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Warning, Pat Pong Road


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I know it'll do no good but I feel I have to give some kind of warning to anyone who visits that scum part of Thailand called pat pong.

I don't usually go there but i unfortunately found myself there having a drink and a game of pool with my brother. I'd had enough of the dirty <deleted> hole and left him there. I thought he'd be ok....you know, in a place that lots of westerners spend there hard earned money........but i couldn't be more wrong.

I rang my brother's house to see if he was alright and got home safely....only to be told by him that he woke up in a fire station far from the hel_l hole, covered in blood, two black eyes, a broken nose and a busted rib. His wallet stolen and his mobile phone.

He thinks someone spiked his drink cos luckily he cant remember anything that happened.

there were a few Thai idiots in this bar who were trying to play me at pool for a thousand baht. even if i had the money....i wouldn't have played them in fear of giving them money. Also...i wouldn't know where their money would have come from, if i had won. They weren't even polite in asking to play for money either. Which gives me the thought that it could have been them that did my brother over.

I know it won't make any difference but i just wanted to do something and warn everyone who might go there.

Thailand is indeed a wonderful place and there is always a crap hole in every country.....

thanks for listen and i'd be interested to hear any other story like this....if you want to get it off your chest.

Take care.............................................................

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I've been going there for years and never had the least problem.

Perhaps you should think about what did your brother did to invite this behavior? :o

I agree. I usually go to Patpong market 2 or 3 times a week since I live nearby. I never had any such encounter or anything similar.

To the OP, I think your brother might have gotten involved with the wrong people. There are many such losers hanging around that area and I think they should just be left alone or avoided.

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drinking and gambling with local males hanging out in a pool bar in the middle of a red light district who have already shown aggressive tendencies towards you , on the busiest holiday weekend of the year for both locals and visitors.........

nobody deserves to be beaten , drugged and robbed , but most people take basic and elementary precautions to avoid such things.

i hope your brother recovers quickly.

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Agreeing with taxexile; well said.

Been to PatPong numerous times, stayed at the Pavillion, walked the streets, went inside, internet cafes, restaurants, shops, shows, etc. But I don't drink, don't play pool with the hoodlums, etc. It could happen anywhere, but it's much more likely to happen in certain places. Sorry to hear about the brother.

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Not to say this type of thing never happens, but I am skeptical in this case. I have never seen Thai's become aggressive to play pool or wager 1000 baht out of the blue; those places just don't work that way. The way those places are setup is 30 baht a game against the girls there and they don't bring up bets. Where is the police report? Oh, you didn't make one? :o Patpong on the contrary has a good safety feature because unlike random people on the street they all have their id's on file so they are in a situation they can't make a clean getaway.

If this is more than a windup and you open yourself to the possibility he was not drugged at all the story could be very different than it appears. My 1000 baht is on a drunk, belligerent guy looking for trouble not paying up for bets lost. The result would be the same anywhere in the world.

Edited by The Coder
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ive been coming to los a very long time and have never seen a farang beat up, that in some way did not contribute towards his beating.

ive seen alot of farangs cause problems and then get a flogging of the thais but thats ok by me as they started it.

theres always 2 sides to the story and this one just dont add up.

hope the dude recovers.

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iVE BEEN THERE OVER 2 DOZEN TIMES and nothing happen to me, im bringing my cousin david when he visits me next year for some ho's.

sorry about your bro, dont leAVE HIM NEXT TIME, i WOULDNT leave my cousin.

Edited by DragonQuest
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I've been going to Patpong a day or two every week for years now (colleagues have an office nearby, handy to meet up after work).

I've only ever seen two fights there, both Thai vs Thai (I stopped one fight when one Thai guy was on the ground and the other was standing there kicking him - the gathered crowd weren't too happy with me, but I couldn't let it go on).

Noone I know has ever had a problem there.

Edited by bkkmick
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I've been going to Patpong a day or two every week for years now (colleagues have an office nearby, handy to meet up after work).

I've only ever seen two fights there, both Thai vs Thai (I stopped one fight when one Thai guy was on the ground and the other was standing there kicking him - the gathered crowd weren't too happy with me, but I couldn't let it go on).

Noone I know has ever had a problem there.

I agree although I do not frequent the place now, I used to be there at least 2 or 3 times aweek and never saw any fights.

I myself am a decent pool player. My golden rule is NEVER, EVER play the locals for ANY amount of money.

Many times I have been approached, I have always refused and just enjoy the game for fun. You can do it without being rude, just say "Pom len mai dee" and they smile and you get on with having a fun game.

I suspect if this is not a troll post, then the farang probably lost at pool and didnt pay his debt :o

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I've been going to Patpong a day or two every week for years now (colleagues have an office nearby, handy to meet up after work).

I've only ever seen two fights there, both Thai vs Thai (I stopped one fight when one Thai guy was on the ground and the other was standing there kicking him - the gathered crowd weren't too happy with me, but I couldn't let it go on).

Noone I know has ever had a problem there.

your a very brave guy mick,

as thai business is best left to the thais.

but i salute you. :o

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