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Chang tastes different


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Has anyone else noticed the taste of Chang beer in bottles has changed?   I went to Rambuttri, near Khao San last Monday and ordered a large Chang and, as has been expressed before on TV forum before, there was a chemical taste.  I told the waiting staff and also the manageress.  One guy took a sip and by his facial reaction indicated it was not good.  I sat there without a drink for 15 minutes hoping that  I would have a replacement of sorts but it was not forthcoming so I left.  I went across the road and had a San Miguel.


Next day I went to a different bar and the same thing happened.  The taste was not quite as bad as previously but did not taste good.  The waiting staff were pushing SM as opposed to Chang that day so for my second drink I agreed.


I messaged Thai Bev and they were very good in giving me a contact number.  Also I chatted to Customer Service on 027855555.  Although the lady could speak English and was helpful she asked me to send pics and supporting info to an e mail address she gave me.  However her I could not understand her accent when she was spelling the e mail address. 


I have been drinking Chang for 12 years; I will drink a different beer from now on.


Maybe a problem with quality control?  Anyone else noticed a problem?






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I thought it was me having this problem but after reading your post I agree with you. Chang does taste funny. I was last out drinking Changs Thursday night in the lower Sukhumvit area and went to four different places and ordered changs and all had an odd taste to them.

Edited by pmarlin
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If you've been drinking Chang for 12 years, your taste buds, if you ever had any in the first place (which is doubtful, or you'd never have finished your very first bottle of it 12 years ago), will be well and truly destroyed by now. Suffice it to say that you have zero taste in beer. Chang isn't real beer... At its best, it was oddly flavoured gassy p*ss whose only saving grace was it got you drunk a bit quicker than superior, more expensive brews.

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