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Who is lying? What to do if you deposit 80,000 baht in the bank but they tell you after it was only 40,000....


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1 hour ago, Retiredandhappyhere said:

The same bank (for example Bangkok Bank) in each province seems to have, at least to some extent,  its own rules and regulations.


When I first arrived in Thailand I opened an account witn BB in Bangkok but when I moved to Nakhon Sawan province, I was able to use a local branch there for withdrawals and inputs.  However, when my pass book was full and I needed a new one, I was told that I would have to travel to Bangkok to get one.


Needless to say, I withdrew the entire balance from the Bangkok account and opened up a new one with the local BB bank.   It just seems that they go out of their way to present the customer with problems.  

I had a similar experience with the same bank. My passbook was full and I went to a branch in Pratunam to renew it and was told I had to go to my own branch, which is the main one in Silom. I didn't have time to get there before closing and didn't want to make another trip into the city the next day just to do that so started discussing it with them. They called the manager out and he agreed to change the book there and then. They CAN if they WANT to, but like banks everywhere they like to be difficult.

I now live in Kalasin Province and the book filled up again, and I knew that if I went to my local branch they would tell me with a straight face that I had to make a round-trip of 1200 kilometres to change it. So to stop myself killing anyone I took the book with me the next time I went to Bangkok and changed it there. It's as if they have no nation-wide computer system that can deal with something as simple as issuing a new, blank book. But then it does involve several items of paper, copying of passport etc to add to their mountain of paper they still use in this digital age..... Can I simply transfer my account to my new area, then? Cannot. I have to open a new account, which would probably be impossible for me as now I have no income in Thailand (I transfer money from the UK when I need it, or pay in cash from work overseas).

I think I'm right though in saying that in the so-called UNITED States people have problems doing banking outside of their own State too. Or they used to.

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 Only had two incidents in ten years with Thai banks, I am a fast learner when it comes to My money now,  First time  i went to change some British pounds,  I got my money and turned away, something seemed not right so i turned back and counted the money a 1000 baht note short, I got so sorry , that set my up for life , i never trust any one and always count money in front of them , including if its been through a money counter, Money counters can be falsified, go on youtube and take a look.

Second time i wanted to change some English money to baht, The Girl went through my money all £50 notes, she  gave back a few saying they could not change them as there was writing on them , I thought no problem , I just accepted my Thai baht notes, I went through them and gave back most of them , i said Sorry cannot accept them, i got the usual Thai attitude, I just said i cannot except them becasue most had writing all over there kings picture, she went red faced and gave me some clean ones , a had a few dirty looks from the Thai people queuing behind me and a few titers of laugh from some ex pats .

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39 minutes ago, LammyTS1 said:

Banks have deposit slips that you fill in before handing over the money. 



My local SCB branch no longer has any deposit slips available for customers to complete. You see a teller and they fill out the slip for you. While I have never had any problems, I now count out any deposits in front of them and wait for their confirmation. I check my bank book before leaving.


One thing I used to wonder about was the reluctance to give out a new passbook. At one point I had five sheets of paper stapled to the book with all the latest entries. Kept getting told they had no new passbooks...  very odd but after six months I did get a new passbook and nothing amiss. I asked what did they give new account customers if they had no new passbooks but no answer.

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On 23/06/2017 at 10:54 AM, ChrisY1 said:

Is this a new scam......don't people check their accounts after deposits are made.....?

Always insist on a counting machine or open, visible manual counting, to check money when large deposits are made......

Or you can just obtain a receipt for the deposit like all banks give.

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On 6/23/2017 at 6:36 AM, thailand49 said:

Something smells and doesn't add up here?


What are the chances of this happening twice in the same bank?  and first time the difference in money 110,000 vs. 11,000

I thought standard procedure you got to fill out a deposit slip, if that is the case, that should be proof compare it with the deposit made on the book. Whenever I make a deposit, I filled out the slip and it comes in two parts and I get the carbon back with the bank stamp.

One would think if it happen to you once, before you leave the window check to see what the book is marked? Not rocket science even in Thailand?

I think when it comes to Thailand, consistency is the consistence,  I have 3 accounts with Bangkok Bank here in Pattaya, and each month I make deposits into these account and each time I have to go through the process of filling out the slip. That is why I assume they still have the paperwork station?

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Just to finish my lack of interest in this topic. I go to Bangkok Bank. I make any sort of transaction.

Besides the physical documents we receive, a tone on my phone issues a call. I open it up and see the transaction

on my phone email. Bangkok bank has not tried to rort me in 5 years. I hope it continues. 

Two other banks have tried to defraud me, one in a transfer from my overseas account and once by

way of trying to steal hard cash before my very eyes. I do not deal with these two banks, only Bangkok Bank.

All banks will try to scam you (and they do with the exchange rate scam). Individual tellers may be

scammers as well, make a fuss if you find one out. 

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9 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:

I had a similar experience with the same bank. My passbook was full and I went to a branch in Pratunam to renew it and was told I had to go to my own branch, which is the main one in Silom. I didn't have time to get there before closing and didn't want to make another trip into the city the next day just to do that so started discussing it with them. They called the manager out and he agreed to change the book there and then. They CAN if they WANT to, but like banks everywhere they like to be difficult.

I now live in Kalasin Province and the book filled up again, and I knew that if I went to my local branch they would tell me with a straight face that I had to make a round-trip of 1200 kilometres to change it. So to stop myself killing anyone I took the book with me the next time I went to Bangkok and changed it there. It's as if they have no nation-wide computer system that can deal with something as simple as issuing a new, blank book. But then it does involve several items of paper, copying of passport etc to add to their mountain of paper they still use in this digital age..... Can I simply transfer my account to my new area, then? Cannot. I have to open a new account, which would probably be impossible for me as now I have no income in Thailand (I transfer money from the UK when I need it, or pay in cash from work overseas).

I think I'm right though in saying that in the so-called UNITED States people have problems doing banking outside of their own State too. Or they used to.

I routinely travel and work all over the USA. because Etrade, my primary bank doesn't really have brick and mortar branches so I use Wells Fargo now and then for cash things, or to get a cashier's check or to deposit checks, quickly etc.  I never had a problem, except for nosey tellers that think for some reason I want to discuss my personal affairs with them just because they ask

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On 2017-6-23 at 6:34 AM, scorecard said:


Agree, I check everything carefully. My Thai adult son also, and he's had nasty comments from the bank staff.


One time I was with him, he deposited cash and didn't receive a stamped signed deposit receipt, bank teller girl insisted the bank does not issue such documents. I countered by showing the signed stamped deposit slip I has just received from the next teller just 3 minutes beforehand for a different transaction.


Son insisted on talking to the manager. Several tellers tried to divert my son's request with comments like 'never mind it will be OK next time'. I have the bank HO number for internet banking on speed dial, I called and they quickly transferred me to the appropriate dept., and I told the HO bank guy what was happening, and he tried the same line 'never mind...'  etc.,  I insisted on speaking to a senior person and a lady came on the line, she listened carefully, perfect English and asked me to put the teller on the line.


Teller was told to put son's phone on speaker phone and she was obviously getting an ear full. Then teller was told to bring the manager to the phone and was told to keep the phone where it is so the customer (my Thai son) can hear the conversation.


Manager then sat at the desk and quickly made a copy of the deposit slip and in fear gave it to my son, then told the teller to collect her bag etc., and leave the office. Teller never seen again (at that branch). During all of this my son was using his smartphone to take photos of the staff involved.


I told the HO lady that son had photos, she instantly gave me her personal mobile number and said 'yes please, please send me the photos' and she sent a thank you response to my son.


For the next several months, every time my son or myself went into that branch the tellers quickly called the manager who came and personally sat at the tellers desk and sheepishly did the transaction.


My lawyer and accountant (my ex MBA student) operates a now quite large business consultancy, most of her customers are new / recent / old off shore companies, and she continuously gets new customers from good recommendations, she can tell you dozens of negative / shocking stories about unethical incidents at Thai banks.


On a couple of occasions she had personally taken new start up clients to a Thai bank and after 5 minutes of lack of focused service, lots of bullshxx ('it's now Bank of Thailand policy that all new accounts must have an ATM card', which is not true), insistence that customer has to sign blank forms etc., she has quickly grabbed all the forms and ripped them up and taken the client to another bank. She's a very professional and polite lady but she take no bullshxx.


Her advice with cash deposits is to complete the deposit slip yourself and ensure the deposit amount is written in numbers and characters, and read it to the teller when you give the teller the deposit slip and the cash.  


On a personal basis she does the same thing for her own deposits and also tells the teller to keep all the cash on the desk until it's all agreed by both the teller and herself. 

I Recently opened an account with this bank , BY advice of A Farang friend, butt I always got bad treatment and nasty comments of some staff off course in their language which I do not understand it , and for this I will be very grateful to you if you can provide me with the Head Office number where  I can make complain if I mistreated again ...

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Just as an aside I brought this up with the girlfriend.
She says it's very common that the tellers will cheat the hill tribe people who arrive with a large amount of cash from sales of their crops.
They typically have a grade four education and are intimidated by the bank staff.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

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When doing important business with large sums of money, take snapshots of all paperwork with your phone, get the name of the person you are dealing with and take a secret video or voice recording on your phone.

Basically, I'm saying that I trust my mother only.


Enjoy your coffee chaps and have a rippa day everyone.




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Bank teller charged with theft after 80,000 baht deposited and 40,000 baht recorded case



Picture: Thai Rath


CHAINAT: -- Chainat police have charged a thirty year old female bank teller with theft after she allegedly pocketed 40,000 baht of a client's deposit.


Full story: https://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/989578-bank-teller-charged-with-theft-after-80000-baht-deposited-and-40000 baht-recorded-case/

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