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Donald Trump Jr. hires lawyer for Russia probes


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1 hour ago, PattayaJames said:

Unfortunately, while I understand your glee at finally having an actual Russian in the collusion story, it looks likely to amount to nothing.

A single meeting set up under a false pretense, to push their own agenda (some adoption policy).

No info, no followup, no collusion. 




But Donald Jr did not know it was a false pretence, and lets face it, at the moment we are being told that nothing happened in the meeting of any consequence by the people that told us that the meeting was just about adoptions and that Kushner and Manifest did not know about the content of the meeting or who was attending - yet we now see that Manifest was included on the distribution list.


The damning thing that has not been looked at......YET! is the timeline of what happened. Within 40 minutes of the meeting finishing was when Donald Trump tweeted for the first time about what Clinton had done with 30K deleted emails. This is NOT over and we currently know a small fraction of the real story.



1 hour ago, PattayaJames said:

Meeting someone who says they have info on your opponent in politics is not a crime. Thus far that is all we have here, and all there looks to be.

The Clinton campaign were offering cash rewards for dirt on Trump.

This wasn't "someone who says they have info on your opponent" this was a meeting with a person declared to be a "Russian Government Lawyer" who was going to provide information obtained by the Russian Government as their contribution to helping the Trump campaign. We are then told by the person that has already lied about the meeting that 'nothing of value was exchanged' ! Well the FBI will now trawl every single email that Trump Jr has sent and they will listen to every phone call from Russian nationals to Trump Jr. I hope for his sake he is finally telling the truth.


30 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

way too much logic can mess up the recipe for a nice but fictitious kremlin burger.

There is nothing fictitious about this. It is real. You insult your own and our intelligence by persisting with your 'nothing burger' analogy. It would do your credibility the world of good if you start acknowledging the facts that have been released by Trump Jr. This is not over.

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28 minutes ago, Thakkar said:

First it was a "nothing burger"

Then a "circumstantial burger"

Now "just a basis for collusion, but no actual collusion"


What I see is you walking backwards into a kitchen stacked high with juicy burgers.



seems more like all sizzle but no steak at this point. 


it was a folly on trump jr's part to take that meeting….I would have just said if you have something send it to the media .


now he will probably have to go….which can only be good….let him go back to taking care of trump inc in new york.

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16 minutes ago, Thakkar said:

Are you even following the story? The Don Jr. emails reveal that he knew prior to the meeting that it was a meeting with a foreigner who had dirt on Clinton. Agreeing to such a meeting with a foreigner with regard to an on going American election in which you have a vested interest is attempted collusion. THAT is already illegal.


Furthermore, we only have the guilty party's say-so that nothing came of that meeting.



To further clarify, an official with the Russian government offering up potential spy data on a presidential candidate.  With them clearly stating they were supporting Trump.


The noose tightens.  Sadly.  Time for this circus to end.


You've got to watch this.  Perjury, perjury, perjury.  Why people support these liars is beyond me.  Absolutely incredible.






10 times Trump, aides deny Russian collusion

During his campaign, and as President, Donald Trump and his aides have denied any ties or collusion with Russia over the 2016 election.


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2 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:
35 minutes ago, Thakkar said:

First it was a "nothing burger"

Then a "circumstantial burger"

Now "just a basis for collusion, but no actual collusion"


What I see is you walking backwards into a kitchen stacked high with juicy burgers.



seems more like all sizzle but no steak at this point. 


it was a folly on trump jr's part to take that meeting….I would have just said if you have something send it to the media .


now he will probably have to go….which can only be good….let him go back to taking care of trump inc in new york.

From "nothing" to "circumstantial" to "basis for collusion" to "folly" to "have to go"


Keep walking.



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7 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

now he will probably have to go….which can only be good….let him go back to taking care of trump inc in new york.


Au contaire.


It won't be as simple as that.


Stay tuned...


Just the tip o' the iceberg. :thumbsup:

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1 minute ago, JHolmesJr said:

now he will probably have to go….which can only be good….let him go back to taking care of trump inc in new york.

Best statement you've made in a long time regarding Trump and his crew. LOL  We can only wish it happens soon.  Don't need somebody like this inside the White House.



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7 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

To further clarify, an official with the Russian government offering up potential spy data on a presidential candidate.  With them clearly stating they were supporting Trump.


The noose tightens.  Sadly.  Time for this circus to end.


You've got to watch this.  Perjury, perjury, perjury.  Why people support these liars is beyond me.  Absolutely incredible.





Not perjury. Possible obstruction of justice. Possibly. 

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Schiff concerned Russia has compromising material it could hold over Trump


“The most serious risk to the country, I think, is that the Russians possess compromising information, which they call kompromat, that can influence this president's conduct of American policy,” said Schiff, whose committee is investigating Russia’s interference in the 2016 election, including whether any collusion occurred between Moscow and the Trump campaign."


“The American people need to know that our president is acting on their behalf and not acting because he has a fear the Russians could disclose things that could harm him or his family.”


"It was, I think, a violation of the oaths of citizenship to willingly solicit, receive, encourage foreign intervention in our elections.”


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2 minutes ago, iReason said:

Schiff concerned Russia has compromising material it could hold over Trump


“The most serious risk to the country, I think, is that the Russians possess compromising information, which they call kompromat, that can influence this president's conduct of American policy,” said Schiff, whose committee is investigating Russia’s interference in the 2016 election, including whether any collusion occurred between Moscow and the Trump campaign."


“The American people need to know that our president is acting on their behalf and not acting because he has a fear the Russians could disclose things that could harm him or his family.”


"It was, I think, a violation of the oaths of citizenship to willingly solicit, receive, encourage foreign intervention in our elections.”


Except that native-born Americans don't have to take an oath of citizenship. So it may cast a bad moral light on Trump Jr. but legally it's irrelevant.

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27 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Best statement you've made in a long time regarding Trump and his crew. LOL  We can only wish it happens soon.  Don't need somebody like this inside the White House.



selective and disingenuous use of quote function…the 'he' is, of course, trump jr.

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2 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

or maybe just iceberg lettuce.


You continue to add ingredients to your "nothing" -> "circumstantial" -> "basis for collusion" -> "folly" to "have to go" burger.


Keep walking backwards into that kitchen where the meat is sizzling away; your actual burger is almost ready to be served.



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It would appear the person who should really be pissed with Donald Jr is Jared Kushner. It is now clear that when he was told to amend standard form 86 to include meetings he had, he omitted to include this. This was a meeting with a proclaimed Russian Gov lawyer on Russian Gov business with Russian Gov info. She was unable to speak english and must speak with an interpreter. Just how did he forget? He is facing 5 years inside just for this failure to declare on standard form 86. The fact Donald Jr claims she had no info is irrelevant, it was the intent of those attending the meeting that they were going to get info (i do not believe she had no info). Looks like Ivanka will have a lot of room in her bed for 5 years.

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16 minutes ago, iReason said:




The most hairy part of this exchange comes on Jun3 at 10.36am from rob goldstone….where he references russian government

support…..i find it telling that Don Jr, quite appropriately,  does not reply to this so collusion from his side is not forthcoming.



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13 minutes ago, iReason said:

DJ Jr. and Rob Goldstone:



I wonder who 'Rhona' is, third line from the bottom. I would think Goldstone will be lucky to survive the next month as he has now incriminated a Russian Oligarch. Donald Jr has in true family style just thrown some people under the bus and they now owe him and his Father nothing in terms of loyalty. The best thing for Goldstone now to ensure his personal safety is to squeal like a pig and get everything out in double time.


Why are people sending each other emails on subjects so sensitive when it is so simple to download email systems that provide full encryption. There are systems out there now, totally free that the NSA cannot hack into at all. Why was Trump and his fellow idiots not using such email systems?

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2 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:


The most hairy part of this exchange comes on Jun3 at 10.36am from rob goldstone….where he references russian government

support…..i find it telling that Don Jr, quite appropriately,  does not reply to this so collusion from his side is not forthcoming.



Wrong. The hairy bit for Trump Jr is Jun 3rd at 10.53am where Trump says "I love it'. Those 3 words will come back to haunt Jr and the whole thing DOES IMPLY collusion. Sad!

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1 minute ago, Andaman Al said:

Wrong. The hairy bit for Trump Jr is Jun 3rd at 10.53am where Trump says "I love it'. Those 3 words will come back to haunt Jr and the whole thing DOES IMPLY collusion. Sad!

Burgers…I love it.


Bloody Mary…I love it.


You got something on crooked hillary…I love it.


what's the crime here?



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8 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:


The most hairy part of this exchange comes on Jun3 at 10.36am from rob goldstone….where he references russian government

support…..i find it telling that Don Jr, quite appropriately,  does not reply to this so collusion from his side is not forthcoming.



What's missing in that graphic is The Junior's reply:




"This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government's support for Mr. Trump," Goldstone wrote in the email to Trump Jr.
"If it's what you say I love it," Trump Jr. replied, according to the email he released.


Clearly indicating he knew what he was doing.  Got ya!!!! LOL

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Just now, JHolmesJr said:

Burgers…I love it.


Bloody Mary…I love it.


You got something on crooked hillary…I love it.


what's the crime here?



Well it possibly contravenes the espionage act (Trump lawyers are ignoring that inconvenient truth). With what was said by Goldstone, Trump Jr had no option but to inform the FBI or any of the secret service crawling over Trump Tower that a Russian Government Agent was trying to give Government info. It could have been entrapment at the least.


As for criminal, it will all come out in the wash, but these emails have Kushner facing the prospect of 5 years in jail and the USA is not the place to be if under criminal proceedings. Look how many were thrown in jail after Watergate.

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3 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

Burgers…I love it.


Bloody Mary…I love it.


You got something on crooked hillary…I love it.


what's the crime here?



So you are saying it's OK for all this to happen?  You support this?

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9 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

You got something on crooked hillary…I love it.

You do not have one single piece of evidence to support the statement that HRC is crooked. Just infowar and Breitbart and the host of right wing radio nut jobs. Sad!


You are spreading fake news!

Edited by Andaman Al
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11 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:


The most hairy part of this exchange comes on Jun3 at 10.36am from rob goldstone….where he references russian government

support…..i find it telling that Don Jr, quite appropriately,  does not reply to this so collusion from his side is not forthcoming.




Emin is a foreigner whose father is a Putin connected Oligarch. Don saying he will talk direct to Emin about info on Hillary shows an attempt to collude with a foreigner against an American presidential candidate.


If you can find a silver lining in this scenario, you are a more delusional man than me, Ganga Din!




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1 hour ago, JHolmesJr said:

seems more like all sizzle but no steak at this point. 


it was a folly on trump jr's part to take that meeting….I would have just said if you have something send it to the media .


now he will probably have to go….which can only be good….let him go back to taking care of trump inc in new york.

You better have a listen to Obie:



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16 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

i find it telling that Don Jr, quite appropriately,  does not reply to this so collusion from his side is not forthcoming.


That reply would be six days later (June 9th) when he, Manafort and Kushner met Russian Natalia Veselnitskaya,

after being introduced by Rob Goldstone at Trump Tower. :laugh:


Please do try to keep up.

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Was Kushner in this chain of events also?  If so...wow.




On January 9, 2017, Kushner was named as a senior White House advisor. He consequently resigned as CEO of Kushner Companies and as publisher of the Observer,[4] but his private financial interests remain a subject of controversy.[5] Kushner helped develop and run Trump's digital media strategy.

Is there anybody in the White House that isn't involved in these potentially illegal (definitely unethical) dealings? LOL

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23 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

I wonder who 'Rhona' is, third line from the bottom.


Why are people sending each other emails on subjects so sensitive when it is so simple to download email systems that provide full encryption. There are systems out there now, totally free that the NSA cannot hack into at all. Why was Trump and his fellow idiots not using such email systems?


Who is Rhona mentioned in Donald Trump Jr.'s emails?

"Rhona Graff has been a secretary at the Trump Organization for nearly 30 years."

"She is often considered Trump's gatekeeper."

"People still try to reach Trump through her, Politico and The New York Times say."



The Rose Mary Woods of the the inept one. (Nixon's secretary)


And yes, the dolt DJ jr. used his iPhone.

Just another example of the inept behavior from the dimwits infesting the White House.

Love it.


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