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The poisonous Brother in Law


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This thread started a week ago, didn't realise till a moment ago ......


I live in industrialised Rayong so some of the things you talk about I can't relate to but the point I was coming to was it 'sounds/reads' like you should have a talk show along the lines of grumpy old men called downtrodden old men and that is not an insult it was meant affectionately. The reason I didn't realise it was a week old was because I genuinely got caught up in the narrative between all of you and just got carried away with your grumbles some of which I can relate to with my wife. The original topic is the opposite to my life as my wife's family are poor rice farmers from Surin and everyone had to chip in and the youngest bil is being put through an apprenticeship here in Rayong and helps out around our house and our resort on the weekends, We built a house for the parents on their rice farm as they had to move out of their original house in the village due to pollution from a sugar factory. My wife although is the youngest daughter sent home the most money and she still sends money but doesn't tell me how much and I'm fine with that because I know if I was in trouble her/my family would help. I don't feel like an outsider but I feel awkward with them as I don't speak Thai and also in Surin they speak Khmer which makes it even harder to understand. 


Kudos to you guys living in places like that, I would have a telescope where the outlaws farm is as no light pollution but I'm still a bit young to sit on the porch. Don't let them grind you down.

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4 hours ago, The Dark Lord said:

Ok guys,for those of you still following.


warm cooked food outside the door which was ignored was removed this morning and replaced with two loaves of bread (?) 

Yes of course we are following!!


If you are still with us after eating the bread, tell what happened to the interesting (headless man) topic this morning that you replied to; recall "suicide?".


Anyway; watch out for the smell of rat poison  (only joking DL) as you tuck into the bread sarnie.


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7 hours ago, oldhippy said:

20.cleaning up to eye level euhhh - what about being selectively blind / closing eyes ?

I get where you're coming from, it seems to me that ants are invisible to Thai people and they can never put water bottle seals in the bin - they have to be thrown on the floor.

Edited by sandrabbit
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9 hours ago, sandrabbit said:

This thread started a week ago, didn't realise till a moment ago ......


I live in industrialised Rayong so some of the things you talk about I can't relate to but the point I was coming to was it 'sounds/reads' like you should have a talk show along the lines of grumpy old men called downtrodden old men and that is not an insult it was meant affectionately. The reason I didn't realise it was a week old was because I genuinely got caught up in the narrative between all of you and just got carried away with your grumbles some of which I can relate to with my wife. The original topic is the opposite to my life as my wife's family are poor rice farmers from Surin and everyone had to chip in and the youngest bil is being put through an apprenticeship here in Rayong and helps out around our house and our resort on the weekends, We built a house for the parents on their rice farm as they had to move out of their original house in the village due to pollution from a sugar factory. My wife although is the youngest daughter sent home the most money and she still sends money but doesn't tell me how much and I'm fine with that because I know if I was in trouble her/my family would help. I don't feel like an outsider but I feel awkward with them as I don't speak Thai and also in Surin they speak Khmer which makes it even harder to understand. 


Kudos to you guys living in places like that, I would have a telescope where the outlaws farm is as no light pollution but I'm still a bit young to sit on the porch. Don't let them grind you down.

Interesting , Grumpy yes but not old (in my case still working)

Your BIL is still young & your no doubt paying for all he needs - give it time & you,ll find out 

Not sure how its the opposite as i would say a lot of the members here have IL that are poor rice farmers - That are usually in that much debt with banks just to go from crop to crop if they haven't lost the land 

I would like to know if the whole village had to up stumps & move (can't imagine rice farm being to far from village )

All chipped in but wife sent the most - You would have no idea about that as the way they operate is those with more shall provide

One more thing - if worst come to worst let me know if the family ever helped out since they are poor rice farmers ( mine i don't class as family anymore & they didn't help NOT ONE - only the women across the road 10,000 bht but i refused )

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15 minutes ago, The Dark Lord said:

Good morning guys, indeed a fantastic start to the day. Good old Odysseus had a pain free night last night hopefully a sign of things to come  as he moves forwards.


On re reading the thread we have only attracted one who seems to have missed the idea and started on some drivel about colonialism and racism, all the rest have been either recounting their experiences demonstrating to the others that they do not suffer alone or have offered genuine sympathetic advice. 


There has been pain, sadness and unrequested pity. More importantly we have laughed at ourselves and our situation. Not one poster has tried to blame others for his predicament.


in my very humble opinion, there are some exceedingly sterling chaps out there built of fine character and tremendous moral fortitude. 


In in case I forgot to say it along this journey, thank you very much. 


I have never ever been one to "talk about it" feeling it to be far too "touchy freely" for my sensitivities but this group therapy has been extremely helpful certainly in keeping my gaze from the abyss. 


I just wish wish I could resolve the battle between common sense and Christian "values" 



Dark Lord,


Yes,I sense that you are in a bit of a dilemma just now and one that is not really responsive to "good advice"-whatever that advice may be.


A conflict between heart and mind-a battle for the soul.


I hope that it all works out for you and please remember that oft repeated piece of wisdom-one cannot look after others unless one is  taking care of themselves as well..


I have witnessed the results up here when foreigners (including myself) have forgotten that old adage.

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7 minutes ago, The Dark Lord said:

Thanks Odysseus, 


You are, as ever, eloquently spot on with your summation. Yes the internal conflict has risen another notch or two as a huge English b/f aroma wafts its way into the room. I know she is out of money and electricity internet etc gets cut off Tuesday, but if I settle the bills what message am I sending? You can abuse me however you like in as nasty manner as you like but all is forgiven come payday? 


I am however absolutely delighted to hear  of your restful and pain free night last night. Whilst I do not know you in person, I have grown a deal of respect and admiration for you on the forum (no not a man crush) and sincerely hope this is an indication of things to come. 


All the best

Glad to hear things are moving along & hope you make it out of the house with ease, as we all know that we can get over the continues milking affair by the IL (x as far as I'm concerned ) to a point, but to have to go through a torrent of abuse physically & mentally (at our age when it be all peacefull ) I myself would have to call it a day.

My wife is good & lad a typical kid, the only thing is that she,s not the sharpest tool in the shed (from lack of school ) & thinks she has just done a wonderfull job of helping family on the promise . But thought she was going to continously get the amount i was sending her each mth (your suppose to reduce the bills or if able to continue for you own benefit ) 

The thing is that she still allows her brother (who cost us a fortune ) to come to house with mother - While I'm not here

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2 minutes ago, Odysseus123 said:

Actually Dark Lord,


I have failed to follow my own sage advice so recently given.


I am in a desperate place,physically speaking but I lost the plot this morning upon discovering that my wife is doing precisely the same thing as the woman down the road did to her foreign husband a month ago.


Pretty much the same excuses too.You are not giving me and my lazy family enough money-plastered all over facebook/line.


In vain I pointed out the 2 million baht house,the car,the motor scooters and my desperate need for cash upon my return to my homeland-for urgent medical treatment.Cuts no ice with her or her family.None of whom are gainfully employed or ever will be.


I need to sit in a quiet place for a while.

Oh hell Odysseus, after just having your first angina free night for some time you get this crapola dropped on your head.


what is it with these clowns? They get everything, often more than they could have dreamt of in their youth, handed to them on a plate then proceed to bite the hand that feeds them. 


I blame ch3, Facebook and line plus a complete lack of common f...g sense. 


Ther e is little hope for them. 

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10 minutes ago, The Dark Lord said:

Oh hell Odysseus, after just having your first angina free night for some time you get this crapola dropped on your head.


what is it with these clowns? They get everything, often more than they could have dreamt of in their youth, handed to them on a plate then proceed to bite the hand that feeds them. 


I blame ch3, Facebook and line plus a complete lack of common f...g sense. 


Ther e is little hope for them. 

Well the problem with the Isaan Thai is that it is all about today,never yesterday and only marginally about tomorrow.


I can point to the the house,resuscitated restaurant (twice) the Chicken farm-the education expenses,the motor scooters etc until the cows come home..but it is today...see..another day of gambling and eating som tam with the family and other ne'er-do-wells..


The grossest insult about all this is it is an emergency medical dash but I suspect now that it a dash for freedom as well.I am sick of the avaricious behaviour and the conniving mentality that goes along with it.


Ps-strange thing..there is a couple of "farang" lifers around here that have fallen for the wife's spiel as well.

The rest of us are going or gone.

Edited by Odysseus123
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14 minutes ago, The Dark Lord said:

Dear Odysseus my friend, if only I were mobile ( head gasket on one and other" lent out" ) I would come and pick you up. I would ignore the gunshots and insults ( takes a real expert to insult me effectively)  and cart you out to somewhere calmer and buy you a cold one. 


But we cannot not live in ifs can we?


stay strong old friend and seriously try to treat the crapola and vitriolic like water off a ducks arse. 


Does the current mrs O know what happened to the wife of the farang in your village after she had chased her ATM off the premesis? 

Yes she does.


It was my wife and her friend who said.."Mai dee..mai dee...oh you poor thing-we never liked him anyway.."

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1 hour ago, BEVUP said:

Glad to hear things are moving along & hope you make it out of the house with ease, as we all know that we can get over the continues milking affair by the IL (x as far as I'm concerned ) to a point, but to have to go through a torrent of abuse physically & mentally (at our age when it be all peacefull ) I myself would have to call it a day.

My wife is good & lad a typical kid, the only thing is that she,s not the sharpest tool in the shed (from lack of school ) & thinks she has just done a wonderfull job of helping family on the promise . But thought she was going to continously get the amount i was sending her each mth (your suppose to reduce the bills or if able to continue for you own benefit ) 

The thing is that she still allows her brother (who cost us a fortune ) to come to house with mother - While I'm not here

You know Bevup old chum, your first para is absolutely correct, especially when you say......at our age when it be all peaceful....


that's it. 

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29 minutes ago, The Dark Lord said:

I just cannot compute mate, I just cannot compute. 


I just had my full English dumped inside the bedroom  ( for me to eat) but not a word of apology, in her mind I am guilty as imagined and that is that. I have been informed that the vendor of the new curtains she ordered when advised against it, is pressing for payment as the power / internet will be disconnected on Tuesday. No request for money just grand expectation that I will meekly cough up without question. 


Power and internet is fair fair enough after all I have used it. Moving forward from that though.......


i dont want to leave thailand but when I try and analyse why all I can come up with is the clean  beaches ( where?). 


I am better off in the UK where on what I earn,I could be driving about in a decent BM,  get some friends, get a life and have the protection of the law. Ok the weather is crap but hey........

It's easy to compute.The foreigner was not matching their absurd expectations and neither do I.


This is assisted by the wives of two foreigners around here who did not have a cracker to their names until they met their rich (and incredibly blinkered) foreign husbands.These women get on line/facebook and big note themselves perpetually.They are the female "poo yai" to whom every other female bows.Therefore I am a failure..and that's it.


By the way..a very fine friend of mine refers to this cluster of villages as "Somalia" an apt description and I am not in the business of being cheated out of my last penny by "Somalians".


To refer to some of the sentiments in your post.I was taught at  OCTU to "Never,ever,reinforce failure."Excellent military advice that I have ignored at my peril.

Edited by Odysseus123
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11 minutes ago, The Dark Lord said:

Odd old chum, 


yes you are once more "on the money" ( what an apt expression) .


i just got "invited downstairs" for a chat. I opened by asking for an apology and it very quickly descended into a "I heard what I heard and you need to respect me as a woman" crapola obvious that no apology was forthcoming. 


I then  suggested that if she wanted to try and salvage what little remains of our relationship and house that she apologise. Again the beratement from hell, so I told her that I understood her position. 


Now an incursion into my room to try and explain how it is not her fault but on not getting me to beg for forgiveness again got the sharp side of her tongue. 


I wish those clowns in the bank would pull their fingers out. 


Yep-sounds like this morning at my house.Hopeless.


Anyway..I am going to break my rule and actually have a few Leos and ignore the meds and all that.


Damn!I would really like a chilled Aussie white wine right now!Can any of you send me a bottle for an old cobber? :shock1:

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3 minutes ago, Odysseus123 said:

Yep-sounds like this morning at my house.Hopeless.


Anyway..I am going to break my rule and actually have a few Leos and ignore the meds and all that.


Damn!I would really like a chilled Aussie white wine right now!Can any of you send me a bottle for an old cobber? :shock1:

No 7 11 nearby?

They have Jacob's Creek.

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2 minutes ago, transam said:

Taxi...Round trip..:stoner:

Or phone call and 500 baht tip?

I know, 700 baht for a bottle of medium wine + 500 tip is a lot of money.

But that jingthing thread on Are you spending enough money" got me thinking.....


Edited by oldhippy
accountant's comment
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33 minutes ago, oldhippy said:

Or phone call and 500 baht tip?

I know, 700 baht for a bottle of medium wine + 500 tip is a lot of money.

But that jingthing thread on Are you spending enough money" got me thinking.....




Thanks fellas,you have made my day.

A learned discussion on how to procure a bottle of Jacobs Creek....!



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