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Trump's son met Russian lawyer after promise of information on Clinton - NY Times


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16 minutes ago, Scott said:

Credible news agencies are held accountable for their sources.   The editors will generally be informed of the source and a decision made about whether the source is sufficiently connected to be used.   Also, most credible news agencies will try to check the information with other sources.  


Not naming sources has always been a part of reporting.  



What's more, when their information is proven to be wrong, they make a public retraction. Sometimes they even fire the journalists responsible for the mistaken information.

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20 minutes ago, Scott said:

Credible news agencies are held accountable for their sources.

The editors will generally be informed of the source and a decision made about whether the source is sufficiently connected to be used.

Also, most credible news agencies will try to check the information with other sources.  


Not naming sources has always been a part of reporting.



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Trump Jr.’s Meeting With Russians Brings Meddling Inquiry to ‘New Level,’ Sen. Warner Says


"WASHINGTON — The top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee said Sunday that Donald Trump Jr.'s meeting with a Russian lawyer during the heat of the 2016 election has brought the committee's Russian meddling investigation into an entirely new sphere."


""The fact is this information has now come to light, and all of these efforts to say there was only smoke and there's no fire, well,

that's all been put to rest," Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va., said on "Meet The Press." 


"This clearly brings the investigation to a new level and makes our effort all the more important," he added."




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2 hours ago, PattayaJames said:

So the rabid MSM have been digging at this "story of the decade" for over a week now.

No doubt tens of thousands of man hours.

What evidence have they found of Kremlin links?



It's not just about Kremlin links. It's about the integrity of the White House. And possible perjury by those in these meetings. Along with potential violation of campaign finance laws.


Tens of thousands of man hours being wasted due to the crazy actions of Trump and his minions.  Again.

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1 hour ago, CutiePi said:

It's called "opposition research," which is completely normal during any political campaign.

Not completely normal when it involves a hostile foreign power. This shows the inexperience of the Trump election team.

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bring some family in to your election and / or post election staff.... have them do the stuff you can't..... or won't.....for any reason, legal or just not cool.....

you end up okay.... they end up okay.... because they are neither elected nor even require approval or even any kind of active or demonstrated political base... they get in on yours.... and get away with "stuff".... of any kind...

is that not a lesson for political elites to take note of.....

not that this is anything particularly new... but that this time it was done on such a mega scale......... in everyone's face.....


and the word "family".. reminds me of Trump's 1970's construction projects... anyone familiar with how NYC's construction trades worked..... in the 1970's especially ?

the other thing we all learn... if something really stinks..... then hit everyone on the head with it for months and years on end... eventually they get tired of hearing about it.. no matter how bad it was. 


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25 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Potential violation of campaign finance laws.

OK gotcha, you are talking about the info she supposedly had that funds used to sponsor the D.N.C. were coming from inappropriate sources.

Notice the complete lack of interest in that part of the "story"

Oh how different it would be if there was ever a sniff of money going to the Trump campaign.

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30 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Not completely normal when it involves a hostile foreign power. This shows the inexperience of the Trump election team.

One minute it is not about links to the Kremlin, the next it is about a hostile foreign power. 

Is Trump Putin's puppet or not. LOL

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2 hours ago, PattayaJames said:

So the rabid MSM have been digging at this "story of the decade" for over a week now.

No doubt tens of thousands of man hours.

What evidence have they found of Kremlin links?




These are the people "digging at this story" :


The House Intelligence Committee

The Senate Intelligence Committee

The Senate Judiciary Committee

The House Oversight Committee


And Special Counsel Mueller.


While the White House is under criminal investigation for obstruction of justice, collusion, fraud, racketeering, money laundering and espionage.


Along with the fact that, the occupier of the White House' son, who along with a Senior White House adviser to his father and a Russian connected Trump campaign chairman, had a clandestine meeting with agents from a hostile foreign adversary.


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19 minutes ago, PattayaJames said:

OK gotcha, you are talking about the info she supposedly had that funds used to sponsor the D.N.C. were coming from inappropriate sources.

Notice the complete lack of interest in that part of the "story"

Oh how different it would be if there was ever a sniff of money going to the Trump campaign.

That could be the info. What it was isn't the issue. Not reporting these meetings properly, perjury and violation of campaign laws is the issue.


You're deflecting just like Trump and his crew.  LOL

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15 minutes ago, PattayaJames said:

One minute it is not about links to the Kremlin, the next it is about a hostile foreign power. 

Is Trump Putin's puppet or not. LOL

Links to the Kremlin have been proven regarding the email hacks. This is another issue.  Keep up!  I know it's hard to do this as there's soooooo many things cropping up! LOL

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1 hour ago, craigt3365 said:

Not completely normal when it involves a hostile foreign power. This shows the inexperience of the Trump election team.

Depends if you consider Russia a "hostile foreign power." For most people, the Cold War ended 25 years ago. The "inexperience" you mention many Americans see as not being a political hack and 30-year swamp creature.

Edited by CutiePi
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On 7/10/2017 at 7:44 AM, maewang99 said:

what is all this stuff. another one... a joint cyber security unit.... with the Russians????

an attempt at a joke?

that's another thing with Trump.... and our future Trump POTUS's...  they rarely ever cut jokes.. good ones.

very strange people. not just illiterate.



Actually, that is rather strange. All of them decades in the public eye, and not a single quote or recollection of a quote that shows any sort of witticism emanating from Trump or any of his brood.



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5 minutes ago, CutiePi said:

Depends if you consider Russia a "hostile foreign power." For most people, the Cold War ended 25 years ago. The "inexperience" you mention real Americans see as not being a political hack and 30-year swamp creature.

Yes, the cold war ended years ago.  99.99% of people know that.  You are aware of the current actions by Russia? 


30 year swamp creatures seem to be the thing of choice by the POTUS.  Look at his cabinet nominations.  All swamp creatures. 

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On 7/10/2017 at 8:59 AM, JHolmesJr said:

well i am sure if the russians had reached out to clinton with some golden shower tapes of trump, that meeting would have happened too.


Losers become hypocrites so fast.

You are confusing facts with hypotheticals. When it comes to meetings and imagined meetings, the latter didn't happen while the former did.



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2 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Yes, the cold war ended years ago.  99.99% of people know that.  You are aware of the current actions by Russia? 


30 year swamp creatures seem to be the thing of choice by the POTUS.  Look at his cabinet nominations.  All swamp creatures. 

What actions...doing stuff to uphold Western civilization are not threats to anyone.


I don't see any Swampies in the cabinet...only successful people from the private sector.

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21 hours ago, Scott said:

Credible news agencies are held accountable for their sources.   The editors will generally be informed of the source and a decision made about whether the source is sufficiently connected to be used.   Also, most credible news agencies will try to check the information with other sources.  


Not naming sources has always been a part of reporting.  



But it's disingenuous not to be held to account for 'unnamed sources'.

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13 minutes ago, CutiePi said:

Depends if you consider Russia a "hostile foreign power." For most people, the Cold War ended 25 years ago. The "inexperience" you mention real Americans see as not being a political hack and 30-year swamp creature.

This but you won't get the gang of four on here to even entertain your obvious common sense. This is ALL political and truth is the first to die in political war. I was really hoping for some reconciliation with Russia and peace but the "but..but..but..it's the Russians" mob love conspiracy more.  

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On 7/10/2017 at 10:18 AM, Rancid said:

I don't particularly like Trump so can can see why he can infuriate progressives. That aide though, with all this evil Russian meme going on in the US what do you lot actually want? You have already applied sanctions, what is left, war? War with a nuclear armed power isn't going to be like Hollywood, it would probably mean the complete end of your country and even civilization. Is that what you want to risk?

Nobody is talking abut war.

How about starting with a robust, bi-partisan investigation without GOP obstruction of all the ways the interference was done so as to build effective defenses against future interferences—an essential exercise if American democracy and the integrity of elections is to be preserved?


How about clarifying if Americans were involved in cooperating with Russia, and if so, who, so that they can be prosecuted under the law and prevented from doing the same again?


How about Those Americans who did meet with Russians come clean about all meetings?


How about refraining from screaming "fake news" every time a news media exposes a meeting that should have been reported as required, but wasn't?



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17 minutes ago, CutiePi said:

What actions...doing stuff to uphold Western civilization are not threats to anyone.


I don't see any Swampies in the cabinet...only successful people from the private sector.

Even Putin admits Russia might have been behind the email hacks.  That's hardly upholding Western civilizations' values. LOL  Luckily, most in the US know that's a threat.


If you don't see any swampies in the cabinet, you don't know who they are.  Goldman Sachs ring a bell? LOL

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13 minutes ago, LannaGuy said:

This but you won't get the gang of four on here to even entertain your obvious common sense. This is ALL political and truth is the first to die in political war. I was really hoping for some reconciliation with Russia and peace but the "but..but..but..it's the Russians" mob love conspiracy more.  

So you are saying Trump Jr. never met with a group of people saying they had dirt on Hillary?

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On 7/10/2017 at 10:22 AM, boomerangutang said:

What do Trumpsters take Americans for?!?!   .....They must think we're the dumbest ding dongs in the history of mankind, to believe any piece of the piles of BS they're shoveling at us.

American ding-dong levels currently holding steady at around 36% of the population. They are the largest minority group angling for affirmative action on their behalf, actions that involve denying rights to others including the right to a decent education so as to bolster the ranks of American ding-dongs.



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Just now, craigt3365 said:

So you are saying Trump Jr. never met with a group of people saying they had dirt on Hillary?

Of course he did that part is indisputable as would I, HC, or anyone on the campaign trail. HC's team had a CNN analyst handing them the questions before a debate which, in my view, is far more serious 'shenanigans'. Politics is a dirty business. Was it wise to meet?  probably not, but not for ethical reasons, but knowing the Dems would go bananas with conspiracy theories as has happened.  Much Ado about Nothing.

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36 minutes ago, CutiePi said:

Depends if you consider Russia a "hostile foreign power." For most people, the Cold War ended 25 years ago.

Read much?


Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections 


Key Judgments:


"We assess Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered an influence campaign in 2016 aimed at the US presidential election." 


"Russia’s goals were to undermine public faith in the US democratic process, denigrate Secretary Clinton,

and harm her electability and potential presidency."


"We further assess Putin and the Russian Government developed a clear preference for President-elect Trump."



"For most people, the Cold War ended 25 years ago."

For some apparently...


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Just now, iReason said:

Read much?


Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections 


Key Judgments:


"We assess Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered an influence campaign in 2016 aimed at the US presidential election." 


"Russia’s goals were to undermine public faith in the US democratic process, denigrate Secretary Clinton,

and harm her electability and potential presidency."


"We further assess Putin and the Russian Government developed a clear preference for President-elect Trump."



"For most people, the Cold War ended 25 years ago."

For some apparently...


and the US never has a 'preference' for who they want elected in other countries?   no meddling over the years?  that's good to know... 

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25 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Even Putin admits Russia might have been behind the email hacks.  That's hardly upholding Western civilizations' values. LOL 

I did not know that American or in fact any western civilizations values were against, what is essentially spying.

SOP for all countries, you assume it is being carried out on you as you are carrying it out on others and do your best to protect against it.

Unless your are HRC then you just set up your own email server with total disregard for security.

Like tapping Merkel's phone for instance.

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