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Trump tweets mock video of himself tackling, punching CNN logo


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19 minutes ago, CutiePi said:

As he pointed out, he's president and all the supposed geniuses in The Resistance aren't... says pretty much all that needs to be said.

Isn't it uncanny how President Trump can call people out for their lies and deceit weeks before anyone else knows what has taken place?

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9 minutes ago, KenKadz said:

I believe you are correct about more support, but then I have to wonder if President Trump is "playing" the media and his detractors. His Tweets by passing the media and going directly to the people is a thorn in the medias side. And his messages are getting free advertising that money can not buy.

That's a ridiculous explanation...but so typical.  Trump is the President, he can get "free advertising" pretty much anytime he wants.  But he doesn't want to face the press because he can't handle the tough questions.  So he takes the easy route and just tweets out to his nutty base.  The problem is, us "normal folks" can see his tweets as well.  Which is why so many Americans want this clown out.  

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On 7/3/2017 at 2:32 PM, Rigby40 said:

Wrong. And because you people don't understand why he was elected, you will keep losing.

Without mentioning anyone running as the Democrat candidate for POTUS, why was he elected?

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On 7/3/2017 at 3:30 PM, ELVIS123456 said:

I have made an appointment for you to meet Donald Trump, so you can explain to him how to make America great again.  Friday 12th at 3pm - are you available? 

A simple, "I haven't a clue" would have been funnier.

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The connection between 45 and reddit, The Donald --





Then again, a normal politician wouldn’t tweet a video of himself attacking a CNN stand-in (nor would he have appeared repeatedly on WWE). Trump has decided that this doesn’t matter, or even that it helps him with his supporters.

And he may be right about the political calculation. Certainly, one can imagine that the adulation of r/the_donald convinces him he is. But his failure to assess information causes problems elsewhere in his fitful attempts at running the country between tweets. Foreign leaders have realized that Trump is a pushover, easily persuaded (or duped) with a brief conversation.



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On 7/3/2017 at 4:05 PM, dunroaming said:

This is Trump's honeymoon period!  When he get's this much criticism within the first five months where do you think he will be after one year? (if he survives that long).



I really do not know about the President's future?

What I have see so far is that the criticisms are about the man personally, and his less than presidential manners.

(Never spent much time in New Your City but I have been told that children are born with a certain amount of aggression there.)

I am not interested in his political correctness, I am interested in knowing if he can get the job done.


Government is about Management, managing a huge conglomerate of Agencies and staff, and the President is a manager.

President Trump got Air Force 1 replacements at a reduced cost from Boeing.

He got a discounted price on F-15s from General Dynamics.

He kick started the Key Stone pipeline creating jobs with knock on effects to suppliers, refineries, etc.

He opened the coal fields and put miners back to work in impoverished communities.


President Trump and his Administration seem to have been working their butts off doing things that actually apply to good governance.

Someone asked about President Trump's achievements the other day and I stumbled across the following link. Unfortunately, the list describes the actions but does not explain the resulting cost savings or jobs created, etc.


Executive Orders | whitehouse.gov

Presidential Actions. Executive Orders; Presidential Memoranda; Proclamations; Related OMB Material; Legislation; Disclosures; Executive Orders. Executive Order on ...
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15 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

Without mentioning anyone running as the Democrat candidate for POTUS, why was he elected?

Maybe because his anti-establishment message (drain the swamp) appealed to farmers, factory workers, medical workers, police, the blue collar and white collar workers, that go to work every day and pay taxes to keep America running, and have had enough of being manipulated and being told what to believe by an inefficient, self-serving, and corrupt government.

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5 minutes ago, KenKadz said:

I really do not know about the President's future?

What I have see so far is that the criticisms are about the man personally, and his less than presidential manners.

(Never spent much time in New Your City but I have been told that children are born with a certain amount of aggression there.)

I am not interested in his political correctness, I am interested in knowing if he can get the job done.


Government is about Management, managing a huge conglomerate of Agencies and staff, and the President is a manager.

President Trump got Air Force 1 replacements at a reduced cost from Boeing.

He got a discounted price on F-15s from General Dynamics.

He kick started the Key Stone pipeline creating jobs with knock on effects to suppliers, refineries, etc.

He opened the coal fields and put miners back to work in impoverished communities.


President Trump and his Administration seem to have been working their butts off doing things that actually apply to good governance.

Someone asked about President Trump's achievements the other day and I stumbled across the following link. Unfortunately, the list describes the actions but does not explain the resulting cost savings or jobs created, etc.


Executive Orders | whitehouse.gov

Presidential Actions. Executive Orders; Presidential Memoranda; Proclamations; Related OMB Material; Legislation; Disclosures; Executive Orders. Executive Order on ...

You can't be serious.  You guys have got to stop believing anything that comes out of Trump's mouth or the White House.  Most of it is massive exaggerations or outright lies, mixed in with tiny kernels of truth.

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26 minutes ago, Berkshire said:

That's a ridiculous explanation...but so typical.  Trump is the President, he can get "free advertising" pretty much anytime he wants.  But he doesn't want to face the press because he can't handle the tough questions.  So he takes the easy route and just tweets out to his nutty base.  The problem is, us "normal folks" can see his tweets as well.  Which is why so many Americans want this clown out.  

Up To You!

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On 7/3/2017 at 3:27 PM, KenKadz said:

No attacks here. Apologies, I just looked at this post and I got carried away.....


I have to admit some of those tweets are not very presidential, but then I don't think Politically Correct is in the job description.

The Trump Administration has only been working for five (5) months, hardly enough time for anyone in a new job, and certainly not enough time to pass judgement.


Despite all the distractions from the job and obstructionism (from the entrenched Swamp creatures and K Street), Trump's Administration is working to:

Improve the Veterans Administration, (recently signed bill making VA more accountable to veterans)

Create more jobs/improve the economy, (as mentioned below)

Provide security for U.S. citizens with the travel ban that allows Federal Agencies time to reevaluate their practices and operations to better protect against this new style ISIS terror threat.

The Tax Code and Healthcare you mention are on-going works and in reality are the responsibility of the U.S. Congress (Legislative Branch) who controls the money. Both of which are nightmare scenarios, i.e. Put three people in a room and ask a question, you will receive three answers/opinion. Now ask Congress (535 voting members: 435 Representatives and 100 Senators) to agree on anything and you see the magnitude of the problem.


If these numbers are correct I think President Trump's administration has accomplished a lot in five months.


(Copy Paste)

President Trump promised to “set the stage for a great revival” for American factories – to “Buy American and Hire American.”

In the first five months of last year, American manufacturers lost 24,000 jobs. But in the first five months of this year, businesses large and small have created more than 600,000 new good-paying jobs – including 55,000 new jobs in manufacturing. This is the difference with President Trump in The White House.

Going back decades, manufacturers have invested in jobs and factories in other countries – but this year, company after company are making record investments worth billions of dollars in this country.

But today, American manufacturers are more optimistic than at any point in the past 20 years thanks to the President. Thanks to the President’s decisive action, American manufacturing is getting stronger every day.

What do you think a/b these facts?


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Just now, Berkshire said:

You can't be serious.  You guys have got to stop believing anything that comes out of Trump's mouth or the White House.  Most of it is massive exaggerations or outright lies, mixed in with tiny kernels of truth.

Did you look at the link?

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4 minutes ago, KenKadz said:

Maybe because his anti-establishment message (drain the swamp) appealed to farmers, factory workers, medical workers, police, the blue collar and white collar workers, that go to work every day and pay taxes to keep America running, and have had enough of being manipulated and being told what to believe by an inefficient, self-serving, and corrupt government.

Only the swamp wasn't drained, and there are no discernible signs it will. Quite the opposite, in fact.

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6 minutes ago, KenKadz said:

Maybe because his anti-establishment message (drain the swamp) appealed to farmers, factory workers, medical workers, police, the blue collar and white collar workers, that go to work every day and pay taxes to keep America running, and have had enough of being manipulated and being told what to believe by an inefficient, self-serving, and corrupt government.

Great. Now, how are the "farmers, factory workers, medical workers, police, the blue collar and white collar workers, that go to work every day and pay taxes to keep America running, and have had enough of being manipulated and being told what to believe by an inefficient, self-serving, and corrupt government" feeling now?

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7 minutes ago, KenKadz said:

Maybe because his anti-establishment message (drain the swamp) appealed to farmers, factory workers, medical workers, police, the blue collar and white collar workers, that go to work every day and pay taxes to keep America running, and have had enough of being manipulated and being told what to believe by an inefficient, self-serving, and corrupt government.

Yes that is what Trump told them.

And the fools believed he was different.



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3 minutes ago, selftaopath said:

I do not pay attention to articles written by people use a name like AOL Editors.

But I have seen some very comprehensive 100 day comparisons on the internet, going back through several presidencies and written by knowledgeable authorities and groups.

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On 7/3/2017 at 4:19 PM, klikster said:

I am continually puzzled by Trump supporters who continue to (try and) point out President Obama's perceived failures and shortcomings. Trump's failures are his own and what Obama did or didn't do during his administration is immaterial in that context.


If you want to defend Trump, do so on his "merits". 

What merits?

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On 7/3/2017 at 4:31 PM, Jonnapat said:

What a pathetic, childish moron . How could 66 million people have voted for this ????? ( lost for a descriptive word that's acceptable )

IMO they voted for him hoping to turn back time to the Jim Crow era or before. Many Whites are petrified of being "the minority."

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6 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

Great. Now, how are the "farmers, factory workers, medical workers, police, the blue collar and white collar workers, that go to work every day and pay taxes to keep America running, and have had enough of being manipulated and being told what to believe by an inefficient, self-serving, and corrupt government" feeling now?

Please do not ask me to speak for everyone, that's not possible.

If you are asking me personally, I have hope!

Until proven otherwise I think President Trump cares about how America is governed, and wants to do good.

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2 minutes ago, selftaopath said:

IMO they voted for him hoping to turn back time to the Jim Crow era or before. Many Whites are petrified of being "the minority."

You're playing the Race Card? That is not part of the conversation!

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1 hour ago, CutiePi said:

Had a hearty laugh when I saw this... the Pres. is so great at driving The Resistance up the wall.

Either he did this to "drive the resistance up the wall" or he was genuinely confused and didn't notice the huge black limo with the presidential seal parked directly at the base of the stairs he had just descended.


If it was the former, he is a troll, and hardly presidential. If the latter he is a doodling old fool.


Or, he's a doodling old foolish troll.




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2 minutes ago, Thakkar said:

Either he did this to "drive the resistance up the wall" or he was genuinely confused and didn't notice the huge black limo with the presidential seal parked directly at the base of the stairs he had just descended.


If it was the former, he is a troll, and hardly presidential. If the latter he is a doodling old fool.


Or, he's a doodling old foolish troll.




I think he was just stressed from going down them evil, nasty stairs all by himself. But being a bit disoriented wouldn't be a first for him. There were previous incidents of this.

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5 minutes ago, Morch said:

I think he was just stressed from going down them evil, nasty stairs all by himself. But being a bit disoriented wouldn't be a first for him. There were previous incidents of this.

Oh, poor Donald, he had to walk down the stairs all by his loney self! Even the third lady wasn't on his side to slap his hand away.

So offcourse the little bully didn't know what to do, or where to go.

But don't worry, he will explain everything in his tweets. It's fake news, the limo wasn't there, etc, etc.

Edited by dutchisaan
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what if I made a gif like this? .. but, instead showed a picture of ME beating the shit out of Trump ./.. 

Would I get a visit from the Secret Service? .. or have some Trumptards at my door? .. Or have FOX News screaming bloody murder and bleeding out of all their holes?

Or Trump tweeting how UNFAIR it all is


I wish I knew how to make a gif like that ... I am surprised someone hasn't done it yet

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1 minute ago, cocteau2x said:

what if I made a gif like this? .. but, instead showed a picture of ME beating the shit out of Trump ./.. 

Would I get a visit from the Secret Service? .. or have some Trumptards at my door? .. Or have FOX News screaming bloody murder and bleeding out of all their holes?

Or Trump tweeting how UNFAIR it all is


I wish I knew how to make a gif like that ... I am surprised someone hasn't done it yet

You're a nobody.

He's president.

Not equivalent. 

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2 minutes ago, CutiePi said:

Anything that explodes the heads of Democrat voters, the fake news media, and other assorted lefties I'm all in favor of.

"Fake news media" to trumpists translates to any journalism that is at all critical to the dear leader.

"Real news" -- praise of the dear leader.

To add, the anti-trumpist movement is not only from the left. It includes many moderate and  conservative people as well. 

Edited by Jingthing
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1 minute ago, CutiePi said:

Exactly... goes for all the other members of The Resistance as well.

You missed my point entirely.

Decent Americans expect decent behavior from their president.

trump is dragging the presidency into the toilet. 

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40 minutes ago, KenKadz said:

Please do not ask me to speak for everyone, that's not possible.

If you are asking me personally, I have hope!

Until proven otherwise I think President Trump cares about how America is governed, and wants to do good.

Well it is you that brought them up.


But I hear where you're coming from. Hope is great and as my granny used to say, "A change is as good as a rest."


I feel your pain.


...and that of all the farmers, factory workers, medical workers, police, the blue collar and white collar workers, that go to work every day and pay taxes to keep America running, and have had enough of being manipulated and being told what to believe by an inefficient, self-serving, and corrupt government.

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You're a nobody.
He's president.
Not equivalent. 

Nobody's beating up on Trump are exactly what drives him wild.

And, if Ted Nugent got visited by the SS for threatening Obama ..
I think they might take it as something to look at if I started walking around saying I want to Kill Trump (which I do) ..

I have a nice life here in Thailand though .. so no need to go back to the USA...

Sent from my SM-T715Y using Tapatalk

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