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Police rush to London Bridge after reports of van hitting pedestrians


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3 minutes ago, Grouse said:

Now this is what needs to change. They should have been put in the cells for three days and properly searched and interrogated. If we need more police, so be it.

At the very least the national ID card needs to be reintroduced, and properly implemented...as it should be in a number of countries. For some reason we have no problem handing over information about every aspect of our lives to corporations, in pursuit of shopping or flying points but baulk at providing similar details, on demand, to those responsible for security. It's weird.

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2 minutes ago, funandsuninbangkok said:



walls don't work?


not letting them in won't work?


tell me more. How will Islamic terrorist kill people in the US if they are not allowed in?



The borders are porous and leak like a sieve; in any case all terrorism events since 8/11 are homegrown.

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1 minute ago, Grouse said:

Now this is what needs to change. They should have been put in the cells for three days and properly searched and interrogated. If we need more police, so be it.

What other country would let these Islamic morons carry on the way they are doing, they are taking the proverbial pi$$. If we caged these 3000 suspected (ps I am not bothered about being pc or respecting the human rights of suspected Islamic idiots) jihadists we wouldn't have the need for them to be monitored 24hrs a day. Get this filth off the streets now!

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1 hour ago, SheungWan said:

The reason why some on the Left (including Corbyn) cannot let the words Islamic Terrorism cross their lips (and it is an absolute red line for these guys) is that it would cross over to their support for Shiite Islamic Terrorism namely Hizbollah and Hamas, so when they condemn individual acts not only are they crocodile tears, the words slide out from only one side of the mouth. It is the simplest of litmus tests.

Still can't bring yourself to say Saudi Arabia I note , the extreme wahhabi Sunni Muslims, the source of ISIS, Al Qaeda and all the terrorist attacks in Europe and USA, including the OP. More pertinent is the reason you won't name them.


Instead you are hijacking this tragedy to tar all Muslims with same brush, with the faux term Islamic terrorism which implies all the world's 1.6 billion Muslims. That's why you wont hear it from me. Just as you wont hear me label last week's Portland attack as Christian terrorism, because it was not done in the name of all the world's Christians.


You are attempting to muddy the waters deflecting to focus attention on Iran..the arch enemy of you know who (the ultimate purpose for your post)


No Shiite attacks in Europe. But of course your reasons for attempting to conflate and smear Iran and Hizbollah, Hamas and Corbyn,  is your obvious hidden agenda...to defend your friends ....that other infamous terrorist state in the Middle East.

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13 minutes ago, vogie said:

What other country would let these Islamic morons carry on the way they are doing, they are taking the proverbial pi$$. If we caged these 3000 suspected (ps I am not bothered about being pc or respecting the human rights of suspected Islamic idiots) jihadists we wouldn't have the need for them to be monitored 24hrs a day. Get this filth off the streets now!


But it's more like 30,000, plus accolytes. Arrest the 30,000 and intern them all on a Hebridean island with the option of a free one way flight to the country of their second passport as an alternative, with their British citizenship revoked. Anyone who supports them gets the same options. We will quickly find out how strongly-rooted this problem is.

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5 minutes ago, Khun Han said:


But it's more like 30,000, plus accolytes. Arrest the 30,000 and intern them all on a Hebridean island with the option of a free one way flight to the country of their second passport as an alternative, with their British citizenship revoked. Anyone who supports them gets the same options. We will quickly find out how strongly-rooted this problem is.

Yeah, and make sure it's a country where they can't claim benefits, they might start to think that the UK is not such a bad place after all. :ph34r:

Edited by vogie
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13 minutes ago, vogie said:

What other country would let these Islamic morons carry on the way they are doing, they are taking the proverbial pi$$. If we caged these 3000 suspected (ps I am not bothered about being pc or respecting the human rights of suspected Islamic idiots) jihadists we wouldn't have the need for them to be monitored 24hrs a day. Get this filth off the streets now!

"What other country would let these Islamic morons carry on the way they are doing, they are taking the proverbial pi$$."


Agree 100% with this part of your post.


The moslems in the video were clearly taking full advantage of our liberal laws, and this needs to be stopped immediately by making any religious action likely to cause a breach of the peace, illegal.  It should also result in a long jail term (if Brit born) or deportation if not Brit born.

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55 minutes ago, Grouse said:

I know what I wrote thank you


Islamic terrorism is exactly what I meant and what I mean. 


Way too too late in the day for subtle niceties.

Just trying to help you be more accurate.


"Calling someone an “Islamic terrorist” associates Islam in general (as a religion) with terror, while calling someone an “Islamist terrorist” associates the person with a political movement enjoying limited support in the Islamic world that consists of some 1.6 billion people."

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8 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

"What other country would let these Islamic morons carry on the way they are doing, they are taking the proverbial pi$$."


Agree 100% with this part of your post.


The moslems in the video were clearly taking full advantage of our liberal laws, and this needs to be stopped immediately by making any religious action likely to cause a breach of the peace, illegal.  It should also result in a long jail term (if Brit born) or deportation if not Brit born.


The long (indefinite) jail term should be an option offered, with the other option being deportation to the country of their second passport, with British citizenship revoked.

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1 minute ago, brewsterbudgen said:

Just trying to help you be more accurate.


"Calling someone an “Islamic terrorist” associates Islam in general (as a religion) with terror, while calling someone an “Islamist terrorist” associates the person with a political movement enjoying limited support in the Islamic world that consists of some 1.6 billion people."

But nobody knows what that 1.6 billion actual private thoughts are...

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2 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:

Just trying to help you be more accurate.


"Calling someone an “Islamic terrorist” associates Islam in general (as a religion) with terror, while calling someone an “Islamist terrorist” associates the person with a political movement enjoying limited support in the Islamic world that consists of some 1.6 billion people."


Whilst all religeons are archaic and problematic, Islam is a backward religeon which thoroughly indoctrinates it's followers into it's intolerance. I can live with it's followers looking down on me (as they all do). But we need ruthless, surgical laws in place to take out the ones who take their condescension over to violence.

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We live in an era where most people have smart phones and there is CCTV cameras everywhere and even more si in Central London. Is there some type of media blackout? I have tried looking at footage from both Bridge attacks and still haven't found any of the vans/cars entering the bridges? Is this government policy? Is it media policy?

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

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20 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:

Just trying to help you be more accurate.


"Calling someone an “Islamic terrorist” associates Islam in general (as a religion) with terror, while calling someone an “Islamist terrorist” associates the person with a political movement enjoying limited support in the Islamic world that consists of some 1.6 billion people."

Most people are getting fed up with political correctness and are beginning to call a spade a spade.

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30 minutes ago, Johnyo said:

We live in an era where most people have smart phones and there is CCTV cameras everywhere and even more si in Central London. Is there some type of media blackout? I have tried looking at footage from both Bridge attacks and still haven't found any of the vans/cars entering the bridges? Is this government policy? Is it media policy?

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect


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52 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

"What other country would let these Islamic morons carry on the way they are doing, they are taking the proverbial pi$$."


Agree 100% with this part of your post.


The moslems in the video were clearly taking full advantage of our liberal laws, and this needs to be stopped immediately by making any religious action likely to cause a breach of the peace, illegal.  It should also result in a long jail term (if Brit born) or deportation if not Brit born.

I'm not too sure if Brit born should have any bearing on the proceedings anymore, if these people do not share our allegiance to our country, what gives them a god given right to remain here. Many Muslims do not accept the UK as their country, even though they are born here, when they talk about 'our country' they say The Middle East. It has to be said you cannot have it both ways. To quote a great leader "enough is enough"

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5 hours ago, Watchful said:

Oh, but why do we have to let Muslims in?  Who said we have to allow Muslim immigration? 


Far as I'm concerned, I'm more than happy to allow the Muslims to keep killing each other in their countries.  Heck, I'm in favor of selling arms to both sides to improve their killing efficiency.


BTW Muslims aren't just expanding in the West. They are attempting to gain control in the Phillipines as well.


Blame your lords and masters that brought in Pakistanis to work in British industry post war, and didn't insist on them returning to Pakistan when they retired or the jobs ended. IMO never fully accepted by the British their children grew up neither British nor Pakistani. No wonder they turned to the surety and acceptance of Islam.

Saudi has it right. Workers come for the duration of their job and go back home when their contract is up.


Now of course it's just PC stupidity that allows it to continue.

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49 minutes ago, Johnyo said:

We live in an era where most people have smart phones and there is CCTV cameras everywhere and even more si in Central London. Is there some type of media blackout? I have tried looking at footage from both Bridge attacks and still haven't found any of the vans/cars entering the bridges? Is this government policy? Is it media policy?

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect


Yes, there has been a temporary media blackout of the crime scenes. It's been all over the news, with an explanation and polite apology from the Met :thumbsup:.

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17 minutes ago, vogie said:

I'm not too sure if Brit born should have any bearing on the proceedings anymore, if these people do not share our allegiance to our country, what gives them a god given right to remain here. Many Muslims do not accept the UK as their country, even though they are born here, when they talk about 'our country' they say The Middle East. It has to be said you cannot have it both ways. To quote a great leader "enough is enough"

Nearly all of them have dual citizenship anyway.

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15 minutes ago, vogie said:

I'm not too sure if Brit born should have any bearing on the proceedings anymore, if these people do not share our allegiance to our country, what gives them a god given right to remain here. Many Muslims do not accept the UK as their country, even though they are born here, when they talk about 'our country' they say The Middle East. It has to be said you cannot have it both ways. To quote a great leader "enough is enough"

You make a very good point, but it becomes more problematic to deport the Brit born to other countries - assuming they don't have dual nationality and if they do, the other country doesn't want them?

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10 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Blame your lords and masters that brought in Pakistanis to work in British industry post war, and didn't insist on them returning to Pakistan when they retired or the jobs ended. IMO never fully accepted by the British their children grew up neither British nor Pakistani. No wonder they turned to the surety and acceptance of Islam.

Saudi has it right. Workers come for the duration of their job and go back home when their contract is up.


Now of course it's just PC stupidity that allows it to continue.

Can't agree with this as I always found the Pakistani corner shops very friendly and convenient.


I was v angry when I found out 'paki bashers' :sick: had attacked and hurt my local corner shop owners - who exhibited no signs of being religious at all.  It was pure racist hatred.

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1 hour ago, brewsterbudgen said:

Just trying to help you be more accurate.


"Calling someone an “Islamic terrorist” associates Islam in general (as a religion) with terror, while calling someone an “Islamist terrorist” associates the person with a political movement enjoying limited support in the Islamic world that consists of some 1.6 billion people."

And again, I know EXACTLY what I wrote.


Islamic terrorism


You obviously wish to dilute the term. I don't. I, like VERY many others have had enough. Changes are coming and will be apparantly very quickly.


May I suggest you concentrate your efforts on encouraging Muslims to take to the streets to protest these atrocities committed in their religion and begging forgiveness and understanding from the 93% of British people who are not Muslim?


Pulling me up for terminology. At a time like this. SHAME on you

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7 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

You make a very good point, but it becomes more problematic to deport the Brit born to other countries - assuming they don't have dual nationality and if they do, the other country doesn't want them?


It won't be in the least bit problematic if we exit the EU and introduce effective laws to deal with them. The vast majority have dual nationality. The other country will only refuse them entry if they flag up when they de-plane. They won't flag themselves up unless they want to spend the rest of their lives sleeping in a free five seasons sleeping bag under a communal tent on an island half way to Iceland.

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1 hour ago, brewsterbudgen said:

Just trying to help you be more accurate.


"Calling someone an “Islamic terrorist” associates Islam in general (as a religion) with terror, while calling someone an “Islamist terrorist” associates the person with a political movement enjoying limited support in the Islamic world that consists of some 1.6 billion people."

If terrorists are killing people and when doing so stating this is for Allah, this is for Islam then what are they if not Islamic terrorists? it could not be plainer surely. The fact that most Muslims do not is entirely irrelevant. Most Germans were not active Nazi's most Communists were not zealous reds, but that did not make what they believed in any less dangerous. Islam IS associated with terrorism because the Quran instructs believers to conduct war and jihad on unbelievers, hypocrites and those making trouble in Muslim lands.  

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1 hour ago, dick dasterdly said:

"What other country would let these Islamic morons carry on the way they are doing, they are taking the proverbial pi$$."


Agree 100% with this part of your post.


The moslems in the video were clearly taking full advantage of our liberal laws, and this needs to be stopped immediately by making any religious action likely to cause a breach of the peace, illegal.  It should also result in a long jail term (if Brit born) or deportation if not Brit born.

Too formalised


They obviously feel that British men have been cowed by political correctness and liberal attitudes. They will soon find out that this is not the case. 


Take the beards, the silly hats and the pantomime dame nightshirts. Do they do this to conform with some medieval religious edict? No, they do it just stick it to me and you.


I wish it It were not like this, but in the absense of a police state there are going to many citizen's arrests and citizen's stop and searches.


Enough is enough


No more disrespect of the British people, our civilisation, customs and mores. 

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10 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

Can't agree with this as I always found the Pakistani corner shops very friendly and convenient.


I was v angry when I found out 'paki bashers' :sick: had attacked and hurt my local corner shop owners - who exhibited no signs of being religious at all.  It was pure racist hatred.


Haven't you noticed that quite a lot of them turn off their charm and friendliness like a light switch once you've handed over your money? I've started saying things like "you just permanently lost my business" after they blank my polite farewell greeting.

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51 minutes ago, vogie said:

I'm not too sure if Brit born should have any bearing on the proceedings anymore, if these people do not share our allegiance to our country, what gives them a god given right to remain here. Many Muslims do not accept the UK as their country, even though they are born here, when they talk about 'our country' they say The Middle East. It has to be said you cannot have it both ways. To quote a great leader "enough is enough"


I have to say, vogie, that I am optimistic that, if the government does it's bit to intern the trouble causers, the islamic community will largely come onside. 99.99% of the people in the world put their families ahead of dogma.

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23 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

Can't agree with this as I always found the Pakistani corner shops very friendly and convenient.


I was v angry when I found out 'paki bashers' :sick: had attacked and hurt my local corner shop owners - who exhibited no signs of being religious at all.  It was pure racist hatred.

Do I have to qualify every post I write with "some"? Of course "some" will not be radicalised, and "some" will, while the majority are probably somewhere in the middle.

I write with the expectation that readers will be able to understand that not everything is written and some analysis has to be made by the reader.

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18 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

Can't agree with this as I always found the Pakistani corner shops very friendly and convenient.


I was v angry when I found out 'paki bashers' :sick: had attacked and hurt my local corner shop owners - who exhibited no signs of being religious at all.  It was pure racist hatred.


1 minute ago, Khun Han said:


Haven't you noticed that quite a lot of them turn off their charm and friendliness like a light switch once you've handed over your money? I've started saying things like "you just permanently lost my business" after they blank my polite farewell greeting.

No,  I'm going back a decade now, but they were always friendly and, as I say, exhibited no signs of being religious at all.


There was absolutely no reason for the 'paki bashers' to beat them up - other than because they didn't 'like' Pakistanis.


It made me angry then, and worried today that innocent moslems will become the next 'pakis' - beaten up by stupid, violent people who enjoy attacking others.  As long, of course, as there is no possibility of them personally being hurt....

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