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North Korea accuses U.S. authorities of 'mugging' its diplomats at NY airport


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North Korea accuses U.S. authorities of 'mugging' its diplomats at NY airport


SEOUL (Reuters) - North Korea accused U.S. authorities on Sunday of "mugging" its diplomats at the John F. Kennedy airport in New York, forcibly confiscating a diplomatic package which it said raised questions about the city as the seat of the United Nations.


The North's Foreign Ministry spokesman said a delegation of the North returning from a U.N. conference on the rights of persons with disabilities "was literally mugged" at the John F. Kennedy airport in "an illegal and heinous act of provocation."


"Diplomats of a sovereign state are being robbed of a diplomatic package in the middle of New York where the headquarters of the United Nations is located and that serves as the venue for international meetings including the United Nations General Assembly," the spokesman said.


"This clearly shows that the U.S. is a felonious and lawless gangster state," the spokesman said in comments carried by the North's official KCNA news agency.


"The international community needs to seriously reconsider whether or not New York, where such an outrageous mugging is rampant, is fit to serve as the venue for international meetings," KCNA said.


The State Department and White House had no immediate comment on the North Korean statement.


KCNA said the incident took place on June 16 when more than 20 officials who claimed to be from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and police "made a violent assault like gangsters to take away the diplomatic package from the diplomats."

The diplomats were in possession of a valid diplomatic courier certificate, KCNA said.


The claim comes amid diplomatic tensions after the North released American student Otto Warmbier whose parents said he was in a coma after being held by the North for 17 months.


Warmbier, 22, who arrived in the United States on Tuesday, is stable but "shows no sign of understanding language, responding to verbal commands or awareness of his surrounding," a doctor at the University of Cincinnati Medical Center said.


The U.N. Security Council has imposed sanctions against North Korea for the reclusive state's nuclear and ballistic missile activities.


The North, which is a member state of the United Nations, has rejected the resolutions as infringements of its right to self defense and space exploration.


(Reporting by Jack Kim; Editing by Phil Berlowitz)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-06-19
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"the United States does not search properly designated and handled diplomatic pouches, either physically or electronically (e.g., by X-ray) and considers it a serious breach of the clear obligations of the VCDR for another country to do so. " https://www.state.gov/ofm/customs/c37011.htm


So, one has to wonder what was in the bag, that was so important, they felt the need to seize it?

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1 hour ago, darksidedog said:

"the United States does not search properly designated and handled diplomatic pouches, either physically or electronically (e.g., by X-ray) and considers it a serious breach of the clear obligations of the VCDR for another country to do so. " https://www.state.gov/ofm/customs/c37011.htm


So, one has to wonder what was in the bag, that was so important, they felt the need to seize it?

The inside word is that it was an instruction guide written by Trump's hair stylist.  Fat little Un secretly coverts the look.

Image result for kim jong un with donald trump hair


A Whitehouse spokesman said there's no way that could be allowed to happen, as the thought of a thatched headed, childish, paranoid narcissist with his finger on the nuclear button was just too terrible to contemplate.

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3 hours ago, Credo said:

I find myself not too concerned about this since it happened to a country that sent a young man back in a coma and lied about how he got it.   



right. but there are more and more serious reasons

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4 hours ago, webfact said:

"This clearly shows that the U.S. is a felonious and lawless gangster state,"

Which dictionary are these loonies reading?


And from NK, returning from a conference on persons with disabilities? Seriously? 

Edited by Jonmarleesco
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Don't get me wrong but it looks very much like a school excursion, if North Korea sends a delegation to attend an  U.N. conference on the rights of persons with disabilities. 
Whatever I hear does not co-incide with facts which are coming out of North Korea.

This kid of 22 years of age, Mr. Otto Warmbier (not essentially of Islamic belief with this name), was airlifted last week in a serious sting operation of CIA character from Pyongyang via Sapporo, Anchorage, Great Falls into Washington DC at taxpayers costs. He was not disabled when he went there; question is:
- where does a 22 year old kiddo get the money for such a trip which is not easy to organize for an US citizen?
- what is really behind the story; nobody believes the stolen propaganda sign resulting in 15 years gulag
- what is his real medical condition and how did he get there; the Mount Sinaians are certainly able to comment on that

Last not least, I simply do not believe that a diplomatic pouch was confiscated without either instructions from the top at the State Department (which has to deal with the s"*ç%t now) or the media details are incorrect. 

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The inside word is that it was an instruction guide written by Trump's hair stylist.  Fat little Un secretly coverts the look.
A Whitehouse spokesman said there's no way that could be allowed to happen, as the thought of a thatched headed, childish, paranoid narcissist with his finger on the nuclear button was just too terrible to contemplate.

Trump could only wish for this flat top.


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Solution to Korean problem


Send email to all North Korean diplomats/ rulers/ generals


you've won a Spector's "Most Evil" award 2017. Prize - Free massage in Macao including "You Go You Evil Asian Bad Guy" happy ending. 


Wait till their pants are down, boom. 


Edited by funandsuninbangkok
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I'm betting that the conference was paid for by American donations to the UN. The North Korean got a vacation at the American taxpayers expense. What on earth could be in a diplomatic bag going to/coming from a conference on disabilities?

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16 hours ago, tomwct said:

It's time to move the UN out of the US! Let Belgium take it or North Africa! It's outlived it's usefullness!

The UN itself is a corrupt wasteful organization. It needs to be totally reformed.

No need to move it to Belgium too much bureaucratic BS there already. My choice

would be Switzerland if it has to move.

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1 minute ago, Ulic said:

The UN itself is a corrupt wasteful organization. It needs to be totally reformed.

No need to move it to Belgium too much bureaucratic BS there already. My choice

would be Switzerland if it has to move.

Sounds good to me! There is so much hot air coming out of Belgium within the EU, I figured it would feel at home in Belgium, but Switzerland is okay or maybe Nigeria!

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Oh, oh  I know that diplomats are all Gods, and cannot be touched.  I just remembered

that this Is NK diplomats, would be interesting to find out what they were trying to take back

to Fat Boy  that he could not get from China.


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There has been no statement issued by the US gov't or anything said by any other country, so it remains to be seen what the full story is.   


The interference with a diplomatic pouch would not happen without the authorization of the highest level of the State Department.   



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20 hours ago, Ulic said:

The UN itself is a corrupt wasteful organization. It needs to be totally reformed.  No need to move it to Belgium too much bureaucratic BS there already. My choice would be Switzerland if it has to move.


Switzerland already has plenty of UN based there. But the HQ would feel right at home next to all those honest banks!

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