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‘Stop smoking’ plea as habit kills 50,000 Thais every year

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7 hours ago, Smee said:

"I have no sympathy nor pity for those who die of tobacco-related causes. You made the choice to smoke, you live with the consequences. It can't be simpler."


Lovely, carlng attitude you have.... Except most smokers started as underage users and were mentally incaoapable of evaluating the risks and consquences until years later, by which time they were already addicted. ...  But hey, screw them anyway, right? 

It's all Mind over Matter,If you don't mind it doesn't matter,same with ALL Drugs, you put you mind to it you can do anything,Like Stop Smoking, Stop Drinking,Stop Whoring around,Stop Illegal Drugs.Most people are Weak in the Head.Sometimes it won't be easy,,,,Been there Myself,But I made it true the hard time and I am Laughing now,,,,,  (:

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10-1 The air pollution here kills more than cigarette smoke!  Nothing is done about it!

Edited by garyk
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4 hours ago, dcnx said:

I was addicted to heroin for years when I was younger. No idea how I survived, most of my "friends" died. Quit cold turkey after my best friend died in front of me.


It was painful and very hard, I wanted to quit so I did. Went back to school, turned my life around, started going to the gym, and severed tied with anyone who tempted me.


No excuses. If you want to quit, you can quit. It won't be easy, but people quit their addictions all the time. 

whats heroin like, seriously  curious........i get this drug at the dentists for IV sedation ( not sure of the name) and when it goes in.....boy do you feel great!!

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I would war my heart to go to Thailand and see that it is almost a smoke free country but that will be in y next lifetime.

  I certainly will not see that happen in China or Russia for sure in my life time. Never been to the ME so do not know

of the lifestyle over there.  I had parents who smoked and quit cold turkey and never started again. They never had the

vaping stuff either, or the patch. I let them know I was proud of them having the will power to stop for good.

 As some have said  it is doable. No apologies needed!


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