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Trump's son met Russian lawyer after promise of information on Clinton - NY Times


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Trump's son met Russian lawyer after promise of information on Clinton - NY Times



U.S. President-elect Donald Trump speaks with his son Donald Trump Jr. during a news conference in the lobby of Trump Tower in Manhattan, New York City, U.S., January 11, 2017. REUTERS/Lucas Jackson


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump's son Donald Trump Jr. agreed to meet with a Kremlin-linked lawyer during the 2016 campaign after being promised damaging information about Hillary Clinton, the New York Times reported on Sunday, citing three advisers to the White House.


Trump's then-campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, and his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, also attended the meeting at Trump Tower on June 9, 2016, two weeks after Trump won the Republican nomination, the Times reported.


The Times quoted a statement from Donald Trump Jr. in which he acknowledged meeting with Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya.


"After pleasantries were exchanged, the woman stated that she had information that individuals connected to Russia were funding the Democratic National Committee and supporting Ms. Clinton," the Times quoted Donald Trump Jr. as saying. Clinton was the 2016 Democratic presidential nominee.


"Her statements were vague, ambiguous and made no sense. No details or supporting information was provided or even offered. It quickly became clear that she had no meaningful information."


The Times said Veselnitskaya then turned the conversation to the adoption of Russian children and a U.S. law blacklisting Russians linked to alleged human-rights abuses.


President Trump was "not aware of and did not attend" the meeting reported by the Times, Mark Corallo, a spokesman for Trump's legal team, said in an emailed statement.


Trump Jr. was quoted saying he believed information on Clinton was only a pretext for the meeting. The Times said it was unclear whether Veselnitskaya produced the promised compromising information about Clinton.


Trump Jr. told the Times he did not tell Manafort and Kushner what the meeting was about when he asked them to attend.

Representatives for Manafort and Kushner did not immediately respond to a Reuters' request for comment.


Allegations of the Trump campaign's ties to Russia have cast a shadow over Donald Trump's first five months in office, distracting from attempts by his fellow Republicans in Congress to overhaul the U.S. healthcare and tax systems.


The Kremlin has denied U.S. intelligence agencies' conclusion that Moscow tried to tilt the election in Trump's favour, using such means as hacking into the emails of senior Democrats.


Trump has repeatedly denied any collusion.


The allegations came up during Trump's meeting on Friday with Russian President Vladimir Putin but the two agreed to focus on better ties rather than litigating the past.


Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Trump accepted Putin's assertions the allegations of Russian meddling were false.


Trump said on Sunday he and Putin had discussed forming a cyber security unit, an idea harshly criticized by Republicans who said Moscow could not be trusted after its alleged meddling in the 2016 U.S. election.


(Reporting by Phil Stewart and David Brunnstrom; Editing by Peter Cooney and Chris Reese)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-07-10
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13 minutes ago, webfact said:

Trump Jr. was quoted saying he believed information on Clinton was only a pretext for the meeting. The Times said it was unclear whether Veselnitskaya produced the promised compromising information about Clinton.


What an patsy!  The orange doesn't fall far from the tree.

She probably started with offering to show him her new lingerie, and when that didn't work she offered to show her baseball card collection. 



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So Team Trump were happy to meet with Russians to get dirt on Hilary and it is confirmed they met with them at least once. I wonder what else we will find out as time goes by and what else was discussed. How many will now try to say there is no need for further investigation?

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what is all this stuff. another one... a joint cyber security unit.... with the Russians????

an attempt at a joke?

that's another thing with Trump.... and our future Trump POTUS's...  they rarely ever cut jokes.. good ones.

very strange people. not just illiterate.



Edited by maewang99
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7 minutes ago, darksidedog said:

So Team Trump were happy to meet with Russians to get dirt on Hilary and it is confirmed they met with them at least once. I wonder what else we will find out as time goes by and what else was discussed. How many will now try to say there is no need for further investigation?

Yea.... 45 and his Pro Russia team and various defenders are already wanting to "move on" from all the Russia hacking.  How utterly ????  Traitorous. 


I never thought I'd live to see the day when America was being undermined "sold out" by so many.

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2 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

well i am sure if the russians had reached out to clinton with some golden shower tapes of trump, that meeting would have happened too.


Losers become hypocrites so fast.

Well, now that we know you're sure about it, the issue is settled. Do you have any clue as to what constitutes evidence?

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It sounds like Kushner and Flynn and Sessions are in a competition to see who can chalk up the most lies re; Russian meetings. It seems like each week, another meeting with Russian agents is revealed, that one or the other Trump flunkie had never mentioned before, not publicly or on their security clearance forms. 


From the OP:  

President Trump was "not aware of and did not attend" the meeting


Is Trump the most 'out-to-lunch' executive ever, or is he just profoundly stupid, or a devious shyster, or a combination thereof?   


The pee pee tapes are sounding more real each day.  The gospel according to Trump is:  praise every bit of news which praises him, and adamantly deny every bit of news (even from the same briefing) which puts him in a bad light.

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3 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

its not meant to be…only you would twist it that way.

"well i am sure if the russians had reached out to clinton with some golden shower tapes of trump, that meeting would have happened too.


Losers become hypocrites so fast."


Then what was it supposed to be?

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8 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

well i am sure if the russians had reached out to clinton with some golden shower tapes of trump, that meeting would have happened too. Losers become hypocrites so fast.

Here's what Trump's shielders do (particularly during interviews) every time he gets in  hot water, which is daily:


They hide.  They lie.

They toss out ridiculous phrases like, "alternative facts."

They obfuscate.

They can never give a less-than-glowing assessment of Putin.

They shout down interviewers and fellow interviewees.

They interrupt constantly during interviews

They jerrymander, thereby hogging as much interview time as possible

They try to paint Trump as decent, decisive, which is a failing prospect

Like JHolmes, above, they invariably try to smear Clintons or Obama or whatever Dem from years ago.


All such actions scream cover-up and guilt for Trump and and his America-harming honchos.

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33 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

well i am sure if the russians had reached out to clinton with some golden shower tapes of trump, that meeting would have happened too.

Losers become hypocrites so fast.



But, but, but Hillary...

Loser spin.



Meanwhile, the wheels of justice continue to to turn. :thumbsup:

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there is too much fake news out there, but one can tell how credible an individual is by their acts/tweets in public. Lies after lies and a daughter who sits in the presidents seat at G20 meetings? 


Yea we can go talk about the opponent if they are presidents, since they are not, lets keeps the focus on Trump

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I don't particularly like Trump so can can see why he can infuriate progressives. That aide though, with all this evil Russian meme going on in the US what do you lot actually want? You have already applied sanctions, what is left, war? War with a nuclear armed power isn't going to be like Hollywood, it would probably mean the complete end of your country and even civilization. Is that what you want to risk?

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51 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

"Trump Jr. told the Times he did not tell Manafort and Kushner what the meeting was about when he asked them to attend."   Sounds believable.

Right, just as believable that Trump didn't know that 3 of his top lieutenants were having that meeting.  If you believe that, then you believe that none of the crooks around Trump told him about any important meetings they had with foreign agents.  


There are so many red flags in that NY Times story.  Here are a few.....


>>>  Neither Trump, nor Donald Jr. nor any of the other crooks around Trump have denied it.

>>>  Don Jr admits there was talk about Russian influence in the campaigns

>>>  Don Jr. says neither Manafort nor Kushner knew what the meeting was about before they showed up.  Here's the conversation, if we believe Don Jr's account, something like......

"Hey you guys (Manafort and Kushner).  I know we're all very busy billionaires, but there's this Russian chick that wants to meet with us.  Drop everything else you're doing and meet me at Trump Tower, ok.  No, I don't know her name, what she represents, or what she wants to talk about. Just be there."

>>>   None of Trump's honchos who were at the meeting said anything about a meeting for nearly a year.  NONE OF THEM MENTIONED IT ON SECURITY FORMS.  Trump has repeatedly said that no one he knows has met with Russians.  


             What do Trumpsters take Americans for?!?!   .....They must think we're the dumbest ding dongs in the history of mankind, to believe any piece of the piles of BS they're shoveling at us.

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8 minutes ago, mike324 said:

there is too much fake news out there, but one can tell how credible an individual is by their acts/tweets in public. Lies after lies and a daughter who sits in the presidents seat at G20 meetings? 

Yea we can go talk about the opponent if they are presidents, since they are not, lets keeps the focus on Trump

Call me subjective if you want, but I don't think there's fake news coming from mainstream media, except perhaps Fox.  Though even Fox is starting to see the writing on the wall.   The fake news is cavalcading from the Oval Office.  


Rachel Maddow just had a very interesting insight.  She rec'd some documents which looked authentic.  They were from a top security agency in D.C. and showed a Trump operative engaged in nefarious activity.  The Trumpster was named (which aroused doubts of the paper's veracity).   Upon looking very closely at the paper, Rachel and her team determined the 'top secret' paper was fake.   Why would someone send a fake smear story (against Trump's honchos) to Maddow - an avowed journalist/investigator who has revealed lots on Trump's nefarious actions?


Here's what was deduced, and it makes sense to me:   It was a Trump insider who sent the fake 'top secret' dossier to Maddow.  It was hoped that Maddow would use it in her newscast.  Then, soon after, it would be revealed that the story was fake.  That would compel Maddow to quit her job - as happened recently when 3 NY newspaper journalists were compelled to step down re; an article about a Trump operative.  Note, the NY report was not deemed false.  Instead, it was deemed to be based on unsubstantiated sources.  Even so, the 3 veteran journalists resigned.  It was a win for Trump and his fans.   Each journalist they can force out of the game, is one less person who can investigate Trump's many law-breaking activities.



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It's simple really Donald wants to control the USA like Putin does russia most of the moves he does is straight out of the KGB play book attack the press lie ect ect I also think he is laundering money power and money that's what Donald is all about a real set of grifters they are trators as well

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37 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

There are so many red flags in that NY Times story.  Here are a few.....

>>>  Neither Trump, nor Donald Jr. nor any of the other crooks around Trump have denied it.

Right. No denial of a meeting.



>>>  Don Jr admits there was talk about Russian influence in the campaigns

Right. That Russia were funding the Democratic National Committee and supporting Ms. Clinton.



>>>   None of Trump's honchos who were at the meeting said anything about a meeting for nearly a year.  NONE OF THEM MENTIONED IT ON SECURITY FORMS.  

Not reported in the NYT piece, but the BBC report: Mr Kushner's lawyer said he had previously disclosed the meeting on security clearance forms.



Trump has repeatedly said that no one he knows has met with Russians.  

President Trump was "not aware of and did not attend" the meeting reported by the Times, Mark Corallo, a spokesman for Trump's legal team, said in an emailed statement.


"Her statements were vague, ambiguous and made no sense. No details or supporting information was provided or even offered. It quickly became clear that she had no meaningful information."
Veselnitskaya then turned the conversation to the adoption of Russian children and a U.S. law blacklisting Russians linked to alleged human-rights abuses.


Ms Veselnitskaya, who played a key role campaigning against the law, said on Saturday that "nothing at all was discussed about the presidential campaign."


"I have never acted on behalf of the Russian government and have never discussed any of these matters with any representative of the Russian government."


Still not the tiniest crumb of evidence of collusion here. :coffee1:


Edited by PattayaJames
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3 hours ago, darksidedog said:

So Team Trump were happy to meet with Russians to get dirt on Hilary and it is confirmed they met with them at least once. I wonder what else we will find out as time goes by and what else was discussed. How many will now try to say there is no need for further investigation?



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7 minutes ago, PattayaJames said:

Right. No denial of a meeting.


Right. That Russia were funding the Democratic National Committee and supporting Ms. Clinton.


Not reported in the NYT piece, but the BBC report: Mr Kushner's lawyer said he had previously disclosed the meeting on security clearance forms.


President Trump was "not aware of and did not attend" the meeting reported by the Times, Mark Corallo, a spokesman for Trump's legal team, said in an emailed statement.


"Her statements were vague, ambiguous and made no sense. No details or supporting information was provided or even offered. It quickly became clear that she had no meaningful information."
Veselnitskaya then turned the conversation to the adoption of Russian children and a U.S. law blacklisting Russians linked to alleged human-rights abuses. Trump Jr. was quoted saying he believed information on Clinton was only a pretext for the meeting. 


Still not the tiniest crumb of evidence of collusion here. :coffee1:


"Right. That Russia were funding the Democratic National Committee and supporting Ms. Clinton."                            Because Putin is such an admirer of Hillary Clinton?  From where do you come up with such nonsense?


"Not reported in the NYT piece, but the BBC report: Mr Kushner's lawyer said he had previously disclosed the meeting on security clearance forms."

That does not contradict what the New York Times reported.  The Times reported that Kushner did report it. But only on a revised form submitted in recent weeks. In other words, he didn't report it on the original form.


"President Trump was "not aware of and did not attend" the meeting reported by the Times, Mark Corallo, a spokesman for Trump's legal team, said in an emailed statement."

Well, if a spokesman for Trump says so, then it must be true.


"Her statements were vague, ambiguous and made no sense. No details or supporting information was provided or even offered. It quickly became clear that she had no meaningful information."

"Veselnitskaya then turned the conversation to the adoption of Russian children and a U.S. law blacklisting Russians linked to alleged human-rights abuses. Trump Jr. was quoted saying he believed information on Clinton was only a pretext for the meeting."

Are you citing these as fact or just repeating assertions from Trump, Jr.?





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8 minutes ago, PattayaJames said:

Not reported in the NYT piece, but the BBC report: Mr Kushner's lawyer said he had previously disclosed the meeting on security clearance forms.

Still not the tiniest crumb of evidence of collusion here.

"Not reported in the NYT piece, but the BBC report: Mr Kushner's lawyer said he had previously disclosed the meeting on security clearance forms."

Right. :whistling:


Kushner left Russian meetings off security clearance forms


"President Trump's son-in-law and senior adviser, Jared Kushner, failed to disclose dozens of meetings and contacts with foreign officials in the months before inauguration while he was seeking a top-secret security clearance"


"Among the meetings that Kushner omitted from his national security questionnaire were one with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak and another with Sergey Gorkov, the CEO of the Russian state-owned bank Vnesheconombank."



Jared Kushner did not disclose Russian meetings in security clearance application





"Still not the tiniest crumb of evidence of collusion here."

Mistaken desperation at best.

Deflect way, the wheels of justice are turning.:thumbsup:



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2 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

well i am sure if the russians had reached out to clinton with some golden shower tapes of trump, that meeting would have happened too.


Losers become hypocrites so fast.

So with your reasoning, two wrongs make a right? :passifier:

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