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Police rush to London Bridge after reports of van hitting pedestrians


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18 minutes ago, vogie said:

I really don't care what you think of me, all I know is what most people think about you! I had the decency to write and tell you that I would not exchange dialogue with you, please show me some respect and do not exchange dialoge with me. You know you can't resist calling me racial, I say again, it is better to view but say nothing!

 This is an open forum and all members have the right to read and comment on all posts; as long as they stay within the forum rules.


You are, of course, at liberty to ignore my posts and not respond to them.


BTW, to the best of my recollection I have never called you 'racial' (by which I assume you mean a racialist). But if I have, perhaps you can provide a link to one of the relevant posts so I can judge whether that epithet was deserved or not.

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2 hours ago, roo860 said:


Just seen a telephone interview with this guy, he was stabbed and slashed 8 times, he took on all 3 attackers, amazing!!

Sent from my SM-G920F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app


These people will find out that it is a major mistake to underestimate the British. I suspect many hard lessons will be handed out.

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3 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

First time I've heard jehovah's witnesses compared to moslem terrorists!

Compared is probably the wrong word, my point was JW's will sit and watch their kid die because the Bible says not to take another mans blood.....A religious book brainwash, that was my point..

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10 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:


Probably a good time for the first poster to admit he was extremely callous referring to the deaths being 'pin-pricks' - and the other poster to admit that he's biased against moslems, whilst pretending this is not the case....


Assuming its true that moslem leaders have refused to perform islamic burials for the murderers - then this must be a 'good thing', and not just treated as irrelevant.


6 minutes ago, 7by7 said:

I am the first poster you quoted, so presumably that remark is addressed to me?


I did not call the deaths pin pricks!


Just now, ilostmypassword said:

It was me.

My mistake - I apologise 7by7.

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13 minutes ago, 7by7 said:

Those interned without trial were, those convicted of criminal offences served their sentences.


With the obvious exceptions of those whose convictions were overturned on appeal.

How about the GFA & the amnesty exposed by the Hyde park trial.?

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1 hour ago, Morch said:


Use "people like you" and try to pin false labels to your little heart's content.


As for your imaginary musings on my motivations while posting "Islamic" or "Islamist", let me set you straight - I don't actually think about it all that much, hence the terms would be found interchangeably in my posts. Similarly, there was no indignation expressed, and again, no "hidden agenda", even you repeat it ad nauseam.

>>As for your imaginary musings on my motivations while posting "Islamic" or "Islamist", let me set you straight - I don't actually think about it all that much, hence the terms would be found interchangeably in my posts


So if you dont think about it all that much, why did you bring up the issue in the first place responding to a post of mine pages back in the thread?


Methinks thou doth protest too much.



I hope you will focus on more accurate terminology and less hateful stereotyping in your future posts.

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3 minutes ago, 7by7 said:

 This is an open forum and all members have the right to read and comment on all posts; as long as they stay within the forum rules.


You are, of course, at liberty to ignore my posts and not respond to them.


BTW, to the best of my recollection I have never called you 'racial' (by which I assume you mean a racialist). But if I have, perhaps you can provide a link to one of the relevant posts so I can judge whether that epithet was deserved or not.

Your usual spout....Provide a link....YOU have called me a racist on similar threads which were out of order.......When you have lost your plot your racist card comes out.....

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2 minutes ago, transam said:

Pathetic eh, YOU have stated you have NOT watched the UK Muslim bad guy vids because you cannot...Pathetic, you have all the answers on good guys but cannot see in REAL LIFE what the bad guy Muslims are up to in the UK..........Good grief.........

I may not have watched that particular video, but, unlike you, I have watched many others on the same topic live, as they were broadcast on UK TV.


You accuse me of dodging when I have provided clear and concise answers to all your questions!


What is it you fail to understand about my comment that i have never denied that there are Islamic extremists in the UK?


What is it you fail to understand about my comment that I have never denied that there are Islamic terrorists in the UK?


I have answered your questions, you refuse to answer mine.


Yet you call me a pathetic dodger of questions!


Look in the metaphorical mirror.


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Just now, transam said:

Your usual spout....Provide a link....YOU have called me a racist on similar threads which were out of order.......When you have lost your plot your racist card comes out.....

No, I have never called you a racist.


Islamaphobe? Probably.


Racist? No.


You and your fellows are very fond of throwing accusations about; but like the accusations of apologist so beloved of certain posters, you can never prove it!

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1 hour ago, dexterm said:

>> Most people can grasp that there are more that one flavor within a religion.

... that's just the point...most racists can't grasp anything other than blind unthinking hatred, and people like you only pander to that by bandying about slogans.


But the very fact that you are intelligent enough to know the difference between Islamic terrorism and Islamist terrorism, yet disingenuously insist with faux indignation on using the former pretending there is no difference, betrays your hidden agenda.

I prefer the late Muhammad Ali's take on the subject...

"I am a Muslim and there is nothing Islamic about killing innocent people in Paris, San Bernardino, or anywhere else in the world. True Muslims know that the ruthless violence of so called Islamic jihadists goes against the very tenets of our religion.

We as Muslims have to stand up to those who use Islam to advance their own personal agenda."



But you fail to explain why, within the limits of experimental error, all the terrorist acts are committed by Muslims in the name of Islam. Why is that the case? And before you go off at a tangent, I can't recall any terrorist acts in Europe committed in the name of Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism or Aetheism. If all Muslims were removed from Europe, do you think terrorism rates would go up or down?

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1 minute ago, 7by7 said:

I may not have watched that particular video, but, unlike you, I have watched many others on the same topic live, as they were broadcast on UK TV.


You accuse me of dodging when I have provided clear and concise answers to all your questions!


What is it you fail to understand about my comment that i have never denied that there are Islamic extremists in the UK?


What is it you fail to understand about my comment that I have never denied that there are Islamic terrorists in the UK?


I have answered your questions, you refuse to answer mine.


Yet you call me a pathetic dodger of questions!


Look in the metaphorical mirror.


You posted here you ain't watched the vids...Refused to answer your questions....Thought I had done a good job, but you can list your questions here and I will answer.....Forget about your escape route "provide a link" crap thing eh....That has always been your get out card....Just ask me questions related to this London attack and the folk committing them....If you can..

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9 minutes ago, transam said:

Compared is probably the wrong word, my point was JW's will sit and watch their kid die because the Bible says not to take another mans blood.....A religious book brainwash, that was my point..

I thought the courts stepped in nowadays to stop this sort of thing?


Not that it matters as 1) I haven't read any cases where a JWs child died as a result of not receiving a blood transfusion and 


2) its entirely off-topic - and ridiculous to compare JWs to murderous terrorists.

Edited by dick dasterdly
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23 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

Again, you seem completely resistant to evidence that there is plenty being done to fight terrorists. Actually, the best way for the public to fight terrorists would be to react as little as possible. Like trolls on this website, terrorists live, or rather die for the fear and hostility they incite.  The number of people they are killing in the UK in relation to the entire population of 65 million is just a pinprick.

So go ahead. So go ahead. Keep reacting the way you do.  You may not think you are on their side, but in effect you are.  For the terrorists, with enemies like you, who needs friends?


22 hours ago, Flustered said:

You really have lost it and not just your passport.


Lets all invite them to sit down and have a cup of tea. Let them groom and rape under age infidel white women (they don't count), let them murder and bomb innocent children and let them run amok stabbing and killing at random. That's what you would want....Speaks for itself.


And finally, you should be banned for life from the forum for stating


"The number of people they are killing in the UK in relation to the entire population of 65 million is just a pinprick."


I want everyone to see what you posted. That is sick.


22 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

Should I feel grateful to you for proving my point? I'll work on it.




24 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:


Probably a good time for the first poster to admit he was extremely callous referring to the deaths being 'pin-pricks' -

Far from admitting he was extremely callous or even just insensitive and apologising for his sick post, he is actually proud of what he posted.


I can only think he must be some young child let lose on a computer without parental guidance.

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Just now, transam said:

You posted here you ain't watched the vids...Refused to answer your questions....Thought I had done a good job, but you can list your questions here and I will answer.....Forget about your escape route "provide a link" crap thing eh....That has always been your get out card....Just ask me questions related to this London attack and the folk committing them....If you can..

You are rambling and repeating yourself.


Have you considered taking more water with it?


The two latest questions of mine you have ignored are:


What is it you fail to understand about my comment that i have never denied that there are Islamic extremists in the UK?


What is it you fail to understand about my comment that I have never denied that there are Islamic terrorists in the UK?


I await your answer.

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Just now, dick dasterdly said:

I thought the courts stepped in nowadays to stop this sort of thing?


Not that it matters as 1) I haven't read any cases where a JWs child died as a result of not receiving a blood transfusion and 


2) its entirely off-topic - and ridiculous to compare JWs to terrorists.

But some of us did learn an interesting piece of trivia about JWs not believing that Jesus is God.

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Just now, dick dasterdly said:

I thought the courts stepped in nowadays to stop this sort of thing?


Not that it matters as 1) I haven't read any cases where a JWs child died as a result of not receiving a blood transfusion and 


2) its entirely off-topic - and ridiculous to compare JWs to terrorists.

UK courts have overruled parents via the hospital...

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2 minutes ago, Flustered said:






Far from admitting he was extremely callous or even just insensitive and apologising for his sick post, he is actually proud of what he posted.


I can only think he must be some young child let lose on a computer without parental guidance.

Maybe he's a Muslim?

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1 minute ago, 7by7 said:

You are rambling and repeating yourself.


Have you considered taking more water with it?


The two latest questions of mine you have ignored are:


What is it you fail to understand about my comment that i have never denied that there are Islamic extremists in the UK?


What is it you fail to understand about my comment that I have never denied that there are Islamic terrorists in the UK?


I await your answer.

Correct, just lately you have said that, which was a breath of fresh air, any more questions....?

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3 minutes ago, Flustered said:






Far from admitting he was extremely callous or even just insensitive and apologising for his sick post, he is actually proud of what he posted.


I can only think he must be some young child let lose on a computer without parental guidance.

Oh my lord, I knew it would happen one day. Someone has invented a pridemeter!

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1 minute ago, dick dasterdly said:

I thought the courts stepped in nowadays to stop this sort of thing?


Not that it matters as 1) I haven't read any cases where a JWs child died as a result of not receiving a blood transfusion and 


2) its entirely off-topic - and ridiculous to compare JWs to terrorists.

Well it was a few years back but i had a good female friend whose mother was a JW. During childbirth my friend would have died without a blood transfusion. The JW mother was never told about the transfusion. That is an unacceptable way to interpret a religion or in itself is an unacceptable religion. i thnk that is the point Trasam is making.


In my view all religious beliefs are archaic.

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10 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

I read the interview with this guy. He said everyone else in the pub ran away.

Which guy?  Do you have a link?


Not that I disbelieve you as it makes sense to run away in these circumstances.


At the end of the day, I suspect it comes down to 'fight or flight' - and few of us know where we would fall in that category.

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4 minutes ago, 7by7 said:


Then prove me so by providing one, just one post where I have done so.


Do you need to be taught how to use the search function?

If you think I am going to spend my time going through zillions of posts you are daft.....You have called me a racist on other similar threads. You want to report me for telling porkies, great. Go for it...

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9 minutes ago, Flustered said:






Far from admitting he was extremely callous or even just insensitive and apologising for his sick post, he is actually proud of what he posted.


I can only think he must be some young child let lose on a computer without parental guidance.

Or it could be that I find unconvincing the moral outrage of people who compose all sort of vile comments on these pages.

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56 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

 It's questionable that Isis really had anything material to do with the attack at all whatever their claims may be. If you all need is a truck and some knives to stage one of these attacks, why need Isis be even involved in its planning? It's simply not reasonable to think that zero casualties is a reasonable or attainable goal. Unless you want to turn your country into a version of North Korea.

As for my remarks being callous, maybe so. But even worse, they reflected a reasonably objective evaluation of the situation.  And most of the people whose tender feelings I outraged, to judge by their response, were inditing some very bloodthirsty comments. It's hard to care much about the feeling of such people who capitalize on every situation that arises, no matter how tragic, to vent such repulsive rants.


Not sure if your first two points(?) were directed at me. I didn't say anything about ISIS having anything material to do with the attack. Not sure which tangent your taking with this one. Similarly, I did not mention a zero casualties goal, actually posted a couple of times on this topic to the contrary.


I don't give a hoot about the feelings of our resident forum fascists, just pointing out that it was unfortunate. Others may cite the views of the victims' families as support, but doubt anyone of them would appreciate your wording. If the focal point is sticking it to forum rivals, that's another matter.


Noted that no "react as little as possible" explanations is forthcoming. Oh well...

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On 2017-6-5 at 2:10 PM, Senior Player said:

Though I agree with your observations on Muslims, I cannot see the point the commentator was making with regards to Muslims observing Christian ceremonies. It's not as if Christians are blowing up children at concerts, running pedestrians over and attacking passersby with long knives and need to be monitored. Who cares now whether a Muslim supports the idea of being observed by our police (which isn't a religion anyway) in their own mosques? What I was alluding to in my comment was that the U.K. is far too accommodating towards their religion, more so than one would find in their own Islamic countries towards Christians where the Bible is banned outright. 

You are so right and the majority of Brits would agree with you .Why these aliens are allowed to enter the UK in their thousands and it is still happening today as I speak . They make no secret that they intend to take over the country in the near future and seem to be getting every assistance from the government in all forms benefits and planning permission for mosques etc . Their clerics will not condone the action of the extremists as that would leave the whole lot of them open to deportation but behind closed doors and face to face , the hatred of non muslims is encouraged . It is there way of living and nothing but Islam is worth anything and to be condemned. 

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