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Bunches of flowers


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The missus is pregnant again & loves flowers.

I used to buy her bunches from a shop on 3rd road but even though they were very expensive they would die in a day or so.

She actually put the block on me buying them there especially after bring a £5 bunch with me once in my suitcase from Sainsburys in the UK that lasted a week over here.

Can anyone recommend somewhere that I can buy a nice bunch for her?



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Seeing it is a special occasion Bite the bullet .and buy the flowers she likes ... and a little white lie will not do any harm ..tell her they where on special offer ..  and maybe wear a condom next time it'll save you having to buy flower ...lol ...


Ohh !! and congratulations .

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Your wife may like "flowers" but perhaps, like MANY Thai women, she does not like "cut flowers".


My wife at least would definitely NOT appreciate a bunch of cut flowers; by definition they are ephemeral, living for just a few days then dying off, leaving nothing behind. This is seen by many Thais as, at worst, an allegory of a temporary and somewhat insincere display of love and at best a total waste of money for a few days pleasure.


In my opinion you would display more affection and long term love for her by buying some sort of potted flower / shrub which she can nurture and keep alive for years.






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