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Sweden intensifies crackdown on illegal immigrants


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The Sooner the west wakes up just like Sweden seems to be the better After many many years of living around and dealing with Muslims i am afraid i wouldnt trust one of them. We are not Muslim therefore do not count and those who try to defend them are on a lost cause where me and most of us are concerned

Sent from my SM-A720F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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15 hours ago, Pdaz said:


But illegal whitey doesn't get much coverage in the media.<snip>

I would say practically zero, except when annual figures are published by government. Ever asked yourself the question 'why', as some are criminals who commit serious crime, including child sexual abuse, rape, armed robbery, murder etc. 


11 hours ago, Grubster said:

I have been effected by them and I will not tell you how, good luck with your love for those who want to change or eliminate you.

Personally I have NEVER experienced what you and others go on about in my exposure to Thai Muslim communities. Thai Muslims do tell me some Muslim Arabs can be an altogether different matter, not all, plus some members who have lived in the M.E. have posted they are OK with the environment.


From my personal experiences, I refuse to support the hyperbolic, generalised vilification of Muslims and some downright evil comment, as some do on this forum. Can only assume they have a miserable inner life.

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3 hours ago, simple1 said:

I would say practically zero, except when annual figures are published by government. Ever asked yourself the question 'why', as some are criminals who commit serious crime, including child sexual abuse, rape, armed robbery, murder etc. 


Personally I have NEVER experienced what you and others go on about in my exposure to Thai Muslim communities. Thai Muslims do tell me some Muslim Arabs can be an altogether different matter, not all, plus some members who have lived in the M.E. have posted they are OK with the environment.


From my personal experiences, I refuse to support the hyperbolic, generalised vilification of Muslims and some downright evil comment, as some do on this forum. Can only assume they have a miserable inner life.

Well we are talking about immigrants to Sweden not Thailand anyway and as I have stated , I have never noticed any Muslims in Thailand that I could Identify by their dress. I have many friends who have worked in the Muslim influenced countries including Saudi, Egypt, Iraq, Afghanistan, Sweden, Norway, Germany, France etc.. Its funny that all but one say they felt very looked down on by the Muslims. You must have been treated very kindly be those same people. I have a very happy inner life as I know who I am and I am proud and happy with who I am, unlike those who try to tell me that being who I am is wrong.

       As for commenting on the racist statement "illegal whitey", that just solidifies my statement about how you are also racist and won't admit it. Non Muslim Whitey is not the problem in the illegal immigration issue in Sweden is it?

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There is a big difference between living in an established Muslim community or Islamic country (and following their rules) and large scale Muslim immigration into a non islamic country. Especially where they don't wish to follow the local "rules" and wish to change the norm to suit their own. If muslims fleeing violence, poverty and persecution arrived in the West, gave up their daft religion and integrated there wouldn't be an issue. But when they demand Mosques, Madrasas, Sharia law, Halal food, and sex segregation this goes against the norm. I don't even want to mention  FGM, inter-family marriage/child brides and "honour" killings.

Yes I to have moderate muslim friends and have worked in many Islamic countries. Yes the people can be very friendly, loyal and hard working. But if the extreme edges of their society are able to bully Western Govt into changing the laws to suit them the moderate "friendly" muslims seem to align themselves with their fellow muslims, not their adopted country. Unfortunately our democratic systems allow motivated minorities ( or all types ) to push their agenda. It's even easier when the bulk of the sitting population is uninterested in religion and politics. Note how many non-white and non "christian" MP's, local councillors, civil servants and activists there are now in the UK. Also note how despite being a tiny minority of the population non-whites are massively over represented in the media. Many mornings I watch Sky News to see two black presenters and a black guest speaker. I have no objection to them as they are well qualified and do an excellent job. But statistically it is almost impossible for them to have been hired based solely on merit. 

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Personally I have NEVER experienced what you and others go on about in my exposure to Thai Muslim communities. Thai Muslims do tell me some Muslim Arabs can be an altogether different matter, not all, plus some members who have lived in the M.E. have posted they are OK with the environment.
From my personal experiences, I refuse to support the hyperbolic, generalised vilification of Muslims and some downright evil comment, as some do on this forum. Can only assume they have a miserable inner life.

Unlike you who appears to live in a different universe to the one we inhabit

Sent from my SM-A720F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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35 minutes ago, Grubster said:

 As for commenting on the racist statement "illegal whitey", that just solidifies my statement about how you are also racist and won't admit it. Non Muslim Whitey is not the problem in the illegal immigration issue in Sweden is it?

Never stated the words "illegal whitey" & no I'm not a racist. Hopefully facts presented by the Swedish government will assist with clarity, without the usual immediate dismissal.




I do loath those to the right of centre, nearly in equal measure to Islamists or indeed any other religious / political extremists supporting oppression and violence. However, in another topic you have openly openly stated you are a racist  - if this is a status you're proud of so be it, very much doubt anyone will change your mind - nor will you and others change my antipathy to vilification of 1.5 billion people.

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9 hours ago, simple1 said:

But illegal whitey doesn't get much coverage in the media

You never mentioned that this was a racist statement but added to it didn't you?

Sweden is going downhill fast and needs to address this issue fast, you think they should be nice to all immigrants,  I think they should stop all illegal immigration and deport all they find that are there illegally, regardless of race or religion. I will never take anybody into my home that does not believe my way of life is right, nor will I condone my country doing it. I think you on the other hand should take a couple of these refugees into your home and pay for their room and board instead of expecting the rest of us to pay for those who hate us with our tax money.  

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1 hour ago, Grubster said:

You never mentioned that this was a racist statement but added to it didn't you?

Sweden is going downhill fast and needs to address this issue fast, you think they should be nice to all immigrants,  I think they should stop all illegal immigration and deport all they find that are there illegally, regardless of race or religion. I will never take anybody into my home that does not believe my way of life is right, nor will I condone my country doing it. I think you on the other hand should take a couple of these refugees into your home and pay for their room and board instead of expecting the rest of us to pay for those who hate us with our tax money.  

I don't believe member 'Pdaz' who used the descriptive term you're obsessed with was inferring he has a racist POV towards 'whites', the opposite. Time for you to stop your attempts to point score with this matter.


Regards Sweden and other EU countries, you will recall there was a breakdown of externally facing border control due to the Dublin Treaty being insufficiently resourced and financed, compounded by the lack of support for Turkey and other countries hosting millions of asylum seekers near to Europe. These days, so far as I'm aware, governments in the EU and elsewhere put a lot of effort to try and stop 'illegal immigrants' and endeavour to deport. I don't expect anyone to financially support people assessed as an illegal immigrant (usually due to visa overstay or refused refugee status i.e. economic migrant), though government is required to provide humanitarian services until they can be legally removed.


Genuine refugees are resettled and supported according to individual country agreement to UN Conventions, policy and resources, nothing to do with me. The number of refugees resettled worldwide are extremely limited compared to the UNHCR current estimate of 65 million IDPs / refugees, the vast majority of whom are hosted in non Western countries.





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6 minutes ago, simple1 said:

I don't believe member 'Pdaz' who used the descriptive term you're obsessed with was inferring he has a racist POV towards 'whites', the opposite. Time for you to stop your attempts to point score with this matter.


Regards Sweden and other EU countries, you will recall there was a breakdown of externally facing border control due to the Dublin Treaty being insufficiently resourced and financed, compounded by the lack of support for Turkey and other countries hosting millions of asylum seekers near to Europe. These days, so far as I'm aware, governments in the EU and elsewhere put a lot of effort to try and stop 'illegal immigrants' and endeavour to deport. I don't expect anyone to financially support people assessed as an illegal immigrant (usually due to visa overstay or refused refugee status i.e. economic migrant), though government is required to provide humanitarian services until they can be legally removed.


Genuine refugees are resettled and supported according to individual country policy and resources, nothing to do with me. The number of refugees resettled worldwide are extremely limited compared to the UNHCR current estimate of 65 million IDPs / refugees, the vast majority of whom are hosted in non Western countries.





The statement Whitey is indeed racist. Good luck and good bye.

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On 7/14/2017 at 3:20 AM, simple1 said:

Government policy defines those who are illegal migrants, so the content is relevant. I see the usual "deport them all', in a number of cases there would not be a government to government agreement in place to enable deportation e.g. Iran will not accept it's nationals from governments who attempt forcible return.

Actually if they claimed asylum they are almost all illegal because they by passed the first safe country, and the reason was not safety or asylum, but payouts are better in Sweden.

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10 minutes ago, Orton Rd said:

Actually if they claimed asylum they are almost all illegal because they by passed the first safe country, and the reason was not safety or asylum, but payouts are better in Sweden.

I know what you are from your PM to me. Although I cannot stop you, I will not reply to further posts from you.

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10 hours ago, Pdaz said:

There is a big difference between living in an established Muslim community or Islamic country (and following their rules) and large scale Muslim immigration into a non islamic country. Especially where they don't wish to follow the local "rules" and wish to change the norm to suit their own. If muslims fleeing violence, poverty and persecution arrived in the West, gave up their daft religion and integrated there wouldn't be an issue. But when they demand Mosques, Madrasas, Sharia law, Halal food, and sex segregation this goes against the norm. I don't even want to mention  FGM, inter-family marriage/child brides and "honour" killings.

Yes I to have moderate muslim friends and have worked in many Islamic countries. Yes the people can be very friendly, loyal and hard working. But if the extreme edges of their society are able to bully Western Govt into changing the laws to suit them the moderate "friendly" muslims seem to align themselves with their fellow muslims, not their adopted country. Unfortunately our democratic systems allow motivated minorities ( or all types ) to push their agenda. It's even easier when the bulk of the sitting population is uninterested in religion and politics. Note how many non-white and non "christian" MP's, local councillors, civil servants and activists there are now in the UK. Also note how despite being a tiny minority of the population non-whites are massively over represented in the media. Many mornings I watch Sky News to see two black presenters and a black guest speaker. I have no objection to them as they are well qualified and do an excellent job. But statistically it is almost impossible for them to have been hired based solely on merit. 

"But if the extreme edges of their society are able to bully Western Govt into changing the laws to suit them the moderate "friendly" muslims seem to align themselves with their fellow muslims, not their adopted country. "

Got some examples of these laws?


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13 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

"But if the extreme edges of their society are able to bully Western Govt into changing the laws to suit them the moderate "friendly" muslims seem to align themselves with their fellow muslims, not their adopted country. "

Got some examples of these laws?


None in Sweden yet but the citizens of every nation that has Sharia law have had it forced on them. There were no Muslim or Christian nations before Moses came down the hill were there? While other religions practiced laws just as or more brutal than Muslims have, they have evolved into much more passive religions haven't they? The Muslims still rule many countries under Sharia law and are actively teaching their followers to continue to spread throughout the world changing the cultures of the peoples they encounter. Do you think Afghans want Sharia law? They would like their girls to go to school, but risk life and limb if they do.  They may not have ever wanted to practice the Muslim faith but had no choice. As Pdaz says its sure funny how few "good muslims" ever give warning of Radicals amongst them.

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9 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

Actually if they claimed asylum they are almost all illegal because they by passed the first safe country, and the reason was not safety or asylum, but payouts are better in Sweden.

They are not illegal because they passed the first country of asylum.   People do not lose the right be considered a refugee because they traveled through another country.   An example are the asylum seekers in the US who have now fled to Canada, where their claim for asylum will be heard.  


It should also be noted that the OP talks about illegal immigrants.   Not all of those eligible for deportation will be asylum seekers, but I am sure that is the largest group.   

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21 minutes ago, Scott said:

They are not illegal because they passed the first country of asylum.   People do not lose the right be considered a refugee because they traveled through another country.   An example are the asylum seekers in the US who have now fled to Canada, where their claim for asylum will be heard.  


It should also be noted that the OP talks about illegal immigrants.   Not all of those eligible for deportation will be asylum seekers, but I am sure that is the largest group.   


Is this some kind of general international guidance then, Scott? That the first safe country should offer asylum, or that the asylum seekers should take haven in the first safe country? But that they are free to move to any other county if they can get into it? What are the technicalities of this?

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It doesn't make you a 'non-refugee' or a 'non-asylum seeker'.   The reasons are somewhat complicated, but there isn't much that a country can do if they traveled through another country and most countries do not chose to hold that against an asylum seeker.  


Many of these people traveled largely unimpeded through multiple countries to a destination country.   If they did stop and apply for asylum in another country, it will complicate their claim immensely.   This is especially true if they were determined not to be a refugee in a previous country.


The reason that many of them travel through multiple countries is because they have a connection to the destination country.   That can be a family member, friend, someone from their village or some less specific connection.   If they have a family member who has been given refugee status in a country, that gives credence to their claim.  


In spite of the allegation that many of them are only heading for the country with the best benefits, my guess, and previous work with asylum seekers, is that they have some connection to the country of destination.   It's also important to remember that they may likely pick up people with less of a connection on the journey. 


The basic tenet for those seeking asylum is that countries do not return refugees to a country where they will face persecution, so whatever has transpired between leaving and arriving, they should not be returned if they are a genuine refugee.   It does not mean that laws that are broken in the process should or will go unpunished.  

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9 hours ago, i claudius said:

But your not talking only about Thai Muslims now are you?

Sent from my SM-A720F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

I'll remind you I was talking to vilification of the global Muslim community by some posters, including yours within this & other topics, some of which have been removed by Mods for OTT nastiness.

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