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Dog Attack A Person On A Driving Motorbike

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Hi to all,

a couple of Days ago, near to my House in Bangrak,

i hear first a woman screaming then i have seen some Dogs & one

of them attacks this Woman on the Motorbike. people from the Houses around runs to the Woman, to the motorbike, where the woman get bitten by the Dog at the Leg....

... and this happened the second time in front of my Eyes in the last couple of month...

does anybody know, if there would be something made against this Problem like "birth-control" or like this, cause i see more Street-dogs than before, or does i fantasy to much ?!?

anyway, be careful Motorbike Drivers & good luck...


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I've had dogs chase me and try to bite me but I usually find a swift crack of my foot to their head makes them leave me alone :o

I don't think this goes against many Thai beliefs either :D

it happened to me, too. but the Dog was'nt that fast & did'nt reach me. But a little scared i was, of course....

yeah & it was a thai woman who get attacked

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I've had dogs chase me and try to bite me but I usually find a swift crack of my foot to their head makes them leave me alone :o

I don't think this goes against many Thai beliefs either :D

it happened to me, too. but the Dog was'nt that fast & did'nt reach me. But a little scared i was, of course....

yeah & it was a thai woman who get attacked

Maybe she should have tried the imaginary stone pick up :D never fails!

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Sterilization of stray dogs

See this thread for more discussion and information.

Do we really want to wipe them out though pumpuiman? I think these dogs are fun to kick... I mean erm throw imaginary stones at :o

so many discussions on soi dogs are started, what would we talk about if they weren't even there??

Nikkijah :D

Good idea. Your absolutely right. Let's just watch and do nothing. Hey maybe if we're lucky, We'll get to see some child get disfigured !! Wont that be funny? Or maybe we could visit local hospitals, and see the rabies patients suffering. That would really get a laugh going....we could bring beer.

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Those ultrasonic dog repellers work well although i haven't seen them sold in Thailand.

I'm thinking of designing a multi-range ultrasonic repeller allowing it to repel a variety of different things - dogs, birds, insects just to see how well it works. Wonder if it would sell here? :o

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Sterilization of stray dogs

See this thread for more discussion and information.

Do we really want to wipe them out though pumpuiman? I think these dogs are fun to kick... I mean erm throw imaginary stones at :o

so many discussions on soi dogs are started, what would we talk about if they weren't even there??

Nikkijah :D

Good idea. Your absolutely right. Let's just watch and do nothing. Hey maybe if we're lucky, We'll get to see some child get disfigured !! Wont that be funny? Or maybe we could visit local hospitals, and see the rabies patients suffering. That would really get a laugh going....we could bring beer.

I was only being light-hearted about it pumpuiman, I can see you are quite worked up about this :D

I don't seriously suggest we sit back and watch dogs disfigure kiddies whilst drinking beers :D I didn't suggest it at all in fact, your mind is working overtime...

Good luck :D

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One mean dog here has been barking and running at motosais on a busy street in our moo ban, never misses me when I ride by, no one does anything about it, the owner sits there and keeps reading his amulet magazine. Many other dogs running around but no biters. A recent cleanup was done here, injecting dogs and killing them, one pregnant stray was spared, because she was pregnant! :o Now the pups are running free.

Unfortunately, for this one mean dog, it sleeps on the street at night and I will simply run it over with the truck when the opportunity presents itself.

I've poisoned a few problem dogs before and feel no guilt whatsoever.

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If you call Samui Dog Rescue, they will come, take the dog away, chop his nuts off then bring him back when his sack has healed. Just pray that the dog doesn't remember you for making the call !!

Better than getting rabies, nasty bites or coming off your bike and hitting something else.

077 413 490 or 081 893 9443

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A shop by me has a dog which is racist!!! It hates Farangs I dont know if this its natural disposition or if it has been trained to hate westerners. I know this sounds stupid but it is true been confirmed by my gf and the shop owner. When ever it sees a farang it goes for them. Thais it has no problem with. Why anyone would have a dog that chases customers away is beyond me. I refuse to use the shop as WELL LETS FACE IT NO ONE LIKES 2 GET BITTEN.

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I ran straight over the top of a dog that run out infront of me,i was on my honda dream approaching Maenam and was lucky to stay on as it wasnt a small dog.I turned back still shaking to see a distraught thai woman stood over the twitching dog about to die.I had managed to hit the only dog for miles that actually had an owner !! not stray.........they tried to tell me be careful many dog around road..no shit,having lived for 3 years on Samui,so what the hel_l was your dog doing loose running around with strays on a fast stretch of road ??

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Lets remember a spaded dog will still attack. So if the dog centre are called, whether they spade him or not, they should keep it. Putting the dog (or bitch) back on the streets will have achieved nothing.

I got attacked in a car park by a thoroughbred alsatian which cut through my shorts and deep into my leg. After lots of screaming and shouting (mine) I found the owner who eventually agreed to pay for my rabies jabs. Didn't really get a chance to check out the under carraige though.

Get this. The owner said it was because I had a black T shirt and crash hemet on and apparently, thats what the old owner of the dog used to wear before hitting it.

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When I was ten, I was attacked by a Thai dog on a street. I was trying to run away. The dog was too fast for a ten year old. He bit me in my butt cheek. I was so scared for dogs for a year or two. But now I have no problems with dogs. We have four of them at home.

The above mentioned imaginary rock picking technique works every time. But sometimes I like to ride my bike and find some dogs like to chase that and I can't pick up that rock. Instead, I stop my bike and face it looking in its eyes. The dog runs away.

Many Thai dog owners are just bad abandoning their dogs when they don't want to take care of them. Just bad. :o

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I used to drive my Suzuki 250 on a beach road full of dogs. One day a dog was struck by my front wheel and went away crying, slightly wounded. Next day, coming through at the usual time, all the dog owners had carefully tied up their dogs against the fearsome foreigner on the motorcycle!

I wasn't that lucky coming out of Mae Taeng. Stupid big dog walked across the road to my lane, stopped dead, and waited for me to kill him. He almost killed me. Now I slow down for small dogs. And I've slowed for moose and bison (in my car, in North America), and for elephants and cattle in Thailand.

The trouble is that when you're riding, all your limbs have a job to do, controlling the bike. Even a good kick might make you lose your balance. Besides, how vicious can you kick a dog, wearing sandals?

If there's more than one dog trying to attack, I'm not going to stop and get down to his level.

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The above mentioned imaginary rock picking technique works every time.

ONLY if the dog has had someone pick up a rock and throw it at him before. A neighbor's golden retriever ( a breed that is naturally docile, unless the owner is Thai) came to attack me and I tried that first. Having no idea what I was motioning to do, the dog just thought I was getting lower. In the end, it was just a dog's length away from a fight before the owner, bemused and smiling, got control. I shouted some adrenalin-fueled invectives at her, and she then insisted it was my fault for, apparently, standing on the seashore in front of my own house.

Next time this happens, I will not fake like I am going to throw a rock; I will pick some up and throw them at the owner.

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The above mentioned imaginary rock picking technique works every time.

ONLY if the dog has had someone pick up a rock and throw it at him before. A neighbor's golden retriever ( a breed that is naturally docile, unless the owner is Thai) came to attack me and I tried that first. Having no idea what I was motioning to do, the dog just thought I was getting lower. In the end, it was just a dog's length away from a fight before the owner, bemused and smiling, got control. I shouted some adrenalin-fueled invectives at her, and she then insisted it was my fault for, apparently, standing on the seashore in front of my own house.

Next time this happens, I will not fake like I am going to throw a rock; I will pick some up and throw them at the owner.

The Retriever is a dog, you are a Wolfe whats your problem? :o:D

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On thongs nai pan yai these kids used to walk up and down the beach for hours everyday shooting strays with slingshots,don't think they achieved anything but im sure the owners of the bunaglows/restaurants urged them to do it,sure they even gave them ice cream for it.

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most of the dogs you see roam around freely have a home where they belong to, the 'owners' just don't care or have no possibilities to lock them up.

If you get bitten by such a dog you can ask the owner to reimburse you for hospital costs, including rabies shots.

If the owner refuses then take the matter to the local police and they will assist in recovering the money.

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The trouble is that when you're riding, all your limbs have a job to do, controlling the bike. Even a good kick might make you lose your balance. Besides, how vicious can you kick a dog, wearing sandals?

Stop wearing sandals when driving a bike. Always wear closed heel shoes and a helmet. Common sense, isn't it? Seen too many accidents, first things to go, even with 'simple' accidents are skin on the feet and the head!

Ideally get Dr. Martins with steel caps.

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most of the dogs you see roam around freely have a home where they belong to, the 'owners' just don't care or have no possibilities to lock them up.

If you get bitten by such a dog you can ask the owner to reimburse you for hospital costs, including rabies shots.

If the owner refuses then take the matter to the local police and they will assist in recovering the money.

Uh yeah, I believe that...

The dogs I am aware of that have humans are not "owned" in the sense we think. The animals hang around, are occassionally fed and that's about it. Should an incident occur with the dog, the "owner" would claim, with justification, that the animal is just a stray that is hanging around. Someone footing any bill over an incident involving such an animal would be the exception, not the rule.

Edited by Mark Wolfe
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If it is just one dog, stop the motorcy and stare it out.... if it maintains eye contact for more than about twelve seconds it is a psycho and should be avoided.

If it breaks eye contact you have assured your status and should not be bothered by it again, they do remember faces.

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