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Thai With Western Family Name

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When I married my wife she took my family name.

Can this make any problem when she(we) want to by property?

No. The only difference is that since she is married to a non-Thai citizen then you need to sign a paper that you have no rights to the land etc.

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It's no longer an issue since Thai women married to foreigners can now buy/own property (ie: land) in their own name with the above proviso lingling mentioned.

Prior to the amendment, Thai women often kept their Thai name to avoid this, and many went to the extreme of getting married overseas so the Thai authorities wouldn't know they had a foreign husband! I've heard stories of Thai neighbours ratting out the Mia-Farang to the land office guys, etc. to make sure she would get her land title revoked.

I'm not sure why there was such paranoia (and still is) over this land issue and foreign husbands. Perhaps 40 or 50 years ago Chinese businessmen (fleeing communism?) moved to Thailand in large numbers, married Thais and bought up all the good land for cheap?

It's just a guess. If true, it's ironic because (IMHO) much of the present anti-farang sentiment (about land and business ownership) seems to come from that particular community.. What goes around comes around I guess. :o

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