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Thailand to become ‘medical hub’, new 10 year visa launched


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Applying for a Thai 60 day + 30 day tourist visa is a real dogs dinner. 


I am still waiting for a "3 months" on arrival Thai tourist visa to be available   Most countries in the world have a 90 day on arrival tourist visa.   Thailand's present 60 day+30 days extension tourist visa is a "dogs dinner".  The 30 day extension after 60 days costs Bt1900 that is for the extra 30 days plus most of a day wasted and 3 copies of everything.   It's the same as applying for visa from scratch in Thailand which is really what you are doing.


 Applying for this 60 day + 30 day extension Thai tourist visa  has to be obtain in your home country first.  You have to supply the exact date of arrival and departure when applying.  You also require written evidence and proof of your hotel booking together with written proof that you have $800 in an Australian bank and an original Bank statement as proof from your bank (not a copy, not a down loaded copy, must be original with a bank rubber stamp on it).  All this you supply to a Consul in your home country and wait up to 2 weeks to finally get to get the visa...what a lot of rubbish.  And they say they want tourists.  I like to be in Thailand  for 3 months holiday at a time and then back in Australia for 3 months.  I usually spend about Bt 80,000 each month when in there.  I have been through this exercise 6 times.   Still love the place. 


When you finally get the visa it says arrival and departure dates are optional but the Australian Thai Consuls will not issue it if your not precise with your arrival and departure dates.  The mind boggles with this.


By comparison in Malaysia you roll up from Australia put your passport on the photo machine put you thumb on the spot, look a the camera, smile a bit and the immigration officer give you a big smile, stamps it with a 90 tourist visa says welcome to Malaysia. You don't even have to tell them you are coming. 


                                           When will they ever learn?????????

Edited by David Walden
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35 minutes ago, nickcar said:

 I wonder why you would say that, is it from ignorance? I worked in  Bumrungrad hospital for nearly 15 years  developing their computer systems.  If they were so backward why would Microsoft buy the computer system having searched all around the world for the best?  I was involved in installing and implementing some of the most sophisticated medical equipment in the world, certainly the best in Asia.  Many loopholes where staff can make mistakes plugged with automation.  Such as prescriptions entered into the computer by doctors fulfilled by machine and then checked by pharmacists. Blood tests completely automated on a chain system that treats the blood  and inserts into each appropriate machine and then stores in the fridge without any human intervention.   Laboratory technicians then check the results for reasonableness on the computer.  I doubt you would find such sophistication in many hospitals in the USA or UK 



You are so correct, whenever I had blood work done in the US I had to have an appointment days later when they got the results. Here bingo, bango, bongo its in the doctors hand in half an hour for most tests. MRI here 10,000 baht, US 100,000 baht. The friendly attentive staff in hospitals here are just outstanding. 

   Yes the government hospitals are shit holes but lets remember that they cost 30 baht per day.  My wife is doing dialysis on her mother in our home, they trained her for one week at the hospital to do this and they deliver piles of boxes of the stuff to do it right to our door, 30 baht per day. I am impressed to tears about this. I would rather be sick here in a top hospital than in the US. Also it needs to be mentioned that the top doctors in these high end hospitals are required to work in government hospitals some too.

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4 minutes ago, David Walden said:

Applying for a Thai 60 day + 30 day tourist visa is a real dogs dinner. 


I am still waiting for a "3 months" on arrival Thai tourist visa to be available   Most countries in the world have a 90 day on arrival tourist visa.   Thailand's present 60 day+30 days extension tourist visa is a "dogs dinner".  The 30 day extension after 60 days costs Bt1900 that is for the extra 30 days plus most of a day wasted and 3 copies of everything.   It's the same as applying for visa from scratch in Thailand which is really what you are doing.


 Applying for this 60 day + 30 day extension Thai tourist visa  has to be obtain in your home country first.  You have to supply the exact date of arrival and departure when applying.  You also require written evidence and proof of your hotel booking together with written proof that you have $800 in an Australian bank and an original Bank statement as proof from your bank (not a copy, not a down loaded copy, must be original with a bank rubber stamp on it).  All this you supply to a Consul in your home country and wait up to 2 weeks to finally get to get the visa...what a lot of rubbish.  And they say they want tourists.  I like to be in Thailand  for 3 months holiday at a time and then back in Australia for 3 months.  I usually spend about Bt 80,000 each month when in there.  I have been through this exercise 6 times.   Still love the place. 


When you finally get the visa it says arrival and departure dates are optional but the Australian Thai Consuls will not issue it if your not precise with your arrival and departure dates.  The mind boggles with this.


By comparison in Malaysia you roll up from Australia put your passport on the photo machine put you thumb on the spot, look a the camera, smile a bit and the immigration officer give you a big smile stamps it with a 90 tourist visa says welcome to Malaysia. You don't even have to tell them you are coming. 


                                           When will they ever learn?????????

effective there........business here

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5 minutes ago, David Walden said:

By comparison in Malaysia you roll up from Australia put your passport on the photo machine put you thumb on the spot, look a the camera, smile a bit and the immigration officer give you a big smile stamps it with a 90 tourist visa says welcome to Malaysia. You don't even have to tell them you are coming. 


                                           When will they ever learn?????????

Among farangs, most of those who visit Malaysia aren't idiots as are those who visit Thailand; and they have more money to spend. When will the farangs learn? When they do, maybe they'll get the welcome they wore out years ago. Don't see that happening any time soon.  


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34 minutes ago, bangrak said:

'Thailand, the hub'! How many times have we got to hear it? An overdose of that 'hubby hubby' pride-lifting medicine! ...And, in the end, it lasts as long as the many 'crackdowns', and is, alas, as 'effective' in producing lasting effects! Pfff!

Actually Thailand's made good progress towards being a medical hub and is in fact one of the top destination for medical tourism--no matter how much you wish to deny it, sorry.

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1 hour ago, observer90210 said:

Also, what is the point on such long term visas if you require regular visits requiring to waï the boys in brown every xx days??


There's no such requirement every xx days if you're referring to the 90-day report. You can do it by mail, online (if working), or just send somebody to do it for you. I send a trusted motorcy taxi driver to do mine every 90 days, pay him 200 baht. Really not an issue, despite all the wailing, gnashing of teeth, and kickers twisting here.

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6 minutes ago, Wake Up said:

You must be joking. Thailand medical care is exceptional and must cheaper than in the west. 

Palliative care of the terminally ill and especially pain relief is definitely years behind. Personally I only see a Dr if they have had some training or work experience abroad, at least that will mean they answer questions. ANy serious illness and i'm back home if possible.

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6 hours ago, Goldieinkathu said:

Good idea, gives them longer to recover from bus accident, jet ski accident, parasailing accident,motorbike accident, or diving accident without worrying about their visa . Medical hub indeed :laugh:


I was going to add, in the same vein:


The way things are going here, anyone applying for a 10-year visa to stay in country ought to hope the country develops as a medical hub, because they're increasingly likely to be in need of those services at some point.


Jet skis, parasails, speedboats, mini vans, buses, trains, maniacal car and taxi drivers, angry watch sellers, angry taxi drivers, Walking Street bouncers, real or fake police volunteers, etc. etc.

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Just now, JSixpack said:

Actually Thailand's made good progress towards being a medical hub and is in fact one of the top destination for medical tourism--no matter how much you wish to deny it, sorry.

And what about if this scheme is imposed on expat retirees in Thailand?


Private medical insurance for the over 65s is virtually impossible to obtain or the premiums could be 40000 baht per month increasing each year with age.  Only needs a certain amount of western retirees to not be able to afford their medical treatments, than Bobs ya Uncle, can`t afford medical insurance, then no long term visa. Think about it?

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31 minutes ago, bangrak said:

And as long as the Thai State does not decide that it wants, and does not succed in getting, agreements with the official healthcare organisations of first world countries, the game of craps, with pipped dices, will go and on...


Nation-wide the healthcare system in Thailand treated 2.81 million foreign patients in 2015, up 10.2%. In 2013, medical tourists contributed an estimated USD4.7 billion to the Thailand’s economy.

Medical tourism makes up 0.4% of Thailand’s GDP, while tourism overall accounts for around 6% to 7%, and is considered the third most important economic driver in Thailand.


The prestigious Joint Commission International (JCI) certification for healthcare service providers, worldwide, has been awarded to 52 hospitals, specialised clinics, or medical centres in Thailand, up from 22 three years ago. . . .


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4 minutes ago, cyberfarang said:

And what about if this scheme is imposed on expat retirees in Thailand?


Did they impose the Elite visa on you? No plans for that, not gonna happen. No scaremongering, please.


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35 minutes ago, bangrak said:

Quite some modern equipment, in expensive hospitals (racketting Farang healthcare insurances...?), the weak link is the 'human factor', some very kind individuals in the lower ranks, but on higher levels, especially the specialised MD level, oh my!

And as long as the Thai State does not decide that it wants, and does not succed in getting, agreements with the official healthcare organisations of first world countries, the game of craps, with pipped dices, will go and on...

I hope they never get attached to the AMA [ american medical association ], they base all their decisions on money.

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15 minutes ago, cyberfarang said:

And what about if this scheme is imposed on expat retirees in Thailand?


Private medical insurance for the over 65s is virtually impossible to obtain or the premiums could be 40000 baht per month increasing each year with age.  Only needs a certain amount of western retirees to not be able to afford their medical treatments, than Bobs ya Uncle, can`t afford medical insurance, then no long term visa. Think about it?

That why I like to be in Thailand 3 month at a time and then back in Aus for 3 months...We have almost free socialised medicine in Aus and I have private cover top up which really does make it free.  At 75 y/o I can't get any medical insurance in Thailand not for love nor money.  If I do need medical when in Thailand I'll make a quick trip back to Aus (haven't had to yet). or just go back at the end of 3 months and have it attended to free.


 PS I have had some minor medical treatment in Thailand, it's cheap and good.  Like seeing a ENT in Thailand for Aus $14.  In Australia same treatment ENT Aus $425  15 min appointment for both.

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43 minutes ago, gk10002000 said:

I could show 100k Baht of earnings, actually dividends and interest, but I bet they won't accept the current standard embassy income affidavit letter.  If they do, well, then they might get me to take a chance on the 10 year visa that I think cost 10k baht?  The medical insurance is still an issue as I have not seen many details if any on who and how that will be gotten.  What Thai companies or policies one must have, if I get BUPA on my own, would that be OK?  Who decides?  How long do they take to decide?  Do you get the medical before you get the Visa?

I didn't see the 10,000 baht fee part but I hope your right as that would be a 9,000 baht savings wouldn't it. Yes those insurance questions loom large too. I sure hope its as good as auto insurance here, I find that to be a bargain and really pays for everything without a hassle. I hope they can do better than BUPA,   I tried to pin them down on what exclusions they had on their policies only to be stonewalled from it. I guess you have to buy it first and then read the small print. I hope the next update on this isn't in 2018 but probably will be.

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51 minutes ago, JSixpack said:

Among farangs, most of those who visit Malaysia aren't idiots as are those who visit Thailand; and they have more money to spend. When will the farangs learn? When they do, maybe they'll get the welcome they wore out years ago. Don't see that happening any time soon.  


Why are the farangs who visit Thailand idiots? I mean in what sense?

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6 minutes ago, David Walden said:

That why I like to be in Thailand 3 month at a time and then back in Aus for 3 months...We have almost free socialised medicine in Aus and I have private cover top up which really does make it free.  At 75 y/o I can't get any medical insurance in Thailand not for love nor money.  If I do need medical when in Thailand I'll make a quick trip back to Aus (haven't had to yet). or just go back at the end of 3 months and have it attended to free.


 PS I have had some minor medical treatment in Thailand, it's cheap and good.  Like seeing a ENT in Thailand for Aus $14.  In Australia same treatment ENT Aus $425  15 min appointment for both.

I have free VA care in the US but what happens if I have a stroke, heart attack or major uncovered accident that leaves me unable to travel? I have a rich brother who said he would cover that but I'd rather have good insurance and not have to sponge off of him. I am 62 and maybe I could lock in on a good policy that would have to keep me on as long as I lived with raises in premiums of course, I guess I will just wait and see what plans they come up with. I guess I could pay 30 or 40,000 baht per month for full coverage.

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36 minutes ago, JSixpack said:


Did they impose the Elite visa on you? No plans for that, not gonna happen. No scaremongering, please.


Not scaremongering, only being realistic, I`m even scaring myself but have to face facts.


At one time for the retirement visa extension in the Thai bank amount was 200000 baht. It was jumped up to 800000 baht I think over 15 years ago, which means it`s probably due to be increased again sometime in the not so distant future. It could mean that the next increase will be this 10 year scheme. Please do not say this is not beyond the realms of possibility, because it is.  The Elite card thingy is something totally different.

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8 hours ago, Chang_paarp said:

Aaahhhh the Medical Hub idea.


The honourable Minister must have been clearing his desk and com across some old press releases. This concept has been released by at least one minister in each of the Phua Thai government, the Democrat government, the last Junta and the Thai Ruk Thai government.

Right then, this week a hub, next week must be a crackdown

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Just now, yankee99 said:

"million baht or earnings of 100,000 baht per month"


100k sounds a lot better than 3 million

100k per month for someone retired sounds like a bit much considering they can not legally work here as part of that 100k.


3 million just collecting dust in a Thai bank is a horrible idea. I can think of plenty of things that bring a good return on nearly 100k USD vs sitting in a Thai bank earning nothing or next to it.


The spouse part is a nice addition but the financial parts are stupid, as you would expect them to be.


The good news is there will be agents to help with the financials so this may end up being a good deal if you use an agent and use your own money to actually make money.

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5 hours ago, Lupatria said:

Does this mean all the illegal clinics will get an upgrade and proper licenses? I only hope there are no secret arrangements between the hospitals and the mini van and tour bus drivers

Not yet. But where there are tourists and their money...

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2 hours ago, cyberfarang said:

Not scaremongering, only being realistic, I`m even scaring myself but have to face facts.


At one time for the retirement visa extension in the Thai bank amount was 200000 baht. It was jumped up to 800000 baht I think over 15 years ago, which means it`s probably due to be increased again sometime in the not so distant future. It could mean that the next increase will be this 10 year scheme. Please do not say this is not beyond the realms of possibility, because it is.  The Elite card thingy is something totally different.


And the 10 year visa is something totally different as well than merely an increase in fees for the current long-established retirement extension. And it is much more closely analgous to the Elite visa, both being different types of visa. So that's the fact you have to face, IF you really want to face a fact.


An increase in the fees would make sense owing to inflation. Replacing the current visa with the 10 year definitely would not, and so there's been not the slightest hint of it. And that's the logic you'll have to accept unless you just need to feel paranoid, which of course you might.


We typically do get a lot of scaremongering whenever the gov't does something w/ a visa, as you can read in the mother of all the Goose Killed threads, Ruling Out The Foreigner in 2003.. Here they're merely offering another choice for those who've got the dosh, as most here don't--hence plenty of sour grapes too.

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14 minutes ago, Gracas said:

"Medical Hub" - Is this the same as putting a Lazy Susan on the table and spinning it around to select the cocktail of pills that they usually hand out at most doctor visits.


Trollin' trollin' trollin'

Keep them trolls a-trollin' . . .

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2 hours ago, observer90210 said:

Why are the farangs who visit Thailand idiots? I mean in what sense?


Go read the news about foreign crime and shenanigans in Thailand. Then go read about it in Malaysia.

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