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Merkel issues warning to Trump ahead of G20 summit


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8 hours ago, Caps said:

who did protect Germany after WW2?


I think you might find that Russia, UK, French and the US occupied Germany and it was nothing to do with protection 

It wasn't Trump, nor would he have

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7 hours ago, champers said:

Some may say they ought to have contributed more to the countries they destroyed. I believe that viewpoint prevails in Greece. 

I think  they say the same in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya and Yemen as well  - but the culprit not being Germany of course. Be careful what precedents you try and set.


Shall we have the Greeks for laying waste to about 20 countries 2000 years ago as well? Where exactly would you like to stop? Merkel, Hitler, Alexander the Great? Who owes who what on behalf of which historical character?

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Time until trump leaves office. 1300. days. : 02. hours. : 59. minutes. : 39. 


or less if a patriot can get close to him.

All we have to do is survive his presidency until then with the least amount of damage to the country and the world.

Edited by sirineou
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20 hours ago, humqdpf said:

I get the impression that she would like to tell Trump to behave himself, not to be grabbing anyone, no barging in the photo queues, no off-colour jokes and tone down the sexist and other nasty jibes.

It wouldn't surprise me if she thought she'd rather SPIT in his fat face.

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9 hours ago, Redline said:

I hope everyone just ignores Trump.  He's making the US irrelevant in discussions.  They know his time is limited, and they will make closer ties with themselves and other like minded countries

I hope they all laugh in his face and see him turn redder. Maybe - with a little luck - his head will explode. 

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22 hours ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

Merkel and her bunch should talk with China, the number 1 polluting country and then India and a few others before she worries about the USA.  How good is Germany by the way with their factories and polluting ways? 

   The G20 countries are all polluters, so good luck to all ,  and all stay honest Hey!


Yeah, talk about "free trade".  China doesn't have to do anything under the accords until 2030 (when ITS CO2 emissions are expected to peak; some say a bit earlier possibly... !).  Meanwhile, it keeps underpricing American producers who have ALREADY cut their carbon footprint since 2007 (when THEY peaked) by over 12% and who are already having to deal with the economic burden of that!  (You never hear that, because it doesn't fit in well with the Trumpophobe tirades.)  And under the accords India need do nothing until THEY receive an extortion payment in aid of over $2Billion.  (Hint:  There are over 240 million people in India without electricity - so where do you think THEIR emissions are going, hmmm?)


Tell you what Herr Merkel, Sieg Heil and all that and you know what you can do with your ridiculous warnings.  The Paris Accords are just another thinly-disguised attack on American jobs. 



Edited by hawker9000
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19 hours ago, selftaopath said:

I hope they all laugh in his face and see him turn redder. Maybe - with a little luck - his head will explode. 

Oh yes - a room full of giggling children.  I'm sure he'll find that very upsetting...


With a little luck, these kids will scrape together a rational thought or two and move on from their economic warfare agenda to something a little more equitable and "statesmanlike", though I realize European pols and bureaucrats have a really hard time with that.   Most third graders would I suppose.






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On 6/30/2017 at 9:19 AM, ilostmypassword said:

Actually, I believe Trump has a Time magazine cover posted on the Oval Office wall that shows him leading the troops landing at Normandy.

I thought he had dodgy feet - or at least foot - he can't seem to remember which one got him out of the draft.


Ironic to hear him accusing some states that refuse to release voter data as having 'something to hide' -  still waiting for those tax returns Donald...

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15 hours ago, hawker9000 said:

Oh yes - a room full of giggling children.  I'm sure he'll find that very upsetting...


With a little luck, these kids will scrape together a rational thought or two and move on from their economic warfare agenda to something a little more equitable and "statesmanlike", though I realize European pols and bureaucrats have a really hard time with that.   Most third graders would I suppose.






I would say that it would be entertaining none the less.  Let's hope they get their act together anyway.  But, if you think the bureaucracy is going to end, don't hold your breath

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On 6/30/2017 at 8:01 AM, Somtamnication said:

The only leader who can stand up to Trump. 

                                Not necessarily.  There could be other leaders who will stand up to Trump. Trump The Emperor has no clothes, and an increasing # of people are going to be brave enough to speak out about his many failings.


                           The one big disadvantage Merkel has, in Trump's view, is that she's a woman.  Trump doesn't hesitate to denigrate women, often with degrading mentions of their physical condition.  He's done it with Megan Kelly, Rosie O'Donnel, and 2 days ago with Mika.  Both Mika and her new husband have been broadsiding Trump (as have other men on their show, and dozens of men in mainstream news), .....but you'll notice who Trump aims his ire at:  The only woman in the group - and he did it in such a craven way, that several foreign diplomats in Wash DC called Mika up the next day, to tell her how much they liked how she was doing her job.


Trump is sinking deeper on every front.  Soon he'll be an orange plop of ooze on the Oval Office carpet.

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On 6/30/2017 at 8:01 AM, Somtamnication said:

The only leader who can stand up to Trump. 

I think by now everyone has taken his measure and a lot of them can stand up to him, if the need arose. 


Trump imagined the power of the presidency the way he viewed his power as a real estate magnate. That being the richest guy in the room and a celebrity, he could stare down, shout down, bully, intimidate or leverage his way to getting his way. As president, he would just have more of that. But Trump has never held real power or sat across the table from people with real power. Trump the political naif who can't even get Republican senators to vote his way is in the position he is because he brought the same vainglorious style to the world stage that seemed to work for him in the private sector. But the White House is not the private sector. World leaders are not so easily browbeaten and cowed as real estate subcontractors. Trump's alpha-dog handshake routine won't work here. Comey wasn't intimidated, and Mueller isn't intimidated.


The man is a skilled con artist who can easily spot a gullible mark, but his understanding of intelligent people who have power and independence is sorely lacking.

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2 minutes ago, Thakkar said:

I think by now everyone has taken his measure and a lot of them can stand up to him, if the need arose. 


Trump imagined the power of the presidency the way he viewed his power as a real estate magnate. That being the richest guy in the room and a celebrity, he could stare down, shout down, bully, intimidate or leverage his way to getting his way. As president, he would just have more of that. But Trump has never held real power or sat across the table from people with real power. Trump the political naif who can't even get Republican senators to vote his way is in the position he is because he brought the same vainglorious style to the world stage that seemed to work for him in the private sector. But the White House is not the private sector. World leaders are not so easily browbeaten and cowed as real estate subcontractors. Trump's alpha-dog handshake routine won't work here. Comey wasn't intimidated, and Mueller isn't intimidated.


The man is a skilled con artist who can easily spot a gullible mark, but his understanding of intelligent people who have power and independence is sorely lacking.


"...or sat across the table from people with real power. "


Not so. There were those banks and bankers who denied him finance. Just that, of course, these dealings were not conducted in public.



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On 6/30/2017 at 7:37 AM, Redline said:

USA, Turkey and Russia...China is on a roll.  They are taking over while everyone is bumbling around


Time to learn Mandarin!

Nations are being made irrelevant.  The blocking of the TPP was just a minor bump in the road for the corporatists and the oligarchs.  Trump is their convenient foil. Armeggadon will be the battle between Jeff Bezos and Jack Ma with Google acting as referee.  Rollerball!

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On 6/30/2017 at 1:27 PM, blazes said:

Well, we can be pretty sure Trump will not be attempting to grab any  part of Merkel's anatomy.

I wouldn't want to put any money down on that kind of a bet.


From all appearances, he's the type who's willing to grab anything in a skirt, no matter how....

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4 minutes ago, Morch said:


"...or sat across the table from people with real power. "


Not so. There were those banks and bankers who denied him finance. Just that, of course, these dealings were not conducted in public.



political power of a country's leader or the power of a Special Prosecutor is a little more formidable from a banker's power. 

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3 minutes ago, Thakkar said:

political power of a country's leader or the power of a Special Prosecutor is a little more formidable from a banker's power. 


Guess some of our posters would be all too happy to point out that bankers control the world etc.

It's not that Trump never met a formidable opposition, but that he was rarely publicly contradicted/humiliated/denied prior to entering political life. As long as such things were private, it allowed for his world view to continue unchallenged. Seems he's having trouble adjusting.

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2 hours ago, Morch said:

"...or sat across the table from people with real power. "

Not so. There were those banks and bankers who denied him finance. Just that, of course, these dealings were not conducted in public.

A big reason Trump went to Russians for large loans was because US banks wouldn't loan to him.  Probably same for Kushner.  I can picture Trump with his son-in-law, both of whom rely on loans to float their fortunes:  "Jared, don't fret if NY banks don't want to loan big money to prop up the 666 property you over-paid for.  Do as I do;  Russian Oligarchs have waaaaay more money than they can handle.  They want to siphon it out of Russia.  Where better, than into our laps.  Heck, I just got an oligarch to buy one of my properties in Florida for four times its value.  He never even saw the the place.  It's empty.  He just needed to unload 60 million dollars because his trophy wife was leaving him and threatening to take him to the cleaners.   There's a reason it's called laundered money, but Jared, make sure you don't call it that.  It could get us in a lot of trouble."


2 hours ago, Johpa said:

Nations are being made irrelevant.  The blocking of the TPP was just a minor bump in the road for the corporatists and the oligarchs.  Trump is their convenient foil. Armeggadon will be the battle between Jeff Bezos and Jack Ma with Google acting as referee.  Rollerball!

                         There was a well-researched, well-written article in the Bkk Post a few days ago about the TPP.  It was written by a staff writer on the Wall St. Journal who is/was traveling to many financial centers in Asia.  The writer was nearly livid in his anger at Trump (for wanting to pull the US out of TPP).  Among other things, the US pulling out, is creating a giant opportunity for China to massively increase its influence over many countries, while the US continues to slip toward insignificance.   Trump trashing the TPP will ensure that labor unions won't get established, it will also weaken/destroy many environmental protections, and protections/minimum wages for workers on the lowest rungs of the ladder.  Actually, it's everything Trump likes:  Lower environmental/safety standards, and it ensures the rich get richer, while the poor get poorer. 

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On 6/30/2017 at 1:21 PM, Suradit69 said:

Even legendary conservative commentators seem to have found the real Trump in the midst of all his Tweets.





Saw Billy at the Four Seasons Georgetown recently.  Very fat and very drunk. Angry man tossed out of power by his own stupidity. 


Neocon who thought Iraq war would save the world(especially Israel). 


Here re is his latest brain wave. Man is an idiot. 





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7 hours ago, funandsuninbangkok said:

Saw Billy at the Four Seasons Georgetown recently.  Very fat and very drunk. Angry man tossed out of power by his own stupidity. 


Neocon who thought Iraq war would save the world(especially Israel). 


Here re is his latest brain wave. Man is an idiot. 






All of which is irrelevant to his spot on comment.

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1 minute ago, funandsuninbangkok said:

I would argue that being a discredited and an alcoholic racist would in fact have relevance in the interpretation of his "spot on" bribble. 


So Trump isn't a pig, then?

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19 minutes ago, Morch said:


So Trump isn't a pig, then?

No. He is President of the United States. 


Hey tough guy. Why don't you tell him what you think to his face?





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26 minutes ago, funandsuninbangkok said:

No. He is President of the United States. 


Hey tough guy. Why don't you tell him what you think to his face?





Trump's love affair with wrestling: It the perfect metaphor for him: violent, phony and immature.



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