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6 minutes ago, seancbk said:

I'm British. 

I know what Cockney Rhyming Slang is and once you said that was what you mean't I immediately got the reference, but as I said the last thing on my mind was an out of date, colloquial style of speaking used by working class people in London.

I thought you were an American because you kept alluding to him being gay and seemed unfamiliar with the use of ginger to mean red-head.


I'd bet that more people would get the red-head reference than some esoteric reference to a bit of Cockney rhyming slang.


As I said, sheltered life.

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1 minute ago, Flustered said:

I can understand older guys from Northern Europe wanting to come and live in Thailand with the better weather and other incentives, but I fail to understand why Australians or Americans do this.


Every Australian/American I have spoken with says that Australia/America has the finest weather, food, beaches, health care, social benefits etc. so why leave all of this and move to a country that does not have these life benefits?


Any Brit or Northern European you speak to will complain about their weather, lousy food etc. but not Australians/Americans.


The only reason I can think of is the women in Thailand (Isaan, Islands or wherever) are much easier on the eye and nicer than Australian/American women.


Just a thought.

Australia and fine food do not and will never go hand in hand. 

21 hours ago, Bendi said:

I can recomand Udon Thani. Thats Isaan but stil in the zivilisation. Good food, nice ladies and plenty of training possibilitys?

 Werner? Is that you?

6 minutes ago, Flustered said:

I can understand older guys from Northern Europe wanting to come and live in Thailand with the better weather and other incentives, but I fail to understand why Australians or Americans do this.


Every Australian/American I have spoken with says that Australia/America has the finest weather, food, beaches, health care, social benefits etc. so why leave all of this and move to a country that does not have these life benefits?


Any Brit or Northern European you speak to will complain about their weather, lousy food etc. but not Australians/Americans.


The only reason I can think of is the women in Thailand (Isaan, Islands or wherever) are much easier on the eye and nicer than Australian/American women.


Just a thought.

Being Australian, I can 100% agree with you. Except for the attractiveness part, every country has some good looking and not so good looking people. Personally I am more into a woman from a different culture, as I see Australian girls as just me with a pair of breasts. So I find it relatively boring.

If I didn't get free health care, if I had to pay for a house, if my children didn't get free education until they finish their bachelor, if my wife didn't get a pension bigger than the Australian one until she died, then no way would I live in Thailand. But we do get all of those things, so we may as well have the government pay for a third of her loan here, rather than us trying to pay off a 20+ million baht home back in Melbourne. 

That is why this Aussie lives in Thailand, rather than the Mrs move to Australia. 

12 minutes ago, Flustered said:

As I said, sheltered life.


My life has probably been less sheltered than yours.   


Just now, seancbk said:


My life has probably been less sheltered than yours.   


Of course it has.


That's why you understood the joke about "gingers" which is a very commonly used term.

32 minutes ago, Flustered said:

Of course it has.


That's why you understood the joke about "gingers" which is a very commonly used term.


I understood it once I realised you were using rhyming slang, something that is outdated and not even used in London anymore.

I don't think anyone else knew what you were getting at until you mentioned rhyming slang.

The far more common use of the descriptor 'a ginger' is to refer to the colour of the persons hair.




"In England girls just don't like me much, but here its a different world"


You already figured it out; expect different world means girls that will do anything for money.


If girls in your own country don't like you much, maybe you should look in the mirror and ask yourself why?


Thailand is surely no gage for "sexy men" such as yourself.


Thai's still believe ALL foreigners are rich, even if told otherwise and hang onto that thought like it is their last breath.


Your just a sex tourist in Thailand because you cannot get any women anywhere else.


The rest of the world calls it prostitution, in Thailand it is dumbed down to fun.


Doesn't say much for you mate having to travel half way round the world for sex.





2 hours ago, Flustered said:

I can understand older guys from Northern Europe wanting to come and live in Thailand with the better weather and other incentives, but I fail to understand why Australians or Americans do this.


Every Australian/American I have spoken with says that Australia/America has the finest weather, food, beaches, health care, social benefits etc. so why leave all of this and move to a country that does not have these life benefits?


Any Brit or Northern European you speak to will complain about their weather, lousy food etc. but not Australians/Americans.


The only reason I can think of is the women in Thailand (Isaan, Islands or wherever) are much easier on the eye and nicer than Australian/American women.


Just a thought.

I would think the reason is pretty clear. Whether Australia or US, these blokes cannot find anyone to even look in their direction in the western world. If Thai women were the same as western women, you would have about 95% less farang's living in Thailand. The high temps, ridiculous humidity, monsoon rains, flooding, drought, traffic, pollution, crime, living on a meager budget in a one room flat? No first world rights as a citizen or anything else. Why in the world would anyone chose Thailand if not for the ease of the women? 

9 minutes ago, bwpage3 said:

I would think the reason is pretty clear. Whether Australia or US, these blokes cannot find anyone to even look in their direction in the western world. If Thai women were the same as western women, you would have about 95% less farang's living in Thailand. The high temps, ridiculous humidity, monsoon rains, flooding, drought, traffic, pollution, crime, living on a meager budget in a one room flat? No first world rights as a citizen or anything else. Why in the world would anyone chose Thailand if not for the ease of the women? 

Not all blokes but I hear what you are saying. Plenty of penfold looking fellas and fat floaters about that would not get a look in anywhere but thailand and the penfold types actually believe they are hands when really there a hunch of anoraks and at least the fat geezers are honest with themselves which is why the fat lads are normally a bit more boisterous.

7 hours ago, wildewillie89 said:

My sister lives in Sweden...isn't the saying, 'there's no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing' haha.

I think you are right though, maybe it does depend on where someone is from. I used to have a friend who worked 3 months in Melbourne, and 9 months in the Czech republic. He dreaded going back due to the weather. Coming from Australia, however, i cannot justify it really. We have great weather, and great beaches. I guess more personal things come into play with a lot of people also, physical appearance, rough personalities, the usual reasons why finding women back home may present problems. My mum left my dad 10 years ago. He was a short, skinny, bald 50 year old, I got him on the apps and he was going on a couple of dates a week. so the personal things would really have to be some end of the spectrum shit lol. 


I guess I can understand a brothel experience back home may be less satisfying than an experience here in Thai. There are the added bonuses of the company, taking the girl out on a 'date' if you like, maybe exploring the country together. But he must realise it is what it is, payment for effectively one thing. I think that is where you are right, are these bonuses really worth the trip? Depending on where someone is from, maybe they are. For me personally, I think Melbourne covers everything someone needs to not have to have a holiday of fun in Thai. So maybe my vision was quite tunnelled with this.

For the girl though, i think it is no different to a brothel. It is still a numbers/client game, just a slightly different process. As much as she probably likes to think it is different from say working in a brothel, surely she has checked her mind to form the belief it is not different. Otherwise, she would just be emotionally hurting herself all of the time. She knows when this client is leaving, she has the next one booked. So she has to see it purely as business (like in a brothel)...if she doesn't, then she really needs to change professions,

I wonder if the men complaining on here thought living here was an extension to the holiday experience they had. That is my concern also, it is almost a 'fake' holiday that can bring a great deal of pleasure (both physical and emotional). However, living here is completely different. You either need money, or need to know some serious people (or marry a rich Thai). Or just live a life very uncomfortable to what you are used to. I feel the holiday experience, if it can be achieved back home, would be a much better option for many of the users on the forum. Will save them from a bit of a fall later on in life.

An old work colleague who frequently visits the Philippines bar scene is always trying to find a way to live there. Luckily so far he has been smart enough to realise he doesn't have the money or earning capabilities to live there. But you can just see he will snap one day and make a silly decision to try and make it there. And he will end up one of the complaining Westerners on the equivalent Philippines Visa forum.

It is good you have found good schools for your daughter (probably the hardest thing to find for your family here). Something I will have to go through in the next 5 or so years, when the little one is of the appropriate age.   

You have opened my eyes a little :). 

Thanks for your reply.


Your sister is correct, that's the saying – however sometimes it's more pleasant to forget the clothing and change the weather-conditions – a benefit with downpour in Bangkok and Southern Thailand is that it's a just like a warm shower, compared to freezing snowy winter-time in Sweden; or Denmark for that matter...


Our wise founder of the major charter-tourism agency in Scandinavia,  eccentric mr. Spies said: »You can not buy love for money, but you can buy something that looks exactly like it.« In my view that fits extremely well with what many a man experience in Thailand, being it short-time, long-time, or relationship – and isn't that Okay, as long as the ladies' performance are for Academy Awards? – perhaps that's why so many get attracted to Thai women, and even trapped. And that may also be the difference from workings ladies at home, and those working here; that different feeling where the man feels he's something else than a number in queue, something special; even it's still business.


Another difference is, that many a so called working lady actually is looking for "love" – or at least a provider, she may not love, but can live together with – I would presume half, or even more of the working girls are on lookout, but they need at the same time to earn for not only their own living, but also to send for those they have a obligation to take care of; being parents, grandparents and/or child/children. I've seen many Western men finding mutual, if not love, then long lasting win-win relationships with with a former working lady.


We hear and read so many horror-stories about farangs being ripped off by the bar girls, sure that can happen, but the worst stories I know – and they are directly from one part – are not about birds from the nightlife, but so-called "normal" ladies; even from a fine, important Chinese family, ripping the farang husband totally, much smarter than a little Isaan bar-lady can ever figure out. 


Many Thais are thinking more old-fashioned that we Westerners – however, we were also thinking something like that, 50 to 100 years ago – where a man is supposed to be a provider in a relationship or marriage; where a man preferably shall be older than the lady, as he will then be a better provider; that a marriage is first of all of convenience, several women would try to marry up in social status. I know many, really many, so-called "normal" Thai women, with a normal job, and an education, dreaming about the white prince on the white horse – some have a failed Thai relationship behind, others not – they are, just like the birds from the night life, on the lookout for a man to, if not love, then live together with if he can provide.

So what I'm saying is, that there's a big difference from the working girl you mention from back home, and many a working girl the foreigners meet here (of course not all) – and a huge difference between being a number in the queue line, or a potential future boyfriend or husband – and that the professional dating game can feel pretty much same as just dating. Remember that many, if not most, Thai ladies are expecting an old-fashioned gentleman, that invites and pay the bill, one who's aware and like to give small gifts – that's what Thais do – and most of them know very little about Western culture, so they just expect men to be like what they expect. Also note – and that surprised me, when I realized it – that a Thai boyfriend, or husband, will give his full paycheck to his girlfriend or wife (considered wife in Thai culture, when living together), and receive little pocket money in return. Maybe that's why we farangs sometime feel, we are getting ripped...:whistling:


I have many female Thai friends – friends only – and they often tell about their life; remember privacy is non existent in Thailand. One lady said: »I don't love (her husband), but I can live with him, and I'm happy.« I knew who she loved, a friends of mine – and they have just met, nothing more, she's a decent lady – but that would be an impossible relationship, as he was not in a position to provide enough for giving her a good life, and pay her Thai son's education. Another woman was a new bird in the nightlife, she said: »It's not difficult at all, it's just like having a very kind husband that pays attention, much better than my former Thai husband; well, it may be another husband next week, or tomorrow, but they are all so very kind.«


The girls in Thailand are different – not same-same as home – but many foreign men tend to leave their brain at the "Brain Deposit" counter in Suvarnabhumi; when they get their brain back and realize what happened, some may begin to complain...


You are right about money, having some mean a lot – even I have friends living here for next to nothing, and still so very happy – especially if you have a family to take care of (I talk from experience). Finding a good school will also cost some money. Yes, I've been lucky with everything in Land-of-Smiles, my girlfriend, our offspring, living on a Bounty-paradise island, my house-swop to something from my wildest dream – still afraid to wake-up a cold winter morning back home and realize that it's all nothing but a dream – hope I'll never wake up, nor return...:smile:

9 hours ago, khunPer said:

Thanks for your reply.


Your sister is correct, that's the saying – however sometimes it's more pleasant to forget the clothing and change the weather-conditions – a benefit with downpour in Bangkok and Southern Thailand is that it's a just like a warm shower, compared to freezing snowy winter-time in Sweden; or Denmark for that matter...


Our wise founder of the major charter-tourism agency in Scandinavia,  eccentric mr. Spies said: »You can not buy love for money, but you can buy something that looks exactly like it.« In my view that fits extremely well with what many a man experience in Thailand, being it short-time, long-time, or relationship – and isn't that Okay, as long as the ladies' performance are for Academy Awards? – perhaps that's why so many get attracted to Thai women, and even trapped. And that may also be the difference from workings ladies at home, and those working here; that different feeling where the man feels he's something else than a number in queue, something special; even it's still business.


Another difference is, that many a so called working lady actually is looking for "love" – or at least a provider, she may not love, but can live together with – I would presume half, or even more of the working girls are on lookout, but they need at the same time to earn for not only their own living, but also to send for those they have a obligation to take care of; being parents, grandparents and/or child/children. I've seen many Western men finding mutual, if not love, then long lasting win-win relationships with with a former working lady.


We hear and read so many horror-stories about farangs being ripped off by the bar girls, sure that can happen, but the worst stories I know – and they are directly from one part – are not about birds from the nightlife, but so-called "normal" ladies; even from a fine, important Chinese family, ripping the farang husband totally, much smarter than a little Isaan bar-lady can ever figure out. 


Many Thais are thinking more old-fashioned that we Westerners – however, we were also thinking something like that, 50 to 100 years ago – where a man is supposed to be a provider in a relationship or marriage; where a man preferably shall be older than the lady, as he will then be a better provider; that a marriage is first of all of convenience, several women would try to marry up in social status. I know many, really many, so-called "normal" Thai women, with a normal job, and an education, dreaming about the white prince on the white horse – some have a failed Thai relationship behind, others not – they are, just like the birds from the night life, on the lookout for a man to, if not love, then live together with if he can provide.

So what I'm saying is, that there's a big difference from the working girl you mention from back home, and many a working girl the foreigners meet here (of course not all) – and a huge difference between being a number in the queue line, or a potential future boyfriend or husband – and that the professional dating game can feel pretty much same as just dating. Remember that many, if not most, Thai ladies are expecting an old-fashioned gentleman, that invites and pay the bill, one who's aware and like to give small gifts – that's what Thais do – and most of them know very little about Western culture, so they just expect men to be like what they expect. Also note – and that surprised me, when I realized it – that a Thai boyfriend, or husband, will give his full paycheck to his girlfriend or wife (considered wife in Thai culture, when living together), and receive little pocket money in return. Maybe that's why we farangs sometime feel, we are getting ripped...:whistling:


I have many female Thai friends – friends only – and they often tell about their life; remember privacy is non existent in Thailand. One lady said: »I don't love (her husband), but I can live with him, and I'm happy.« I knew who she loved, a friends of mine – and they have just met, nothing more, she's a decent lady – but that would be an impossible relationship, as he was not in a position to provide enough for giving her a good life, and pay her Thai son's education. Another woman was a new bird in the nightlife, she said: »It's not difficult at all, it's just like having a very kind husband that pays attention, much better than my former Thai husband; well, it may be another husband next week, or tomorrow, but they are all so very kind.«


The girls in Thailand are different – not same-same as home – but many foreign men tend to leave their brain at the "Brain Deposit" counter in Suvarnabhumi; when they get their brain back and realize what happened, some may begin to complain...


You are right about money, having some mean a lot – even I have friends living here for next to nothing, and still so very happy – especially if you have a family to take care of (I talk from experience). Finding a good school will also cost some money. Yes, I've been lucky with everything in Land-of-Smiles, my girlfriend, our offspring, living on a Bounty-paradise island, my house-swop to something from my wildest dream – still afraid to wake-up a cold winter morning back home and realize that it's all nothing but a dream – hope I'll never wake up, nor return...:smile:

Be careful if you go out in storms. Melioidosis is now the third biggest infectious disease killer in Thailand. Can kill you within 24 hours (severely under reported/publicized by the Government). But researchers from Mahidol University and doctors in the hospitals are now saying stay indoors or wear a face mask if it is raining outside. Due to the fact it thrives in wet seasons.


I not care so much if a farang gets ripped off by a bar girl, I more care if the bar girl gets ripped off by the farang. Many of these working ladies live pretty terrible existences. They are sometimes not paid, they are sometimes raped (whether forced or refusal to wear protection), sometimes beaten…something that cannot happen back home due to the strict rules in place. Although once I was walking down the road with my dad who I was showing around,  and one working girl asked me to go with her, I refused, so she put out her cigarette on me lol.


I seem to disagree with the providence aspect of things in some sections of society. Yes, many Thai are like that, but I feel many are the opposite. It is very easy for farang to find non-working girls, there is no shortage of them. Even fat, ugly farang can find educated women, they are just to lazy to search, or want young girls. For example, when we got married, the wife of the boss of the district office attended for us to get our wedding certificate from them. She told my wife, that your husband has given up a lot for him to move here. He has come from a country that Thailand cannot even compare to. She said her other Thai friends who have farang husbands don’t even expect them to work so you should not also expect him to work as you have a good job. I obviously do work, but it is just a different line of thinking within Thai society, that many farang seem to not see (especially many on this forum). Society is changing. Where the mothers didn’t get an education/job, their daughters are now. Even the poorest of farming families can get their daughter through a crappy university and get a comfortable, relatively secure job. Sure the pay is not great, but they can provide for themselves.

However, yes, providence is a big thing for a lot of Thai. They claim it is a cultural thing, however, meeting the Thai people I have, the country has come along to Western standards in this respect, so I consider these women just plain lazy to work hard. My wife’s secretaries all are from poor farming families (families on anything up to 4,000 baht a month). A lot of their friends are working girls. There is a definite stigma attached to the job in Thailand, and more so these days as it is becoming more of a choice, rather than a forced option it seems. Generally, I believe, to the fact the salary can look a lot nicer than a regular job with a cheque.

Is living (without love), enough for people? Generally, those living is just for the providence aspect. Considering that Thailand is considered the most adulterous country in the world, is it enough for these men and women to be happy? If we believe the crappy Durex survey on adultery done years ago, Thai women who seek a provider usually have more ‘Giks’, than Thai men even (who are world famous for their on the side work). So if a better looking, geographically closer, richer man comes along, then it seems perfectly acceptable to go behind the man’s back and sleep with him. I know every man likes to think his girl is not doing it, but if she has married for reasons, other than some sort of love, then if we believe the stats, then the majority are doing it. Even just traveling around shopping, Thai women come up to my wife and tell her stay true to your man, I cheated on mine with another farang who had more money and lost both of them (obviously they’re assuming my wife is also seeking providence). It seems to be very normal here. Like Thai girls who are Giks of high position police, receive their monthly payments and have their secret guys they really like on the side. Or more Giks on the side. The policeman finds out, and next minute the girl does not have the car he was paying the monthly payments for anymore.


I feel many women back home are also looking for something in brothels. I had friends who I met through friends work the jobs back home. If they found a good guy at work they would set up ‘normal’ dates, but they also went out to seek a date as well. Then again, some are just looking for a new handbag, most though, are actually students paying their way through schooling. Rather than work 5 days at a supermarket, they can work a night or two in the house. But back home it is a taxed job, so the stigma is not quite as great, at the end of the day you're stilling doing your part for society. 



Australia is a fantastic country, but like many western countries, it is orientated towards the young. Once you are over 55, you are often considered past it and just form part of the scenery as far as most younger people are concerned.


Thailand still has respect for the 'ederly' and it is not a disadvantage being older. In fact, quite the opposite.


I lived in Australia for 55 years and thought why not live in another country for 10 years or so?




Do you honestly expect people to read a copied post of over 30 lines and then your reply again over 30 lines?


It would help if you just kept to the salient points.


2 hours ago, Stevemercer said:

Thailand still has respect for the 'ederly' and it is not a disadvantage being older. In fact, quite the opposite.

I agree. 


Thailand is about lifestyle choice .

34 minutes ago, Flustered said:



Do you honestly expect people to read a copied post of over 30 lines and then your reply again over 30 lines?


It would help if you just kept to the salient points.


I was replying to another post of 30 lines. We obviously read each others post, if you don't that is fine. The fact you bothered to comment on it shows some interest in it though :)

2 hours ago, wildewillie89 said:

I was replying to another post of 30 lines. We obviously read each others post, if you don't that is fine. The fact you bothered to comment on it shows some interest in it though :)

I am always interested in anyone who has a point of view.


The problem is that you lose interest when a post is so long and not formatted properly.


For all I know it could have been very interesting.

1 hour ago, Flustered said:

I am always interested in anyone who has a point of view.


The problem is that you lose interest when a post is so long and not formatted properly.


For all I know it could have been very interesting.

I wrote it in Microsoft Word, as i find this forum particularly annoying unless you only want to write 3 words. Did it not come up properly? Looks fine on my computer. 

On 6/16/2017 at 6:25 PM, bwpage3 said:

"In England girls just don't like me much, but here its a different world"


You already figured it out; expect different world means girls that will do anything for money.


If girls in your own country don't like you much, maybe you should look in the mirror and ask yourself why?


Thailand is surely no gage for "sexy men" such as yourself.


Thai's still believe ALL foreigners are rich, even if told otherwise and hang onto that thought like it is their last breath.


Your just a sex tourist in Thailand because you cannot get any women anywhere else.


The rest of the world calls it prostitution, in Thailand it is dumbed down to fun.


Doesn't say much for you mate having to travel half way round the world for sex.





- humans are sexual beings, I'm just doing whats natural for young guys in their 20s, call it sex tourism if you like, I'm a laid back guy, I just think of it as I'm on holiday for 3 months and I fancy having sex with a women,  its not that I have to come to Thailand to get sex, I don't really bother to try and get sex in England, I prefer Asian women.



I've decided I'm gonna stay in Bangkok, and maybe get a girlfriend instead of meeting many women, I've learned that the more women you meet the complications it can cause,as these women still want to be friends and keep in contact, meet again, I think having one girl is better.

On 2017-6-14 at 5:12 PM, wildewillie89 said:

Yeah, 'rangas' aren't too popular for some reason it seems in Western countries. Don't know if the word has caught on worldwide, but it is what us Aussies call gingers. Was from a famous TV show down here, short for 'Orangutan'. Completely harmful joke of course. 

I can gladly confirm & assure you "rangas" are also popular for calling the ginger colour dudes in the Land Down Under of the Wizard of Oz  :)

On 2017-6-16 at 7:02 PM, Flustered said:

Every Australian/American I have spoken with says that Australia/America has the finest weather, food, beaches, health care, social benefits etc. so why leave all of this and move to a country that does not have these life benefits?


Any Brit or Northern European you speak to will complain about their weather, lousy food etc. but not Australians/Americans.

You obviously don't know many Aussies. How many did you ask, two of them? lol....Same with the Yanks?


As a fellow man from the Wonderful Wizard of Oz I can assure the weather here is shithouse in the winter and the few months before/after.

3 hours ago, Bonobojt said:

I've decided I'm gonna stay in Bangkok, and maybe get a girlfriend instead of meeting many women, I've learned that the more women you meet the complications it can cause,as these women still want to be friends and keep in contact, meet again, I think having one girl is better.

Sounds clever enough to avoid too many problems – but Thais are used to so-called "gik"s – many mistresses, or misstresses only; however some ladies don't like the man having a gik, or several, and those ladies can be quite dramatic in the reaction when they realize it...:shock1:


By the way, be aware that the Thai women statistically – if such a thing is reliable – have more giks than Thai men have, and the men are already World famous (or infamous) for that maneuver...:whistling:


But one girl – at the time – may be a (very) wise decision.

Wish you good luck...:smile:

52 minutes ago, garrya said:

Oh my ... What a thread, and what an OP. I can't believe this is real. 

Nor can most of us but it is very entertaining.


Just now, Flustered said:

Nor can most of us but it is very entertaining.


It is indeed. It fills the boring gaps.


Go to isan for sure. Choose a city that has a few universities and go out to one of the nightclubs. You will be spoilt for choices. Forget the island. Forget wearing condoms. Its unheard of up here. 

On 6/17/2017 at 3:25 AM, wildewillie89 said:

Be careful if you go out in storms. Melioidosis is now the third biggest infectious disease killer in Thailand. Can kill you within 24 hours (severely under reported/publicized by the Government). But researchers from Mahidol University and doctors in the hospitals are now saying stay indoors or wear a face mask if it is raining outside. Due to the fact it thrives in wet seasons.


I not care so much if a farang gets ripped off by a bar girl, I more care if the bar girl gets ripped off by the farang. Many of these working ladies live pretty terrible existences. They are sometimes not paid, they are sometimes raped (whether forced or refusal to wear protection), sometimes beaten…something that cannot happen back home due to the strict rules in place. Although once I was walking down the road with my dad who I was showing around,  and one working girl asked me to go with her, I refused, so she put out her cigarette on me lol.


I seem to disagree with the providence aspect of things in some sections of society. Yes, many Thai are like that, but I feel many are the opposite. It is very easy for farang to find non-working girls, there is no shortage of them. Even fat, ugly farang can find educated women, they are just to lazy to search, or want young girls. For example, when we got married, the wife of the boss of the district office attended for us to get our wedding certificate from them. She told my wife, that your husband has given up a lot for him to move here. He has come from a country that Thailand cannot even compare to. She said her other Thai friends who have farang husbands don’t even expect them to work so you should not also expect him to work as you have a good job. I obviously do work, but it is just a different line of thinking within Thai society, that many farang seem to not see (especially many on this forum). Society is changing. Where the mothers didn’t get an education/job, their daughters are now. Even the poorest of farming families can get their daughter through a crappy university and get a comfortable, relatively secure job. Sure the pay is not great, but they can provide for themselves.

However, yes, providence is a big thing for a lot of Thai. They claim it is a cultural thing, however, meeting the Thai people I have, the country has come along to Western standards in this respect, so I consider these women just plain lazy to work hard. My wife’s secretaries all are from poor farming families (families on anything up to 4,000 baht a month). A lot of their friends are working girls. There is a definite stigma attached to the job in Thailand, and more so these days as it is becoming more of a choice, rather than a forced option it seems. Generally, I believe, to the fact the salary can look a lot nicer than a regular job with a cheque.

Is living (without love), enough for people? Generally, those living is just for the providence aspect. Considering that Thailand is considered the most adulterous country in the world, is it enough for these men and women to be happy? If we believe the crappy Durex survey on adultery done years ago, Thai women who seek a provider usually have more ‘Giks’, than Thai men even (who are world famous for their on the side work). So if a better looking, geographically closer, richer man comes along, then it seems perfectly acceptable to go behind the man’s back and sleep with him. I know every man likes to think his girl is not doing it, but if she has married for reasons, other than some sort of love, then if we believe the stats, then the majority are doing it. Even just traveling around shopping, Thai women come up to my wife and tell her stay true to your man, I cheated on mine with another farang who had more money and lost both of them (obviously they’re assuming my wife is also seeking providence). It seems to be very normal here. Like Thai girls who are Giks of high position police, receive their monthly payments and have their secret guys they really like on the side. Or more Giks on the side. The policeman finds out, and next minute the girl does not have the car he was paying the monthly payments for anymore.


I feel many women back home are also looking for something in brothels. I had friends who I met through friends work the jobs back home. If they found a good guy at work they would set up ‘normal’ dates, but they also went out to seek a date as well. Then again, some are just looking for a new handbag, most though, are actually students paying their way through schooling. Rather than work 5 days at a supermarket, they can work a night or two in the house. But back home it is a taxed job, so the stigma is not quite as great, at the end of the day you're stilling doing your part for society. 


Thanks for your reply.


As with why ladies are "working", and also with the Western men sitting in a bar at soi Nana – the question-and-answers that our talk is based on – it's not black-and-white only; there are at least 50 shades of gray in between. I have learned that for Australian gentlemen, Thailand may be less different compared to Northern Europen gentlemen, that far from have the same options at home.


And all kind of uncountable individual differences in between black-and-white appears in all the relationships, working Thai girls vs. Western men – or "good" Thai girls etc... – the background for, or reason for seeking customers, for the working girls, may be quite different from Australia, or from those part of Scandinavia, where that kind of business is not prohibited by Law, compared to Thailand. Also for women, including "good" women, seeking a foreign partner or husband – whether love or marriage of convenience – is undoubtedly far from same.


Numerous answers, all may be right. I just reflected over your questions about why some men headed for Thailand, Nana-area more specific, when they can get (exactly) the same at home – because in my "home"-area, they can't...:smile:


In many parts of the world, including Australia, Thais make up nearly 75% of available sex workers. I'm sure it is similar in many western countries. Why is this? Is it something in the Thai culture, psyche or is it to do with 'Thainess'. Maybe it is just an economic fact that many Thais see working overseas as an opportunity to make money they can send home to the family.


I think it is a combination of these things:

  • Women are expected to contribute to the family and send remittances back to Thailand. Sex work doesn't really need any qualifications and can be well paid.
  • Thai people tend to live in the moment and don't overthink their futures. This can make them seem more spontaneous and fun.
  • It also means they can better handle the mental pressures of sex work without doing their heads in. Live for the day, do what is necessary and just enjoy time with your friends and family when you can.
  • Many Thai woman honestly want to do a good job and please a man whether it is through cooking or sex work. Mostly, they provide good service with a smile.
  • Many Thai women come from a hard, rural background and are prepared to go the extra mile to escape. If this includes sex with farangs, so be it.
  • Buddhist beliefs may mean a more fatalistic acceptance and appreciation of life. This can be a positive in that sex work is not evil, it may just be fate and hope springs eternal - maybe it is just the pathway to a better life for her family.
  • Every rural girl has seen or heard about friends of friends who have been overseas, or hooked up with a farang, and now seem to have money to burn.
  • While sex work is a stigma, it tends to be overlooked if a girl is contributing to the family.
  • Thai girls are sexy and don't generally have hang ups about sex, or about being a woman in a man's world (use their assets to their advantage).


I don't blame the OP for coming to Thailand for his holiday and enjoying himself.


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