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Thais in rant-a-thon: Who needs a farang husband anyway? Besides all they like is the black ones


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Vagina has taken more of a beating than the oldest punching bag in Thailand. 

Can you wear out a vagina?

Is there a point where it simply becomes a lady's handbag? Can you actually petrify a vagina through continuous sex with entire cities of men? Would a taxidermist say that her vagina was a completed piece of work? If you compared her hardest-working-vagina in Thailand to the 150-year-old severed ear of Vincent Van Gogh, could you tell the two apart?

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Publicity stunt, 5000 farang over 10 years, 500 per year,  she supposedly dated over 1+ a day for 10 years, no weekends off or sick days included.

And another thing, who do you know keeps a record of all the people they dated in the last decade?

Maybe she had a long term plan on how to date farangs but me thinks she has only gathered knowledge on how to churn and burn through farangs like tissues. I'd like to be a fly on the wall in her classroom it would be so funny.

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On 22-6-2017 at 11:24 PM, gk10002000 said:

So some Thais said the foreigners like dark Thais?  Interesting considering the madness in Thailand about white fair skinned.

SO dark Thais get rare. They all want to look western, meaning looking white, have a fake nose, blond hair and eyes done, of course being very slim and/or muscled. So then you have a fake Thai woman.

In China they go even further and cut their legs to extend !!

Its funny every white wants to be tannend or brown and spends lots of time sun bathing to be brown or black.

 i tell my Thai woman, she can be as brown as she wants. But she doesnt want, as white is the status in Thailand.

The Thai men wants white !! And probably lots of Thai men also want to be white, however not really necessary for a Thai man.


Color has nothing to do with caracter, which is more important. 

Maybe even how whiter the Thai is,  the worse caracter is .


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