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Trump's son met Russian lawyer after promise of information on Clinton - NY Times


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On 7/10/2017 at 11:13 AM, Somtamnication said:
On 7/10/2017 at 8:59 AM, JHolmesJr said:

well i am sure if the russians had reached out to clinton with some golden shower tapes of trump, that meeting would have happened too.


Losers become hypocrites so fast.

So with your reasoning, two wrongs make a right? :passifier:


Actually it's one wrong and one hypothetical wrong making the actual wrong right.

Also known as Trumpian ethics.



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13 minutes ago, LannaGuy said:

Of course he did that part is indisputable as would I, HC, or anyone on the campaign trail. HC's team had a CNN analyst handing them the questions before a debate which, in my view, is far more serious 'shenanigans'. Politics is a dirty business. Was it wise to meet?  probably not, but not for ethical reasons, but knowing the Dems would go bananas with conspiracy theories as has happened.  Much Ado about Nothing.

Great!  At least we are in agreement The Junior has potentially committed a crime.  Possibly several.  Sad you don't think this is serious.  Luckily, many in Washington, from both sides of the isles, think it's serious.  No conspiracy theories.  Just facts.  As proven by The Junior's released emails...which he lied about before. LOL. 


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7 minutes ago, PattayaJames said:

I did not know that American or in fact any western civilizations values were against, what is essentially spying.

SOP for all countries, you assume it is being carried out on you as you are carrying it out on others and do your best to protect against it.

Unless your are HRC then you just set up your own email server with total disregard for security.

Like tapping Merkel's phone for instance.

Nice deflections.  Can we stick to the topic at hand? LOL

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Just now, craigt3365 said:

Great!  At least we are in agreement The Junior has potentially committed a crime.  Possibly several.  Sad you don't think this is serious.  Luckily, many in Washington, from both sides of the isles, think it's serious.  No conspiracy theories.  Just facts.  As proven by The Junior's released emails...which he lied about before. LOL. 


If having a cup of coffee is a crime then you are right!  it was hardly clandestine?  8 people in Trump Tower for 20 minutes?  but it suits your politics to make an acorn into an oak tree that's all I'm saying and I am a Bernie supporter and think Trump's unfit for office BUT he was elected and this is NOT the way to defeat him.

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6 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Nice deflections.  Can we stick to the topic at hand? LOL

I thought we were discussing western civilizations values on spying?

But as usual, you just want to stick to bashing Trump LOL.

I will leave you to it. 

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On 7/10/2017 at 0:13 PM, pegman said:
On 7/10/2017 at 0:08 PM, Cats4ever said:

I love Samantha Bee's description of the two Trump sons as Sonny & Fredo. Not sure which is which.

Or Beavis + Butthead

Twiddle Dumb and Twiddle Dumber



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21 minutes ago, PattayaJames said:

I thought we were discussing western civilizations values on spying?


I think you are deflecting and attempting to derail the thread:

Trump's son met Russian lawyer after promise of information on Clinton - NY Times


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23 minutes ago, LannaGuy said:

If having a cup of coffee is a crime then you are right!  it was hardly clandestine?  8 people in Trump Tower for 20 minutes?  but it suits your politics to make an acorn into an oak tree that's all I'm saying and I am a Bernie supporter and think Trump's unfit for office BUT he was elected and this is NOT the way to defeat him.

How about not reporting the meeting on your security clearance forum?  Lying he never met any Russians?  That's a crime and perjury.


There are too many instances of this happening.  The government is paralyzed.  They need to get in front of this.  Fess up, admit what's happened, and move on.  Continued denials by Trump and crew are killing their credibility and making it impossible for them to enact much needed legislation.

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24 minutes ago, PattayaJames said:

I thought we were discussing western civilizations values on spying?

But as usual, you just want to stick to bashing Trump LOL.

I will leave you to it. 

Ummm...the thread is about Trump.  I'm not bashing, just commenting on the OP.  Sadly, very easy to bash Trump. LOL

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On 7/11/2017 at 11:15 AM, JHolmesJr said:

Leading a country is not about being liked…its about  representing the interests of your country the best you can. Mr Trump is finally standing up for 

americans whose voices have been smothered by the collusion between politicians pushing g a globalist agenda.


So the man with real estate and other businesses around the world whose companies sell imported products from around the world, who holds his beauty pageants (involving international contestants) in other countries, who borrows from foreign banks and who solicits and accepts investments from around the world into his projects is going to stand up AGAINST the globalist agenda?


Ok, got it.




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1 hour ago, Thakkar said:

Nobody is talking abut war.

How about starting with a robust, bi-partisan investigation without GOP obstruction of all the ways the interference was done so as to build effective defenses against future interferences—an essential exercise if American democracy and the integrity of elections is to be preserved?


How about clarifying if Americans were involved in cooperating with Russia, and if so, who, so that they can be prosecuted under the law and prevented from doing the same again?


How about Those Americans who did meet with Russians come clean about all meetings?


How about refraining from screaming "fake news" every time a news media exposes a meeting that should have been reported as required, but wasn't?



Investigation into what...why the Democrat Party and the DNC ignored FBI warnings that their computers were vulnerable to hacking...why the DNC and the Hillary campaign spent over a billion dollars but didn't spend 30 bucks for a copy of Norton Internet Security...why John Podesta is so dumb he opens email attachments from unknown senders?

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1 hour ago, craigt3365 said:

Even Putin admits Russia might have been behind the email hacks.  That's hardly upholding Western civilizations' values. LOL  Luckily, most in the US know that's a threat.


If you don't see any swampies in the cabinet, you don't know who they are.  Goldman Sachs ring a bell? LOL

The swampies I'm concerned about being in power is the geriatric leadership of the Congressional Democrats who've been in DC for decades and "the most qualified person ever to run for president." Thankfully, I sleep well at nite these days.

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10 minutes ago, CutiePi said:

Investigation into what...why the Democrat Party and the DNC ignored FBI warnings that their computers were vulnerable to hacking...why the DNC and the Hillary campaign spent over a billion dollars but didn't spend 30 bucks for a copy of Norton Internet Security...why John Podesta is so dumb he opens email attachments from unknown senders?


The DNC deliberately left themselves open to hacking and Clinton campaign chief foolishly allowed his computer to be infected so that Russians could hack in and use the info to undermine the Clinton campaign to the benefit of her opponent.


Great campaign strategy!


THAT's what Mueller should be investigating, not the ACTUAL hackings and the ACTUAL Trump associates/Russians meetings or the content of those meetings or why the Trump associates first hid, then lied about those meetings.



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10 minutes ago, CutiePi said:

why the Democrat Party and the DNC ignored FBI warnings that their computers were vulnerable to hacking...

why the DNC and the Hillary campaign spent over a billion dollars but didn't spend 30 bucks for a copy of Norton Internet Security...

why John Podesta is so dumb he opens email attachments from unknown senders?


But, but, but, Hillary...


The ancient credo for deflection used by the Trumpeteers.


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12 minutes ago, CutiePi said:

Investigation into what...why the Democrat Party and the DNC ignored FBI warnings that their computers were vulnerable to hacking...why the DNC and the Hillary campaign spent over a billion dollars but didn't spend 30 bucks for a copy of Norton Internet Security...why John Podesta is so dumb he opens email attachments from unknown senders?

You're trolling. Please stick to the topic.

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2 hours ago, CutiePi said:

Depends if you consider Russia a "hostile foreign power." For most people, the Cold War ended 25 years ago. The "inexperience" you mention many Americans see as not being a political hack and 30-year swamp creature.


Only friendly countries threaten your allies and attempt to interfere in your elections.



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10 minutes ago, CutiePi said:

The swampies I'm concerned about being in power is the geriatric leadership of the Congressional Democrats who've been in DC for decades and "the most qualified person ever to run for president." Thankfully, I sleep well at nite these days.

If also referred to the geriatric leadership of the Republicans, you'd have more credibility.  Both parties need a revamp.

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1 minute ago, iReason said:





And weakly attempting to derail the topic.


Standard M.O. of the Trumpeteers.


That seems to be your standard reply to anything that undercuts your arguments.  My point being that it's generally not a good tactic to use the words of someone with very little (no?) credibility and who himself very narrowly escaped being indicted for perjury and corruption in office to support your pointmof view.

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10 minutes ago, Thakkar said:


Only friendly countries threaten your allies and attempt to interfere in your elections.



The US has done it many times...making sure the "right" party won an election (from their point of view. Other countries do the same...the funny thing is seeing the liberal media and the Democrat Party feign shock and horror at it (when their "right" candidate didn't win). Tell you what, in 2020, I'll donate a copy of Kapersky Security Suite to the DNC and a copy of Internet Security For Dummies to the Democrat nominee's campaign...should solve the problem.

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9 minutes ago, CutiePi said:

The US has done it many times...making sure the "right" party won an election (from their point of view. Other countries do the same...the funny thing is seeing the liberal media and the Democrat Party feign shock and horror at it (when their "right" candidate didn't win). Tell you what, in 2020, I'll donate a copy of Kapersky Security Suite to the DNC...should solve the problem.


Interfering in the internal politics of adversarial countries : standard spycraft.


Citizens of the country being interefered with possibly working with the adversarial power: treason


Citizens of the country being interefered with possibly working with the adversarial power to win power for themselves: high treason


Discussing it in an email: dumb treason



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11 minutes ago, CutiePi said:

That seems to be your standard reply to anything that undercuts your arguments.  

My point being that it's generally not a good tactic to use the words of someone with very little (no?) credibility and who himself very narrowly escaped being indicted for perjury and corruption in office to support your pointmof view.

"anything that undercuts your arguments"  :blink:


You have said nothing so far that addresses the topic:

Trump's son met Russian lawyer after promise of information on Clinton - NY Times

Just incessant deflection.
No argument needed.
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2 minutes ago, iReason said:

"anything that undercuts your arguments"  :blink:


You have said nothing so far that addresses the topic:

Trump's son met Russian lawyer after promise of information on Clinton - NY Times

Just incessant deflection.
No argument needed.

I've said several things but you refuse to hear them...like oppo-research is SOP in political campaigns.

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I resided in the USA for most of my life.  I have a pretty good handle on how people think there.


For example, if you are leading an MLM rah rah meeting, or are a football coach, you are expected to speak in absolutes re; projections.  That's what Trump does, and he's frustrated that it's only working on his die-hard fan base.


At an MLM meeting, you won't hear the speaker saying something like, "I hope we all go out and sign up new members and sell a lot of product"  That would be considered weak and ineffectual.

No, the speaker is expected to shout at her minions;  "We are going to be successful!  We are going to sell thousands of widgets and everybody in this room is going to get very rich!"  


Similarly, a high school football coach is not going to say to his players, "Ok boys, go out there and play as best you can. If we play better than the other team, we're going to win, and we will deserve to win."


No, he's going to say, "Kill the other team! We're going to win win win! We're better than they are!"  (I actually heard a h.s. coach saying that to his team during a half time break).


When Trump was young, he was v. heavily influenced by W. Clement Stone who wrote about 'positive mental attitude'.  Stone also pioneered Fuller Brush Company.  The basis for Stone's (and Trump's) philosophy is; don't dwell on reality. Instead, project great monetary success.  If you keep repeating success as if it's already happened, then it will happen. 


Trump is taking that philosophy to other realms.  He keeps repeating lies, in the hope his lies will become reality.  For his fan base, it's working.  For reasonable people with perspective, roughly 3/4 of American voters, it's not.




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3 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

I resided in the USA for most of my life.  I have a pretty good handle on how people think there.


For example, if you are leading an MLM rah rah meeting, or are a football coach, you are expected to speak in absolutes re; projections.  That's what Trump does, and he's frustrated that it's only working on his die-hard fan base.


At an MLM meeting, you won't hear the speaker saying something like, "I hope we all go out and sign up new members and sell a lot of product"  That would be considered weak and ineffectual.

No, the speaker is expected to shout at her minions;  "We are going to be successful!  We are going to sell thousands of widgets and everybody in this room is going to get very rich!"  


Similarly, a high school football coach is not going to say to his players, "Ok boys, go out there and play as best you can. If we play better than the other team, we're going to win, and we will deserve to win."


No, he's going to say, "Kill the other team! We're going to win win win! We're better than they are!"  (I actually heard a h.s. coach saying that to his team during a half time break).


When Trump was young, he was v. heavily influenced by W. Clement Stone who wrote about 'positive mental attitude'.  Stone also pioneered Fuller Brush Company.  The basis for Stone's (and Trump's) philosophy is; don't dwell on reality. Instead, project great monetary success.  If you keep repeating success as if it's already happened, then it will happen. 


Trump is taking that philosophy to other realms.  He keeps repeating lies, in the hope his lies will become reality.  For his fan base, it's working.  For reasonable people with perspective, roughly 3/4 of American voters, it's not.




Is that the latest talking point from the DNC or some irrelevant "never Trump" RINO?

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13 minutes ago, CutiePi said:

I've said several things but you refuse to hear them...like oppo-research is SOP in political campaigns.

You don't seem to be able to understand. 

Oppo-research is one thing.

Working knowingly with a foreign nation to get that information is quite another. 

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