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Police rush to London Bridge after reports of van hitting pedestrians


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Disappointed that the Met had him in their sights and let him walk unmonitored. Times like this require discretionary measures and the police should be more pro active. If they are even part radicalised they should be fitting them up. Desperate. Yes but a safer world is the goal so it's time. Any sympathiser is a threat. 

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22 hours ago, transam said:
22 hours ago, 7by7 said:

When I read something I don't like or disagree with, I provide an argument as to why, usually backed up with links to and quotes from relevant sources.


Maybe you should try that sometime.


I also try and answer all questions put to me; you should try that as well.


As i have a life and a job, I can't spend my time sat in front of a computer screen ready to respond; so you'll have to accept that I will not be able to reply to any further posts until at least tomorrow.

Well when you come back read your last post and apologise...

 What for?


Using your own words to justify my opinion of you?

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1 hour ago, MaxYakov said:

Can you be a little more specific about your opposition to their positions? I don't believe "nonsense" is an argument. If I want really over-the-top, predominantly left-wing  "nonsense", I can always pull up CNN, NBC, MSNBC, etc.


American Neoconservatism (Wiki) [link]

British Neoconservatism (Wiki) [link]


I find it interesting and ironic that you of all people would accuse them of engaging in "polemics" (the art or practice of disputation or controversy) in a negative sense. How would you identify your ideology?


Well, as you may have realised, I have no time for Muslims and I fully support that part of the polemics.


However, to throw in global warming, the right to bare arms, and Trump idiocratic bleats leave me cold. 



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1 minute ago, 7by7 said:

 What for?


Using your own words to justify my opinion of you?

So what do you think of the Muslim guy in the UK that earns a living setting things up at children's events but in his UK private life campaigns for ISIS, you know, the bunch that kills kids, an ordinary working Muslim guy that you protect.....? 

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40 minutes ago, superal said:

They bring their own customs and practices with no intentions of adapting to their new country of refuge . 

How dare you.  Muzzies have adapted and integrated extremely well to the UK benefits system.

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5 minutes ago, 7by7 said:

 What for?


Using your own words to justify my opinion of you?

Whereas most of us want to see something done about these Islamic Terrorists you seem content to talk and talk with no action other than appeasement.


To be honest, I do not think transam is interested in your opinion of him and that goes for most of us as well (your little cabal of appeasers excepted).


This last Islamic Terrorist attack in London goes to show that appeasement does not work. Extreme action is needed and to hell with the judges and Lib Lefties.

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1 hour ago, Watchful said:

Ahhh, I suspected you were "one hand" typing that response.  


Now we all know what you were doing with the other hand ... you had it on your gun ... shooting blanks.

Not these days, it would require too much patience.

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21 hours ago, Grouse said:

So why do NONE of them say Islamic terrorism?


Why are huge numbers not out on the streets protesting against the atrocities committed in the name of Allah?


Sorry, doesn't wash anymore.


Trust me, wailing, gnashing of teeth, renting and tearing asunder garments would be a much better approach 


They condemn the terrorists as unIslamic, because the terrorist are just that.


Muslims have taken to the streets, either on their own or by joining in other demonstrations, to condemn  the terrorists claiming to be acting in the name of their religion.  But every time they do the Islamaphobic media, such as Gatestone, and those who swallow their propaganda say that they are the wrong type of Muslim, or they are lying or, the latest pathetic response, their demonstration is a fake media set up!


21 hours ago, Grouse said:

So why don't the 1.8 billion heros clean their Augean stables insteading of leaving us infidels to clean up after you? Disgusting.

They are.


As soon as I read the above, two names sprung immediately to mind: Ahmed Merabet, the Parisian policeman killed by the Charlie Hebdo murderers, and Lance Corporal Jabron Hashmi, a British soldier killed on active service in Afghanistan.


Who do you think are the majority fighting against ISIS and other Islamist terrorists in Syria, Libya etc.? Muslim soldiers!


Who took over places like the Regent's Park mosque and kicked the radicals out? Ordinary, local Muslims.


Who do you think provided much of the intelligence to the British security services which allowed them to foil at least 18 plots in the last 3 years if not members of the local Muslim community where the terrorists were hiding and plotting?


I could go on, there are many more examples. Will you, yet again, turn a blind eye to them all?

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3 minutes ago, 7by7 said:


Who do you think are the majority fighting against ISIS and other Islamist terrorists in Syria, Libya etc.? Muslim soldiers!


Those Muslims are fighting for their lives, not cleaning their stables.


If ISIS had not tried to conquer their countries they would not give two hoots about people being slaughtered in the UK by Islamic Terrorists

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2 hours ago, transam said:

The bloke in the vid is obviously a brainwashed nutter.....I hope 7x7 watches the vid and posts a response to it........Should be fun....:sad:

 Unlike the majority of self appointed experts on life in the UK posting here, I actually live in the UK. So I can't watch it as it is blocked in the UK by Channel 4 on copyright grounds.


But based upon poster's comments, I can guess the contents.


I have never denied that there is a major problem with radicalisation among British Muslims, especially amongst young men.


I have never denied that this radicalisation leads some into joining terrorist organisations and then committing terrorist acts of murder etc.


It is a problem which needs to be solved, and solved urgently.


The UK government's Channel programme is designed to identify those at risk of being drawn into radicalisation and terrorism early enough to lead them away. There are various Muslim charities doing the same.


The success of these programmes is, of course, hard to quantify.


But the problems of Islamic radicalisation, extremism and terrorism in the UK, or anywhere else, will only be solved with the help of the majority of the Muslim population, it will not be solved by demonising and attacking that majority!

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8 minutes ago, 7by7 said:

But the problems of Islamic radicalisation, extremism and terrorism in the UK, or anywhere else, will only be solved with the help of the majority of the Muslim population, it will not be solved by demonising and attacking that majority!

Sorry, but that is never going to happen.


The government needs to stop all this nonsense about education, integration and the Prevent scheme and all the rest of the useless waffle.


Serious action is the only way forward and it's up to the government to sort it.


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12 minutes ago, Flustered said:

Those Muslims are fighting for their lives, not cleaning their stables.


If ISIS had not tried to conquer their countries they would not give two hoots about people being slaughtered in the UK by Islamic Terrorists

But they are fighting ISIS and other groups, not, as claimed by Grouse, "leaving us infidels to clean up after you."


I see that you have ignored the deaths of a Paris policeman and a British soldier. Who are not the only Muslims serving in western police or armed forces to have been killed by Islamic terrorists.


I see that you have ignored the intelligence given to the British security services by British Muslims which led to the foiling of at least 18 plots in the last 3 years.


I see that you have ignored the taking back from the extremists of their mosques by local Muslims.


Typical response; belittle what you can, ignore the rest!

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1 minute ago, GuiseppeD said:

Sorry, but that is never going to happen.


The government needs to stop all this nonsense about education, integration and the Prevent scheme and all the rest of the useless waffle.


Serious action is the only way forward and it's up to the government to sort it.


 So what serious action do you suggest?


Rounding up all Muslims into camps awaiting a Final Solution to the Muslim problem?

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28 minutes ago, 7by7 said:


They condemn the terrorists as unIslamic, because the terrorist are just that.


Muslims have taken to the streets, either on their own or by joining in other demonstrations, to condemn  the terrorists claiming to be acting in the name of their religion.  But every time they do the Islamaphobic media, such as Gatestone, and those who swallow their propaganda say that they are the wrong type of Muslim, or they are lying or, the latest pathetic response, their demonstration is a fake media set up!


They are.


As soon as I read the above, two names sprung immediately to mind: Ahmed Merabet, the Parisian policeman killed by the Charlie Hebdo murderers, and Lance Corporal Jabron Hashmi, a British soldier killed on active service in Afghanistan.


Who do you think are the majority fighting against ISIS and other Islamist terrorists in Syria, Libya etc.? Muslim soldiers!


Who took over places like the Regent's Park mosque and kicked the radicals out? Ordinary, local Muslims.


Who do you think provided much of the intelligence to the British security services which allowed them to foil at least 18 plots in the last 3 years if not members of the local Muslim community where the terrorists were hiding and plotting?


I could go on, there are many more examples. Will you, yet again, turn a blind eye to them all?

No, I know there are some decent well meaning Muslims.


But to turn you stance around, you are talking about a minority. Where are all the millions? Keeping quiet, that's what!

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10 minutes ago, 7by7 said:

 Unlike the majority of self appointed experts on life in the UK posting here, I actually live in the UK. So I can't watch it as it is blocked in the UK by Channel 4 on copyright grounds.


But based upon poster's comments, I can guess the contents.


I have never denied that there is a major problem with radicalisation among British Muslims, especially amongst young men.


I have never denied that this radicalisation leads some into joining terrorist organisations and then committing terrorist acts of murder etc.


It is a problem which needs to be solved, and solved urgently.


The UK government's Channel programme is designed to identify those at risk of being drawn into radicalisation and terrorism early enough to lead them away. There are various Muslim charities doing the same.


The success of these programmes is, of course, hard to quantify.


But the problems of Islamic radicalisation, extremism and terrorism in the UK, or anywhere else, will only be solved with the help of the majority of the Muslim population, it will not be solved by demonising and attacking that majority!

I think you are stuck in your mindset of all posters here. You think I demonise and attack the majority of Muslims, which l personally don't, BUT, my eyes are wide open to underlying stuff with many Muslims who follow radicalism in the UK....And I don't care who they are employed by...

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9 minutes ago, 7by7 said:

 So what serious action do you suggest?


Rounding up all Muslims into camps awaiting a Final Solution to the Muslim problem?

Rounding up any muzzies that exhibit the slightest sign of radicalisation, yes, and intern them as enemy combatants.  They are also traitors in the eyes of the law. 


The Final Solution was your words [you're being silly now, aren't you?]



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24 minutes ago, 7by7 said:

 Unlike the majority of self appointed experts on life in the UK posting here, I actually live in the UK. So I can't watch it as it is blocked in the UK by Channel 4 on copyright grounds.


But based upon poster's comments, I can guess the contents.


I have never denied that there is a major problem with radicalisation among British Muslims, especially amongst young men.


I have never denied that this radicalisation leads some into joining terrorist organisations and then committing terrorist acts of murder etc.


It is a problem which needs to be solved, and solved urgently.


The UK government's Channel programme is designed to identify those at risk of being drawn into radicalisation and terrorism early enough to lead them away. There are various Muslim charities doing the same.


The success of these programmes is, of course, hard to quantify.


But the problems of Islamic radicalisation, extremism and terrorism in the UK, or anywhere else, will only be solved with the help of the majority of the Muslim population, it will not be solved by demonising and attacking that majority!

Youtube....May work...



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1 minute ago, ilostmypassword said:

Actually, the best way for the public to fight terrorists would be to react as little as possible. 

We've tried that and that doesn't work.


The populous will eventually react, sooner rather than later I hope, and the axis will turn in our favour.  If it's war, which it most definitely is, then that's what they'll get.


It won't be political it will be self-preservation.  We'll have our own revolutionary force that reacts with the same deadly effect.


I would rather it didn't come to this, but it's almost too late.  

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I would dearly love to see you repeat your "pinprick" comment to the parents of the kids who were murdered in Manchester, or the  families of the women and men murdered in the latest atrocity in London.
I am absolutely certain that you would not have the nerve, nor the courage of your supposed convictions to do so.
You just stay safely and anonymously hiding behind your keyboard typing out this apologetic tripe and showing that you are, after all, simply a troll - and an odious one at that!

The families of the Manchester victims that I have seen interviewed have expressed opinions far closer to the post you are quoting, than the many extremist Islamophobic views on this thread.
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History teaches us lessons if we will listen and learn. The Protestants and Catholics killed each other and others in the name of God. Now the Shiite and Sunni kill each other and Islam  terroists blow themselves up killing  innocent people thinking God will be proud of them and reward them. Other countries (my own USA and their Allies) declare war on others ( Iraq) and shout God be with us. 


King Constantine became Catholic and tried to eliminate the Greek Roman Gods. Catholics in South America destroyed the previous temples and religions of Peru and on and on. 


I am not agnostic like the Chinese communist as I believe in people's right to a spiritual life. But when will we all learn the lessons of the past that anytime governments or churches or others  preach hate and violence, then they are not believers in a spiritual God but simply using God as an excuse for their own power, glory, or insanity. 


Peace ?

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1 minute ago, Wake Up said:

History teaches us lessons if we will listen and learn. The Protestants and Catholics killed each other and others in the name of God. Now the Shiite and Sunni kill each other and Islam  terroists blow themselves up killing  innocent people thinking God will be proud of them and reward them. Other countries (my own USA and their Allies) declare war on others ( Iraq) and shout God be with us. 


King Constantine became Catholic and tried to eliminate the Greek Roman Gods. Catholics in South America destroyed the previous temples and religions of Peru and on and on. 


I am not agnostic like the Chinese communist as I believe in people's right to a spiritual life. But when will we all learn the lessons of the past that anytime governments or churches or others  preach hate and violence, then they are not believers in a spiritual God but simply using God as an excuse for their own power, glory, or insanity. 


Peace ?

Great post

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12 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:

The families of the Manchester victims that I have seen interviewed have expressed opinions far closer to the post you are quoting, than the many extremist Islamophobic views on this thread.

If one of your siblings had been murdered this way BB, do you think you would be so apathetic?

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22 minutes ago, saminoz said:

I would dearly love to see you repeat your "pinprick" comment to the parents of the kids who were murdered in Manchester, or the  families of the women and men murdered in the latest atrocity in London.

I am absolutely certain that you would not have the nerve, nor the courage of your supposed convictions to do so.

You just stay safely and anonymously hiding behind your keyboard typing out this apologetic tripe and showing that you are, after all, simply a troll - and an odious one at that!

There is this bizarre idea, repeatedly aired by people like you, that there is some special validity to the thoughts of people who have lost relatives because of violence.  Maybe you're right. Maybe we should put vengeful and angry people, if in fact they are raging and vengeful, in charge of the police and armed services. I mean, who is better suited to devise strategy and tactics than a person beset with grief and rage? Keeping a cool head when all around you are losing theirs is highly overrated.  And while you're at it, be sure to recruit that stiff upper lip into a raging pout.

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If one of your siblings had been murdered this way BB, do you think you would be so apathetic?

I am not apathetic in the slightest. I am outraged and disgusted. I would like to see Islamist terrorist scum banged up or dead. I just don't condemn all Muslims, especially as I know many who are decent people and who are equally outraged.
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28 minutes ago, saminoz said:

I would dearly love to see you repeat your "pinprick" comment to the parents of the kids who were murdered in Manchester, or the  families of the women and men murdered in the latest atrocity in London.

Slashing at the necks, as usual, was the preferred method of execution.  The attackers didn't have enough time for a full beheading.


ilostmypassword is scraping the barrel, as usual.


Australian Kirsty Boden named as the third victim who ran towards danger to help others on London Bridge last Saturday night.  Only 28 years old and her young life ahead of her.


I keep returning in my mind to a news article where a male witness described how he couldn't help a female victim being stabbed whilst she screamed 'help me, help me' in Borough Market.  

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I'm again drawn towards the idea of a remote uninhabited island in the Outer Hebrides or South Atlantic where all 'bite the hands that feed'' merchants can be exiled without passing go or collecting £200.



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