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far far away from the original thread :D

So ...

what about the last wenesday of May or either the first one of June ...

(05/26 or 06/02 ? )

Mango Tree or somewhere else?

come on ...

we have time to se it up :D



ps; better to be back on good way :o

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Bandy legs are okay. Just don't wear tights.

Not speaking of which, have you noticed there are some people, due to ... to put it bluntly, really gnarly legs, that should never wear shorts.

Sitting out front of the MT the other day a veritable parade of gnarly goes by, frightening the geckos. What is this? Some cultural thing?

Longish kilts might well be the way to go. :o Do the Scotties wear anything underneath ?

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My friend and I were at the meeting at MT last week and we both thought it was great. We met really good people and had good conversations on a miriad of topics. I personally don't have a problem with the place or where it's located. If any of you are afraid to walk down in this area with your wife or GF then maybe you should not butterfly on her. :o As far as the meeting being held in this place or another, why not just have it at one place one time and another place another time. I'm sure everyone is mature enough to come up with some kind of solution to this. I don't think trashing anyone or any place is constructive. We will be going back up to Chiang Mai next week and will go back to MT, meeting or not. :D

Francois, Thanks for letting us join in on the meeting and would like to see you and all the rest of the gang that did show when we get back there. Just pm me if there is a change of venue and we'll get there. :D

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I had heard a rumour that the Girlie Bars there were going to be knocked down, anyone know any more or different? But then it was a real estae agent that told me that!

The reason I am so keen to know is that there is a business for sale down there, (not flesh trade) that I am looking at, but it does not open at night so the Girlie Bar thing does not apply, but does anyone walk down it for any other reason than looking for girlie bars?, and does anyone go down there during the day?

I am looking for some advice from you Chaing Mai old timers here, it would really help me a lot, I have already made two bad business calls in LOS, and I dont want to make any more, look forward to what you have to say. Thank you in advance.

The 'girlie bars' occupy only the westernmost third of Loi Khraw, at most. Most of the street is made up of retail shops (predominantly Thai and Lao textiles), restaurants (several besides the Mango Tree) and traditional massage providers.

I'd say if the proposed business address isn't in the immediate bar area, you have little to worry about on that front.

As to whether the bars will be torn down, I doubt anyone can say for sure one way or the other. Of course it's always possible they will multiply, though that's not likely under the current 'new social order" ...

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Maybe be I am off beat but why does anyone want to meet up with people from "the forum"

I mean if you know someone and meet thats OK but does anyone really need (or is so short of friends i.e. real people) to need to meet up with bodies that regularly slate each other off every time they get into print.

If half the people writing on the forum have been in Thailand as long as they often claim they should have many (hundreds) of aquaintances they can meet up with. Perhaps it is because the forum is in some respects is a "mutual admiration society" but apart from the odd contribution to the topics it is not for me.

I mean look at the way most peole were feasting on the demise of David A so when friends carry on like that you don't need enemy's.


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> (or is so short of friends i.e. real people)

Last time I met some of the regulars in this forum they looked pretty real to me. :D

> meet up with bodies that regularly slate each other off every time

> they get into print.

We got along fine last time.. Also in future discussions, you understand people better so you're less likely to get into huge flame fests if you met the guy and know that he/she's basically an OK dude/gal.

> but apart from the odd contribution to the topics it is not for me.

That's fine. Few things can be everything to everyone. :o



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but apart from the odd contribution to the topics it is not for me.

having just read a few of your 'odd' contributions i am forced to the conclusion that you are absolutely correct.....

you staying at home is a good idea :D

Each to their own :o

PS to all . 95% unlikely to be there as sick. Sorry :D

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Originally, I felt like Johnny B. Good. I have plenty of friends; Why would I want to meet some unknown "voice" on the internet?

George and Doctor Patpong intimidate me. They really keep their true-selves hidden. They seem like movie stars or something.

However lots of the members are completely open books. When I've written about being about being down, depressed, or afraid, or I expressed some kind of problem that I was having, some of the voices on-line have responded; they have gone out of their way to PM some kind of words of encouragement that really impressed me.

I could tell they were really good, genuine individuals, even through the copper wires of the Internet.

I already have met a few of the really nice people that are on here, but I have to admit that there are others who I really wonder about.

Some are my buddies who I "hang out' with over on the Political Forum, like Boon Mee, a good hearted guy if there ever was one, some are moderators like chanchow and tukylieth, some are people whose intelligence have really moved me, Jeepz and lamphun spring to mind.

Anyway, It would be nice to meet all of these people and others that I haven't mentioned. :D

I guess that when someone impresses you, you just want to attach a face to all the really important stuff that you already know about them. :o

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Maybe be I am off beat but why does anyone want to meet up with people from "the forum"

I mean if you know someone and meet thats OK but does anyone really need (or is so short of friends i.e. real people) to need to meet up with bodies that regularly slate each other off every time they get into print.

If half the people writing on the forum have been in Thailand as long as they often claim they should have many (hundreds) of aquaintances they can meet up with. Perhaps it is because the forum is in some respects is a "mutual admiration society" but apart from the odd contribution to the topics it is not for me.

I mean look at the way most peole were feasting on the demise of David A so when friends carry on like that you don't need enemy's.


John. I don't think you really understand the point.

ThaiVisa is, for many people, more of a community than a simple web-forum where they can vent their spleen, and the meetings seem to form a vital part in enriching their lives, not only on-line, but socially as well.

I have been very surprised, and gratified, at the "quality" of people who have come to the meetings. The vast majority have been people I am very happy to have met and in whose company I will be pleased to while away a few hours over drinks and a chat.

We all have friends and aquaintances over here, but there is nothing wrong with knowing a few more.

I am reminded of my two young children, ages 4 and 5, and a friend of theirs on a journey to school:

T "Are you my friend"

S "I'm not your friend any more. I'm his."

R "I don't want to be your friend. My friend XXX is at school."

T "Why won't you be my friend?"...............

And shortly later the car had to be stopped because all three were in tears.

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=p1p,Tue 2004-05-25, 12:24:37 I am reminded of my two young children, ages 4 and 5, and a friend of theirs on a journey to school:

T "Are you my friend"

S "I'm not your friend any more. I'm his."

R "I don't want to be your friend. My friend XXX is at school."

T "Why won't you be my friend?"...............

And shortly later the car had to be stopped because all three were in tears.

p1p, when trapped in a car with three kids, how long does it take before we see some tears from you? :o

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I mean look at the way most peole were feasting on the demise of David A so when friends carry on like that you don't need enemy's.

Whoo hoo, calm down a minute, did you have the pleasure of meeting this gentleman?

I for one don't think its "feasting" at all he is the first man I have met( knowingly who is what he is said to be) I think people have a right to be p*i*ssed off being had like he did with decent people.

What do you suggest a protest march?

I think you might well be lonely on it.

It seems to me if you want to go to the get togethers go, if not don't.

Is that O.K.?

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I mean look at the way most peole were feasting on the demise of David A so when friends carry on like that you don't need enemy's.

Whoo hoo, calm down a minute, did you have the pleasure of meeting this gentleman?

I for one don't think its "feasting" at all he is the first man I have met( knowingly who is what he is said to be) I think people have a right to be p*i*ssed off being had like he did with decent people.

What do you suggest a protest march?

I think you might well be lonely on it.

It seems to me if you want to go to the get togethers go, if not don't.

Is that O.K.?

I have met this gentleman on a number of occasions over the years (note that I have left out the the pleasure) and whilst his orientation may be the same as many members (i.e. going for boys and I am not talking about underage boys here) it is certainly not aligned with my orientation as I am strictly and solely in tune with the fairer sex.

And yes the choice is mine (to attend or to not attend) but I feel (to attend as he did) is one sure way to to defeat the purpose of remaining anomymous or at least maintaining a degree of anonymity.

At least that way you don't end up with someone dobbing you in to the police or other authorities because of someones perceived and twisted opinion.

And I hasten to add that I don't believe that I would have anything to worry about on that score either.

It's just that I don't particularly enjoy being in the company of so many experts on Thailand and everything Thai.

So thank you for your kind invitation (to attend) which I will decline "leastaways for the time being".


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I have met this gentleman on a number of occasions over the years (note that I have left out the the pleasure) and whilst his orientation may be the same as many members (i.e. going for boys and I am not talking about underage boys here) it is certainly not aligned with my orientation as I am strictly and solely in tune with the fairer sex.

And yes the choice is mine (to attend or to not attend) but I feel (to attend as he did) is one sure way to to defeat the purpose of remaining anomymous or at least maintaining a degree of anonymity.

At least that way you don't end up with someone dobbing you in to the police or other authorities because of someones perceived and twisted opinion.

And I hasten to add that I don't believe that I would have anything to worry about on that score either.

It's just that I don't particularly enjoy being in the company of so many experts on Thailand and everything Thai.

So thank you for your kind invitation (to attend) which I will decline "leastaways for the time being".

So glad you chose to share that!!! :o

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Again, everyone can decide for themselves if they value anonimity and want to keep their 'online life' separate from their physical life. John B is definitely not alone in that, keep in mind there are also many 'lurkers' who don't even post, let alone come to a meeting. (And then there are lurkers who don't post but DO come to a meeting. ;-) It's all fine with me. It's an open web board that anyone can read and nobody needs to feel obliged to join in either in writing or in meeting in person!

On a side note: Please drop the David A stuff. Let's not do that again, it's all been said before, and we know that it's a topic that many feel very strongly about.



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On a side note: Please drop the David A stuff. Let's not do that again, it's all been said before, and we know that it's a topic that many feel very strongly about.


Its the biggest thing to hit Thaivisa, or is where to buy firewood a more important subject?

Check out what is being said on chiang mai news forum about him.

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On a side note: Please drop the David A stuff. Let's not do that again, it's all been said before, and we know that it's a topic that many feel very strongly about.


Its the biggest thing to hit Thaivisa, or is where to buy firewood a more important subject?

Check out what is being said on chiang mai news forum about him.

Why? Because it's beating a dead horse. David is gone, and good riddance. No point talking about him except as a warning to others about whatever, and I think those messages of warning have been broadcast, ad nauseum, already.

Yes, where to find firewood is more important now, in my way of looking at things.. :o

If you still have some unresolved issues about David, as it seems, I'd suggest that this forum is not going to take care of your issues, so you'll need to find some other way, probably within yourself, to seek closure with your David Demons.

Good Luck. Really.

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> Yes, where to find firewood is more important now, in my way of

> looking at things..

You suppose we could combine the two and get firewood to have a good old burning at the stake? :o

You meant steak? Yes, sir! :D

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Some are my buddies who I "hang out' with over on the Political Forum, like Boon Mee, a good hearted guy if there ever was one, some are moderators like chanchow and tukylieth, some are people whose intelligence have really moved me, Jeepz and lamphun spring to mind.

Anyway, It would be nice to  meet all of these people and others that I haven't mentioned.  :o

I really don't think I'd like to meet posters on the CM section of ThaiVisa. No offence but I'm actully an evil b#$t0$d who likes ripping the pi$$ out of innocent posters. If I was able to put a face to some my unfortunate victims then all the fun would go out of it. It would be like kicking a little puppy. I'd have to get a new hobby.

I presume I actually already know one or two of you.

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Off topic sorry !!

Sorry, I never claimed to be very bright, but I'm usually pretty good at seeing through deception, and I would swear that your previous post is the God's honest truth.  :o

Well, what do I know?  :D

So am I supposed to take that as an apology for the Trolling you've been doing over on the Bearpit ???

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> So am I supposed to take that as an apology for the Trolling

> you've been doing over on the Bearpit ???

I've never had a look at the Bearpit, but I do know that what is in the bearpit better STAYS in the bearpit. So on that note I think I'll close this topic; for the next Gettogether we'll just open a new topic here.



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