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Tourism minister is not worried with Thailand being named one of the most dangerous countries


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12 hours ago, Misterwhisper said:

Time for a few more hub announcements to counter balance the bad news!

Don't worry, some kind hearted taxi driver will return a wallet he found with 30,000 thb in it in the next couple of days.  

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47 minutes ago, Sydebolle said:

Kobkran is not an asset but one of the worst liabilities this country's public relation has. 

Replace her immediately and put an expert into her seat; she's ready for looking after grand children and Likae (ลิเก), the old art of musical folks drama. 

Or just queue the Benny Hill tune as background music on each of her speeches... Would fit perfectly...

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1 hour ago, Lupatria said:

A few days ago someone posted here she is one of the most qualified ministers in this country. Now that's a reason to be worried.

You missed the point.

1. Get job as Minister - buy big houses, cars, submarines.... Now your family is rich enough to never need to work again.

2. Find out you can't do the job, but relax in the knowledge that it's unlikely that you will get fired and even if you are fired,  you'll still be rich.

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16 minutes ago, dexjnr555 said:

The tourists will keep on coming anyway, nothing beats a bit of thrill in their lives anyways hey? She is not a stupid person, that is for sure.

Not stupid, are you sure?  This is the person who apparently released pokemons into the wild in Thailand to "lure" tourists. Definately a sandwich short of the picnic.  She is loony tunes 

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For once she's telling the truth, and she's right.


An article on WEF's front page dtd APR 2017, has Thailand at #3 for Tourist Friendly Destinations in SE Asia, behind Singapore and Malaysia.


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Thailand is dangerous! .....Who is spreading these out-of-date vicious lies? .......Are they the same terrible people who are saying Thailand has the second high road toll in the world and has the highest motorcycle death rate. Road travel is not dangerous for us government officials in military escorted chauffeur driven limousines. 

Thailand is the safest place in the world because we are always having conferences, discussions, conventions, seminars, forums and summits to discuss safety.

We don't achieve much but at least we talk about it a lot and boost the economy with all those resort bookings and seafood buffet lunches and dinners.

Edited by Cadbury
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2 hours ago, dexjnr555 said:

Thailand is relatively safe, if you don't go looking for trouble.


I feel safe walking around in the middle of the night for instance.


Can't say the same for other countries...

Never mind the dogs will welcome you.


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Thailand comes 118 out of 135 countries. 

It is worth reading the methodology for how they calculated this part of the report.




2.01 Business costs of crime and violence

In your country, to what extent does the incidence of crime and violence impose costs on businesses? (1 = to a great extent, 7 = not at all) | 2015–2016 weighted average

Source: World Economic Forum, Executive Opinion Survey 


2.02 Reliability of police services

In your country, to what extent can police services be relied upon to enforce law and order? (1 = cannot be relied upon at all, 7 = can be completely relied upon) | 2015–2016 weighted average

Source: World Economic Forum, Executive Opinion Survey


2.03 Business costs of terrorism

In your country, to what extent does the threat of terrorism impose costs on businesses? (1 = to a great extent, 7 = not at all) | 2015–2016 weighted average

Source: World Economic Forum, Executive Opinion Survey 


2.04 Index of terrorism incidence

Simple average of the number of terrorism-related casualties (injuries and fatalities) and the number of terrorist attacks, each normalized on a scale of 1 to 7 | 2013–2015 total

This index has been created on the basis of data contained in the START Database (National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism). It is the average of the total number of “terrorism attacks” during the 2010–2012 period and the total number of “terrorism casualties” (fatalities plus injured people) over the same period. Prior to aggregation, both totals were transformed on a scale ranging from 1 (most attacks/casualties) to 7 (no attack/casualty) using a min-max formula. On both measures, economies whose terrorism incidence is above the 95th percentile are assigned a transformed score of 1.

Source: World Economic Forum’s calculations based on data from National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START), Global Terrorism Database. Retrieved from http://www.start.umd.edu/gtd on January 17, 2017. 


2.05 Homicide rate

Number of homicide cases per 100,000 population | 2014 or most recent

The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) collects statistics on homicide occurrences worldwide, pooling information from national sources as well as other international institutions such as Interpol, Eurostat, the Organization of American States, UNICEF and the World Health Organization (WHO).

Note: Higher value means worse outcome.

Source: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)


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2 hours ago, dexjnr555 said:

The tourists will keep on coming anyway, nothing beats a bit of thrill in their lives anyways hey? She is not a stupid person, that is for sure.

How long have you been in Thailand?

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18 hours ago, icare999 said:

well ive been here 30 years and raised a family i consider Thailand very safe if you are not stupid having said that id not trust leaving children on their own here anymore than i would in any country in fact if you look at UK and child grooming by a group of immigrants in uk which went on for years id say UK is not safe of ocurse if thye mean roads and driving here id agree 100% probably in top 5 for being unsafe in that respect 

Life is fairly safe in your house.


For tourists, they are out and about all day. They are on the roads, in the water, in the trees, and in bars. It's dangerous being a tourist here.

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This woman would claim an increase in tourists if there was a simultaneous outbreak of Ebola, SARS and bubonic plague.

Medical Tourism -
Up by 17.54%, contributing 17.95 Billion Baht.....
A Hub....
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On 6/14/2017 at 5:09 PM, dexjnr555 said:

They do, I have not had any problems with soi dogs, even though some have looked menacing at night. I am a dog lover, so no dramas.

Generally, dogs sense whether you are scared of them or not. I've never had a soi dog even bark at me! I too love dogs.

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