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Just like a bit of info on the reasons YOU left your country of domicile and settled here in Thailand! Any skeletons in the cupboard or is it just mainly for the easy way of life? :o

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Am looking forward to leaving the US in a couple years because of the path the US is heading down. The decline of Western civilization is certainly upon us. Nobody I come into contact with in the US has something as simple as decent manners anymore. Its turned into a selfish, free-for-all, and me-first way of life here and i'm sick of it.


5 years ago I moved to China from Canada, mainly for the adventure, a change, meeting new people, new culture, travel.

Now in June I am moving to Thailand for a change, for the people, for the culture, for the sea and the beach, for a new adventure. I always feel good in Thailand.

"Come to the edge, He said. They said, "We are afraid." "Come to the edge," He said. They came. He pushed them... and they flew."

Guillaume Apollinaire


My wife missed her Thai food and condiments and did not care for the Italian diet. To get Thai cusine or supplies we had to travel far from our northeastern Italian town.

Then we were also somewhat socially isolated due to our age differences, something that seems to be more accepted here.

There was also the incident where our German Shepperd practically ate an ederly Italian Gentleman cause he assumed that all Thai girls were fair game. Insurance settled it and paid for the surgery etc.

In any case, she was ready to come home and I was ready to retire for the second time. So we sold the businesses, car, home and everything in it and came here with two suitcases and a loaded VISA Debit Card and a fistful of cash.

It has been far easier for me to adjust than for her. Life has been roses with of course the ups and downs that one experiences everywhere one goes. Never regretted it though. Only complaint is that I am somewhat isolated from other westerners, so the forum is kind of my life with other farang.

Other than that, I am happier than a pig in mud with two kids and another on the way. See us at http:members.cscoms.com/~mglatz

The only work I have is to keep http://www.michelonia.com website updated.


lived in thailand on and off for the past ten years,and have loved the place since i first came here in 1985. but a having a well paid profession with work easy to find always drew me back to the uk.

but an increasing disillusionment with the way the uk is heading and a sense of helplessness at having to pay a large proportion of my hard earned salary over to the government to subsidise muslim radicals,greek olive oil farmers,the war in iraq,the workshy,the illegal immigrant,legal aid for convicted criminals to sue their victims for damages, also the random violence,the countrywide traffic and transport problems,the expense and general hassle of day to day living in the london area and many other examples that make me think that the west has gone completely mad finally made us (i am married to a thai)decide to take advantage of the booming property prices in the uk, sell up and move here.

i feel depressed already just having written that :o

lived in thailand on and off for the past ten years,and have loved the place since i first came here in 1985. but a having a well paid profession with work easy to find always drew me back to the uk.

but an increasing disillusionment with the way the uk is heading and a sense of helplessness at having to pay a large proportion of my hard earned salary over to the government to subsidise muslim radicals,greek olive oil farmers,the war in iraq,the workshy,the illegal immigrant,legal aid for convicted criminals to sue their victims for damages, also the random violence,the countrywide traffic and transport problems,the expense and general hassle of day to day living in the london area and many other examples that make me think that the west has gone completely mad finally made us (i am married to a thai)decide to take advantage of the booming property prices in the uk, sell up and move here.

i feel depressed already just having written that :o

you forgot Spain mate - you paid for most of that country as well :D

Jeremy Clarkson did a tv special and drove around Europe in a E type Jag - when he went to Spain he refused to pay the toll on a bridge because, as he put it "You want me to pay the toll on a bridge that we built"

Am looking forward to leaving the US in a couple years because of the path the US is heading down.  The decline of Western civilization is certainly upon us.  Nobody I come into contact with in the US has something as simple as decent manners anymore.  Its turned into a selfish, free-for-all, and me-first  way of life here and i'm sick of it.

Isn't that what they say of Thailand.

Come to think of it isn't that what they say of anywhere?

'It ain't what it used to be'

However in my opinion the US particularly New York has not been the same since 9/11 and makes me feel uncomfortable


I will be retiring in Thailand when the time comes.

The #1 reason is because it is a trpical paradise with beautiful brown bunnies.

#2 my retirement income will go a heck of alot farther than it would in the states.

"Live like a King" so to speak.

The most important reason.



great central location, as to the rest of the world, ok beaches, out of the rat race of Aus - will go back one day when the liberals are out of power and the crows win the flag :D


Did I read that line right? When the liberals are out of power??? All this time you've been taking the piss out of us "septics" for supporting a conservative administration? :o

Thailand-related: Taksin did the right thing with the press in the south! :D

Other than that, I am happier than a pig in mud with two kids and another on the way. See us at http:members.cscoms.com/~mglatz

The only work I have is to keep http://www.michelonia.com website updated.

Mouse, thouroughly enjoyed your family site, you are one of the few that seem utterly contented :D Keep us posted.

My story is somewhat different. Had been passing through Bangkok on trips between Australia and England for thirty odd years, but never ventured into the big smoke. Then one year I happened to be on business in Singapore, and met some Thai government officials. Things progressed and they ended up inviting me to further out talks in northern Thailand at their expense.

Well what could a man say but "I accept!" I spent a very pleasurable two weeks there, and found on my return that I was, to put it simply, "itchy" to get back. Something in the water? Who knows, but I was back in record time. I found that I could run my buisness overseas by remote control, and also have time for the local department.

The arrangement suited me down to the ground, and that was nearly twenty years ago :D

Sorry no skeletons here :o


just luck really.

i came for a short holiday as my dad was in pattaya setting up a business for a guy i knew from england, i came, loved it went home for 5 weeks and came back with the intention to travel thailand and oz.

3 months later i was offered the 2nd share of my club so i sold up in uk and took a gamble.

did'nt travel alot after all, although i took my wife to oz for 2 weeks.

3 years later everythings great. (fingers crossed)

Got paid by my employers to move to Thailand

Same for me.

Just that it took them a bit of time to convince me.

They asked me in 95 but I was living in Singapore and did not like Thailand that much for many reasons (I had been travelling regularly to Thailand for 10 years at that time,...), I refused.

2 years later, the proposal came again and for job related reasons, I accepted but still did not like it that much.

Anyway, to make a long story short, it took me a bit of time to like Thailand, more or less the time it took me to be "adopted" (at least partly,...) by the Thai people working with me as well as some others,...

Am looking forward to leaving the US in a couple years because of the path the US is heading down. The decline of Western civilization is certainly upon us. Nobody I come into contact with in the US has something as simple as decent manners anymore. It's turned into a selfish, free-for-all, and me-first way of life here and I'm sick of it.

Agreed !!

And for the cost of living. Can actually retire and live comfortably in LOS on a pension.


Reason I left the sunny climate of Tasmania, yup the weather had a big part. But main reason is I knocked up my missus. Best <deleted> mistake I made in my life :D:o


I haven't actually done it yet but we're committed (just finished building a house). My wife came to the US 29 years ago and has worked hard all that time. I want her to really enjoy her retirement and I think going back home is the best thing for her. One thing she has expressed is that she doesn't want to end up in some nursing home in her old age. No way that happens in Thailand with the size of her extended family--she will be taken care of.

For me personally, I confident that I'm going to enjoy it. My life know consist of working, playing golf, watching TV, and sitting on the computer. ######, I can do all of that without that nasty work part! :o We're going to live outside of Pakchong which is close to lots of good golf courses, and a fairly short drive to her home village outside of Korat. I have a decent military retirement and am building a retirement account. So with a house already paid for, I shoud be in pretty good shape.

My only hesitation is that I have a granddaughter who I am very close to--more like a daughter. If it wasn't for her, I'd get on the plane tomorrow. So we'll hang tight untill either she graduates from high school or turns into an obnoxious teenager that doesn't want grandpa around!



Didn't really leave home for Thailand. Lived and worked in USA, Botswana, Korea, Taiwan, Saudi - and Thailand. Liked Thailand the best. And - as several have said, retirement money will go a lot further.


Went for holiday here a few times, fell in love with the place, met a really nice girl here, so just before it was time for my last holiday here I decided to give it a shot and stay her permanently. This has turned out fine so far, but have to see what happens during Thaksin's future rampage against us foreigners. I only know one thing for sure, that I really, really don't want to go "home" to Scandinavia.


Spent years travelling between home in Oz to work in the Middle East.

Always overnighted in Bangers but never bothered seeing anything other than the inside of the airport hotel room.

Then one trip I decided to spend a few more days in Thailand and visit a mate that had retired to Bangers.

Fell in love with the place, Thailand not Bangers.

Now most of my trips from the Middle East don't go on to Oz from Bangers. Instead I stay in Thailand with my fiance.

Love the country, love my TGF.

Hopefully I'll retire to Thailand myself in 5 years time.

Reason I left the sunny climate of Tasmania, yup the weather had a big part. But main reason is I knocked up my missus. Best <deleted> mistake I made in my life :D:D

I love Tassy mate, best water, best apples :o , cleanest air in the world, David Boon, great beaches and shagging your sister is socially accepted......

If you are in Tasmania or know of anyone privately selling a large swatch of land, please PM me - I am looking for about 300 acres with a waterfall (if possible), running stream / river through the land- I dont need any mod cons or roads - way out in the sticks is perfect, 3 hours away from civvy - cheers if you can help, if not many more Tassy jokes :D



Why did I move to Thailand? Well, about 2 years ago I fell out big-time with my wife. I woke up one day and realised that my only reason for existing (as far as she was concerned), was that I had a big fat wallet :D And certainly no nooky on offer. So I figured that I might as well live with someone who appreciated me a bit more - even if she also liked my wallet :o

So I hopped on a plane to Bangkok for the weekend (literally). I liked what I saw and felt that there were also some good businessess opportunities. And the girls were fun!! I also had a medical reason to move to Thailand (NO!! Not because I was going to become a ladyboy!!!). In the cold,wet UK I suffered every year from asthma and bronchial infections (wheezy old fart...). Out in sunny Thailand I had no such problems.

So I made the move to Thailand about a year ago and have not regreted it for 1 second!! To be honest I'm not living in Thailand 100%. Every month I hop on a plane and go back to the UK for 1 week so that I see and play with my 3 young children. My UK wife presents me with her bills (so I didn't win on this point!!). And then I come back to Thailand and live with my gorgeous Thai GF. Right now we are sitting it out in BKK whilst we wait for a house to be built for us on Phuket.

I regret nothing, but my only sadness is that I only see my kids for 1 week out of 4. But I'm sure there are many separated guys who are lucky to see their kids at all

Why did I move to Thailand? Well, about 2 years ago I fell out big-time with my wife. I woke up one day and realised that my only reason for existing (as far as she was concerned), was that I had a big fat wallet :D And certainly no nooky on offer. So I figured that I might as well live with someone who appreciated me a bit more - even if she also liked my wallet :D

I have to say Simon that I know quite a few girls in Phuket and they are really, really smart in manipulating men for financial rewards.

Far better than the girls from the other parts of Thailand, however good some of them are,...

But as I said before, since both of you are happy and there is not too much collateral damage, I wish you all the best.

Please do not take it badly because it is not a critic at all. :o


I was going through a messy divorce and came out to see my son( who went back packing three years ago and never got any further than LOS, ) for some R&R liked it so much I came back again at Christmas which is when i met my current GF, he took to to Chaingmai and Ko Sumui and I loved it, not only that but the girl I'm with does not try to kill me every time she gets drunk (as she dont drink!) Managed my buisness long distance for nine months last year and the start of this until I decided I could not take it anymore, hated it more and more every time I went back, so I sold up and am having a house built in CM in which we intend to spend the rest of our lives sniffing from the trough I made, I think it was the best thing I ever did, and come July I will be fortunate enough to have all my three sons here at the same time, I LOVE it, (well most of it -could go on but won't)

I could not afford to retire in the UK at 50, I would be back to work at 55!!

Happy--you bet :o


I moved here for a number of reasons. My wife hated her job, (the boss loved her, he treated her like shit, but she still worked her ass off). We both were getting sick of the cold weather in New Hampshire. (snow is fun when youre a kid, but when you get older, all you do is shovel it and get stuck in it). My job was ok, but after doing the same thing for 25 years, I really wasnt looking forward to another 20 before I could retire. We live a very modest lifestyle and had enough money to make it in Issarn so, sayonara Uncle Sam!

I was going through a messy divorce and came out to see my son( who went back packing three years ago and never got any further than LOS, ) for some R&R liked it so much I came back again at Christmas which is when i met my current GF, he took to to Chaingmai and Ko Sumui and I loved it, not only that but the girl I'm with does not try to kill me every time she gets drunk (as she dont drink!) Managed my buisness long distance for nine months last year and the start of this until I decided I could not take it anymore, hated it more and more every time I went back, so I sold up and am having a house built in CM in which we intend to spend the rest of our lives sniffing from the trough I made, I think it was the best thing I ever did, and come July I will be fortunate enough to have all my three sons here at the same time, I LOVE it, (well most of it -could go on but won't)

I could not afford to retire in the UK at 50, I would be back to work at 55!!

Happy--you bet :D

Whatever you wanted to say, you are fast integrating with Thai culture.

You already write like them, all the words together.

At least you still leave some space in between the words.

On your way,... :o:D

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