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Bank Account On Non B - Possible?

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well thanks khun bob...

thanks for your experiential information...

Unfortunatley i dont have 500k to put into a bank account here, jesus christ it would be just enough to put 50,000b a month. Anyway thanks again, you can see from me being the original OP that the question is still not answered, no body has any idea on opening a bank account, it varies from person to person. No clear yes or no, thanks anyway for everyones advice, I am still back at square one! lolz F%K it wont bother with an account i am not that interested in the thai banks anway thanks, i will keep my money safe n my fanny pack...555

thanks for the comments!


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Earlier this week I went to the Siam Commercial Bank (SCB) branch at Thanya Building in Bangkok to open a savings account and was asked for a work permit. The staff said there was a law requiring a work permit. I called SCB’s call centre and was told that the branch manager can, at his/her discretion, approve an account without a work permit. After explaining that I was retired, did not work and therefore had no work permit but needed an account because the rules of the Immigration Bureau require it, the branch manager still refused to open an account for me. I asked her if she would do me a favour and give me a photocopy of the law she mentioned, she agreed and an hour later (she had to call head office to ask for it and apparently they had some difficulty finding it) I held the copy in my hands (see attachment), saw at a glance that this was no law, no Ministerial Regulation, no order or rule of the Bank of Thailand nor of any other government institution. It is an internal guideline or rule of SCB.


Other banks have other internal guidelines and I remember seeing a post by a member (eugengeri?) with a copy of Bangkok Bank’s guideline some months ago.

I said nothing further to this branch manager of SCB except thanking her very much, walked down Silom road to eat my favourite sticky rice and mango at the food court of the United Center building, saw another SCB branch in that building, was reluctantly given a savings account there, and received confirmation that it would earn the regular interest for a savings account, currently 0.75%.

The call centre of SCB also had told me that if I was refused the account at the Thanya branch I would definitely get it at the Silom branch, opposite the head office of Bangkok Bank, but in the end it was not necessary for me to go there.



If i read this guideline correctly, it states under point 1.4 that one can open a bank account either with Transit Visa or Tourist Visa.

It would be fun to go back to that same branch to rub it under the staff's noses.

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well thanks khun bob...

thanks for your experiential information...

Unfortunatley i dont have 500k to put into a bank account here, jesus christ it would be just enough to put 50,000b a month. Anyway thanks again, you can see from me being the original OP that the question is still not answered, no body has any idea on opening a bank account, it varies from person to person. No clear yes or no, thanks anyway for everyones advice, I am still back at square one! lolz F%K it wont bother with an account i am not that interested in the thai banks anway thanks, i will keep my money safe n my fanny pack...555

thanks for the comments!


If you want to be 100% sure you can open a bank account with just a 1,000 Baht deposit. The Bank of Ayudhya will open an account with our introduction. We have helped thousands of foreigners do this and have done this as a courtesy with no charge involved on our end.


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Well you have answered my prayers! Thank you very much! Actually I contacted your company last month with a quick email if they could recommend any specific bank to try as I explained I had a problem opening an account here. I think the gentleman who contacted me was called Justin? I would like to contact you with regard to opening the account, what would be the best way to contact your establishment? Please advise, and thanks once again for your assistance in this matter!

Best regards!


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Well you have answered my prayers! Thank you very much! Actually I contacted your company last month with a quick email if they could recommend any specific bank to try as I explained I had a problem opening an account here. I think the gentleman who contacted me was called Justin? I would like to contact you with regard to opening the account, what would be the best way to contact your establishment? Please advise, and thanks once again for your assistance in this matter!

Best regards!


Scroll down and see the address and map.


Just bring your passport and 1,000 Baht to open the acct. Any one of our staff can help you, however Ron would be the first choice to ask for.


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You ask until you get the answer you want.

That's the key!

By the way, I want to transfer money within my accounts at different branches within the same bank. Often, I do not have my passbook with me.

Will they charge a transfer fee? And how can I avoid a transfer fee?

And yes - I want online banking for non-residents. Suggenstions would be appreciated.

Regards, boxida

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It would be fun to go back to that same branch to rub it under the staff's noses.

That would not be my style. Perhaps the Thanya branch of SCB had other valid reasons for not wanting to open accounts for too many foreigners. Including the branch manager, there are only four employees and there is a heap of paperwork involved to comply with “due diligence”. It has been mentioned in related threads on this subject that it is advisable to go to a big branch.

Anyway, that paragraph 14 says that persons holding the mentioned visas are not allowed to open an account.



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well thanks khun bob...

thanks for your experiential information...

Unfortunatley i dont have 500k to put into a bank account here, jesus christ it would be just enough to put 50,000b a month. Anyway thanks again, you can see from me being the original OP that the question is still not answered, no body has any idea on opening a bank account, it varies from person to person. No clear yes or no, thanks anyway for everyones advice, I am still back at square one! lolz F%K it wont bother with an account i am not that interested in the thai banks anway thanks, i will keep my money safe n my fanny pack...555

thanks for the comments!


Thanks for reading my and others posts in detail - I wish you well with bank of ayuuthia !

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