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Just now, williamgeorgeallen said:

we need a poll on how many western men trust their thai wives with the pin number to their ATM cards. from what i have seen many woman dont seem to be very good with money, thai ones especially.

I gave mine to my partner 8 years ago in case I either dropped dead or was unable to get to an ATM. She has never ever opened the envelope that contains the number.

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1 minute ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

we need a poll on how many western men trust their thai wives with the pin number to their ATM cards. from what i have seen many woman dont seem to be very good with money, thai ones especially.

Not all Thai women are money grabbers, OK.

I have been married to 1 who would steal my last baht.

Now i am married to an angel, who has my cards and pin numbers, never touches 1 baht

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we need a poll on how many western men trust their thai wives with the pin number to their ATM cards. from what i have seen many woman dont seem to be very good with money, thai ones especially.

Sent her up with her own account, ATM card and put money in her account, then see what happens. If all gone fast or slowly. That will indicate whether or not to give her access to your account.
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5 hours ago, worgeordie said:

"I have a wife but what does that good does that do?", if shes your wife, you

should trust her ?, if not what are you doing together, just give her your ATM card and pin number

and tell her to go to machine and take out what you require, job done, you're lucky to have her.


regards worgeordie 


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2 minutes ago, colinneil said:

Not all Thai women are money grabbers, OK.

I have been married to 1 who would steal my last baht.

Now i am married to an angel, who has my cards and pin numbers, never touches 1 baht

the trustworthy ones are few and far between. best not to risk it is what i would say. not just the thais, dont risk it with any woman. i trusted one in oz with my credit card. big mistake.

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I am sure I had a mini stroke yesterday. After it I realized if I become disabled and bed ridden I will not be able to get money to live and pay my bills.
 I use the ATM to get all my money from Canada. If I become bedridden I cannot access my money.
  I tried to creat some way to have money sent to me regularly but the bank in Canada said they couldnot do that. So if I cannot get to the ATM because of illness or accident I am without money this is real scary.
 How would some one like me even pay the hospital? 
 This is a real wakeup call on how vulnerable we are here.

As a fellow Canadian I think you should go back. I really do appreciate all the free services Canadians get and will be back to a country that accepted me after I dodged the draft in Yugoslavia. Being single and paying taxes is a very small price to pay.

Sent from my Lenovo A7020a48 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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6 hours ago, lovelomsak said:

I have a wife but what does that good does that do? How could she help if I was totally disabled?

she has no access to my accounts.Even the money in my Thai bank would be unaccessble if I could not get down to an ATM. 

faraday no treatment will be done but thanks any ways.

 ulysses how do I arrange to get money transferred from a hospital bed while incapacitated?

 tomwct AE in Bangkok is useless they cannot even cash the cheques.

  Sorry for being so negative to everyone trying to help,

  I made a trip back to Canada last year to creat some way to send money. The banker said use western union. Hows that for a good response.

  All day I was dealing with ending it.I have other health problems too. I catheter because my bladder completely quit.so am pretty well house captive as it is I have pain constantly in the bladder area that the doctors say should not be there so nothing can be done to help me I just live with severe pain all the time.Who wants to be this vulnerable late in life.In a split second I could be in a bed for the rest of my life and have no access to funds to maintain me.

 The bottom line on trusting someone to have access to my money  is really testing the boundaries of trust. 

 I talked to a friend last night and explained that if I wait to end it I may not be able to end it because of a stroke that makes it impossible to do anything. So if I want to make sure it is done I have to stop gambling on how long I have before a major stroke happens.and do it soon.

I can't understand people like you who do not have any Thai friends. One of the reasons I live here because I have wonderful Thai friends friends who would help me in any such circumstances. Most of them would lend me money in an emergency. All of them would help me in every way possible.

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And we are back on implying every single Thai person is a gold digger...you wonder why half the guys on this forum even bothered to move to Thailand if that is their belief. Also, what fool moves to a country without making sure they are taken care of in emergency situations...it took something to happen to realise you are not invincible? 

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Just now, gamini said:

I can't understand people like you who do not have any Thai friends. One of the reasons I live here because I have wonderful Thai friends friends who would help me in any such circumstances. Most of them would lend me money in an emergency. All of them would help me in every way possible.

Why would you put them in that position? If you had a million baht hospital bill would you expect them to take care of that? We are all responsible for taking care of ourselves, if you can't afford to do that you shouldn't be here.

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8 minutes ago, giddyup said:

Why would you put them in that position? If you had a million baht hospital bill would you expect them to take care of that? We are all responsible for taking care of ourselves, if you can't afford to do that you shouldn't be here.

I think his point was he should have got out and made more friends  for if he became in a position he is in (bed ridden). Many people are willing to help if you are in desperate need that you have no control over. Not just money, things such as food, clothing, the same help you receive back home generally when you become incapacitated. I don't think the country is relevant in the point. Just making friends to help you out in a time of need. 

Edited by wildewillie89
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2 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

This thread makes little sense.


If you have suffered a "mini stroke", but are not  treating it, and then say you expect/hope to be able to fly in a few weeks time, I would say that you are delusional. A stroke is the equivalent of a heart attack, except that it happens with the brain. Instead of damage to the heart, one incurs brain damage.  If you are not on drug therapy and rehabilitation, then how do you expect to be able to fly in such a short time frame? I appreciate that surgical intervention is unnecessary, but  strokes require follow up care.


Living Wills are not recognized in Thailand.



Are you aware that if you are visibly infirm, the  airline agents will require a fitness certificate?

Unless you are certified by a cardiologist, don't be a selfish  prick and fly because you will either have an episode on the plane or will die. When that happens, it disrupts the flight and inconveniences hundreds. I have been on a flight when we've had to deal with one of these cases and it is exceptionally disruptive and often avoidable.  If you die, they wrap you in a sheet and move you to an empty row away from people, but in the process  traumatize many pax.


Since when does  an ATM card have an expiry date? What Bank are you dealing with that does this.?  If you are dealing with a major bank, they e transfers can easily be set up and  supervised. Scotia Bank has a major interest in Thanachart, BMO switched from SCB to Bangkok Bank, HSBC has its own branch network.

As for  you not trusting online banking,  it's no wonder you have  issues now. That's how it's done. It's safer than the old bricks and sticks format. How do you think money is transferred when you visit a branch? The  bank clerk uses the online transfer format. This is how it's done. If you do not wish to adapt, then sorry, no sympathy.


As for your cryptic references to ending it all,  a stroke is not the end of life, even if severe.  If Kirk Douglas was able to  fight back from a massive stroke which caused serious damage and is still going strong at 100, you can deal with  your "mini stroke".  


I get it, you are  depressed and want to get organized. However, you are not getting organized, but making a mess of things  by being stubborn. If you are indeed dying, then surely what's it matter then if you give your wife access to the ATM card? This silliness over waiting  for whether or not your sister dies before you amend your will is just nonsensical. Nothing stops you from setting out an order of payment.  In any case, it doesn't matter, because it will be contestable if there wasn't a separation of assets before your marriage. Your wife has rights under Canadian law and if you die in Canada, that's where the estate will be settled. There will probably be assets in Thailand and the wife can apply for a  declaratory judgement there.

I have no idea as to the nature of your estate, but you may need to seek  the advice of a tax lawyer to prepare for the probate costs and capital gains taxes if assets are sold.



Wow are you confused. I never on any post stated was would be flying soon. That was another poster.

My bank is Scotiabank and 2 branchs told me there was no way they could do it for me. Also the ATM card expires. They only give them out for a period of 3 years. now. I had one for 10 years they took away saying the chip would fail.

 My estate is well under control thank you.

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53 minutes ago, elgenon said:

A friend developed Alzheimers and is wife left him.

Thanks goodness he was a vet and I got help for him.


Traveler Checks are very expensive to cash and banks do not really want to deal with them. But for emergency could be good if banks still willing to cash them. My bank in US advised that I cash the ones I was saving for an emergency. 

Not true, a few months back would have been 153 baht for one cheque and you can get 500 dollar travellers cheques. Compare that to overseas ATM cards !!

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3 minutes ago, wildewillie89 said:

I think his point was he should have got out and made more friends  for if he became in a position he is in (bed ridden). Many people are willing to help if you are in desperate need that you have no control over. Not just money, things such as food, clothing, the same help you receive back home generally when you become incapacitated. I don't think the country is relevant in the point. Just making friends to help you out in a time of need. 

I do have Thai friends.and they would do small things for me for sure. More than foreigners. What good does that do? They cannot do my banking. They can visit ,comfort and try to help but that is it. I have to much pride to ever in my life be desperate. I ask nothing of any one and never had. I have been personally responsible for every part of my life since I was 13 and will end before I ever become desperate. I have never ask to  borrowed a penny from any one and will die never having to do it. All i was trying to point out was vulnerable we really are here. We live each day not realizing one accident or health problem and access to funds to keep us going could be a real problem.I wonder how many people here at TV have a plan in place for or if something happened to them and they were bed ridden and perhaps lost their ability to think for them selves or care for themselves.

 But thanks for your concern.

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28 minutes ago, theguyfromanotherforum said:


As a fellow Canadian I think you should go back. I really do appreciate all the free services Canadians get and will be back to a country that accepted me after I dodged the draft in Yugoslavia. Being single and paying taxes is a very small price to pay.

Sent from my Lenovo A7020a48 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app


I do not want the health services. My father spent the last 2 years of his life in a hospital bed  under Canada health services. For the last 2 years of his life he was medical experiment for doctors to practice on.or with.They kept him on morphine to kill the pain because they refused to replace his hip and he layed there day after day going in and out of reality so the doctors could claim they were caring for a life.It was the most dreadful thing to watch .My father dieing with no dignity or respect. Not for me thank you

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I too worry about being incapacitated in some way where I couldn't draw money, or wipe my own butt  so I have a $3,000 pre-paid Bank Debit card that has to be renewed every five years, I created a PIN for the card for emergencies, it is in my safe with the rest of important papers with instructions for my partner on how to use it.   She has her own US credit card as well, but pbly doesn't know how to pay the bills, so will need to set up an auto bill payer from my account for that.


Yes, its best to have a plan, I have a brother & his wife that would get on a plane tomorrow if I needed any help, so guess I am lucky in that respect - the Debit card is instant money in case of an emergency  -  Since we are not married in the traditional sense, the Bank says they can't put her on the account and she is not Thai,   hmmm come to think of it, doesn't sound quite right.


To the op, hope things work out for you, trust is a hard thing to do, but in your case, I'd seriously think abut it and have a sit down with the wife and make her understand the gravity of things.  

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10 minutes ago, lovelomsak said:

I do have Thai friends.and they would do small things for me for sure. More than foreigners. What good does that do? They cannot do my banking. They can visit ,comfort and try to help but that is it. I have to much pride to ever in my life be desperate. I ask nothing of any one and never had. I have been personally responsible for every part of my life since I was 13 and will end before I ever become desperate. I have never ask to  borrowed a penny from any one and will die never having to do it. All i was trying to point out was vulnerable we really are here. We live each day not realizing one accident or health problem and access to funds to keep us going could be a real problem.I wonder how many people here at TV have a plan in place for or if something happened to them and they were bed ridden and perhaps lost their ability to think for them selves or care for themselves.

 But thanks for your concern.

Why cant they do your banking? Just going to get money out of an ATM? Takes, what, one minute? Are they that untrustworthy? It is fine to ask nothing from no body, but why are you here saying you're in a shit situation? You cant on one hand complain that because you are incapacitated that nothing can get done, and in the same sentence say you will not ask for help....that just leaves the option for you to die...which doesn't need a running commentary. 

I think we are all aware how vulnerable humans are. It is not some new scientific discovery. I have had a complicated tick disease for 2 months now. Had to spend a week in hospital and 2 months at home (seizures, enlarged organs, prolonged fevers, etc). I had a plan. If someone moves to a new country without a plan, then they are just incredibly naive aren't they? The plan naturally needs to cover monetary and health issues first. 

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Just now, wildewillie89 said:

Why cant they do your banking? Just going to get money out of an ATM? Takes, what, one minute? Are they that untrustworthy? It is fine to ask nothing from no body, but why are you here saying you're in a shit situation? You cant on one hand complain that because you are incapacitated that nothing can get done, and in the same sentence say you will not ask for help....that just leaves the option for you to die...which doesn't need a running commentary. 

I think we are all aware how vulnerable humans are. It is not some new scientific discovery. I have had a complicated tick disease for 2 months now. Had to spend a week in hospital and 2 months at home (seizures, enlarged organs, prolonged fevers, etc). I had a plan. If someone moves to a new country without a plan, then they are just incredibly naive aren't they?

I did have a plan but forgot one vital thing.   I forgot the part if I became incapable of getting to the bank how I would get money.For some reason it just escaped me.I am self funded for health so kept 3 million for health care thinking I was covered for health costs but never under realized that in a real situation could I even access the money.

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1 hour ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

we need a poll on how many western men trust their thai wives with the pin number to their ATM cards. from what i have seen many woman dont seem to be very good with money, thai ones especially.

My wfe has credit cards and an ATM card with access to substantial funds that we have saved together. She prefers to watch it grow rather than drain it. No trust in the relationship = no point in having a relationship for me. She is the saver, I am the spender and she still hunts in the bargain section. 

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I don't know about Canada, but Bangkok Bank does have a subsidiary in the US. You don't even need to wire--just initiate an EFT transfer bank-to-bank in the US (similar to a Bank of America to Wells Fargo transfer), and it will show up here in a few days. Would be surprised if Canada does not have a similar set up?


You always mention getting money "to live and pay my bills". You live in Thailand? If you're an expat--I recommend having an account here? Why are you still using an ATM?

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Strange as I know a few Canadian and myself that arranged transfer every month from their bank account  in Canada to bank account in Thailand.  I suppose you have a bank account in Thailand in your name. This a a first step.


Some can be done by Internet banking, some you have to contact your bank branch to set up the transfer. Maybe more difficult in small branches that are not used to international SWIFT  transfer.


 People I met used those bank: Royal Bank , HSBC Canada, Scotia Bank, Desjardins , National Bank ...


Toronto Dominion and Bank of Montreal ,,,,I do not know anybody using those bank.

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Use world remit. .a app to transfer money. I have given my wife total access to my accounts and pin numbers. She is a good girl. Something to think about getting incapacitated here. I wish you well and recover soon.


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3 hours ago, jerojero said:

Sent her up with her own account, ATM card and put money in her account, then see what happens. If all gone fast or slowly. That will indicate whether or not to give her access to your account.

So your settings her up for a fall with you as the judge/jury and executioner! Yep that sounds about right for TV posters

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2 hours ago, lovelomsak said:

I do not want the health services. My father spent the last 2 years of his life in a hospital bed  under Canada health services. For the last 2 years of his life he was medical experiment for doctors to practice on.or with.They kept him on morphine to kill the pain because they refused to replace his hip and he layed there day after day going in and out of reality so the doctors could claim they were caring for a life.It was the most dreadful thing to watch .My father dieing with no dignity or respect. Not for me thank you

Many people will not understand your point, but i do.

After my accident i was on morphine for nearly 3 months, and it was driving me crazy, yes crazy.

I was hitting nurses/my wife, and i was not aware of what i was doing, the hospital even got a trick cyclist to attend me.

, and she told me it is the morphine driving you crazy.

I stopped them giving me morphine, and i went cold turkey, that was hell on earth, but i promised my wife, and i never break a promise.

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Does it make any difference that you lived here OP instead of Canada ? If you lived in Canada you will still need to go to an ATM to draw money. It is tuff to get old and fragile anywhere in the world if you don't have support.

As for a living will, it is not legal in Thailand.

OP have you tried to talk to the Red Cross and see if they can provide support to you ?

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Its all about trust and getting your shit wired together before you become incapable.

We have a bank account each both know each others pin codes(actually there the same as my memory has never been great) both registered at each others banks as NOK and able with a signed letter of authority from the other  person to withdraw a set amount already lodged with each bank. This is also in place for our son at both banks in the event we both pop off together (this option however he has to be 18 or over if under an adult must also be registered to act as gaurdian for him) The letters of authority are already signed and in the safe should anything happen to either of us or both of us.

Luckily my pension is now off shore and as a result if i pop off my wife gets whatever is left in the pot the whole amount not the normal spouses pension rubish. Again this is all in place all she needs to do is make one phone call and it will be sorted for her. Now i hope to have another 20 to 30 years left yet but who knows. What i do know is my ducks are in a kine and my shit is in order.

So Op sounds to me you have had plenty of time to organise things just couldnt be bothered. Now the shit has hit the fan your looking to blame everything exept yourself.

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2 hours ago, lovelomsak said:

I do not want the health services. My father spent the last 2 years of his life in a hospital bed  under Canada health services. For the last 2 years of his life he was medical experiment for doctors to practice on.or with.They kept him on morphine to kill the pain because they refused to replace his hip and he layed there day after day going in and out of reality so the doctors could claim they were caring for a life.It was the most dreadful thing to watch .My father dieing with no dignity or respect. Not for me thank you

With you all the way totally know where your are coming from. Well said

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