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Emotional appeal to help British woman who lost son and husband in Thailand car crash


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The pickup hopefully had insurance, which should cover 1-2 million of accident insurance, but many folks drive without here in Thailand. Also, the truck that swerved and hit them also should have insurance. The wife should hire a lawyer to investigate

the policies especially the payment for two deaths from the truck company and driver. Also, the Mom and Dad should have travel insurance especially at their age. I know I always do since I turned 60. But RIP to the surviving family and friends.

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15 hours ago, KarenBravo said:

Firstly, I'd never let myself get in that predicament, there's this wonderful thing called insurance.

Why not use their own money? Why bludge off perfect strangers?


If you knew someone in their predicament, why not borrow and pay the bill yourself? You can get the money back when they get better.

There is this fantastic thing called insurance.........

If you can get it.........

If you have it the insurance company does not try to wiggle out of paying.......

Why not use their own money?

Well, husband and son are dead.

Woman still in hospital, obviously fighting for her life.

So maybe their own money is gone.

Not everybody is as rich as you are, I guess.......



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11 hours ago, GuiseppeD said:


We've a very good idea about the financial aspect, Moti24.  The family chose to fly to LOS, which isn't a cheap activity, but they omitted to include the cheap travel insurance option. 


I note every travel agent that I've ever booked with includes the option for the add-on travel insurance coverage.  Tick yes or tick no.  Personally, I prefer my own standalone insurance as it's more competitively priced and comprehensive but the option has always been there.


Due to the family's ignorance to save a 'few quid', the insurance burden is now laid firmly at the feet of the generosity of the general public.  Good luck with that. 


Also note that your medical treatment is complete crap if you are unable to settle the bill upfront.  Don't risk it, ever.  And don't shoot the messenger as we are revisiting this hackneyed old story on a nearly weekly basis now. 



I think you're missing the point, GuiseppeD.  Wether she had insurance or not is irrelevant; my post was about KarenBravo's attitude towards the situation.  Yes, the insurance topic is a regular visitor here, and I think it's already been well covered, in depth.


Have a nice day.

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I am also tired of hearing these stories.

In usa a 7 day stay in the hospital is 100,000 usd. Thats just basic care.no majore tests.

In thailand at bankok hospital phuket about 1,500.00 for same care and i believe better quality care in accomadation nurses and staff,food etc

This ladys 7000  has probobly included a very high standard of care and procedures and should be afforded by her.

Not thailand not public

Just how i feel.


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14 hours ago, GuiseppeD said:


No condemnation and I note that on the balance of probabilities you haven't contributed as I have done in the past.


Let's look forward to a proactive regime where we help people weigh up the odds between having insurance or chancing it, which has been my point all along.  Education for the nation!  Too late for this particular family but let's make the world a better place in helping people consider their options in advance.  If you can afford a flight ticket to LOS then a little extra outlay for a comprehensive travel insurance policy isn't going to break the bank.  This also ensures that you receive the best possible treatment and repatriation with no stress. 


My wife and I have an annual rolling BUPA travel insurance policy, that includes motorcycles, for a measly 140 quid.  This covers all of our international and European trips over the course of a year.  Spread the word, Bluespunk, if you are willing to, otherwise you do a disservice to your friends by leaving them uninformed.  Up to you.

The actual OP is pretty vague about whether or not the family has insurance. 


It may well be that the medical care that has been received has exceeded the policy amount, especially if you add in the likely hood that the mortal remains will nee to be sadly repatriated. - Like yourself I have a very comprehensive BUPA package, but like all insurance it has its limits - I think mine is $10 million a year. It might well be the case that the family has exceeded the premium - ie  AXA smart travel plans has a maximum payout for accidents and medical expenses of 1 million to 4 million baht depending on the level of coverage you take for a Thai national travelling abroad.


So it might be worth considering that possibly the insurance has been milked and the costs are still rising. There is a lot that the OP misses out. 


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I feel sorry for her loss of family, but people must be responsible for their lives. Surely an 81-year old and a 68- year old from England should have medical coverage by their home country and they should have been responsible enough to secure medical travel insurance. However there are enough soft-hearted people in the world who will contribute to her care. Good for them!..I just don't agree with this being the way to go nowadays.. All to prevalent because of the internet. It will make a lot of people a lot less responsible when they think they'll be helped by society..

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The travel insurance police are at it again. I don't know if this family had travel insurance or not or this is a scam or not, however I purchased travel insurance recently and the insurance covers only a limited amount and after that, it is up to the you to cover the rest. If you are seriously hurt, there is no way that most policies will pay all. No way. Why is it that so many people on Thai Visa only seem to visit the page to demonize others without any facts to back up their argument?

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15 hours ago, GuiseppeD said:


No condemnation and I note that on the balance of probabilities you haven't contributed as I have done in the past.


Let's look forward to a proactive regime where we help people weigh up the odds between having insurance or chancing it, which has been my point all along.  Education for the nation!  Too late for this particular family but let's make the world a better place in helping people consider their options in advance.  If you can afford a flight ticket to LOS then a little extra outlay for a comprehensive travel insurance policy isn't going to break the bank.  This also ensures that you receive the best possible treatment and repatriation with no stress. 


My wife and I have an annual rolling BUPA travel insurance policy, that includes motorcycles, for a measly 140 quid.  This covers all of our international and European trips over the course of a year.  Spread the word, Bluespunk, if you are willing to, otherwise you do a disservice to your friends by leaving them uninformed.  Up to you.

Could you by any chance be an insurance saleman? Pluggin' it for BUPA? :spamsign:

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5 hours ago, hobobo said:

This lady was responsible enough to have a child at the age of 14 (most likely it was conceived when she was 13), so why wasn't she responsible enough to get adequate insurance?

To a bloke who was 27 at the time....seems quality tourists never change........just get older

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