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Trump being investigated for possible obstruction of justice - Washington Post


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1 hour ago, jb61 said:

speaking of questionable websites;




Having no formal background or experience in investigative research, Snopes.com is run by a married couple from California who assert their beliefs on controversial issues while pretending to “get to the bottom” of various issues in order to share facts with the public. There is no team of lawyers or public records being scoured here and there are no qualified researchers doing work behind the scenes. Snopes is nothing more than a very popular basement blog that takes on a front as a “fact checking” website. David and Barbara Mikkelson, husband and wife from San Fernando Valley, started their “neutral” blog of shoddy, liberal-bent research over a decade ago, posting time and time again their “final factual words” that aren’t really facts at all. Snopes repeatedly explains away criticisms towards liberal politicians and other leftist public figures while character assassinating conservatives. It’s obvious now that Snopes.com is particularly agenda motivated and biased to help Obama and Hillary Clinton, just as dogmatically as the mainstream media, including CNN, MSNBC, the Washington Post, the New York Times, the Boston Globe, Politifact, and Forbes. (1) (6)







PolitiFact Is Guilty of Fact Abuse

Bryan White, who operates the blog PolitiFactBias, did an analysis and according to Human Events found “PolitiFact is not that honest fact-checker. Once widely regarded as a unique, rigorous, and reasonably independent investigator of political claims, PolitiFact now declares conservatives wrong three times more often than liberals. More pointedly, the journalism organization concludes that conservatives have flat-out lied nine times more often than liberals.




In the three years since the end of the partnership with CQ, PolitiFact has found a total of 323 conservative claims to be untrue, with 119 of those getting Pants on Fire.




In the same time, it’s found 105 liberal claims to be untrue, with just 13 deemed Pants on Fire, according to White’s tally.”




PolitiFact tips the scales leftward in two important ways: first by what the fact twisters choose to study and two, by how it interprets what the individual said, up to and including putting words in their mouths.



Nope, no bias here. Move on, nothing to see.

Too gutless to link to your sources? I guess you know that that will give the game  awy. These claims about snopes.com and politifact have been debunked over and over. If you go to snopes.com for example, you can find numerous debunking of false things said about George W. Bush and Mitt Romney. Politifact is the organization that gave Obama the Liar of the Year award for his claim that you would be able to keep your doctor under obamacare.

Citing these lies, and not having the guts to show the source demonstrates that you have zero integrity.

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5 hours ago, Thaidream said:

As much as I dislike Trump's policies; his agenda and his comportment- he is no dictator. He is somewhat irrational; wily; and unethical as well as a narcissistic meglomaniac.


Mr Derscjowitz has some good points- Trump can fire both Comey and Mueller just as Nixon fired the Special Counsel during Watergate.  However, it may be legal but it is certainly not wise. History already tells us what happened o Nixon- his firing of the Special Counsel stated a chain of events that cascaded to a sure impeachment but he resigned first with a sure promise from the incoming President he would be pardoned.  I suspect the same will happen with Trump.


The real question is not regarding Comey it is whether Trump was elected because of collusion with Russia and what waas Trump's involvement if any and what did he know and when did he know it.  If that is not enough- there is the emolument issue being investigation which is unconstitutional if true.  Is Trump using the Presidency to gain financial gain either wittingly or unwittingly?   No one can call any of this fake news; one might not believe it- but it exists in reality.


If indeed , the Russians were able to hack into the election system- meaning the actual machines that count the votes and change those votes- that would have directly affected the election results and Trump may not actually be President.  The leaked NSA document shows that this is being investigated and there definitely was an attempt to gain access to the machines in 39 States. As an American, I want to know if  Russia gained access and if there was any collusion between anyone- including Trump or Clinton or their staff. I would hope that all Americans and the rest of the World would want to know this.


To me, if Trump has nothing to hide- he should vehemently support- a Special Counsel; any investigation into collusion in order to clear up any doubt. The more Trump tweets about fake news;  people out to get him; and generally disses the American system of justice; the courts and individual jurists- the more I and others start to believe there maybe truth in all . 

Methinks, the gentleman protests too much.


The sad part of all this is that there are real issues out there that are not being handled: the debt ceiling must be raised but may be held hostage to a potential government shutdown; a universal healthcare bill must be passed- not the nonsense the Republicans are advocating; and a tax reform bill that redistributes money from the 1% to the other 99% just to name a few issues.

Instead, we get useless tweets from Trump in the middle of the night; a cabinet meeting in which each member of the cabinet sings the praises of Trump instead of discussing real issues; and stonewalling from the Attorney General while testifying before Congress.

U.S. intelligence along with other countries established Putin directed the hacking of U.S. 2016 election. 45 is not acting like an Americans b/c he has not directed any form of retaliation/sanctions/ etc. He is ONLY interested in his ongoing PAYDAYs from being POTUS. That and people talking a/b him world wide are his focus. I wonder if he suspects how many disapprove of him... soon to hate him more than any other individual world wide. 

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Yes, collusion or not collusion, it has been really revealing that the truth has come out as far as trump's or his attorney general's interest in learning about the facts about the now fully proven massive involvement of the Russians in trying to influence the U.S. election. THEY HAD NO INTEREST! (No discussions. No briefings. Instead trump watches Fox and Friends and retweets that propaganda as if it was his own idea.)  If not actual collusion, what patriotic American president is not even interested in being briefed (much less take any ACTION) on such hostile foreign activities? It's shocking. That in itself should be grounds for impeachment. 


trumpists should honestly ask themselves if they would accept such irresponsible behavior in any other president. 

Edited by Jingthing
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Given that Trump was going nuts about an investigation that wasn't even intruding on the day-to-day business of governing much less having him as a target, I can't imagine but that he will fire Mueller in one of his many fits of rage. Or maybe it's now just one continuous fit of rage?

(I guess this comment means I will soon be guilty of inciting some loon to further violence)

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1 minute ago, dunroaming said:

Surely Trump must be viewed as the worst US President ever.  Clinton and even Nixon look like boy scouts in comparison.

There is very little doubt about that. 

Hopefully the American people can (legally and peacefully) make his pathetic adventure in the white house as brief as possible. 

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10 hours ago, mesquite said:

The investigation will clear Trump. The resistance will never get rid of Trump unless they kill him.  They shot a Republican leader yesterday and he's still alive, though in critical condition. 

The games have just begun.  Stay tuned

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I guess the obvious question is:  if there is nothing to hide, why not cooperate?  If it is a big game, it's going to be an expensive one.  The truth will come out because the investigations are becoming more intense and serious.  It appears the whole DT clan thought it would fade away, or they could just fire everyone that didn't go with the program.  The whole executive is fumbling and bumbling, and trying to cover everything with lies.


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2 hours ago, IMA_FARANG said:

In my opinion  Donald  Trump"s entire career has been one long attempt to evade responsibility for anything he has done from the start.

So what is different now?

But obviously he or his friends don't care a hoot about my opinions, nor for that matter neither do I care about his opinions.

As of yet however, he has not attempted to stop me from legally expressing my opinion as a U.S citizen,  but I am sure if he could, he would.

45 has total disdain for rule of law and w/out rule of law there is no democracy.

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9 hours ago, stevenl said:

He will fire Mueller, which will be the end of this investigation.

He won't fire Mueller, Mueller's boss should. He's pals with Comey and his aides apparently support the Dems. That's enough conflict of interest right there. However, it might be politically impractical to do so.


From the OP.

citing unidentified officials.


So the WaPo uses the same old tactics to make unproven accusations which, like all the previous unproven accusations by unidentified officials that have been false, will probably be found to be unfounded leaks by Trump haters. So what? Only the anti Trump cabal believe in these unsubstantiated leaks. Crying wolf too often by far to be taken seriously.


It's time the W H got serious and started arresting people. That's the only thing that is going to stop the leaks.

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6 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

He won't fire Mueller, Mueller's boss should. He's pals with Comey and his aides apparently support the Dems. That's enough conflict of interest right there. However, it might be politically impractical to do so.


From the OP.

citing unidentified officials.


So the WaPo uses the same old tactics to make unproven accusations which, like all the previous unproven accusations by unidentified officials that have been false, will probably be found to be unfounded leaks by Trump haters. So what? Only the anti Trump cabal believe in these unsubstantiated leaks. Crying wolf too often by far to be taken seriously.


It's time the W H got serious and started arresting people. That's the only thing that is going to stop the leaks.

"So the WaPo uses the same old tactics to make unproven accusations which, like all the previous unproven accusations by unidentified officials that have been false, will probably be found to be unfounded leaks by Trump haters."

YOu mean like the leak that said Comey wrote a memo that said Trump asked him not to invesigate Michael Flynn? 

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3 hours ago, IMA_FARANG said:

In my opinion  Donald  Trump"s entire career has been one long attempt to evade responsibility for anything he has done from the start.

So what is different now?

But obviously he or his friends don't care a hoot about my opinions, nor for that matter neither do I care about his opinions.

As of yet however, he has not attempted to stop me from legally expressing my opinion as a U.S citizen,  but I am sure if he could, he would.

Why would Trump care about your opinions? He IS the president. I doubt if he turns TVF on every day to see what the Trump haters say about him. I doubt he even knows TVF exists. He's got better things to worry about, like nutters trying to assassinate the GOP.

IMO you are quite safe to carry on, he wouldn't waste his time trying to do anything to anyone on TVF.


I see that we are back to pages and pages of Trump hate posts- it really gets boring, so carry on talking between yourselves, make your day :laugh:.

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1 minute ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Why would Trump care about your opinions? He IS the president. I doubt if he turns TVF on every day to see what the Trump haters say about him. I doubt he even knows TVF exists. He's got better things to worry about, like nutters trying to assassinate the GOP.

IMO you are quite safe to carry on, he wouldn't waste his time trying to do anything to anyone on TVF.


I see that we are back to pages and pages of Trump hate posts- it really gets boring, so carry on talking between yourselves, make your day :laugh:.

Thanks for giving us permission to carry on. Just like Trump, you want to claim credit for activities that are out of your control.

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1 minute ago, ilostmypassword said:

"So the WaPo uses the same old tactics to make unproven accusations which, like all the previous unproven accusations by unidentified officials that have been false, will probably be found to be unfounded leaks by Trump haters."

YOu mean like the leak that said Comey wrote a memo that said Trump asked him not to invesigate Michael Flynn? 

You mean what Comey wrote that can't be verified by anyone else. Only 2 people in the room . Classic case of "he said, he said". Needs more than an unverified memo to prove anything.

By all means come back if it turns out someone bugged the room and there are actual tapes to prove your case.

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Just now, thaibeachlovers said:

You mean what Comey wrote that can't be verified by anyone else. Only 2 people in the room . Classic case of "he said, he said". Needs more than an unverified memo to prove anything.

By all means come back if it turns out someone bugged the room and there are actual tapes to prove your case.

No. The Post wrote that Comey had written those memos. That turned out to be true. I remember at the time that the Trumpistas were denying even that.

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23 minutes ago, selftaopath said:

45 has total disdain for rule of law and w/out rule of law there is no democracy.

Are you saying Trump has total disdain for democracy?

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Just now, ilostmypassword said:

No. The Post wrote that Comey had written those memos. That turned out to be true. I remember at the time that the Trumpistas were denying even that.

LOL. Yes, Comey wrote it, and I never denied that. You just can't prove he wrote the truth.


Just repeating the same thing over and over and over doesn't make anything true.

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5 hours ago, PattayaJames said:

Really. How did he cheat?Massive assistance from Russian agents and hackers. :cheesy:

                     Yes.  And that laughing emoji is an appropriate response to the massively stupid and easily duped Trump fans who voted for him.  You can add 2.87 million laughing emojis to that one - that's the number of popular votes HRC had over Trump.

                             Russians didn't have to do much to get Trump lots of votes.  Trump voters are the same folks who believed, for 5 years, that Obama was a Kenyan Muslim.  The same sorts of folks who believe in virgin birth and take Noah's Ark literally. Very easily duped, if you wave a rifle, and shout lies at them.  It also helps to read them articles from The Sputnik (The Kremlin's newspaper).


1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

You mean what Comey wrote that can't be verified by anyone else. Only 2 people in the room . Classic case of "he said, he said". Needs more than an unverified memo to prove anything.

By all means come back if it turns out someone bugged the room and there are actual tapes to prove your case.

                                       Except, the notes Comey wrote were contemporaneous, because Comey already knew what a dangerous and law-breaking person Trump is.  Already, it's become a 'he said, he said' scenario.  Most Republicans believe Comey over Trump.  Only the most brown-nosed Trump fans would believe Trump is more credible than Comey.  

                                 Trump lost the credence contest (when stacked up against anyone else) months ago.  He's pretty much the only person on the planet who believes several obviously false things: One of many examples:  Obama personally wiretapped his phones at Trump Tower.  I don't think even Melania or Ivanka believe that.  Perhaps Don Jr, Newt and Guiliani do, but they'd believe Trump if he said he was the Pope.  

                          Actually, I'm somewhat surprised that Trump hasn't brought Christie, Gingrich and Guiliani into his inner circle.   They all sang praises of him during the campaign.   Ok, I can understand Christie not being brought on-board, but that's because Christie successfully prosecuted Jared's father for law-breaking, so of course Kushner is adamant about keeping Christie far away.


                            Guiliani is not even on the short list for FBI chief.  Jeezo, Trump, I thought you were so serious about loyalty, but you're as loyal as a drone mosquito is to its 1-second mating partner.  





Edited by boomerangutang
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1 hour ago, ilostmypassword said:

No. The Post wrote that Comey had written those memos. That turned out to be true. I remember at the time that the Trumpistas were denying even that.

Trumpsters aren't even denying most of what Comey claims.   The only things they deny, about Comey's recollections, are the things that reflect badly on Trump.


1 hour ago, rijb said:

Are you saying Trump has total disdain for democracy?

Yes.  Who is putting up endless roadblocks to finding truth?  If T had nothing to hide and/or he cared a whit for US elections being un-muddied, he would assist with the investigation.  Everything he, his lawyers and his aides are doing screams cover-up.   They're the exact actions of a guilty person.


                             Note:  Sessions said he never had any info about the Russia- Trump imbroglio, and never discussed it with Trump.   Outragous.  All 17 federal security agencies in DC agreed there was serious breach of US elections by Trumpsters, yet the AG and the Prez don't even discuss it.  


                            Yet, while not expending a calorie to discuss it with anyone, Sessions can state unequivocally, that neither Trump nor anyone connected the Trump campaign had anything at all to do with the Russian interference in the 2016 election.  


                            That's like me saying; I never read up on, nor discussed anything about the Chinese Politburo, but I can emphatically say' they're all completely free of corruption.


                              Sessions could take it one step further, and echo his boss, by saying, "How do we know it's the Russians?  It could be the Chinese.  It could be a 400 pound guy lying on a bed in New Jersey."    

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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

You mean what Comey wrote that can't be verified by anyone else. Only 2 people in the room . Classic case of "he said, he said". Needs more than an unverified memo to prove anything.

By all means come back if it turns out someone bugged the room and there are actual tapes to prove your case.

Yes, just two people in the room, and one of them is lying. To give you a clue about the lying one, I will give you a hint;

There is only one person talking about tapes of this conversation , and guess what? It's the orange clown.

So, who do you believe??

Sorry, don't answer that, we already know.

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2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Why would Trump care about your opinions? He IS the president. I doubt if he turns TVF on every day to see what the Trump haters say about him. I doubt he even knows TVF exists. He's got better things to worry about, like nutters trying to assassinate the GOP.

IMO you are quite safe to carry on, he wouldn't waste his time trying to do anything to anyone on TVF.


I see that we are back to pages and pages of Trump hate posts- it really gets boring, so carry on talking between yourselves, make your day :laugh:.

Lots of people here on TV that have their knives out for Trump but they are less than a drop in the ocean compared to the millions in the world who feel the same way..  The momentum mounts daily as he continues to show the world just what a moron he is.  He may be POTUS but that doesn't mean much when you don't have the respect of the people

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A prediction that may be obvious to some already:


                       The deeper the probes into the Trump-Russia connections, the more it will be shown to revolve around money.   Trump is very rich, as are many of his buddies.  Putin is one of the richest men in the world.  Very rich people are never satisfied with how much they're worth.  They always crave more.


                                 Kushner is a lynchpin in the Trump-Russia imbroglio.  Kushner is heavily in debt (over 1 billion $$'s).  American banks won't loan to Trump.  Probably the same for Kushner.  Since the USSR tanked, a few Russkies have become filthy rich, and they're eager to launder cash to overseas.  Trump was a perfect match, because Trump has the moral compass of mafia-boss-wannabe.  


                          Note, it was announced a month ago that the US Treasury Dept is investigating Trump-Russia money (laundering) connections, and that would certainly include Kushner, Flynn, Manafort and others in Trump's mafia-wannabe inner circle.  Stay tuned. Upcoming months will be a roller coaster ride that make recent weeks look like a spin in a golf cart.

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3 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

A prediction that may be obvious to some already:


                       The deeper the probes into the Trump-Russia connections, the more it will be shown to revolve around money.   Trump is very rich, as are many of his buddies.  Putin is one of the richest men in the world.  Very rich people are never satisfied with how much they're worth.  They always crave more.


                                 Kushner is a lynchpin in the Trump-Russia imbroglio.  Kushner is heavily in debt (over 1 billion $$'s).  American banks won't loan to Trump.  Probably the same for Kushner.  Since the USSR tanked, a few Russkies have become filthy rich, and they're eager to launder cash to overseas.  Trump was a perfect match, because Trump has the moral compass of mafia-boss-wannabe.  


                          Note, it was announced a month ago that the US Treasury Dept is investigating Trump-Russia money (laundering) connections, and that would certainly include Kushner, Flynn, Manafort and others in Trump's mafia-wannabe inner circle.  Stay tuned. Upcoming months will be a roller coaster ride that make recent weeks look like a spin in a golf cart.

Actually, I think it's more likely to revolve around Flynn. Usually when Trump fires someone, he has very unkind words for them justified or not. But in Flynn's case, Trump would have justification. Not only hasn't he said one unkind thing about Flynn, but he sent him a message to "Stay strong" while Flynn is under investigation!

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Just now, ilostmypassword said:

Actually, I think it's more likely to revolve around Flynn. Usually when Trump fires someone, he has very unkind words for them justified or not. But in Flynn's case, Trump would have justification. Not only hasn't he said one unkind thing about Flynn, but he sent him a message to "Stay strong". 

                                   Trump also can't say a disparaging word about Putin.  It's a Gordian knot.  The American people, from both sides of the divide, deserve to know to what extent their political leaders in DC are corrupt or treasonous or dangerous to the security and well-being of the US.   The moment it's proven that Trump has been a party to harming the US (whether knowingly or unwittingly), he should be drop kicked out to the sidewalk in front of the WH, and then frog-marched to prison while handcuffed.

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I'm convinced trump is financially corrupt bigly and I get why he would want to be president from a family business empire building POV but I'm still amazed that he thinks he will get away with it. So much exposure now from all directions. No wonder that he demonizes the press. Maybe he will get away with it. The story unfolds. How it ends nobody knows.

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