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Putin's dinner with Michael Flynn - 'I didn't even really talk to him'


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4 hours ago, pegman said:

The crime here is the collusion between Trump and Russia. Not that there was election interference. Your shallow attempt to muddy that distinction, like the right media are also doing,  is likely to be dismantled by Comey Thursday.


Pegman, what brand of crystal ball are you using? LOL.

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16 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:


Pegman, what brand of crystal ball are you using? LOL.

Contractor charged in NSA document leak case


A 25-year-old government contractor has been charged with mishandling classified information after authorities say she gave a top-secret National Security Agency document to a news ­organization.

Reality Leigh Winner was accused of gathering, transmitting or losing defense information — the first criminal charge filed in a leak investigation during the Trump administration.

Winner was arrested Saturday and the case was revealed Monday, shortly after the website the Intercept posted a redacted version of a U.S. intelligence document describing Russian government efforts to use hacking techniques against employees of a company that provides technical support to states’ voting agencies.


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4 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Contractor charged in NSA document leak case


A 25-year-old government contractor has been charged with mishandling classified information after authorities say she gave a top-secret National Security Agency document to a news ­organization.

Reality Leigh Winner was accused of gathering, transmitting or losing defense information — the first criminal charge filed in a leak investigation during the Trump administration.

Winner was arrested Saturday and the case was revealed Monday, shortly after the website the Intercept posted a redacted version of a U.S. intelligence document describing Russian government efforts to use hacking techniques against employees of a company that provides technical support to states’ voting agencies.



a developing story…like to know more jumping to any conclusions. 


you should wait too.

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10 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

a developing story…like to know more jumping to any conclusions.


"Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein said investigators’ fast work “allowed us quickly to identify and arrest the defendant."


"Releasing classified material without authorization threatens our nation’s security and undermines public faith in government."

"People who are trusted with classified information and pledge to protect it must be held accountable when they violate that obligation.”


Donald Trump 'shared highly classified information with Russian officials'



Donald Trump gave Russians classified information so secret 'news outlets still being asked not to report them'

Intelligence officials say US national security could be threatened if details are reported 



Trump blurts out classified info again, worrying Pentagon officials

"Pentagon officials are in shock after the release of a transcript between President Donald Trump and his Philippines counterpart reveals that the US military had moved two nuclear submarines towards North Korea."
“We never talk about subs!” three officials told BuzzFeed News, referring to the military’s belief that keeping submarines’ movement stealth is key to their mission."



No "developing" story with the inept, blundering fool in the White House:


"Releasing classified material without authorization threatens our nation’s security and undermines public faith in government."

"People who are trusted with classified information and pledge to protect it must be held accountable when they violate that obligation.”


Arrest him. :thumbsup:

And throw the bum out.

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13 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

id like to think US military men have a little more smarts than what you're suggesting…lol.

I think the rest of the military and ex-military men cherry-picked by POTUS are generally fit for purpose but IMHO, Flynn quickly lost the plot once he retired a year early in 2014. He was a lobbyist for a rather controversial, secular but overwhelmingly Muslim country in 2016  for which he belatedly registered as Foreign Agent with the US Justice Department in 2017, ie. after the fact and after he had been 'outed' as such.


Or maybe we should consider that he read a lot of John le Carré novels and is in it for the long game.

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17 hours ago, Trouble said:

I too think Flynn has more smarts.  From the comments here one would think the Flynn was handing over all the DIA top secret documents, making him a traitor.  Flynn is anything but that.  My take is that Flynn got some contracts from RT for interviews and analysis, just as all the guests on FOX, MSNBC, and CNN get for providing 
"analysis" of events.  Since the US government considers RT a propaganda organ of the Russian State, that seems to be a problem.  My take is that FOX, MSNBC, and CNN are also not news organizations but propaganda organs funded by advertisers. It is all commentary with little in the way of news except the 4 or 5 things of the day in which these organizations give their view of things.  As I understand it the dinner was an PR event.  


The Megyn Kelly interview was a nothing interview and what would one expect Putin to say under such circumstances.  Putin is a very shrewd person and was probably correct about one thing in that hackers, in theory, could make intrusions look like they came from anywhere.  Quite frankly it seems like the US intelligence agencies should either put up the evidence or shut up.  I am sure the Russian intelligence agencies have a pretty good idea of what capabilities the American agencies are capable of.  Seems like the American agencies are less willing for the American public to know. Putin was also dead on with regard to American meddling in elections elsewhere.  So where is the "news" here? The fact that the story about Russian meddling in our elections has gone on for months now without one bit of information made public or leaked makes me think there is nothing more than a hacking into the DNC server and release of some emails.  Is that all there is?

You should know by now that intelligence agencies cannot reveal information about investigations.  Even when they do, it will not be available to the public.  Trust them or not, that's how it works.  It often takes a decade or more to be released to the public, and the investigations also often take at least a year or more to be completed.  Don't hold your breath

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On 2017-6-5 at 2:54 PM, ncc1701d said:

I don't understand why putin bothers to talk to the media. If it were me I'd just say I don't care and it's a matter for the Americans. 

That is what any one or any country would do. Unless you think it might help the beleaguered POTIS. 

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1 minute ago, spiderorchid said:

That is what any one or any country would do. Unless you think it might help the beleaguered POTIS. 

The thing is: US is now the laughing stock for the world.

 Putin wins which ever way it pays out. Sad

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