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Nothing Done To Extradite 'Boss Red Bull'


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11 minutes ago, wavemanwww said:

Father Fuinton I love you. Phylosophically. :-)  Your words add meaning and solution!  Totally brave and noble. Hope the so called elite read your message. I repeat so called! Or they die in hell!

I haven't developed the man or bro crush for you Father but do admire your saintly virtues.

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For information (from December 2013):-


In the EU there is a fast-track to obtaining permanent access for the super-rich.

The Maltese government has a scheme to attract "high-value" foreigners to the country,  by "selling" passports for £546,000.  

However, the move has upset the Authorities in the UK, in part, because of worries about unchecked immigration; the Maltese passport grants its holders *full* EU citizenship, including freedom of movement.


Possibly/probably other (small) countries in the EU have similar schemes.


 - This would be an excellent (and obvious) method for rich, non-EU citizens to gain permanent and unrestricted access to EU-countires.


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3 minutes ago, andersonat said:

For information (from December 2013):-


In the EU there is a fast-track to obtaining permanent access for the super-rich.

The Maltese government has a scheme to attract "high-value" foreigners to the country,  by "selling" passports for £546,000.  

However, the move has upset the Authorities in the UK, in part, because of worries about unchecked immigration; the Maltese passport grants its holders *full* EU citizenship, including freedom of movement.


Possibly/probably other (small) countries in the EU have similar schemes.


 - This would be an excellent (and obvious) method for rich, non-EU citizens to gain permanent and unrestricted access to EU-countires.


Money Talks .Shit walks.. Nothing has changed since Adam and Eve! Except innocent lives with no money losing more and more vulnarabilty. God help mankind. We are an evil and greedy animal! Humans. What a joke.

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15 hours ago, wavemanwww said:

Money Talks .Shit walks.. Nothing has changed since Adam and Eve! Except innocent lives with no money losing more and more vulnarabilty. God help mankind. We are an evil and greedy animal! Humans. What a joke.

Freezing bank accounts and assets could help.

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23 hours ago, Father Fintan Stack said:

The military overthrew the elected government at the behest of elites like 'Boss' Red Bull so they could continue their lives of privilege and wealth accumulation undeterred by the threat of populist politics that give more power, freedom, money and choices to the poorest in society. These are concepts that the Thai elites have absolutely no interest in pursuing. Thailand is essentially a caste system in that people should recognise their place and not get above their station. 

The proof of this was highlighted the other day when Forbes released their Thai rich list with Boss Red Bull's family at number four in the pecking order, but the most important thing to note was that the ultra-rich accumulated wealth has risen 16% or more since the military took over. The economy is in tatters and the country is floundering on the rocks, but the rich backers of military rule seem to have benefited immensely from authoritarianism. 


Thailand, since the beginning of a fledgling democratic movement in 1932 (and it appears they are trying to rewrite history on that one too) has been unsympathetic to the poorest of their own. They seem trapped in the belief that karma has 'selected' the poor to be poor and the rich to be rich, thus the poor should be 'sufficient' and happy with their lot. Be good little doggies, someone once wrote. That is not to say Thais are not charitable, they most certainly are, but money accumulation and status remains the aim of the game. 


It is one of the most unfair societies on the planet, and yes, comparisons with the US are valid, as Thailand also enjoys mass gun crime, horrific road accident rates, huge prison populations etc. A desperately divided and troubled society that is, in my opinion, hamstrung by a flawed culture, which is oft rolled out, draped in nationalism and patriotism, as the excuse for maintaining the status quo.

Cases like Boss Red Bull must be pursued by the media and not forgotten at any cost, lest we cowtow to the rising tide of inequality and authoritarianism so evident in this country today. They are now attempting to take that voice away from the people, by issuing licenses for journalists and the media, conveniently silencing dissenting voices that don't tow the party line. 

It is time to wake up and stop making excuses for the place we have chosen to call home. 

You obviously haven't got out much. One of the most unfair societies on the planet" there are many many less fair that I have been unfortunate enough to experience. In no way the best here but a far cry from the worst. Just look acrosss any if the Thai borders and also further a field to India, Pakistan, the middle east or Haiti just a few examples.

Whats with your last line by the way? Who needs to wake up and who has been making excuses? Maybe I am still asleep but that just doesn't make any sense compared to some of the other more sensible views expressed in your opinion piece.

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The question has been asked: Are the adventures of this little punk worth all the attention we give him?


Of course not, the punk is just a little nobody that killed a cop while on drugs. There are many worse than him, not only in Thailand.



Thailand needs to stand up for justice.

Campaigning for justice, democracy, freedom... as a noble principle doesn't work.

Everybody (well, almost everybody) will agree, and do nothing.

What we need is a symbol.

Let's hope that the little scumbag can be that symbol.



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On Thursday, June 01, 2017 at 11:58 PM, Thechook said:

Surely the Brits can kick him out of the country instead of harbouring him.


The Poms dont care about Thailand. If they had any interest they would have colonised it centuries ago but were smart enough to realise even they couldnt repair Thainess.

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