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The poisonous Brother in Law


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14 minutes ago, oldhippy said:

"Vicomte Noir" 555 - I am now kicking myself over and over again.

I really couldn't figure that one out before.

After 6 years of 5 hours a week of French lessons at school...

French used to be my second language.

Putain! Quel imbecil je suis.


But as long as we can laugh at ourselves, we will survive.



Yep-that's the ticket.Otherwise you kinda go down the gurgler,drowning in other people's head spaces.


It was,for me,quite a difficult lesson to learn up here.


It is good that we can have this OP to express ourselves with some candour.Otherwise it's like a Battle of Britain Hurricane/Spitfire squadron.."Old Bill's gone for a burton?"We will never mention ol' Bill again.

Edited by Odysseus123
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2 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

It's always like this in the run-up to Buddhist Lent. I thought you guys would have worked this out by now.

You mean the hysterical fits?

Why? Do most Thais observe buddhist lent? Does that lent cause active cult members to go into fits?

That would be new to me.


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47 minutes ago, oldhippy said:

Thailand is a shytty place, but I could not live without it.


Angry wife sleeping in the annex, because I commented on the lazyness of her venomous son that recently moved in with us.

Went outside to take the water hose (free mountain water) out of the mini swimming pool, because the heavy rain will cause the water to be muddy. Got wet, saw the fun of it, and did my "singing in the rain" routine.

As I put my plastic shoes on I  felt  a huge toad living in it. Could have been a scorpion but it wasn't.

Pink Floyd on my stereo. El senyor negre would like that ( based on his profile). Pardon my Catalan.

And did I mention the home made mulberry wine? The wine my wife makes compensates for the sexless days when she is in a bad mood - I like the combination of wine & sex though. Like a week ago on the 73th floor of Baiyoke Sky Hotel. By the huge window.

Now waiting for thunder & lightning to accompany Dark Side Of The Moon.


Only in Thailand.












The ferals have been recaptured,the uncle has been revived and the hullabaloo has subsided as they all chow down on plates of som tam.


Time to hit the hay.


I wonder how Herr Schwarze Knecht is getting along?


Sorry my German is lousy ;-)

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18 hours ago, oldhippy said:

When we tell lies in Farangland, at least we put in a little effort to appear truthful.

But here even my wife tells me sometimes ridiculous small lies - with a straight face.

And I have learned not to challenge her on those lies 555.


Thailand, the hub of alternative truths.


I have to add to your comment: Thais tell you what you want to hear not the truth. The thing is they are prolific liars but not very good at it as they forget what the lie was and you get another in its place if you question them again...

Oh well never mind. There's always a beer. Just remember to stock up for the weekend!!!




Edited by George FmplesdaCosteedback
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I like the cool of the mornings and listening to the sounds of the village as it starts to wake up and go about its business.As I am on slightly elevated ground I see a perfect little medieval village start a brand new day...very different to the West.


Last night at about 10 pm the monks (and villagers) started chanting and this was taken up by the temples up and down the river so I went to sleep with the rise and fall of their prayers...a magical little experience and one that would have been familiar to the inhabitants of Europe in the middle ages.


Only in Thailand.

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10 hours ago, oldhippy said:

In exclusivity for TVForum, a pic of The Dark Lord.



Thank you Monty Python.



I have been outed, quelle horreur!, 


Not just outed in my tongue but the multiple tongues of the EU!


Jeez you guys, you must have had a cracking education back in the day. 


Humphrey plugden - French teacher - would ask me why I did not use Sacre Bleu as quelled horreur is a very dated expression


deigo burns - Spanish teacher would pick up his cane and use it liberally on my rear end for not being able to remember a retort in spanish


sorry didn't do German but Shiezzer might fit?


ex wife - Swedish " teacher" would expect me to come out with Fahn or hellvetta. Knulle me should be saved for the more emotional moments


anyway guys I survived another night and another round of hysterical screaming at the door inviting me ( predominantly) to leave the premesis on a permanent basis.


so there's the good bit.


what I still cannot get my head around is the utter miscarriage of justice. If I had done anything wrong then I accept my punishment / fate but hellfire saying to a hippo sized woman with " a puss like a busted cooch" ( face like a broken settee) "I like your shirt and your hair looks better down than up" hardly represents fornication or the behaviour of a libidinous swine. 


With a 17 year proven track record of keeping " little brother" firmly behind the zipper as well on what basis can I therefore be subject to such nasty abuse?


in my mind is she trying to oust me to make way for the next sucker? If so good luck to him but I doubt that's the case. Applying logic is never wise when trying to understand a woman's behaviour let alone a rabidlymaniacal psychopath.


i don't suppose anyone here reads the DM that you get for free on your iPad? If you did there was a rather pertinent article as to how you can tell if your partner is a psychopath.


boy did it tick all the boxes!


moving on though, you guys have painted some beautiful pictures of how life should be. Sadly once it was similar to that but no longer.


Enjoying the wonder of the sunrise, the chanting if the monks, the peace of the morning mist burning off the rice fields, the power of the thunderstorms cannot be done when you have someone who honestly must be bordering on the insane line nearby spewing their venomous bile and hatred at you for an imagined crime. 


At at least I am not getting the bedroom door knocked down with a lump hammer today. What galls the most is it is my lumphamner



Edited by The Dark Lord
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3 minutes ago, The Dark Lord said:

Hi Odysseus son of Laerties  my old voyaging chum I have decided that this place can no long be my homer ( sorry) and so, subject to the earlier mentioned banks coming through with my transfer, I will commence my own 10 year Odyssey to find my new home. Might well be here in the los but as a singleton.


like you though, I need to remove myself from the evil spell that this land often cloaks us with, let my mind once more savour the joy of freedom and make the decision as to my next step. 


I too require some some medical treatment but not if a serious nature, am virtually back on both feet after a particularly bad bout of misdiagnosed blood clots in my leg following a fall caused by she who has been possessed by "the crazy" ( but it was not malicious or intentional) which cracked the bones in my knee joint. Might as well make use of some of the zillions I pumped into the system back in Blighty.


will keep you (plural) updated  as I battle to survive the malevolent hatred and misguided venomous bile of Circe 

Okay, Darkometrius-a very wise decision.


Stick with it tho' otherwise you will get stuck between Scylla and Charybdis.


Best of luck.

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9 minutes ago, Odysseus123 said:

Okay, Darkometrius-a very wise decision.


Stick with it tho' otherwise you will get stuck between Scylla and Charybdis.


Best of luck.

Damn, I will have to look that up.

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Just now, The Dark Lord said:

Hi Trans my old chum


i am only trying to move on, notchange my religion............


love his Cats in the Cradle. 

Your morning has broken like a first day....:thumbsup:

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12 minutes ago, Odysseus123 said:

Okay, Darkometrius-a very wise decision.


Stick with it tho' otherwise you will get stuck between Scylla and Charybdis.


Best of luck.

Darkometrius - man I am slow today...... when that finally dawned on me,I cracked a smile. 


Outstanding, young man


i presume being stuck between  Scylla and Charybdis is akin to a rock and a hard place but with considerably more dire consequences. ( I was always of the opinion it was Hydra but I stand suitably reeducated) 


my word Odysseus you are making me use brain cells that have remained dormant since the mid 70's 


i admit to looking up the the latter two as well as a futile attempt to search for darkometrius! Yes I shall suffer the slings and arrows of derision ( sorry Shakespeare) for my lack of awareness ce matain.

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10 minutes ago, transam said:

Your morning has broken like a first day....:thumbsup:

Yup Trans it certainly has. 


Managed to slip past the sleeping dragon and secure vital vital food supplies to allow me to hold out during this fracas. 


The real sunrise of joy of joy will be the first day of freedom......

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On 7/2/2017 at 11:49 AM, colinneil said:

Thai families !!!! bloody frustrating being married to a Thai lady.

Family think they are everything, you the farang are only there as an ATM.

My wife was told before we married i will take care of you, but not your family.

Now as most members know i am paraplegic, what help do we get from wifes family?

Absolutely sweet <deleted> never help for even 1 minute.

A while back my wife asked her father to remove some branches etc, from the garden.

He answered how much the farang pay me, my answer the second word was off.


Totally agree Colin, BIL are the worst & they don't give a rats if all goes down the tube 

The whole lot of them will always go after the daughter with the Falang & never pay back leaving her (you) to pay back something that was hocked through loan sharks ( & that also includes the interest ) with nothing left as calateral 

Ah yes FAMILY as they say - You will never hear from them if you were to need a quid if times got really tough & aren't they suppose to help like as you said in cutting the tree (thats helping both of you if not only their daughter ) but expect to be paid because your a farang 

Most of them are full of shit & lie straight in your face then tell you at the 11 th hour when you had plans to do something to better your own situation then can't since the family got to the wife 

Usually the sleazy brother BIL who will bring the MIL as well 

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2 minutes ago, The Dark Lord said:

Dear Zoza, welcome to the discussion ( if welcome is appropriate), I read your eloquent post twice thinking initially that you were describing my fun filled life here. 


I see you are contemplating the sensory retreat option similar to Our intrepid warrior and traveller friend Odysseus and the Dark one (me) 


i am pretty certain i will come back if not only for the uk tax break, but I can see no sensible way I can come back and continue to be treated like a dog, trash talked about in my face in front of or with strangers, walking on eggshells so as not to incur the sizeable wrath or the onset of another "the crazy" .


i mean that is not a life is it?


Back in the real world I was a senior manager for a huge international company. I was given complete regional authority for Asia, Mid East, Med and Europe ( one by one not all together) and I managed somehow to negotiate some pretty neat deals or union agreements or whatever was required without the histrionics I face today. 


I was happy then. 


Sadly due to global economic reasons the company started taking serious losses and whilst the owners were loaded, even they eventually called it a day and allowed themselves to be bought out and laying us all off as a result.


why can I not be happy now with zero stress, zero ling hour days, zero UK staff ( the worst i ever had) .........

Just get out of there mate. A downward spiral if ever I saw one. You will soon smell the roses and realise that there is a life. Good luck and it would be good if you could start your own thread on "The road to recovery". :)

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3 minutes ago, The Dark Lord said:

Back in the real world I was a senior manager for a huge international company. I was given complete regional authority for Asia, Mid East, Med and Europe ( one by one not all together) and I managed somehow to negotiate some pretty neat deals or union agreements or whatever was required without the histrionics I face today. 


I was happy then. 


Sadly due to global economic reasons the company started taking serious losses and whilst the owners were loaded, even they eventually called it a day and allowed themselves to be bought out and laying us all off as a result.

How has this anything at all to do with your current situation?

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13 hours ago, oldhippy said:

You mean the hysterical fits?

Why? Do most Thais observe buddhist lent? Does that lent cause active cult members to go into fits?

That would be new to me.


I've been "pulling an Elvis" every Buddhist lent so haven't had personal experience of any histrionics, perceived or otherwise.


It all started several years ago when a former TV critic admonished me with the old chestnut, "You need to get out more." 


Best bit of advice I reckon.

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