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93,000 Baht Missing From Bank Account................

libya 115

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SOURCE: Pattaya Mail December 29th 2006

Dear Sir;

‘Bitched buggered and bewildered’ doesn’t begin to describe it… For years I’ve been called a fuddy-duddy because I ‘refused to use a credit card. There were so many horror stories about money being stolen when you used them to make a purchase that cash seemed a lot safer.

Being a fuddy-duddy I assumed this could only happen when you made a purchase with a credit card. A cash card I thought was just that - a transaction between me and the bank and that no one else could intervene. Obviously assumption is the mother of screw-up.

Someone has milked my bank account. The only dates the bank will give me are two weeks between 25 Oct and 13 Nov and during that time 93,000 baht was stolen - my last 93,000 baht. So god knows what went before. I can actually prove I was in Malaysia during that time, with my card. I have witnesses to that fact.

Despite this the bank seems to consider that it is not viable.

Good god if it is so unsafe surely they have a responsibility to, at least, issue a warning along with the card.

If someone had told me that by using a cash card I was in danger of having money stolen then I wouldn’t have considered using one. Would any one? Am I a lone voice crying in the wilderness?

Does everyone else know this and accept the risk?

I really need to know if this is a widespread problem in Pattaya or if it’s just me. Does it happen to other banks or just Bangkok? I’ve no idea if this is a letter for publication or a plea for an investigation.

Everyone, from the local police to my sister in Bangkok says that my only hope of redress is via the Pattaya Mail. So please any thing you can do.

Penelope J. Milner

Edited by libya 115
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Could this be in some way related to this situation

Massive ATM fraud in Pattaya

It probably is!

I would hope that Miss Penelope Pitstop gets her money back, but TIT and the Thai banks are not of the same standard as 1st world country banks.

I am setting myself a ceiling limit of money held in Thai banks at 500K THB.

Libby if I cant pay cash I cant afford it..I always say..

I read about these people who get robbed big ammonts of money..

Credit card rip offs and I ask myself How and Why..

First I keep my money in the Bank I have an ATM card..

Most TG;s call Farangs ATM but thats another story..

I refuse to own a credit card I do most of my business by Bank Transfers..

then you have a record of the transaction...

Never cary more than I need on person, in a nutshell Stupidity springs to mind....

Regular visitors here can open a Bank Acc get an ATM card transfer money before coming problem solved.. :o

ps where are the new jokes or are you waiting for a big splash in the new year ???

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Could this be in some way related to this situation

Massive ATM fraud in Pattaya

It probably is!

I would hope that Miss Penelope Pitstop gets her money back, but TIT and the Thai banks are not of the same standard as 1st world country banks.

I am setting myself a ceiling limit of money held in Thai banks at 500K THB.

Libby if I cant pay cash I cant afford it..I always say..

I read about these people who get robbed big ammonts of money..

Credit card rip offs and I ask myself How and Why..

First I keep my money in the Bank I have an ATM card..

Most TG;s call Farangs ATM but thats another story..

I refuse to own a credit card I do most of my business by Bank Transfers..

then you have a record of the transaction...

Never cary more than I need on person, in a nutshell Stupidity springs to mind....

Regular visitors here can open a Bank Acc get an ATM card transfer money before coming problem solved.. :o

ps where are the new jokes or are you waiting for a big splash in the new year ???

Having an ATM card is no protection. I thought this was an ATM fraud.

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I would demand to see all the transations, right down to the finest detail, times places quantities etc. What's to stop someone in the bank taking the money and telling you it was withdrawn from an ATM, I don't trust the banks. Report it to the police also, did you use your atm in malaiysia, if so you can prove it was used in two different countries at the same time, it seems that the files regarding your cashcard are not secure in the bank and people (employies) are obtaining the info and selling it on, if i had money in a thai bank I would definately not have an atm card

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I would demand to see all the transations, right down to the finest detail, times places quantities etc. What's to stop someone in the bank taking the money and telling you it was withdrawn from an ATM, I don't trust the banks. Report it to the police also, did you use your atm in malaiysia, if so you can prove it was used in two different countries at the same time, it seems that the files regarding your cashcard are not secure in the bank and people (employies) are obtaining the info and selling it on, if i had money in a thai bank I would definately not have an atm card

Then you would have to keep some money at home...


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A nasty experience.

I know how you feel though as 4 years ago I was the victim of identity theft - 7000 pounds about 500,000 Baht.

I eventually got my money back as it involved a UK bank and an organised gang in the UK.

This meant the bank insurance covered the theft.

The first thing you must do is report this to the police.

Then maybe contact the local news groups. I know one of the papers did a lot of work a while ago when an ATM 'sucked' back his money before he could collect it at the bottom of the ATM machine. Curiously the money was not in the 'collection' tray inside the ATM when it was eventually opened.

I think the paper was Pattaya People which is associated with Pattaya Expats club.

To answer your question though, Internationally recognised Credit Cards (ie: Mastercard and Visa) certainly are safer than Thai ATM cards as they offer guarantees in these circumstances.

ATM cards are prone to skimming (copying) and other practises all over the World.

good luck

Edited by dsfbrit
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I'm assuming its a thai bank. :o One of the advantages of western bank, full stop protection for fraud. Anyways need be very careful using your ATM card, anywhere.

My Western Bank account was hit for $11,000 US. Luckily I made a withdrawal in Hat Yai 3 minutes before the thief did in Macau and the bank spotted it.

If a credit, debit, ATM etc. card is skimmed or copied, there's little you can do about it.

And not using ANY type of card here is not practical...and keeping baht at your home can be dangerous.

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if you had had a credit card there would have been no problem whatsoever, what a bummer.

Credit card and cash cards are scammed in the same manner

I give this advice to help prevent this fraud happening to you



PUT ONE HAND OVER THE OTHER WHILE ENTERING YOUR PIN stops distant cameras from filming your pin number.

This fraud is easy to operate and can happen to anyone, IT MIGHT EVEN HAPPEN TO YOU

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I'm assuming its a thai bank. :o One of the advantages of western bank, full stop protection for fraud. Anyways need be very careful using your ATM card, anywhere.

If a credit, debit, ATM etc. card is skimmed or copied, there's little you can do about it.


Lucky indeed.

I was too was 'lucky' as a week before this I had about 100,000 pounds (7 Million Baht) in this account and had just moved money to Thailand to buy some property out here!

The police reckoned the thieves had logged into my account a week before this money was transferred, but needed an account to transfer the money to.

They eventually bought an account from a Chinese student who had finished his UK Univerity course and returned to China.

A murky World out there!

Internationally recognised credit cards are OK as long as you long as you have 'reasonably protected your security details etc... (ie: have not given your security details to a friend or written them on the card or something equally as a dumb). They will reimburse 'proven' theft.

Direct Debit cards are sadly not usually covered.

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I would demand to see all the transations, right down to the finest detail, times places quantities etc. What's to stop someone in the bank taking the money and telling you it was withdrawn from an ATM, I don't trust the banks. Report it to the police also, did you use your atm in malaiysia, if so you can prove it was used in two different countries at the same time, it seems that the files regarding your cashcard are not secure in the bank and people (employies) are obtaining the info and selling it on, if i had money in a thai bank I would definately not have an atm card

My wife had 3000B nicked by a bank employee and she actually knew who did it, neither the bank nor the police were interested, we both closed our accounts and whilst I was waiting for my bank cheque two separate people came in raising hel_l that they had money taken out of their accounts.

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Keep most of your money in an account without an ATM card or credit card connection, etc..

Then set up an ATM account in another bank with an amount of money that is small enough to do little harm to your standard of living if it is stolen but large enough to be practical and replenish it as needed. A separate account in the same bank may not work if someone hits the ATM account, the bank honors it and says your accounts were linked with overdraft protection, etc.

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Keep most of your money in an account without an ATM card or credit card connection, etc..

Then set up an ATM account in another bank with an amount of money that is small enough to do little harm to your standard of living if it is stolen but large enough to be practical and replenish it as needed. A separate account in the same bank may not work if someone hits the ATM account, the bank honors it and says your accounts were linked with overdraft protection, etc.

Aren't farangs prohibited from having 2 accounts on a retirement visa?

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Could be... there is some limit on the number of accounts. We live in Texas and everything about spending or sending foreign money to Thailand is a hassle. The banks rip us off anytime coming and going. We would probably help out more often if all the money would actually get to the intended recipient. Money is stolen in the mail too. The Thai government might want to consider telling the Banks to make it cost free to help fuel the Thai economy. Bank America says

Free money transfers to Mexico

You can send money to Mexico for free with the fast, easy and secure SafeSend service, which comes as a free feature of any Bank of America checking account. SafeSend offers you the convenience of sending money with a simple phone call, and if we receive your instructions by 2 p.m. Eastern Time on a weekday, your loved ones can usually receive cash the same day at one of 4,500 (as of November 2005) paying agent locations throughout Mexico by presenting a valid ID and authorization code.

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I'm assuming its a thai bank. :o One of the advantages of western bank, full stop protection for fraud. Anyways need be very careful using your ATM card, anywhere.

Don't kid yourself - I was eorking in Libya - asked my bank to send a credit card to either my Thai address or my work=place in Tripoli.

"Oh, we can't do that sir - not safe"

So I got them to send it to my sister in Hertfordshire. But it never arrived - and she didn't know how long to wait before reporting it missing, because she received NO indication from the bank.

I checked my account a couple of weeks later, to see if my salary was paid, and found that 6,000 pounds was missing - spent in supermarkets in Camden (Tony Blair's area before he moved to No. 10).

Faxed a STOP order straight away. Asked the bank what they were going to do about it.

Nothing - unless I filed a police report. I was in Libya. Could my sister doit? No. Had to be me. Could I write to the local Station. No. Had to be done in person.

Had never had a credit card before - have not had one since. I do use ATM cards, but that is all.

So if you do not fit into the majority profile - you are not safe with any plastic, because the insurances require that you are Johnny-on-the-spot. Do not expect flexibility or positive thought from the bean-counters.

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One simple precaution.

If you get an ATM card from a bank in LOS

change the PIN code straight away like RIGHT NOW.

Got one a few years ago in Phuket and there was a

problem with the PIN. Didn't work So the lady in the

bank fixes it and comes out to the ATM with me to

check it works. Also the GF is watching closely.

So now the lady at the bank knows my PIN and so

does the GF

A couple of times the ATM slip showed a balance

that didn't seem right but I just figurec I'd been

pissed one night , drawn money and lost a slip.

Then one day I was SURE something was happening.

Hadn't been to town for a week (nasty cold) and the

balance came up 10K short from what it should have


Checked (and had to persist a lot) at the bank and

came up with withdrawals from the ATM at the bank

(which I never used) plus 10K while I was coughing

and spluttering in the comfort of my own home plus

a few 5k withdrawals (I always just punched the 10K


Changed the PIN , end of problem.

If somebody knows your PIN (or you think they

might) change it now !


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Don't put a lot of money in a Thai bank with an ATM card. I keep little money in my BKK Bank account. Most of my money is in my US accounts. They are both insured. Any problems, the bank fixes it. My sister visited Bali and got her card copied and just had to show the purchases were made when she wasn't in the location of the purchases. She wasn't charged. Visa will also insure any transaction of a check card.

Main thing: don't put large sums of money in Thai banks with ATM card. Oh yeah, don't put more money than you have to in a Thai bank. With a foreign country, there is always the chance of expropriation. Unlikely, but might as well not chance it especially with a country having coups every 5 or so years.

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Don't put a lot of money in a Thai bank with an ATM card. I keep little money in my BKK Bank account. Most of my money is in my US accounts. They are both insured. Any problems, the bank fixes it. My sister visited Bali and got her card copied and just had to show the purchases were made when she wasn't in the location of the purchases. She wasn't charged. Visa will also insure any transaction of a check card.

Main thing: don't put large sums of money in Thai banks with ATM card. Oh yeah, don't put more money than you have to in a Thai bank. With a foreign country, there is always the chance of expropriation. Unlikely, but might as well not chance it especially with a country having coups every 5 or so years.

But we have to have our 800,000 bahts for our retirement visas in an Thai bank account and now have to show that it is there for 3 months prior to getting visa. And, I would guess, most folks have it in a savings account and have an ATM card on the account.

I must say, so far and touch wood, have had no problem with Kasikorn. The two times ATMs didn't work properly, phoned them up and spoke with someone with excellent English, and problem fixed immediately.

And I aways know how much is in the account. Easy to keep tabs with Quicken.

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Don't put a lot of money in a Thai bank with an ATM card. I keep little money in my BKK Bank account. Most of my money is in my US accounts. They are both insured. Any problems, the bank fixes it. My sister visited Bali and got her card copied and just had to show the purchases were made when she wasn't in the location of the purchases. She wasn't charged. Visa will also insure any transaction of a check card.

Main thing: don't put large sums of money in Thai banks with ATM card. Oh yeah, don't put more money than you have to in a Thai bank. With a foreign country, there is always the chance of expropriation. Unlikely, but might as well not chance it especially with a country having coups every 5 or so years.

But we have to have our 800,000 bahts for our retirement visas in an Thai bank account and now have to show that it is there for 3 months prior to getting visa. And, I would guess, most folks have it in a savings account and have an ATM card on the account.

I must say, so far and touch wood, have had no problem with Kasikorn. The two times ATMs didn't work properly, phoned them up and spoke with someone with excellent English, and problem fixed immediately.

And I aways know how much is in the account. Easy to keep tabs with Quicken.

The answer is in your own text, you need to keep the money in an account for 3months, why then would you put it in to a low interested rate ATM account, I wouldnt, and thinking about it now, would you ?

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Don't put a lot of money in a Thai bank with an ATM card. I keep little money in my BKK Bank account. Most of my money is in my US accounts. They are both insured. Any problems, the bank fixes it. My sister visited Bali and got her card copied and just had to show the purchases were made when she wasn't in the location of the purchases. She wasn't charged. Visa will also insure any transaction of a check card.

Main thing: don't put large sums of money in Thai banks with ATM card. Oh yeah, don't put more money than you have to in a Thai bank. With a foreign country, there is always the chance of expropriation. Unlikely, but might as well not chance it especially with a country having coups every 5 or so years.

But we have to have our 800,000 bahts for our retirement visas in an Thai bank account and now have to show that it is there for 3 months prior to getting visa. And, I would guess, most folks have it in a savings account and have an ATM card on the account.

I must say, so far and touch wood, have had no problem with Kasikorn. The two times ATMs didn't work properly, phoned them up and spoke with someone with excellent English, and problem fixed immediately.

And I aways know how much is in the account. Easy to keep tabs with Quicken.

The answer is in your own text, you need to keep the money in an account for 3months, why then would you put it in to a low interested rate ATM account, I wouldnt, and thinking about it now, would you ?

I have it in a Savings Account that pays almost b/a interest. I've had large expenses this year so lots of money coming in. Bank has paid me B4,945.73 in interest. If I put 800,000 into deposit account will I get more interest? Will Immigration accept deposit account? Even though bank writes a letter to say I have the money, Immigration always ask for bank book.

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SOURCE: Pattaya Mail December 29th 2006

Dear Sir;

‘Bitched buggered and bewildered’ doesn’t begin to describe it… For years I’ve been called a fuddy-duddy because I ‘refused to use a credit card. There were so many horror stories about money being stolen when you used them to make a purchase that cash seemed a lot safer.

Being a fuddy-duddy I assumed this could only happen when you made a purchase with a credit card. A cash card I thought was just that - a transaction between me and the bank and that no one else could intervene. Obviously assumption is the mother of screw-up.

Someone has milked my bank account. The only dates the bank will give me are two weeks between 25 Oct and 13 Nov and during that time 93,000 baht was stolen - my last 93,000 baht. So god knows what went before. I can actually prove I was in Malaysia during that time, with my card. I have witnesses to that fact.

Despite this the bank seems to consider that it is not viable.

Good god if it is so unsafe surely they have a responsibility to, at least, issue a warning along with the card.

If someone had told me that by using a cash card I was in danger of having money stolen then I wouldn’t have considered using one. Would any one? Am I a lone voice crying in the wilderness?

Does everyone else know this and accept the risk?

I really need to know if this is a widespread problem in Pattaya or if it’s just me. Does it happen to other banks or just Bangkok? I’ve no idea if this is a letter for publication or a plea for an investigation.

Everyone, from the local police to my sister in Bangkok says that my only hope of redress is via the Pattaya Mail. So please any thing you can do.

Penelope J. Milner

Thai ATM Cards work in Malaysia, I had to use my Bangkok Bank ATM in KL last year when the Libyan Embassy in KL insisted I show them US$500 before they would issue me the Libyan Visa. So the excuse that you were in Malaysia so that it could not possibly have been used does not stand up to examination. Malaysia is one of the Triads notorious Credit Card/Bank Card fraud hot spots, and has been for years. I also have City Bank Credit Cards, but City Bank refuse to let them be used in Malaysia unless I ring them in advance and tell them what , when and where, I want to purchase something. They will, however allow me to buy Air Asia Tickets from Malaysia. Even this is dodgy and I remember one occasion when they hacked the Air Asia Web Server, to obtain customer details causing havoc.

I tried to use my credit card in KL to buy an Air ticket from a Travel agent and my transactions were refused. The travel agent told me that Cloning of ATM/Credit cards is very bad in KL, and that she had used her credit card to buy petrol, and a few hours later someone was using her credit card account with a cloned card.

Be careful when using a card at an ATM, as criminals have been known to install special card readers in the ATMs and then read your pin over your shoulder, or use a micro camera. I remember the Triads installed a card reader on the card swipe for the night door at a Lloyds Bank brcnh in the UK, and got hundreds of credit card details which they used to make cloned cards.

On one occasion I was in Tripoli, Libya on a 10 week stint, and on checking my account online, found my credit card account had been used up to the limit. However it seemed more like an error by the agent since they were all charges for Council Rent or rates. City Bank recredited my account, but I lost 8 % due to the fall of the baht in the time period in between. Although Citybank does not accept liabilty, after an arguement, Citybank compensated me for the exchange loss as well. You probably have enough grounds to win the arguement and obtain compensation. Banks are insured against the loss, but they are duty bound not to accept liabiltiy. This puts many people off and reduces their premiums and losses. My advice is that you stick with it, and get the Bank to refund the money.

Geoff Carter

Libya and Bangkok

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The Thai military bank on Second Rd and Soi Pattayaland (I think) has a click clack manual credit card machine if your card is damaged, they call up the bank and check your account and you have to sign the slip. This may be old fasioned but it can sometimes prove that you in fact did make the withdrawal as you will have to sign the slip. Take note of the tellers name if possible. It saved me when I arrived and my new card became faulty. Try to always withdraw identical amounts from the same ATM while you stay in Pattaya. Beware of skimming machines that may be attached to the card reader slot of the ATM. Always cover your pin number when you enter it as the skimmers work in conjunction with cameras to capture the pin number. If you check your account online at an Internet Cafe, then go to a reputable one and make sure the following programs are on it and are updated:

1. Spybot - Checks for spyware.

2. Adaware - Checks for other spying software.

Nortons Anti Virus is not very strong but you can download and install NOD32 Antivirus for 30 days free. http://www.nod32.com

Run the Anti Virus program using the 'In Depth Analysis Option'

Run the Spybot program and then the Adaware program, making sure you update both before use.

Any Cafe would or should be happy to oblige you if you want to install this software.....It is free and the AntiVirus runs for 30 days free.

I have been in the Computer Industry doing a lot of technical support for the last seven years so I know these products work very well.

Make sure the browser you use does not save usernames and passwords.

Only then would I attempt to log into an online bank account.

This is only a brief overview of basic security for your online bank account, and many people may not understand what I have written. I suggest you spend some time familiarising yourself with the concepts and the programs as it may save you thousands of dollars, pounds or whatever.

Beware of your room safe, even the new cheap ones with the keypads as I personally know of one hotel that the staff would wait until the drunk falang would crash out and they would go to his room and take the card and withdraw small amounts and replace the card. They has followed him one day to watch him enter his pin code.

Thai bank employees have been known to make withdrawals on falang accounts over the counter to their friends.

I never really use a wallet, instead when I go out I spread my cash and cards between all my pockets so if I get pickpocketed I have a good chance of not losing everything....In fact my wallet just has old business cards as a decoy.

If you need to check your balance and you are not sure if an internet cafe is safe then call your bank and get your details over the phone. If possible it may be wise to let a trusted family member back home with a secure internet connection to check your account for you.

If you can, try to keep some cash, some travellers cheques, your ATM savings card and a credit card all with usable balances just in case one fails so you do not lose everything in one go if a mishap occurs.

Overall, just be careful and do not trust just anyone with your financial info.

I hope this information is helpful and you have a wonderful stay in Pattaya.

I should be back in Pattaya by the end of the month and please feel free to contact me through this forum if you would like anymore help with computer security and such things....I will try to help as much as possible.

Happy New Year and my thoughts go out to all those injured in the New Year bombings and their families.

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Group files complaints over 'missing' deposits at banks

BANGKOK: -- A group of people who say their bank accounts have mysteriously "disappeared" filed a complaint with the National consumers protection committee, claiming commercial banks have stolen their money.

Kriekkrai Dechtheeranukul, a businessman, led four members of the group in a call for authorities to investigate and force the banks to compensate victims of wrongdoing.

Kriekkrai said he had a fixed deposit account at the Thai Farmer Bank's Phaholyothin branch since November 23, 1984, in which he deposited 220,630 baht.

He said he never withdrew anything from the account, which he used as one of his company's guarantee accounts. He said the sum in the account might have reached close to Bt1 million, considering the original capital and interest earnt over two decades. Kriekkrai said that two months ago the bank told him the account had been closed.

He then learned that 47,325 baht had been withdrawn in August 1985, and 424,445 baht withdrawn in November 1994.

Kriekkrai asked the bank to check the account's original statements, but said the banks staff did their utmost to evade his request.

Another plaintiff, Kanchana Wisaila, a factory worker, said she opened a savings account with 5,000 baht at the Siam Commercial Bank's Buddhamonthol 4 branch on September 25 this year, then deposited another 3,000 baht on October 6 - for her eight year-old child.

Kanchana later filed a police complaint on November 13, when she found her bank account book missing and went to apply for a new one. Although she never withdrew a single baht, the bank informed her she had only 1,000 baht left in the account - because someone had withdrawn 7,000 baht on October 9 at 9.43am.

When she asked to see proof, bank officials claimed they had no close-circuit cameras and did not ask the person to show his or her ID card, nor record the ID card number, as the bank clerk assumed the person was the account owner, Kanchana said.

The bank manager told her to file a court lawsuit.

A third person, Thawatchai Peerawattanasakul, said he had two fixed deposit accounts with about 400,000 baht in total at the First Bangkok City Bank's Samut Prakan branch.

The Bank of Thailand then ordered the bank to merge with the Krung Thai Bank in 1998.

Over the past two years he has contacted the Krung Thai Bank's Sri Samut Road branch many times about his deposited money but the bank insisted his account had been previously closed.


Note: I could include my own personal experience with the above of the missing 600.000 baht with Siam Commercial bank a couple of years back.

It transpired that a member of staff oppened an account in his/her name and put the money into that account hoping at some point to go on a spending spree care of um-wa.

The Bank manager at the Siam Commercila bank in jomtien sorted it out but without admitting something untoward had happened (To save face comes to mind?).

Then again he didnt have much choice other than to investigate the issue as i had the original transfer document to hand.


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SOURCE: Pattaya Mail December 29th 2006

Dear Sir;

‘Bitched buggered and bewildered’ doesn’t begin to describe it… For years I’ve been called a fuddy-duddy because I ‘refused to use a credit card. There were so many horror stories about money being stolen when you used them to make a purchase that cash seemed a lot safer.

Being a fuddy-duddy I assumed this could only happen when you made a purchase with a credit card. A cash card I thought was just that - a transaction between me and the bank and that no one else could intervene. Obviously assumption is the mother of screw-up.

Someone has milked my bank account. The only dates the bank will give me are two weeks between 25 Oct and 13 Nov and during that time 93,000 baht was stolen - my last 93,000 baht. So god knows what went before. I can actually prove I was in Malaysia during that time, with my card. I have witnesses to that fact.

Despite this the bank seems to consider that it is not viable.

Good god if it is so unsafe surely they have a responsibility to, at least, issue a warning along with the card.

If someone had told me that by using a cash card I was in danger of having money stolen then I wouldn’t have considered using one. Would any one? Am I a lone voice crying in the wilderness?

Does everyone else know this and accept the risk?

I really need to know if this is a widespread problem in Pattaya or if it’s just me. Does it happen to other banks or just Bangkok? I’ve no idea if this is a letter for publication or a plea for an investigation.

Everyone, from the local police to my sister in Bangkok says that my only hope of redress is via the Pattaya Mail. So please any thing you can do.

Penelope J. Milner

My first observation is that the card cloning happened while you were in Malaysia which is one of the worst places for this kind of crime. I have an acquaintance, married and living in KL and between his wife and himself, they have had their plastic 'cloned' 5 times in 2 years. He linked their incidents to purchasing MAS tickets at KL offices as the thefts were always shortly after purchasing air tickets.

In all instances, he was fully protected by the issuing banks (UK and KL bank accounts were both hit) so do not let this local bank fob you off with any excuses and being unable to do anything for you. It was your money so they have not lost anything apart from the interest but credit card fraud is real and so is your problem. They should be able to provide you with details down to date, time and location, where these thefts ocurred. If they cannot, then you need to take this up with a higher authority at the bank AND file a police report.

Words of advice on using plastic, some of which I have already seen on various related posts.

If you are using foreign bank plastic, call customer service, preferably their card fraud division and advise them a ) what countries you will be using the card, and b ) the maximum amounts that you would plan on charging and/or withdrawing at any one time. Always have a working direct number and preferably an alternate toll-free number for the fraud division. Similary, make sure that THEY have YOUR working mobile number and are not leaving messages on an answering machine somewhere!

Try and use the same ATM machine each time you make a cash withdrawal. I doubt that there is any greater security in using an outside versus an inside machine only in the latter, be observant of anyone using the machine before you or waiting till you have finished. Are they trying multiple cards? Are they using a cellphone (taking pictures? calling in PIN's?) and generally hanging about. If so, find another machine, there are plenty of them.

Use a prepaid card such as PayPal that has a set limit and is not linked to an account with all your money in it. Or get a low-balance credit card for the same reason with a limit of say $500. Either of these should have the ability to be 'topped up' via the banks secure online website for your legitimate usage.

Always take out enough for the days planned activities. If you are overwhelmed by some maidens comely charms at 2 am and you only have ha-loy left, don't be tempted to use a quick 'hole in the wall' type ATM. She will probably be there tomorrow and you won't have beer goggles.

I hope that the bank does step up to the plate and assist you in resolving this quickly. After all, if they don't, I am sure there will be several TV subscribers who will be closing their accounts.

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I never use my bank credit card, I pay cash. who knows what the crazy fees are these days, even if its a debit card I only take out cash from the ATM I never use it to make purchaces at the stores. I also have 3 bank accounts and split my money in 3 for a safty net.

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