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Image of the United States has plunged under Trump, survey shows


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Image of the United States has plunged under Trump, survey shows

By Noah Barkin



FILE PHOTO: From L-R, European Council President Donald Tusk, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, U.S. President Donald Trump, French President Emmanuel Macron and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe walk after a family photo during the G7 Summit in Taormina, Sicily, Italy, May 26, 2017. 


BERLIN (Reuters) - The image of the United States has deteriorated sharply across the globe under President Donald Trump and an overwhelming majority of people in other countries have no confidence in his ability to lead, a survey from the Pew Research Center showed.


Five months into Trump's presidency, the survey spanning 37 nations showed U.S. favourability ratings in the rest of the world slumping to 49 percent from 64 percent at the end of Barack Obama's eight years in the White House.


But the falls were far steeper in some of America's closest allies, including U.S. neighbours Mexico and Canada, and European partners like Germany and Spain.


Trump took office in January pledging to put "America First". Since then he has pressed ahead with plans to build a wall along the U.S. border with Mexico, announced he will pull out of the Paris climate accord, and accused countries including Canada, Germany and China of unfair trade practices.


On his first foreign trip as president in early June, Trump received warm welcomes in Saudi Arabia and Israel, but a cool reception from European partners, with whom he clashed over NATO spending, climate and trade.


Just 30 percent of Mexicans now say they have a favourable view of the United States, down from 66 percent at the end of the Obama era. In Canada and Germany, favourability ratings slid by 22 points, to 43 percent and 35 percent, respectively.


In many European countries, the ratings were comparable to those seen at the end of the presidency of George W. Bush, whose 2003 invasion of Iraq was deeply unpopular.


"The drop in favourability ratings for the United States is widespread," the Pew report said. "The share of the public with a positive view of the U.S. has plummeted in a diverse set of countries from Latin America, North America, Europe, Asia and Africa".




The survey, based on the responses of 40,447 people and conducted between Feb. 16 and May 8 this year, showed even deeper mistrust of Trump himself, with only 22 percent of those surveyed saying they had confidence he would do the right thing in world affairs, compared to 64 percent who trusted Obama.


Both Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping, with confidence ratings of 27 percent and 28 percent respectively, scored higher than Trump. German Chancellor Angela Merkel, with a confidence rating of 42 percent, scored highest among the four leaders in the survey.


The countries with the lowest confidence in Trump were Mexico, at 5 percent and Spain at 7 percent. The only two countries where ratings improved compared to Obama were Russia, where confidence in the U.S. president surged to 53 percent from 11 percent, and Israel, where it rose 7 points to 56 percent.


Globally, 75 percent of respondents described Trump as "arrogant", 65 percent as "intolerant" and 62 percent as "dangerous". A majority of 55 percent also described him as a "strong leader".


The survey showed widespread disapproval of Trump's signature policy proposals, with 76 percent unhappy with his plan to build the wall on the border with Mexico, 72 percent against his withdrawal from major trade agreements and 62 percent opposed to his plans to restrict travel to the U.S. from some majority-Muslim countries.


On the positive side, the survey showed that 58 percent of respondents had a positive view of Americans in general. And in many regions of the world, a majority or plurality of respondents said they expected relations with the United States to stay roughly the same in spite of Trump.


(Reporting by Noah Barkin; Editing by Toby Chopra)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-06-27
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                                Who is surprised?  Not me.   Expect further erosion of the US's image - as long as Trumpsters are running the clown show.


                            Just on the environmental front alone; even if Trump did everything else presidentially - he single-handedly dumped on US's image.  Now, when people from outside the US want to get some alternative energy solutions (advice/hardware/service, etc) they're less likely to look to US experts/products.   China, India, western Europe will fill the void that Trump created.   It will translate to many jobs and lots of manufactured items and expertise  (relating to alt.energy, etc) bleeding from the US to other countries.


                              A comparison: In the early and mid 20th century, the US was considered at the vanguard of pumping oil.  For that reason, the Saudis, Russians, and other countries hired US experts, and many Americans became very rich from that.   Imagine if Eisenhower and other US presidents of that time had declared;  "Oil extraction is bogus.  We want nothing to do with it."   ........all those billions of $$'s in investment would have gone to other countries, instead of the US.

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The biggest down fall of the USA is they way the rich on both sides of the isle are taking the american dream away from those working class people who built and defended the country. Oil will be the number one source of energy in fifty years with nuclear and gas running a close race for second. Alternative energy will be well under 20%.

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4 hours ago, webfact said:

In many European countries, the ratings were comparable to those seen at the end of the presidency of George W. Bush, whose 2003 invasion of Iraq was deeply unpopular.

I didn't think highly of George W Bush, but I would take him back in a heartbeat over crooked Donald.

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8 minutes ago, charmonman said:

I didn't think highly of George W Bush, but I would take him back in a heartbeat over crooked Donald.

No because GW would have attacked North Korea already by now and all his buds would be raking in the cash, but then maybe Trump will do the same.

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No just the opposite! The silent majority is rockin' now and will continue for the next 8 years. Obama was taking us down the Socialist Europe Route and bankrupting us on the way. That has come to a stop! In two years everything Obama did will be reversed and America's Economy will be booming! God Bless America, while we make America Great Again. We are 5-0 in elections since President Trump took over! The Progressive Socialists Democrats of America (PSDA) are in decline and

will be for the foreseeable future. Looks like Hillary & Bernie maybe going to jail and not President Trump.

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I hope the world has some patience with us (U.S.) while we work through the horrible mistake of electing an insane clown president. We're culpable collectively as a nation but he never enjoyed majority support even when elected. There will a huge cost to the U.S. for this mistake and probably the world as well.

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4 minutes ago, tomwct said:

We are 5-0 in elections since President Trump took over!


That's certainly looking at it through beer goggles.  How do you feel about those "wins" being by very slim margins in districts that Republicans used to win by 20 points?


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1 hour ago, Grubster said:

The biggest down fall of the USA is they way the rich on both sides of the isle are taking the american dream away from those working class people who built and defended the country. Oil will be the number one source of energy in fifty years with nuclear and gas running a close race for second. Alternative energy will be well under 20%.

dont be so sure. solar is being taken up on a massive scale and the price of panels is coming down very quickly. also there are several cold fusion reactors being built. that will change everything.

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It's become real embarrassing to come out as American to foreigners these days.

But not all non-Americans are anti-trump. I've met some that are pro trump (largely RUSSIANS, Israelis, and white supremacist European right wing types) as well. It's even weirder engaging with them.  

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51 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

I hope the world has some patience with us (U.S.) while we work through the horrible mistake of electing an insane clown president. We're culpable collectively as a nation but he never enjoyed majority support even when elected. There will a huge cost to the U.S. for this mistake and probably the world as well.


Amen to that, and my condolences to all American citizens who did not support this pathetic buffoon.


See the way he is looking at Macron on that pic ? It speaks volumes.


This guy always looks like he's some incredibly untalented actor playing a part he was given for being the producer's nephew. His gestures, tone, voice inflections, his public trumpeting,  it's all so incredibly phoney, reminds me of the worst Thai TV dramas.


To say that he is unpopular around the world is the mother of all understatements. For a country that claims to be the world leader in military and economical terms, it's nothing short of a disaster. To make America hated again, that's how his mantra translates in world politics and it's only the beginning.


Obama was hated by the Republicans at home, more than any  democrat president before him, and they did a good job in making sure he could not implement any of his projects, because their side is where the money is, and money is what rules the American 'democracy'.

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1 minute ago, phantomfiddler said:

Personally I think Trump will do more positive things for America than the several presidents before him combined. Unlike o,bama at least he is on the side of the American people !

More like he's on the side of his fellow billionaires. He totally conned his voting base. His policies are designed to hit them especially hard.


Don't confuse his rhetoric with what he's actually doing.

Drain the swamp? To him that's about building golf courses only.   

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32 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

It's become real embarrassing to come out as American to foreigners these days.

But not all non-Americans are anti-trump. I've met some that are pro trump (largely RUSSIANS, Israelis, and white supremacist European right wing types) as well. It's even weirder engaging with them.  

Try the Geert Wilders enthusiasts in Holland, they're all in favor of Trump and see their big blond leader as his clone

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1 minute ago, rudi49jr said:

Try the Geert Wilders enthousiasts in Holland, they're all in favor of Trump and see their big blond leader as his clone

Yes, of course. White supremacists internationally totally relate to him. 

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9 minutes ago, phantomfiddler said:

Personally I think Trump will do more positive things for America than the several presidents before him combined. Unlike o,bama at least he is on the side of the American people !

I agree with you, he's been in office 5 months and needs time and will be better than obama.


America hasn't been in favor with many nations and its people since WWII and yes I know first hand how Americans are hated. What's embarrassing now are these leftist resistance idiots.


I do my part and tell anyone willing to listen they are unhinged :) 

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1 hour ago, tomwct said:

No just the opposite! The silent majority is rockin' now and will continue for the next 8 years. Obama was taking us down the Socialist Europe Route and bankrupting us on the way. That has come to a stop! In two years everything Obama did will be reversed and America's Economy will be booming! God Bless America, while we make America Great Again. We are 5-0 in elections since President Trump took over! The Progressive Socialists Democrats of America (PSDA) are in decline and

will be for the foreseeable future. Looks like Hillary & Bernie maybe going to jail and not President Trump.




OMG, Thanks so much for the laugh. I really enjoyed reading this!


I really can't wait to see that booming economy. 


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4 minutes ago, maximillian said:

G.W., Obama, Killary, Trump... none of them were/are good for the US working class, nor for the world with their imperialistic policies. Bernie might have been the change for the better.

Thanks to H.R.C. we must live with Trump.

You're assuming Sanders would have beaten trump. Possibly but we'll never know. 

One thing we do know for certain, the republicans would have red baited him relentlessly. 

Younger Americans are not as socialist phobic as older Americans but in my view that wouldn't have been enough to elect Sanders.

I know all about this. At my Mom's American school they sang the Internationale. Sanders is from that generation and culture. I think too far out the mainstream to ever elect president. 

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3 minutes ago, maximillian said:

G.W., Obama, Killary, Trump... none of them were/are good for the US working class, nor for the world with their imperialistic policies. Bernie might have been the change for the better.

Thanks to H.R.C. we must live with Trump.

let's add the........ Wasserman woman to that.

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First of all, the idea of making American great again, is a pipe dream for fools. Yes, there are improvements that can be made, for sure. But, it is not the country it once was, and it never will be. That was a moment in time. No spewing of fake rhetoric is going to change that. He has broken nearly every promise toward making American great again. The wall. Fake promise. Lowering health care costs, and making health care accessible to more Americans. Another fake promise. Making it harder for China to practice it's ultra protectionist promises. A fake promise. He has done nothing but kiss China's butt, and get outmaneuvered by them, so far. Moving away from clean environmental practices will do nothing but make American weaker. In reality it is nothing but the continuation of the massive transfer of wealth, that has been taking place over the past 20 years or so, disguised as a people's agenda. And now, criticizing Qatar one day, and then selling them $10,000,000,000US in weapons the next? Is this what is known as the Trump version of sincerity, and credibility? No wonder you are not being taken seriously, President Cheeto. 


Of course the opinion of this man is low, throughout the world. He is not taken seriously by many, outside of his core group of devotees. Very few around the world consider him to be a real leader, and someone who possesses diplomatic skill, or the ability and willingness to negotiate fairly. He is a clown, running a circus. A court jester.The United States of Barnum & Bailey. An entertaining jester for sure, but not much more than a weak man, spewing alot of bluster, with alot of promises that are being broken daily. It is only a matter of time before the support among his core (already happening according to many polls, which show him at the lowest level of support at this time in a presidency, for decades)  begins to wane, and a large number of really disenfranchised supporters become very, very angry and disappointed. Drain the swamp? More like re-populate it with insiders, snakes, and neophytes, following a hateful, racist, thin skinned, ultra sensitive, infantile, non-visionary clown around, and kissing his sword at every opportunity. Yes, very dignified, elegant and appealing. Not. 

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