equated with being a "Thaksin crony"?

Sorry, that is factually wrong. People such as Weng Tojirakan are definately not Thaksin cronies, sympatisants or underlings - he was even a member of the PAD before he distanced himself from Sondhi L.

The article states that Surayudh's house issue is blown out of proportion but has completely lost his perspective. One of the biggest problems of Thailand is that every land reform that has reserved land for the poor specifically has been made a joke by influental people acquiring such land. That was before Thaksin, during Thaksin, and will unfortunately remain so after him. There are many problems in Thailand that exist independent of Thaksin, and it appears that this present government is more part of the problem than solution.

Especially when the present government introduces such strange military and police squads whose job is to stop criticism and public debate.

Thaksin rule was bad enough, but continuing with more than dubious practises of this government is equally concerning. I wonder how long the Thaksin excuse is going to be used to stop investigations and public debate into anybody else than TRT.


this excuse is being used today again after the bombings - despite the fact that there was almost no political opposition to the junta and certainly there never was any violence involved.

Just because Thaksin was more corrupt, other's corruption can be ignored and is beyond scrutinity?
Certainly not. However, look at the alledged crimes -

One dubious and small land deal - for personal use are a FAR FAR FAR cry from what Thaksin was/is up to. This is the difference between stealing a candy bar from a 7-11 and rigging an ATM. Thaksin was using his position to help his businesses gain unfair advantages. Surayud got a house on government land that maybe he shouldn't have, and th could have very well hve been an honest mistake. Even if it wasn't, if you took out every politician in Thailand(as well as Europe, the US, etc) who did something similar to this you would quickly find yourself without a government.

This is not to say I condone the 'perks' of he job - I am dead set against them. While great many politicians in th West engage in such behavior it largely goes unnoticed. If it did come to light then that politician would likely be in a lot of trouble. Corruption at any level promotes corruption at every level. BUT we realistically can't expect the guy to be athe Buddha, can we?

And double marriage certificates? TIT, not Victorian England, and bigamy is de facto accepted. This does sound like Thaksin's folks grabbing at proverbial straws.


Busy news week, eh?

If Surayud reallly did have a tip-off about the bombings, this might be part of his reaction.

Of course, it might very well be a power grab. The guy, from what I can tell, seems like a stand up guy. And, theoretically, the best possible goverment type is a benevolent monarchy. It could be that if he really becomes one of these fair kings that Thailand is famous for that it could bode well for Thailand. The problem with it, and any monarchy, is succession. That, and power corrupts.

Burma, for example, is in a bad state. Consolidating powr in the hands of one or a few men is just a bad idea in the mid to long term. Even if you are lucky enough to get a good guy for a while, someone who resists the temptations and trappings of power, the next guy in line probably won't be so strong. It is all the difference between Augustus and Caligula.

Any secret police force to maintain social order scares the bejeebusses out of me. I 'trust' Surayud et al more than most in their position, but trust is certainly to strong of a word!


Fourteen thousand plain clothes spies hanging around the markets evesdropping on local chit chat?- (this would mean that if troop strength were to be maintained, an extra 14000 soldiers were produced pretty much over night, wouldn't it?) or could it mean---- 14000 trusted informants within current military and police units paid to- keep an eye- not on the local somtam lady- but rather on - their bunkmates? (That is a serious question- I honestly don't know how the deployment was intended to work).

But if so, that would sound like the army suspected trouble- from its ranks.

And then - just days after these 14000 secret agents are deployed- - bangkok gets bombed.

Of course there is enough hatred of Taksin around that some less than subltle finger pointing in his direction would certainly keep the masses diverted from what could be a pretty serious situation. The kind of situation that might lead to a counter coup. The very counter coup that today Sonthi said would not occur.

(Bearing in mind that a coup is not an attempt to seize power- it is the result of a seizure of power- that no coup will take place literally means - nobody will unseat us- not nobody will try).


I've read the original article in the Nation earlier I didn't find anything unusual with the new "special" force. Nowhere did it say or even hint that it will be a secret death squad purging all dissidents.

Maintaining of the martial law is not budgeted in regular military expenses. They just delegated it to the new force. A fairly reasonable way of managing extra duties.

"Death squads", lost freedoms - people here are getting a bit more paranoid than usual, that's all.

I've read the original article in the Nation earlier I didn't find anything unusual with the new "special" force. Nowhere did it say or even hint that it will be a secret death squad purging all dissidents.

Maintaining of the martial law is not budgeted in regular military expenses. They just delegated it to the new force. A fairly reasonable way of managing extra duties.

"Death squads", lost freedoms - people here are getting a bit more paranoid than usual, that's all.

another foreigner with his head up the military's black hole

"Death squads", lost freedoms - people here are getting a bit more paranoid than usual, that's all.

Which doesn't mean they're wrong.

I've read the original article in the Nation earlier I didn't find anything unusual with the new "special" force. Nowhere did it say or even hint that it will be a secret death squad purging all dissidents.

Maintaining of the martial law is not budgeted in regular military expenses. They just delegated it to the new force. A fairly reasonable way of managing extra duties.

"Death squads", lost freedoms - people here are getting a bit more paranoid than usual, that's all.

another foreigner with his head up the military's black hole

You would have to be Thai to refer to the poster as a "foreigner".

Do you have something against the Thai military ?

Do you have something to share with the forum beyond the

insult ?

Please go on.

As a "farang" forum we don't get enough Thai input.


I've read the original article in the Nation earlier I didn't find anything unusual with the new "special" force. Nowhere did it say or even hint that it will be a secret death squad purging all dissidents.

Maintaining of the martial law is not budgeted in regular military expenses. They just delegated it to the new force. A fairly reasonable way of managing extra duties.

"Death squads", lost freedoms - people here are getting a bit more paranoid than usual, that's all.

another foreigner with his head up the military's black hole

You would have to be Thai to refer to the poster as a "foreigner".

Do you have something against the Thai military ?

Do you have something to share with the forum beyond the

insult ?

Please go on.

As a "farang" forum we don't get enough Thai input.


Considering he joined 2 months ago. I can think of an individual who has had lots of spare time on his hands over the last 2 months. Hey Brazil hows the weather in China?

I've read the original article in the Nation earlier I didn't find anything unusual with the new "special" force. Nowhere did it say or even hint that it will be a secret death squad purging all dissidents.

Maintaining of the martial law is not budgeted in regular military expenses. They just delegated it to the new force. A fairly reasonable way of managing extra duties.

"Death squads", lost freedoms - people here are getting a bit more paranoid than usual, that's all.

another foreigner with his head up the military's black hole

Stop refering to pro-coup posters as "brown nosers", and now, as having their head up the military's "black hole". :o

Maybe Freud was wrong about the anal phase being part of early childhood psychosexual development.

I've read the original article in the Nation earlier I didn't find anything unusual with the new "special" force. Nowhere did it say or even hint that it will be a secret death squad purging all dissidents.

Maintaining of the martial law is not budgeted in regular military expenses. They just delegated it to the new force. A fairly reasonable way of managing extra duties.

"Death squads", lost freedoms - people here are getting a bit more paranoid than usual, that's all.

another foreigner with his head up the military's black hole

You would have to be Thai to refer to the poster as a "foreigner".

Do you have something against the Thai military ?

Do you have something to share with the forum beyond the

insult ?

Please go on.

As a "farang" forum we don't get enough Thai input.


Considering he joined 2 months ago. I can think of an individual who has had lots of spare time on his hands over the last 2 months. Hey Brazil hows the weather in China?

Or possibly, given his nic, he has some first hand experience of living under governments installed by tanks. And understands a bit about the nature of the "authoritarian personality'- on which the survival of these regimes depends. And if you don't know anything about the formal definition of "Authoritarian Personality" check it out. It may not be what you expect. Certainly it is of more interest at times like these than anything Freud has to offer.


In these topsy turvy times- when social institutions 'back home' are beset by the bizarre demands of the previously closeted minorities- sexual, ethnic, political and religious- the lure of the iron boot is strong- from the far left convinced that that capitalist democracy is an oxymoron to the Evangelical right privately confiding a desire for theocracy- and dangerous times for democratic ideals- not just in Thailand.

"Death squads", lost freedoms - people here are getting a bit more paranoid than usual, that's all.

Which doesn't mean they're wrong.

Actually, I don't see any increase in paranoia amongst the neo-shaib commmunity, the level stays pretty consistent over time.


yes its not clear whether these special forces will be uniformed (uninformed) or not??

If they are plain clothes, thats a lot of armed lethal greymen wandering around (Harry Lime and the Third Man),

If they were available from Dec 1st, then they werent effective against the bombers

We out to get ninja kid game players on this, they would probably be much smarter at figuring out the game play strategies than we old western farts

Ill go to the RG plaza in pattaya, third floor and get some opinions 555

Mr Brazil, you seem to have a physically unhealthy dislike of the present government; please detail the good points of the previous government so we can see why you express such vehemence.

Problem is that it is slowly becoming physically unhealthy if one dislikes the present government and conditions in Thailand.

Outspoken though absolutely peaceful opponents are getting now followed around the clock.

But maybe i just don't appreciate anymore the blessing of Thai style democracy after my short holiday in degenerate western Europe where people have the bold indecency to talk freely about every subject matter, and things must be perfectly in order now in the Land of Smile since the virtuous have taken over... :o


A number of off-topic posts, flames, and posts overly negatively critical of the current Thai government have been deleted from this thread... despite warnings from moderators.

The next time it happens... offfenders will be taking a sabbatical from ThaiVisa.

Be Warned.

Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit

  • 2 weeks later...
Oh quit it with the brown nosing thing, you couldn't name one anti-Thaksin or pro-coup poster on here who ever claimed to know top brass in the military. Look at the one name in red in the quote above :o

There is a certain irony in how some of you pro junta folks insist on ignoring clear facts in order to keep digging your heads up the present government's behinds. Mybe you should read this link:

Call for Surayud to quit over forest retreat


Just because Thaksin was more corrupt, other's corruption can be ignored and is beyond scrutinity?

Surayud got a house on government land that maybe he shouldn't have, and th could have very well hve been an honest mistake.

Purported photo of Surayud's holiday home is fake: NCCC

The National Counter Corruption Commission will question a man over allegedly false evidence he submitted against Prime Minister Surayud Chulanont and may charge him with perjury.

The man submitted a photograph purporting to be the prime minister's holiday home.

"The picture of what complainant Sudchai Boonchai said was Surayud's Nakhon Ratchasima vacation home is completely different from what graft investigators uncovered after an on-site inspection," commission chairman Panthep Klanarongran said yesterday.

Sudchai submitted a picture of a luxury home complete with swimming pool and "five-star" facilities. He claimed Surayud owned it.

The site visit showed the actual building to be a one-storey bungalow, he said.

In his complaint, Sudchai submitted the picture as evidence of unexplained wealth and sought a commission probe.

- The Nation

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