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Nothing Done To Extradite 'Boss Red Bull'

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17 minutes ago, berybert said:

And what would his current application have said.  Sorry but if you think immigration google people then it is you who is ignorant.


Do you think UK immigration decides about allowing entry when a Thai passenger shows his passport to the officer? Yes, too late to start googling then.

But that Thai had to apply long beforehand.

And even if he slipped through by accident or incompetence, UK immigration should by now know they have allowed a cop killer into their country.

Stop defending the indefensible.


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19 minutes ago, oldhippy said:

Do you think UK immigration decides about allowing entry when a Thai passenger shows his passport to the officer? Yes, too late to start googling then.

But that Thai had to apply long beforehand.

And even if he slipped through by accident or incompetence, UK immigration should by now know they have allowed a cop killer into their country.

Stop defending the indefensible.


I think he should be swinging from the end of a rope.

I don't think it is down to other  countries if he is allowed in or out if there is nothing in his passport or on his application papers to prove otherwise.

There are many rich killers in Thailand who have never served a day in jail or are stopped from traveling.

If you want to blame anyone blame the Thai authorities and not those of foreign fields.


Oh and how do the Brits know he is a cop killer ? has he been charged.


Edited by berybert
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2 minutes ago, berybert said:

I think he should be swinging from the end of a rope.

I don't think it is down to other  countries if he is allowed in or out if there is nothing in his passport or on his application papers to prove otherwise.

There are many rich killers in Thailand who have never served a day in jail or are stopped from traveling.

If you want to blame anyone blame the Thai authorities and not those of foreign fields.


I agree that the blame should be mostly on Thai authorities.


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31 minutes ago, oldhippy said:

Do you think UK immigration decides about allowing entry when a Thai passenger shows his passport to the officer? Yes, too late to start googling then.

But that Thai had to apply long beforehand.

And even if he slipped through by accident or incompetence, UK immigration should by now know they have allowed a cop killer into their country.

Stop defending the indefensible.


Is he a convicted cop killer then?

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12 hours ago, whatawonderfulday said:

Well with the wealth of the co-owner of red bull they can afford to pay millions, if not billions to all the influential scum in Thailand to ensure that nothing really happens.  That is to the very top of the corruption tree of Thailand.

absolutely right on! all those scum bags would have to do is cancel tinker bells passport and the brits would send him back, But Mo! that would stop the cash cow! and the Brits? they could not care less! par for the course!

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11 hours ago, rkidlad said:

Come on, Mr PM. Show us your power and set a huge example by flexing you article 44 muscles. No? I'll just get on with my life as if nothing here ever changed after the coup, then. 

he doesnt have the cajones to act on this; this is thailand; thailand is FAR from advanced and some might say uncivilized

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6 hours ago, oldhippy said:

This leaves us with the following possibilities:


1/ UK imm & foreign office are incompetent

2/ they are not interested

3/ they too have a price


Combinations are of course possible.


Option 1 by a long margin. Trust me I know

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10 hours ago, Thechook said:

Surely the Brits can kick him out of the country instead of harbouring him.

There needs to be a formal request, but as we all know, the Thai pockets are being filled. Kim is too busy studying the tricks of other hichahors, and eagerly awaiting his pie.

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But why would anyone care who he is if there is nothing on his passport to show him of being of interest.
Maybe because it is their job?

Which passport would that be? His Thai passport is reported to have been revoked.
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If there is a real intention on the part of the government to prosecute this guy it would have long been done. It is so clear that money is stopping someone high up there to make this happen. 

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Funny how people seem to put so much value on the life of a Thai cop between vehemently accusing them of incompetence.

He killed a human being. No matter what the occupation. Then he ran away and has been running ever since.
People like him cannot command respect.
The Thai authorities also cannot command respect because they don't have the intestinal fortitude to nail him.
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12 hours ago, whatawonderfulday said:

Well with the wealth of the co-owner of red bull they can afford to pay millions, if not billions to all the influential scum in Thailand to ensure that nothing really happens.  That is to the very top of the corruption tree of Thailand.

Boring.... boring..... boring......it's been said a thousand times before.

      Better to talk about the weather....at least it might be of help to someone coming on holidays


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12 hours ago, rkidlad said:

Come on, Mr PM. Show us your power and set a huge example by flexing you article 44 muscles. No? I'll just get on with my life as if nothing here ever changed after the coup, then. 

One could be forgiven for thinking Boss Boy has the PM in his pocket.

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Funny how they parade themselves on media for catching the latest Russian and German criminals in Thailand but don't seem to mind that they themselves have a criminal floating around the globe enjoying his freedom and rubbing it in everyone's face.

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