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Recently returned from 2 weeks in Europe. May have had to blow my nose mornings there a bit, but not as bad as after returning to Bangkok (I live in Udom Suk, out the Sukhumvit BTS line). 

I wondered if there wasn't some tree or something giving off a lot of pollen recently, so googled 'Bangkok pollen count.' The first result was a weather site that didn't mention any pollen but warned about "extreme indoor dust and dander levels" over the next several days. Not sure how they would know about the weather *inside* your house, but am guessing it means that, at this point in the rainy season there is a higher than average chance of mold spores, and with the humidity, maybe a higher than average chance of dust mites?

I searched T/V and elsewhere and many advised cleaning your room top to bottom. I have already done the following: Had the apartment guys clean my A/C and re-grout my bathroom floor (which was absent grout in some areas where I thought bacteria and mold could be). Bought HEPA filter that I've taped to fan (friend showed me how to do this). Bought a new pillow. Washed mattress pad. Vacuumed mattress. Mopped all floors. Washed drapes. Washed all small rugs. Cleaned shower head. Yet to do: Bathroom fan. Behind, inside wardrobe. Under a couple things. Wash windows.

I suppose handling these few remaining things could help. I *thought* some of the things I've already done were helping, but last couple days have been as bad as any. I seem to be much more sensitive about feeling the blow of the air conditioner, as well. Again, by 2:00pm or so I'm almost completely fine until the next a.m.

Today I got some allergy pills from a pharmacy. I don't like to use them unless I have to, but may take some tomorrow, as today was mostly a write off. (I'd much rather deal with the causes than the symptoms.)

1) Anyone know of any pollen (or something), that is higher than normal around Bangkok now, that is wreaking havoc with allergy sufferers?
2) Do you think I need to buy a new mattress? Mine is a single size IKEA spring mattress that came in a roll. 

I blew up an inflatable bed I have and slept on that one night (in my same studio apartment though), but it made no difference. So, I thought that meant the problem is not my usual mattress. But that might be wrong?

I've been thinking I should go stay somewhere else for a day or two to see if the problem abates. If it did, it could mean my room is still the problem.

Any helpful info, tips, advice...?



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I find that using 3M Brand "FILTRETE" replaceable filter cloth         ( Google it for an image) to cover the removable, cleanable air filters inside my aircon units helps a GREAT deal here in Bangkok. (I'm near Thong Lor).  I replace it every two weeks and when I do, I can see the crap it filters our of the air.  If I don't use it, my allergies kick up and I experience the same type of runny nose problems.  If you try it, be sure to place it on the air entry side of the filter and then replace the whole thing back into your unit.  


I also use allergen covers on my mattress (under the sheets)  and pillows(underneath the pillow cases) and have not had a problem with dust mites to which I have an allergic reaction.  You can find them at Central or Emporium, maybe online, too.  Vacuuming daily with a machine that has a HEPA filter helps too. 


During heavy pollen seasons I take Telfast 180mg. once a day.  (generic name is fexofenadine but its marketed under Telfast here.)  It's a new generation antihistamine and has very few side effects..... especially good if you have any problems with enlarged prostate as this new generation med has no effect on that problem.  The older generation antihistamines aggravate prostate problems.


Hope these tips help.  


Had it too and I use Aerius medicine. Stops it cold. As far as cause, went to a few doctors who told me you can develop allergies at any point in your life. You can change buildings and you'll still have them--if it's just your body changing. No cause, no reason. Just sudden change.


Did your cleaning include behind and under the bed and other furniture, and inside of wardrobes etc? Dust and mold unseen can still cause problems. (if you do this cleaning suggest wearing a mask during - inevitably the cleaning process releases particles into the air).


There are special mattress and pillow covers you can buy that will protect from anything within the mattress or pillow you may be allergic to.


Some people feel in-home air purifiers help, others don't.


But of course could also be due to allergens or pollution in the air outside.


Thanks much for your comments. I did take a "Carinose" (Loratadine; sold as Claritin, among other brands), that I got cheap from the pharmacist yesterday (B45 for 10 tablets). I also slept with the sliding glass door to my veranda open (screen door closed), for part of last night, as it seemed to help a few nights ago. This morning only had to blow my nose about twice, which is a huge improvement.

I'll continue to clean the remaining things; may get an actual air filter machine for the HEPA filter, as taping it to my fan is not working that great. I'll look into the special pillow and mattress covers, as well as the FILTRETE sheets for my aircon. And, of course, finish cleaning the remaining items. 
The internet's a great thing. I feel like I'll get past this. :-)

3 hours ago, Tracyb said:

I find that using 3M Brand "FILTRETE" replaceable filter cloth         ( Google it for an image) to cover the removable, cleanable air filters inside my aircon units helps a GREAT deal here in Bangkok.

Thanks. Where do you get the FILTRETE in BKK?

20 hours ago, OliverKlozerof said:

Never mind...I found it at Central. ;-)


Great!  Hope it helps!  


PS   if you didn't see it, you can also find it in a larger quantity on a small roll.  Usually around 400-500 baht.  The rolls are generally available at HomePro.

2 hours ago, Tracyb said:

Great!  Hope it helps!  


PS   if you didn't see it, you can also find it in a larger quantity on a small roll.  Usually around 400-500 baht.  The rolls are generally available at HomePro.

Got the roll of Filtrete at HomePro yesterday evening. Came home and installed it. Blew nose twice this a.m.! Huge difference! Actually, also picked up the Hatari air purifier and got it going last night, as well. (Just B4888 for the Hatari, which came with one filter in the unit, AND came with two FREE replacement filters, which are normally over B800 each. Amazing deal. Not sure if it's temporary promotion or not.)

Also got a Santas anti-allergen mattress pad for my single bed (B2040), and two Picasso anti-allergen pillow covers (B695 for package of two). Did not put these anti-allergen items on bed or pillows last night, as I wanted to wash them first, since they had a slight 'factory' (or something) smell. Will put them on tonight, plus do the rest of my cleaning.

Anyway, thanks again for the ideas. I especially think the Filtrete sheets in the aircon are helping a lot.

Another Factor?
Another thing that's crossed my mind, however, is...every couple years I get a persistent sniffle...long story, but years ago my mom recommended seeing a chiropractor about it, which I did, and the sniffle immediately went away. (Normally, I'm very suspicious of chiropractors, but you can't argue with success.) And every few years, I get the same symptoms and go get the same 'cure.'

So though this time I'm quite sure it's dust/dander allergens causing the problem, I've known my spine is susceptible to creating this runny nose thing, as well. Anyhow, because my energy has been down due to all this recently, I haven't been doing my regular weight training--which may tweak my spine--over the last few days. So, is it possible my nose is better partly due to taking a break from weight training? I kind of doubt it...but will restart my exercise routine today...if the problem recurs, there may be a connection.


It appears you have done just about everything. I am not sure, but I suggest you try acupuncture. I know a Japanese who tried chinese herbal medicine and he said it helps about 70 percent for his pollen allergy (running nose)

I had this ringing noise in my ears it was really irritating but I was lucky I tried Indian Aryuvedic breathing exercise, just simple exercise but it works so well and I don't get that noise anymore. Very surprised for such simple solution. ( it started to work after only about 10 days).

May be you should give this breathing exercises a try as well. Pranayama breathing exercise. Google you will find it on youtube.

If I were you I would try this Indian breathing exercises after all it's free. Just be patient give it a bit of time to work.

Acupuncture and chinese herbal medicine would cost quite a bit of money and not always work. 

Keep your spirit up. 

18 hours ago, OliverKlozerof said:

Got the roll of Filtrete at HomePro yesterday evening. Came home and installed it. Blew nose twice this a.m.! Huge difference! Actually, also picked up the Hatari air purifier and got it going last night, as well. (Just B4888 for the Hatari, which came with one filter in the unit, AND came with two FREE replacement filters, which are normally over B800 each. Amazing deal. Not sure if it's temporary promotion or not.)

Also got a Santas anti-allergen mattress pad for my single bed (B2040), and two Picasso anti-allergen pillow covers (B695 for package of two). Did not put these anti-allergen items on bed or pillows last night, as I wanted to wash them first, since they had a slight 'factory' (or something) smell. Will put them on tonight, plus do the rest of my cleaning.

Anyway, thanks again for the ideas. I especially think the Filtrete sheets in the aircon are helping a lot.

Another Factor?
Another thing that's crossed my mind, however, is...every couple years I get a persistent sniffle...long story, but years ago my mom recommended seeing a chiropractor about it, which I did, and the sniffle immediately went away. (Normally, I'm very suspicious of chiropractors, but you can't argue with success.) And every few years, I get the same symptoms and go get the same 'cure.'

So though this time I'm quite sure it's dust/dander allergens causing the problem, I've known my spine is susceptible to creating this runny nose thing, as well. Anyhow, because my energy has been down due to all this recently, I haven't been doing my regular weight training--which may tweak my spine--over the last few days. So, is it possible my nose is better partly due to taking a break from weight training? I kind of doubt it...but will restart my exercise routine today...if the problem recurs, there may be a connection.

I'm happy you found the rolls of filters and the bed coverings.  Sounds like you're doing everything you can to improve your environment.  Glad to hear you're doing better!  Keep us posted!  You can PM me too, if you like!  Regards...


Are the filters in your air con clean ?  

Mold growth is common this time of year, especially in air con buses and minibus.

A de-ioniser can be useful near the bed. 



Well, blew nose about 10 times this a.m. Believe it or not, still a BIG improvement over 3–4 days ago. But there's probably a reason was somewhat worse than yesterday: I cleaned some more areas yesterday without wearing a particle mask. Under one cabinet was all this dust and spider web stuff...I have a small hand-held vacuum cleaner that is so much more convenient than the big one I had, which died. But it has no bag, just 4 stages of filtration (metal mesh, papery thing, foam rubber and another piece of foam rubber after the motor). I cut a little piece of Filtrete to add to the mix. Still, I wouldn't be surprised if some microscopic dust comes out of it? Hard to know for sure.

I also did my weight training last night before bed. Felt fine while doing it and body feels fine this a.m., but may still be a factor? Also, had chicken sausage jambalaya and a beer for dinner last night--not the healthiest thing...probably didn't help.
Still, big improvement over former situation. Used to be if I walked or sat in stream of aircon, I would shiver and nose would run immediately. That's all passed. ;-)

1 hour ago, Speedo1968 said:

Are the filters in your air con clean ?  

Mold growth is common this time of year, especially in air con buses and minibus.

A de-ioniser can be useful near the bed. 


Yes, the apartment guys came and did a thorough cleaning of the A/C. Errr, well I though they did...the cooling fins are very clean...but when I look up into the cylindrical fan part, it's still dirty. But maybe that part doesn't matter as much. And I'm not sure how you'd go about cleaning it. Anyhow, the screens were cleaned then...and I cleaned them again before putting the Filtrete paper on them. Whenever I'd be sneezing in the past, I'd always pull them out, clean them good, vacuum the part of the cooling fins I could reach with my vac. That would definitely help. But this time it definitely didn't help enough...until I started doing all the other stuff.

4 hours ago, madusa said:

It appears you have done just about everything. I am not sure, but I suggest you try acupuncture. I know a Japanese who tried chinese herbal medicine and he said it helps about 70 percent for his pollen allergy (running nose)

I had this ringing noise in my ears it was really irritating but I was lucky I tried Indian Aryuvedic breathing exercise, just simple exercise but it works so well and I don't get that noise anymore. Very surprised for such simple solution. ( it started to work after only about 10 days).

May be you should give this breathing exercises a try as well. Pranayama breathing exercise. Google you will find it on youtube.

If I were you I would try this Indian breathing exercises after all it's free. Just be patient give it a bit of time to work.

Acupuncture and chinese herbal medicine would cost quite a bit of money and not always work. 

Keep your spirit up. 

Interesting you mention acupuncture. I was reminded of how I used to be helped by it when I walked past an acupuncture shop a couple days ago. (The shop was called Doctor Boy and is near Bourbon Street restaurant in Ekamai. It was closed, but I snapped a picture of the sign and looked it up online. They have a Facebook page, but very little activity and the shop may be permanently closed. Sent them a message last night, but haven't heard a reply yet.)

When I lived in Berkeley, California about 15 years ago, there was an excellent acupuncturist/herbalist on my street. I went to him a few times whenever I was feeling 'out of balance,' and always felt better afterwards. Do you know a good acupuncturist in BKK? (Sukhumvit area is best.)

Also interesting you mention the breathing exercise. I meditate 15–45 minutes every day and often do some deep breathing as part of the session, but nothing exact. I also have a friend who recently completed a 1-month yoga course in Nepal...of course, breathing is part of that practice, so I've become more interested in it. I'll look into the Pranayama practice on youtube. Thanks!


The saga continues...
Well, this morning was terrible. I had to blow my nose maybe 30 times. Not as watery as it was a week ago, however.
A neighborhood dog woke me at 6am and I went out on the veranda for a few minutes. Similar to a day or two ago, being out there seemed to tickle my nose to almost the sneezing point. This seems to point to something in the outside air that I'm allergic to. 

There's an open lot between my apartment building and the next one over filled with banana trees, palms, and various other vegetation. Is there some plant there putting pollen into the air now?

Though I'd been sleeping fairly well up to this point, as soon as I came back in and lay down, I started having to blow my nose about once a minute. I also felt a weird dryness, like I had been inhaling a fine dust. I sensed that, though something on the veranda may have triggered a sneeze, the feeling I was now having was more like something had been building up through the night, as a result of inhaling something in the room.

I may have put the AC in dehumidify mode during the night (something I rarely do). I just read that getting dehydrated can cause excess sinus activity. Is that what happened?

I'm not sure what's happening, so I can only hypothesize or brainstorm on the possibilities:

1) A/C Barrel Fan 
Long story, but a couple days ago I broke off several of the fins in one section of the cylindrical "barrel fan" inside the AC. The fan blades I collected looked fairly dirty. Today some guys replaced the old barrel fan with a new, clean one. Once the old one was out I could see it really wasn't grossly dirty, as it must have also gotten the once over when he cleaned the unit recently. But maybe having a new one will help?


2) Filtrete aircon sheets
The instructions on the box made it look like you're supposed to cover the entire screen, which I did. But later I found a video explaining you should only cover 70% of the screens. So today, I removed some of the covering. Again, maybe this will help?

3) The new Hatari air purifier I got seems good. However, the air coming out of it sort of smells like carbon (?), which its final stage. I wonder if that could be having an effect?

4) I actually tried a Pranayama breathing exercise last night, but that should have only a positive effect. (?)

Today I dusted 2 more shelves. Still have part of inside of wardrobe to do, and maybe behind it (if I can move it). Oh, and the bathroom fan. Everything else is clean. 

I may leave the sliding door to the veranda open again tonight, as that seems to help. Not looking forward to tomorrow a.m.


old barrel fan.png


Frankly I think yo uhave done your due diligence regarding your indoors environment and odds are it is allergens outside that are doing this. You may need a better antihistamine and/or an antiinflammatory nasal spray (eg Nasonex) but see an ENT first just in case there is more to it. Prof. Songklot at St Louis Hospital on Sathorn is very good. You'll have to call for his hours but as I recall was twice a week, I tghin Thursday evenings and one other day. 0-2838-5555


He is also at Bangkok Hospital but will cost you more there than at St Louis.


The next two mornings after my last post were good--only used about 5 tissues each morning, which is 'back to normal' for me. Couple things I did...again, no 'scientific' evidence this did the trick, but...at night I turned off both AC and my air purifier, moved my bed (it's on casters), away from its usual spot by the window, over to near my front door. (There's an indented area under the window that the AC compressor sits on outside. I sensed a kind of 'concrete' smell there.) I also opened the door to the veranda at night (pulled the screen closed). 

Anyhow, the fact that I was OK in the morning seems to imply either that, 1) no outside allergens were involved in my problem or, 2) if they were involved, they are now gone. Also, I think it's good to be away from the concrete smell by the window.

One big bummer however : After the second 'good' day, I was feeling very good. The next morning, though, I awoke with a case of the 'spins' (vertigo/dizziness), and had to stay in bed all day. Now 35 hours later I'm feeling much better, but still only about 75%. Could have been a combination of factors but, I think the biggest one was dehydration. 


Air pollution sounds a likely cause from the images you sent.  Obviously, you know if you suffer from hay fever, etc.


Allergy checking might be the best answer.  You can do this at a public hospital, cheaply, and easily and it soesn't hurt.  It will allow you to narrow down what it is that is causing the runny nose.


If it is air pollution, then honestly there is little that can be done.  You will need to spend much longer indoors, and perhaps a face mask will help.  Leading a night time existence is best as there is much less smog.  Medicines are useless imo.  If you suffer badly from now on, then you will have sinus issues, coughs, and catch colds and infections more easily.


Bkk is a fantastic city.  If you want to remain there, then you need to get on top of this and also accept a degree of suffering.  Changing location,eg, Pattaya, would obviously end the issue.


I have developed a runny/blocked nose, sneezing and asthma in the last few years, but when i return to the UK all of my symptoms disappear.  Asia is extremely polluted.

35 minutes ago, mommysboy said:

Air pollution sounds a likely cause from the images you sent.  Obviously, you know if you suffer from hay fever, etc.


Allergy checking might be the best answer.  You can do this at a public hospital, cheaply, and easily and it soesn't hurt.  It will allow you to narrow down what it is that is causing the runny nose.


If it is air pollution, then honestly there is little that can be done.  You will need to spend much longer indoors, and perhaps a face mask will help.  Leading a night time existence is best as there is much less smog.  Medicines are useless imo.  If you suffer badly from now on, then you will have sinus issues, coughs, and catch colds and infections more easily.


Bkk is a fantastic city.  If you want to remain there, then you need to get on top of this and also accept a degree of suffering.  Changing location,eg, Pattaya, would obviously end the issue.

I appreciate you comments. However, I don't really think it's the polluted air of BKK that got me this time.
The first 9 years I lived here I was in Chitlom--right downtown. I'd clean the top of my toilet and 3 days later run my finger over it and: black, greasy soot. I did buy and wear masks for walking down Langsuan early on, then just sort of accepted/got used to it (I learned to hold my breath whenever a blue-smoking red bus would go by). It certainly wasn't good for my health, but after a while I pretty much stopped complaining about it.
Two years ago I moved out to the boonies of Udom Suk, 11 stops out the Sukhumvit BTS line from Chitlom. Relative to the pollution of downtown, it's dream out here. I do get dust coming in that I have to wipe/vacuum up frequently, but none of the black soot. Most of the time I've been here I've been consciously aware of how good it is compared to downtown, since I occasionally have to get on the Skytrain and go there.

So, I think this recent spat was something else. I'm still not 100% sure what it was, but all the cleaning/filtering I've done, moving my bed away from the 'cement' smell by the window seem to have helped. In the end, it may also have been some plant in the 'jungle' outside my window that was spewing pollen or something into the air for a few weeks but which has now stopped.

1 minute ago, stubuzz said:

I have developed a runny/blocked nose, sneezing and asthma in the last few years, but when i return to the UK all of my symptoms disappear.  Asia is extremely polluted.

I think I started this post by mentioning that I'd just come back from a couple weeks in Europe...I think I'd blow my nose a few times in the morning there (which is normal for me), but when I got back here, it got much worse. There are other, older threads here from other sufferers, so it's a widespread problem and you're probably right. Shame, but not surprising when you see the black clouds coming from the vehicles....


Congratulations on the way you are going about this.


I seem to remember a posting a couple of years ago when a poster said pretty much the same thing.  I think it transpired that there was a new building development close by.  So it might be worth giving thought to what is around you, beyond your immediate surroundings. My problems intensified when I used to live in Fortune Town and a new mall was developed.


From what you say, I would surmise that you are quite resistant to allergens but everyone has a tipping point.  If one gets a bad bout, the problem then is that the nose is so sensitive that just about everything becomes an irritant, even walking under a supermarket A/C unit.  this can lead one to think that there is a specific substance causing the problem.


Because of your symptoms, it may be that you now have an ear infection.  Yes, dehydration can be a problem too, as frequently the body is working overtime.


For me, the big clue is the weather/air forecast.  Its clearly a warning of unusual conditions.  Although it says dust around the home, obviously you have to ask where did the dust come from, if not from outside?


It seems logical to have an allergy test.  If you do, be aware that many people test mildly positive for common house dust, but this will not necessarily be the problem.


I don't know your situation, but it would be useful to get away for a couple of weeks minimum.  Also, do any exercise indoors, and don't walk outside.


Edit: do you think you might be also suffering from a virus? An adeno virus can be low level and produce vague symptoms.

29 minutes ago, mommysboy said:

Congratulations on the way you are going about this.


I seem to remember a posting a couple of years ago when a poster said pretty much the same thing.  I think it transpired that there was a new building development close by.  So it might be worth giving thought to what is around you, beyond your immediate surroundings. My problems intensified when I used to live in Fortune Town and a new mall was developed.


From what you say, I would surmise that you are quite resistant to allergens but everyone has a tipping point.  If one gets a bad bout, the problem then is that the nose is so sensitive that just about everything becomes an irritant, even walking under a supermarket A/C unit.  this can lead one to think that there is a specific substance causing the problem.


Because of your symptoms, it may be that you now have an ear infection.  Yes, dehydration can be a problem too, as frequently the body is working overtime.


For me, the big clue is the weather/air forecast.  Its clearly a warning of unusual conditions.  Although it says dust around the home, obviously you have to ask where did the dust come from, if not from outside?


It seems logical to have an allergy test.  If you do, be aware that many people test mildly positive for common house dust, but this will not necessarily be the problem.


I don't know your situation, but it would be useful to get away for a couple of weeks minimum.  Also, do any exercise indoors, and don't walk outside.

Interesting that one other poster referenced "a new building development close by." Indeed, off my veranda (I'm on the 9th floor), there is the big lot full of vegetation...and a dirt lane running down to...A FREAKING NEW CONSTRUCTION THEY'VE BEEN MAKING A CAREER OF FOR THE LAST YEAR. One of those typical, "bring in 4 Isaan families in tin huts...EVENTUALLY they'll get the thing built." Now they're on the 4th (I think) floor. Definitely won't get much taller methinks. Hmm. Could possibly be dust blowing over from it, I suppose. Again, hard to know. Bummer is that it makes you suspicious of EVERYTHING and not sure of anything. But at least it seems to have subsided for now.
I agree about the allergy test and in fact recently emailed my local hospital about it, cost, etc. Guess I will go do it. And my ears: yes. About a year ago I went to the local hospital complaining of ear blockage. A few minutes later he pulled a wad of wax out of one ear the size of a pistachio meat. then a friend told me about Dewax, which is a bottle of liquid with a dropper...you put ten drops in your ear, lie on your side for 15 minutes, then catch the waxy liquid that comes out in tissues. Have to do it twice sometimes. I actually have the stuff on my desk as I need to do it again. It usually does the job. The pharmacy had it.
Yeah, I rode a little loop on my bike tonight and noticed how sensitive I was to exhaust on this Saturday night, with everyone out cruising. But the extreme sensitivity I had to sitting in the blow of my AC has left when the other allergy symptoms went.

On 04/07/2017 at 11:08 PM, OliverKlozerof said:

1) A/C Barrel Fan 
Long story, but a couple days ago I broke off several of the fins in one section of the cylindrical "barrel fan" inside the AC. The fan blades I collected looked fairly dirty. Today some guys replaced the old barrel fan with a new, clean one. Once the old one was out I could see it really wasn't grossly dirty, as it must have also gotten the once over when he cleaned the unit recently. But maybe having a new one will help?



old barrel fan.png


That is not very dirty. I get mine cleaned every 4-6 months and it is black at the end of that time. You can wipe the thick crud off with your finger. How often do you get yours cleaned?


In my teens I suffered badly from allergies. I went to a specialist who did an allergy test from which he discovered exactly what I was allergic to.


And then I was desensitised by being given progressively stronger injections of the allergen over a period of several weeks. It worked fine.


Test looks like this:



18 minutes ago, KittenKong said:


That is not very dirty. I get mine cleaned every 4-6 months and it is black at the end of that time. You can wipe the thick crud off with your finger. How often do you get yours cleaned?


In my teens I suffered badly from allergies. I went to a specialist who did an allergy test from which he discovered exactly what I was allergic to.


And then I was desensitised by being given progressively stronger injections of the allergen over a period of several weeks. It worked fine.


Test looks like this:



Re: barrel fan not that dirty. Correct--they had just recently cleaned the whole unit. I was unaware he had also cleaned the barrel fan, but once it was out it was apparent...especial in contrast with some I saw online pre-cleaning. The reason they replaced it was because I had broken several of the blades on it by poking it with my finger when it was turned on. (I'm lucky it wasn't made of metal!) But I was still paranoid that even that level of dirt/mold may be bad, so it was nice to get a new one.
Thanks for the info re: allergy test, that looks fun. (He said, facetiously.)


As a longtime allergy sufferer, let me offer some comments:


--As I've been told by allergists before, think about your allergies as kind of filling a bucket. You can put all different kinds of things into the bucket, but once it  gets too full, it begins overflowing. Same with allergy symptoms.  There can be many contributory causes -- particulate in the air, mold/mildew, dust mites, pollen, nearby construction, etc etc. And your body can handle those up to a point. But once you exceed that point from whatever combination, you start getting the more substantial symptoms. So, in addressing the causes, you need to try to tackle any and all that you can. Every little bit helps get you back below the level your body can handle without overreaction.


--As for dust mites, to kill them and neutralize their allergens, you need really quite hot water washing temperatures (not just warm) for a period of time. And here in Thailand, most washing probably doesn't provide that. General washing will help reduce dust and such... But if dust mites are an issue, you need really hot water or adding an anti-dust mite additive to your laundry. There is such a thing I've bought and used in the U.S., but I have never seen anything like that here. I've used the first product below in the past.






--As for bedding, I also use the anti-dust mite covers on my mattress and pillows. They can be a bit expensive, especially the quality ones that are well manufactured to provide a real seal. Some of the cheap varieties claim to do that, but really don't. Remember, dust mite allergens are tiny, microscopic, so they can get out of even the smallest of openings along a zipper line or anywhere in a mattress/pillow casing.


--As for medication, I've had good luck here with a generic local version of Ceterizine called Zyrazine, that sells in the local pharmacies around me for about 50 baht for a strip of 10 tablets. Been taking that for a while once at bedtime, and had no noticeable side effects at all.


--With the air cons here, there seems to be two different levels of service. For the basic 500 baht or so cleaning, they spray the front part of the unit and take out and rinse the roller bar portion, etc etc.  But my air con tech says that doesn't get to the back portion of the split units, and doing so requires more dismantling and comes with a higher price. My air con tech recommended that more comprehensive kind of service every two years or so.


--For general sinus stuffiness and congestion, there are a couple of good natural methods that can help alleviate symptoms.

--one is inhaling steam with a bit of pure eucalyptus or peppermint oil added, and/or

--doing some kind of sinus rinse with a mild warm water saline solution. There are lots of methods and instruments out there for accomplishing this. Just Google or YouTube sinus rinse, and you'll see various options. Both of these are widely recommended by sinus docs, and relatively easy to do at home once you get the hang of it.


--As for the location difference between Udomsuk and Chidlom, I'm not sure there's much inherent difference. There's a lot of crap in the air all around Bangkok, though I suppose being close to major roadways or close to lots of vegetation could exacerbate things beyond just the general levels of pollution/pollen.


--Some people seem to find that they have fewer sinus symptoms when they sleep at night without the air con on. Here in BKK, I don't think I could sleep like that... So I haven't tried... But I've heard others who have. It's like you're damned if you do and damned if you don't. Close up all the windows, and the air con gets you. Open the windows and turn off the air con, and all the pollution and pollen outside come flooding into your home.


On 7/1/2017 at 10:31 AM, Tracyb said:

I find that using 3M Brand "FILTRETE" replaceable filter cloth         ( Google it for an image) to cover the removable, cleanable air filters inside my aircon units helps a GREAT deal here in Bangkok. (I'm near Thong Lor).  I replace it every two weeks and when I do, I can see the crap it filters our of the air.  If I don't use it, my allergies kick up and I experience the same type of runny nose problems.  If you try it, be sure to place it on the air entry side of the filter and then replace the whole thing back into your unit.  



Can you clarify a bit directionally about that... I have a split level unit with the plastic, removable screen filters that fit on the front. Just in front of the removable filters is the front lid of the air con. Just behind the removable filters is the metal compressor fins.  Which side are you saying to place the Filtrete filters on?


Also, on that score, I was wondering about the issue of impeding air flow beyond what already occurs with the unit's own removable filters.. And then Oliver I believe posted an item above talking about only covering about 75% of the filter area with the Filtrete material, though I'm not sure whether that approach would really help or not.


I guess it all comes back to the issue of whether entirely covering the built-in filter with a covering of Filtrete is going to place any problematic strain on the AC unit itself.


15 hours ago, stubuzz said:

I have developed a runny/blocked nose, sneezing and asthma in the last few years, but when i return to the UK all of my symptoms disappear.  Asia is extremely polluted.

My allergies were worse in London than anywhere else in the world that I have been.

15 hours ago, OliverKlozerof said:

I appreciate you comments. However, I don't really think it's the polluted air of BKK that got me this time.
The first 9 years I lived here I was in Chitlom--right downtown. I'd clean the top of my toilet and 3 days later run my finger over it and: black, greasy soot. I did buy and wear masks for walking down Langsuan early on, then just sort of accepted/got used to it (I learned to hold my breath whenever a blue-smoking red bus would go by). It certainly wasn't good for my health, but after a while I pretty much stopped complaining about it.
Two years ago I moved out to the boonies of Udom Suk, 11 stops out the Sukhumvit BTS line from Chitlom. Relative to the pollution of downtown, it's dream out here. I do get dust coming in that I have to wipe/vacuum up frequently, but none of the black soot. Most of the time I've been here I've been consciously aware of how good it is compared to downtown, since I occasionally have to get on the Skytrain and go there.

So, I think this recent spat was something else. I'm still not 100% sure what it was, but all the cleaning/filtering I've done, moving my bed away from the 'cement' smell by the window seem to have helped. In the end, it may also have been some plant in the 'jungle' outside my window that was spewing pollen or something into the air for a few weeks but which has now stopped.

It doesn't mean anything to compare in the past with now. My hay fever has got progressively worse in the past 20 years, and I never had any symptoms before that. That was while living in several different countries/ rural/ city.

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