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SURVEY: Should Thailand require Health Insurance for Foreigners?


SURVEY: Should foreigners entering Thailand be required to have or purchase medical insurance?  

252 members have voted

  1. 1. SURVEY: Should foreigners entering Thailand be required to have or purchase medical insurance?

    • All foreigners should be required to show proof of health/accident insurance.
    • Those entering as a tourist should be required to show proof of health/accident insurance.
    • Those on a visa that permits longer stay than a tourist should be required to show proof of health/accident insurance.
    • No one should be required to show proof of health/accident insurance.

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17 minutes ago, smotherb said:

You are in a position that many find themselves; namely attempting to self-insure. However, letting the missus dip into it is problematic at best.

Your observation maybe problematical for you smotherb, but I think not for maybefitz nor me, so why cause worry for maybefitz


Those I believe who have the problems are the single, elderly men, with meagre income, living here alone without anyone living with them and looking after them, they simply should not be allowed to live here, they are parasites 


They likely have never contributed to the system here, so what right do they have to be expecting to be looked after, and I am very sure pay no taxes here, many also fraudulently claiming UK benefits they are not entitled to


Old people living alone in the UK have a govt support system even when they are not ill, meals on wheels, day centre, GPs bus passes housing etc etc they will be taken care of, even getting their toenails cut ! !!


AND anyone can return so long as it is going to be  p e r m a n e n t of course the laws could change


Part of the costs of my self insure system is seeing my wife, (30 yrs younger, married ten) primary carer, is well looked after and content,and loved, and if that means dipping into reserves so be it, many tell us what happens to those alone trusting no one keeping what little money they have so safe it can not be accessed in an emergency, generally mean penny pinching spongers who only care for themselves, and with few brains


I know of one long time old man, for the last eight years he was here, he only had survival money, he had several medium term girlfriends who wanted to take him in, but then he wanted more sex and self gratification, and got rid of his carers on several occasions and was seriously selfish, he was getting to the stage he could not feed himself, and pretty alone, a flight back to the UK was arranged , he was picked up by social security, at the airport in the UK, despite going missing at the UK airport and being found five hours later in the wheelchair,  and is now in a home. The British Embassy also helped set up arrangements, however contributed nothing financially.


This man Frank was one of the lucky ones he got home to the UK just in time, despite his own stubbornness and stupidity


I have no sympathy for old people from the UK who stay here too long, or can not deal with medical costs as they arise, they know the risks, and they have choices, GO HOME, I may contribute a little to an airfare home but to paying medical costs here no way


I make these comments as a man who has serious medical problems, who has no traditional insurance, but does at least have a plan, including a list of potential nurses who can help my wife in the event things got too bad


God helps those who help themselves

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1 hour ago, al007 said:

Your observation maybe problematical for you smotherb, but I think not for maybefitz nor me, so why cause worry for maybefitz


Those I believe who have the problems are the single, elderly men, with meagre income, living here alone without anyone living with them and looking after them, they simply should not be allowed to live here, they are parasites 


They likely have never contributed to the system here, so what right do they have to be expecting to be looked after, and I am very sure pay no taxes here, many also fraudulently claiming UK benefits they are not entitled to


Old people living alone in the UK have a govt support system even when they are not ill, meals on wheels, day centre, GPs bus passes housing etc etc they will be taken care of, even getting their toenails cut ! !!


AND anyone can return so long as it is going to be  p e r m a n e n t of course the laws could change


Part of the costs of my self insure system is seeing my wife, (30 yrs younger, married ten) primary carer, is well looked after and content,and loved, and if that means dipping into reserves so be it, many tell us what happens to those alone trusting no one keeping what little money they have so safe it can not be accessed in an emergency, generally mean penny pinching spongers who only care for themselves, and with few brains


I know of one long time old man, for the last eight years he was here, he only had survival money, he had several medium term girlfriends who wanted to take him in, but then he wanted more sex and self gratification, and got rid of his carers on several occasions and was seriously selfish, he was getting to the stage he could not feed himself, and pretty alone, a flight back to the UK was arranged , he was picked up by social security, at the airport in the UK, despite going missing at the UK airport and being found five hours later in the wheelchair,  and is now in a home. The British Embassy also helped set up arrangements, however contributed nothing financially.


This man Frank was one of the lucky ones he got home to the UK just in time, despite his own stubbornness and stupidity


I have no sympathy for old people from the UK who stay here too long, or can not deal with medical costs as they arise, they know the risks, and they have choices, GO HOME, I may contribute a little to an airfare home but to paying medical costs here no way


I make these comments as a man who has serious medical problems, who has no traditional insurance, but does at least have a plan, including a list of potential nurses who can help my wife in the event things got too bad


God helps those who help themselves

It seems you only read my first statement. I discussed my understanding of the need for the Thais to try to ensure farangs do not create a drain on their medical systems—look how many farangs are reported on TV as needing medical care here and cannot pay them.


I believe my observation is problematic for anyone. What if the dipper has dipped when you need the money for medical expenses—often people have no backup—else why would the insurance fund be dipped into? However, you have your opinion and I have mine.


Anyone without enough funds is liable and living alone may add problems, but having a live-in partner does not eliminate medical bills. The parasites, as you call them, are, I believe, the impetus of the Thai rationale for mandating insurance for farangs.  Consequently, I see their point and believe I proposed a workable solution—the Thais could sell shares—insurance—in their state medical system for all foreigners, not matter their age, or demand an insurance fund held in a Thai bank and only usable for medical expenses.


Again, I reiterate your plan of having home-care is creditable; however, that doe s not cover medicines, hospitals and doctors; which are more likely the major medical costs.


I also do not see spending money on the care of your wife, children and yourself as dipping into the insurance fund—if that is the case, then I would not consider that self-insuring, you simply have an open reserve for any additional costs.


And, if you wait for god to help you, no matter how much you tried to help yourselves; that is also problematic

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