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An Australian journalist and filmmaker who was arrested for using a drone camera to film prohibited areas in front of the Royal Palace was freed on Saturday after being cleared of terrorism or involvement in a colour revolution.

James Ricketson, 68, took the drone to film an opposition CNRP rally in front of the palace and over the Mekong River without authorisation. Tey Visal, deputy chief of Phnom Penh municipal major crimes unit, said police confiscated the drone and other material.

Mr Ricketson was sent to the municipal police office for questioning. “He was arrested because he had a drone, was taking pictures surrounding prohibited areas in front of the Royal Palace, and planned to use the footage outside of Cambodia,” Mr Visal said yesterday.  “After his arrest and questioning he was released by the court prosecutor because Cambodia does not yet have a law to punish those who take pictures in prohibited areas.”


read more http://www.khmertimeskh.com/news/39037/palace-drone-filmmaker-freed/


-- © Copyright Khmer Times 05/06

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