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Video: Thai man threatens fellow driver with a knife because he hooted him


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First two posts are irrelevant. Then the real thread begins :


Post #4 : a 'these idiots' post. 40 'likes'

Post #5 : a 'small dick syndrome' post. 14 'likes'


And there you have it, TVF in a nutshell. Clichés, stereotypes, Thai bashing, pathetic macho attitude, and the ubiquitous, nagging stench of white supremacist ideology. Cherry on the cake : a great round of applause for every such post.


The only 2 reasons I stay on this site  :


- to my knowledge there is no real competition,

- once in a blue moon there is a great article, or a great post.


Most of the time, however, reading the threads leaves me in despair about human nature in general, and white expats in particular.


Edited by Yann55
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13 hours ago, Ganoga said:

I agree with this.....I saw the video and it's not someone "veering", but moving out of the way of another car when two lanes merge.  And the dash cam driver seems to be going too fast for safety, weaving back and forth through traffic giving other drivers little time to make decisions or react.

Gentlemen...regardless of what is seen in on the cam recorder the Cam vehicle has Right of Way.

Right of way is a internationally adopted rule

The Knify / Wifey guy is required to give way to the vehicle already occupying the far right lane and required to do so cautiously and safely...not just move over when ever he feels he wants to and ignore that fact that there is a vehicle already occupying the far right lane and already in close proximity.

The cam vehicle is / was not required to give way to Knivey guy, rather Knivey guy is required to wait until the other vehicle passes by and then move over when safe to do so and no other vehicles impeding his maneuver to move over to the right lane.

The knifey guy drives like most Thais and simply make their move while counting on the other drivers to accommodate their often reckless move   

Edited by gemguy
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19 minutes ago, YetAnother said:

the use of horns here, much like emergency flashers, is perverted



virtually nobody is using horns here, unlike in neighboring countries. Thais don't even use horns when it actually would be needed, such as to alert others about dangerous situations. The reason is that it is considered "losing temper", which in Thai culture is a total 100% "NO-NO". In the 16 years I am on the roads in Thailand I have probably heard less horns than in one day in Delhi, Kathmandu or Jakarta

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5 hours ago, Yann55 said:

First two posts are irrelevant. Then the real thread begins :


Post #4 : a 'these idiots' post. 40 'likes'

Post #5 : a 'small dick syndrome' post. 14 'likes'


And there you have it, TVF in a nutshell. Clichés, stereotypes, Thai bashing, pathetic macho attitude, and the ubiquitous, nagging stench of white supremacist ideology. Cherry on the cake : a great round of applause for every such post.


The only 2 reasons I stay on this site  :


- to my knowledge there is no real competition,

- once in a blue moon there is a great article, or a great post.


Most of the time, however, reading the threads leaves me in despair about human nature in general, and white expats in particular.


Best post I have read on here.


These white guy are ironically showing the small dick syndrome themselves. 


They actually believe what their wives tell them about Thai men.

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On 6/19/2017 at 10:10 AM, stegee said:

the driver of the cam car was by no means a mature driver.. all over the road.. changing lanes willy-nilly without indicating.. driving too close to the traffic in front and also overtaking people on the left hand side... as someone else already pointed out black pickup was attempting to get out of his way but blocked by a slower moving vehicle.. 

i am in no way defending the black pickup's drivers actions but please do not suggest any level of maturity from the cam car driver..


He was mature enough to keep his butt in the car, and back away when the pickup driver (and family) wanted a fight.

That shows more maturity than most drivers, thai or farang.

(It's also possible he remembered he left his sword or gun at home, or the lady in the car with him was not his wife.)









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