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Video: Who is to blame for this? Lucky escape for couple on expressway


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12 minutes ago, Bastos60 said:


It is clear you have never driven a truck. If you had you would never write what you wrote.

Trucks need 3 x as much road as a car to come to a full stop.You can not imagine the panic that truck driver is in when he gets in such a situation where he has to avoid a stationary car. 

And don't forget the merc started stopping in the middle lane before the cam driver switched to the most left lane. 
What you also need to take into account is that drivers behind the truck can not see what is happening and can not anticipate on the trucks actions, that makes it even more complicated for the truck driver.

Everything you're saying just supports the fact the truck was either/and 1)driving too fast 2)not paying attention to what was happening on the road in front.


Go back and watch the video, now start your stop watch from when the benz starts behaving dangerously to when the truck hits the dashcam vehicle ....that is plenty of time and then some for the truck to brake in time.  Even if you start your timer from when the dashcam car entered the slow lane there is still loads of time for the truck to brake.


A vehicle should only be driving at a speed and distance from the vehicle in front that is safe to do so(especially when "Trucks need 3 x as much road as a car to come to a full stop."), if you drive into the back of another vehicle you are at fault, there are some exceptions for eg a vehicle swerves right in front of you then suddenly brakes...but that is not what happened here.



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13 minutes ago, Bastos60 said:

First off, the cam driver didn't look in his mirrors... Watch the video again and you will see those 2 cars switched lanes to exit the highway.
What the cam driver did was unnecessary and he should have moved back to the middle lane immediately. By staying in the right lane he hindered other drivers, he might even have made  the merc driver hit the brakes


How do you know he didn't look in his mirrors?


Entering the fast lane was only dangerous for the benz because the benz was speeding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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5 minutes ago, berybert said:

The cam driver didn't look in his mirror ?

I say he did when he noticed a car driving about 20/30 mph faster than he was. Do you change lanes every 5 seconds. Both cars leaving the road he would have overtaken and he would also have overtaken the car ahead of him that he pulled in behind within 5 seconds.

You don't slightly slow down when you have a lane beside you which is empty.  You move over. If you have an idiot driving way faster than the speed limit then there isn't much you can do about it.

He had no reason whatsoever to change lanes every 5 seconds, the middle lane was EMPTY .  Thus no need to stay in the right lane.
There are no facts we know about the MB driver, only assumptions we use to  try to explain who is wrong.

we can keep discussing this issue and in the end we only know what we see, the cam driver made an unnecessary change, stayed in the right lane, makes a change between cars where he previously wouldn't even be  thinking about slowing down. The cam driver could have avoided the whole episode.

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21 minutes ago, onthesoi said:


How do you know he didn't look in his mirrors?


Entering the fast lane was only dangerous for the benz because the benz was speeding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Assumption, I have that assumption too, but we don't know if it is fact.

This driver is the type of driver that goes 89 km where maximum speed is 90 km where he everybody else is driving 96 km. For the same thing, the merc driver was in the process of passing him by when he changed lanes and
maybe even almost hit the merc driver. We don't know because we don't see that on that cam. And that is why I made the assumption he wasn't looking in his mirrors.

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2 minutes ago, Bastos60 said:

He had no reason whatsoever to change lanes every 5 seconds, the middle lane was EMPTY .  Thus no need to stay in the right lane.
There are no facts we know about the MB driver, only assumptions we use to  try to explain who is wrong.

we can keep discussing this issue and in the end we only know what we see, the cam driver made an unnecessary change, stayed in the right lane, makes a change between cars where he previously wouldn't even be  thinking about slowing down. The cam driver could have avoided the whole episode.

We are looking at different videos ?. I see two cars moving over in front of the cam driver. Sure he could have sat behind them but how would he have known they were moving off the middle lane.

The middle lane wasn't empty when he pulled out. That is a fact. Even you point out the cars moved over.

You drive along a road and if it is two/three lanes you indicate and pull over or out giving plenty of notice to other road users. That is exactly what he did.



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8 minutes ago, berybert said:

We are looking at different videos ?. I see two cars moving over in front of the cam driver. Sure he could have sat behind them but how would he have known they were moving off the middle lane.

The middle lane wasn't empty when he pulled out. That is a fact. Even you point out the cars moved over.

You drive along a road and if it is two/three lanes you indicate and pull over or out giving plenty of notice to other road users. That is exactly what he did.



What you don't mention is that he passed neither car before they had changed lanes and each time he had time to spare. That is no reason to switch lanes. The first car that switched lanes even had to break before 
the cam driver passed him. The second car that swithed lanes was already on the exit before the cam driver passed him. They do use their indicators in Thailand.  

I do 80000km a year and 4000 km in Thailand. That cam driver was a really unexperienced driver, probably a careful driver but so unexperienced.

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17 minutes ago, Bastos60 said:

What you don't mention is that he passed neither car before they had changed lanes and each time he had time to spare. That is no reason to switch lanes. The first car that switched lanes even had to break before 
the cam driver passed him. The second car that swithed lanes was already on the exit before the cam driver passed him. They do use their indicators in Thailand.  

I do 80000km a year and 4000 km in Thailand. That cam driver was a really unexperienced driver, probably a careful driver but so unexperienced.

I spend most of my days driving in and around London. I have no problems with the way that guy was driving.

Yes both drivers moved over before he overtook them but he had moved over so as to not have to slow himself down.

How do you know he is inexperienced ? Is it because you would have no problem in driving like the MB driver did.

One the one hand you are saying he shouldn't have moved over but he should have slowed down and stayed in the middle lane.

Then you seem to be defending the MB driver who could have slowed down and waited to pass.

Basically you are saying someone in a posh car has the right of way.

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The Benz driver who stopped In front caused this accident, the police should have at least

went to the owners address of this Benz car and found out why he stopped in the fast lane

at all. There should be a charge of some kind to give the Benz owner.


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7 hours ago, berybert said:

Seriously ? why would the lorry driver be at fault. He has a clear road in front of him and being as he can see above the cars he knows the road is clear.  Are you telling us he should be expecting car drivers to slam their brakes on and stop for no reason ?


After 4 million miles of driving everything from motorcycles to 60  ton trucks, on three continents, I can assure cars will stop for no reason, and do.

You leave enough space to deal with it, and pay attention.


Some of the justifications and responses in this thread are laughable.    


A few years ago I stopped for an amber light I 'maybe' could have made, the car behind me assumed I was going to run it.        He got out of his deformed SUV and screamed at me that I 'stopped short'.

He told the same thing to the cop who charged him with the accident.

There are some very stupid people driving, and a lot more somewhat smart people who turn stupid or entitled when behind the wheel.


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On ‎6‎/‎15‎/‎2017 at 1:13 PM, petesc55 said:

The truck is at fault for hitting the stopped car.   The driver of the MB has other 'problems'.....like road rage.


I think the other problem your referring to is now to be known as, RED BULL SYNDROME.


Me first !, by the previous poster is what I have always said, it is the only road rule the majority of Thais know , sorry not a road rule a mental condition that they all seem to do, that means they know not even one road rule, just rude rules--------:shock1:

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The Merc driver is most to blame.  That person intentionally braked (road rage, or whatever) in front of the dashcam driver. It was an aggressive move, and endangered all involved.  The license # of the offensive driver is on the video.   Bust him with a Bt.50k fine, and take away drivers license for a year.

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On 6/15/2017 at 9:14 AM, colinneil said:

All 3 drivers at fault, dash cam driver hogging the fast lane, MB driver for road rage, truck driver driving too fast, unable to stop/manoevre.

..everyone contributes as a road user at the time..however i would bet the MB and truck had an altercation prior and the MB saw the truck catching up to him so he decided to pull in front of the camera car..the truck seeing this veered to the left trying to sideswipe the MB but instead clipped the camera car..why the camera car didnt chase down the truck is beyond me!

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4 minutes ago, tandor said:

..everyone contributes as a road user at the time..however i would bet the MB and truck had an altercation prior and the MB saw the truck catching up to him so he decided to pull in front of the camera car..the truck seeing this veered to the left trying to sideswipe the MB but instead clipped the camera car..why the camera car didnt chase down the truck is beyond me!

Camera car was probably in shock and wasn't sure how well his car was working after being hit. Also watch the end of the video and you'll see the truck did pull over further down the road and in a safer place.

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10 minutes ago, tandor said:

..everyone contributes as a road user at the time..however i would bet the MB and truck had an altercation prior and the MB saw the truck catching up to him so he decided to pull in front of the camera car..the truck seeing this veered to the left trying to sideswipe the MB but instead clipped the camera car..why the camera car didnt chase down the truck is beyond me!

But I agree, it does look like the truck is going for the MB just after it hits the camera car

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The low so baanork somchai who was in the right lane is guilty for being in the right lane.


The truck is guilty for not being able to manage what is in front of him and not braking.


the benz driver is a great guy, so sad that he didn't finish the job.


YES, I am also a S-class benz driver !



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On 6/15/2017 at 8:32 AM, mikebell said:

When shown the video, Highway police said, 'No charges will be brought against the driver who forced the car to stop as Mercedes Benz drivers are granted automatic immunity under the Do-you-know-who-I-am law.

The Camera car should receive penalty for not driving on the left - though this is actually normal behaviour and quite acceptable. This is one reason there should be active traffic police - to monitor this style of driving, as well as look out for people using phones whilst driving (possibly the truck that rear-ended the camera car).


The Benz should receive penalty for not simply ignoring the bad behaviour of the camera car and overtaking on the inside, which is illegal but normal practice. Also for dangerous driving (pulling up another car in the carriageway) and be disqualified for a year.


The Truck should receive a penalty for driving without due care and attention.


It's a shame we don't have the speed of the cars involved - sometimes I have cars pushing me in the third lane when I'm on the speed limit already. Until the Police and Government stop giving everyone a free ride to drive any way they like, then it's going to continue.

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On 6/15/2017 at 10:46 AM, Lemonltr said:

Are you OK? Swerve? The 'dashcam' car eased normally to the right. He should have gone to centre lane but 'hogging' the right lane is a very minor offence here.

As for stopping, it seems he had little alternative except to 'swerve' into the centre lane.


He was a LONG way from the left hand side wall (what we might consider a 'hard shoulder' reserved for emergency services or emergency stops).


I've often driven along the left lane, it's wide enough that you can pass stopped vehicles. When traffic is busy there's plenty of room for 6 lanes of cars on a 3.5 lane motorway!

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40 minutes ago, ben2talk said:

He was a LONG way from the left hand side wall (what we might consider a 'hard shoulder' reserved for emergency services or emergency stops).


I've often driven along the left lane, it's wide enough that you can pass stopped vehicles. When traffic is busy there's plenty of room for 6 lanes of cars on a 3.5 lane motorway!

So you often drive along the lane that's reserved for emergency services? Very smart. 

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49 minutes ago, ben2talk said:



It's a shame we don't have the speed of the cars involved - sometimes I have cars pushing me in the third lane when I'm on the speed limit already. Until the Police and Government stop giving everyone a free ride to drive any way they like, then it's going to continue.

And you think it's ok to hog the right lane as long as you believe you're below the speed limit? 

But I agree with you, this carnage will continue until the government starts to care about its people. 

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21 minutes ago, eeyang wah said:

And you think it's ok to hog the right lane as long as you believe you're below the speed limit? 

But I agree with you, this carnage will continue until the government starts to care about its people. 

You must learn to drive in Thailand. And please find me ONE person that will back up your argument that - when travelling at the speed limit, you should think it's okay for people to drive faster and overtake.


The same applies in England - if someone is driving 70mph in the left lane, there should be nobody overtaking at more than 75mph.


If you're in the right lane at 70, the speed limit, then maybe you can push it to 80mph - at which speed NOBODY had the right to request you to pull over to let them past.

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27 minutes ago, eeyang wah said:

So you often drive along the lane that's reserved for emergency services? Very smart. 

I suggest he should not stop far from the wall. Is it really this complicated?


The left lane is NOT reserved, in Thailand. You see people using these areas and police waving them on to get traffic moving. It is actively encouraged. Coming back to Bangplii from Ladkrabang it shortens the journey time by about 20 minutes.


But, if traffic is moving and you must stop, then you should pull in to the wall on the left. This car didn't pull over very far. If he pulled RIGHT over, the truck would probably have missed.

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2 hours ago, ben2talk said:

I suggest he should not stop far from the wall. Is it really this complicated?


The left lane is NOT reserved, in Thailand. You see people using these areas and police waving them on to get traffic moving. It is actively encouraged. Coming back to Bangplii from Ladkrabang it shortens the journey time by about 20 minutes.


But, if traffic is moving and you must stop, then you should pull in to the wall on the left. This car didn't pull over very far. If he pulled RIGHT over, the truck would probably have missed.

Haha yeah just goes to show how even the police here don't know the rules and often encourage people to break them! I've seen police actually stopping people for not stopping in the middle of a roundabout to let other cars onto the roundabout!! As you say, the circus will just continue until the government starts to give a toss. 


Anyway as far as our "discussion" goes: those were your words about the left lane being for emergency services! 

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2 hours ago, ben2talk said:

You must learn to drive in Thailand. And please find me ONE person that will back up your argument that - when travelling at the speed limit, you should think it's okay for people to drive faster and overtake.


The same applies in England - if someone is driving 70mph in the left lane, there should be nobody overtaking at more than 75mph.


If you're in the right lane at 70, the speed limit, then maybe you can push it to 80mph - at which speed NOBODY had the right to request you to pull over to let them past.

That's not my argument - I don't think it's ok for people to drive over the speed limit. I'm saying it's not ok to hog the right lane just because you believe you are travelling at the speed limit. Especially when you can't even make up your mind what is an acceptable speed limit to you! Is it 70, 75 or 80? All 3 seem to be fine in your book! 


Edit: My point is that the rule is very simple: keep left unless passing, regardless of your speed. If everyone just followed that one basic rule the roads would be much less congested and much safer. Find me one person that disagrees with that!

Edited by eeyang wah
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6 hours ago, eeyang wah said:

Camera car was probably in shock and wasn't sure how well his car was working after being hit. Also watch the end of the video and you'll see the truck did pull over further down the road and in a safer place.

...your right...it did stop..i watched it to 2min not all the way..my error.

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On 15/06/2017 at 9:01 AM, darksidedog said:

You can give a monkey an expensive car, but don't expect him to be able to drive it. The Merc driver should throw the keys away and take the bus.

Thank you, tell me what to do with such a moron in a bus. Throw the driver right after the key, somewhere in a khlong.

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The prick in the Mercedes is to blame. THe other drive whilst should have moved into the left hand lane when not overtaking did move over for the Merc to come past. Another case of someone who, as the Germans put it, drives a butchers car thinking he or she owns the road.


With the dash cam they should have the cars registration and should go to the police and charge the guy with dangerous driving and make him pay for all the damage.


There again things dont work like that in Thailand

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3 hours ago, eeyang wah said:

That's not my argument - I don't think it's ok for people to drive over the speed limit. I'm saying it's not ok to hog the right lane just because you believe you are travelling at the speed limit. Especially when you can't even make up your mind what is an acceptable speed limit to you! Is it 70, 75 or 80? All 3 seem to be fine in your book! 


Edit: My point is that the rule is very simple: keep left unless passing, regardless of your speed. If everyone just followed that one basic rule the roads would be much less congested and much safer. Find me one person that disagrees with that!

Sorry, that doesn't work. Generally - when traffic gets bad (and especially in three locations I pass fairly regularly) if you're not in the leftmost lane you can add 50% to your journey time. The left lane is the fast one because the moronic zombies buy fast cars and always move out to the right hand lane which is blocked.


So please clarify - if the traffic is actually moving a bit slower and you're in the right hand lane, and you 'believe' you can 'see' your speedometer on 125km/h and you're overtaking other cars in the left lane, why should you move over when some idiot is coming behind you with flashing lights?


Anyway, it's clear to me - the Mercedes is guilty of dangerous driving, and the other two of varying degrees of 'driving without due care'. 


It's really comical that the woman in the camera car (while the guy is blubbering like a 6 year old kid) is trying to work out what made the Merc driver angry... and actually I agree that his style of driving (hogging the right lane) should be punished far more often because it is provocative.


I don't actually think that conjestion is helped much - we have too many 5/6 lane highways heading towards little feeders into gridlocked city streets. Unless the right hand lane or two are enforced as straight ahead only lanes, then they will always be congested at every junction.

Edited by ben2talk
just bored i guess...
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22 minutes ago, gandalf12 said:

The prick in the Mercedes is to blame. THe other drive whilst should have moved into the left hand lane when not overtaking did move over for the Merc to come past. Another case of someone who, as the Germans put it, drives a butchers car thinking he or she owns the road.


With the dash cam they should have the cars registration and should go to the police and charge the guy with dangerous driving and make him pay for all the damage.


There again things dont work like that in Thailand

Well, I tried to read the cars registration, I don't see much at all, and I put it on 720HD. Either this guy bought a shitty dash cam, or they fogged it out because of the stupid defamation law, aka "I can drive like a moron, but if you say so I'll sue you" BS

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