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IRIS Scan - Visa Overstay

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9 minutes ago, Dene16 said:

So do people that drink and drive but they still do it until they run some one over. people get into financial crisis without seeking help and get homes repossessed the list could go on and on. Not all but in most cases naivety and stupidity. I wish the op all the best in his endevours 

Not sure what point your trying to make, it would be nice if we all could offer advice, However you are one of the rest offering nothing

Correct i never said i was offering advise. As for the DD and repossession stuff talk about going off at a tangent. The guy for reasons only known to him has overstayed. Lets put this into perspective its not and never will be the crime of the century. Although reading some responses here you may be forgiven for thinking the opposite.

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4 minutes ago, jeab1980 said:

As for the DD and repossession stuff talk about going off at a tangent.

Maybe but trying to emphasis that people do not take the consequences of their actions in to consideration,  even if they know them.

I've had to bail out too many friends for things that just did not need to happen until finally you say enough is enough

Yes, its not the crime of the century but the price he may have to pay could be a high one for him



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2 hours ago, jeab1980 said:

I could see there may be a few good overpowering reasons to overstay. None of us know whats around the corner in life. We all have plans for this that and the other. But the best laid plans can often melt away when a crisis happens. All who would overstay would know the consequences of there actions. I know one thing if i was to overstay the last thing i would do is post about it on here. Maybev3 to 4 posts offering help and the rest offering nothing. 

If I were facing the possibility of overstay for money reasons (the usual reason), I would immediately to go Cambodia, enter on an "ordinary" visa for $35, and begin teaching English, knowing I could extend that visa in perpetuity.  I'd come back to Thailand when I had things sorted.  Another alternative for the same solution is Vietnam.  Thailand is not the place to run out of money and go on overstay. 


The only reason I could imagine this not being possible is if I were in a coma, and the hospital failed to notify immigration.  In that case, I would not be responsible, because I was unconscious. 


To those who get strung-out on booze or what-not - my heart goes out to you, but ... sorry.  It is fortunate you can just pay a fine and leave for a year (in this case), without criminal-charges / prison-time.

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3 hours ago, jeab1980 said:

I could see there may be a few good overpowering reasons to overstay. None of us know whats around the corner in life. We all have plans for this that and the other. But the best laid plans can often melt away when a crisis happens. All who would overstay would know the consequences of there actions. I know one thing if i was to overstay the last thing i would do is post about it on here. Maybev3 to 4 posts offering help and the rest offering nothing. 

For me, I would agree if it was a week or so - but seven months is taking the mickey. 

Why if I have to abide by the rules shouldn't the OP, he took the risks and is now going to have to pay the price.

Name one good reason a person might overstay for 7 months and should be excused for it?

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It's of course difficult to understand why somebody overstayed by 7 months. And as most of the people here there are no reason which I can think of to do so.


But there is maybe a few reasons which I can't think of. Anyhow he had done it already so make no sense do discuss about why (even when it would maybe be interesting to know).


As for the OP the best answer is as usual from UbonJoe. From others there are some hints that he can try something with money... hmmm is it worth the risk... I don't know and hope I never have to think about. But I could understand that someone in a bad situation is thinking about trying it.


I read a good example about what should be done and what not with car driving in drunk. And yes this very similar everybody knows it's not allowed and still many do it.. and this is seen by many as a small thing.. but at the end where is the difference to this case?


Wish good luck to the OP

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1 hour ago, JackThompson said:

If I were facing the possibility of overstay for money reasons (the usual reason), I would immediately to go Cambodia, enter on an "ordinary" visa for $35, and begin teaching English, knowing I could extend that visa in perpetuity.  I'd come back to Thailand when I had things sorted.  Another alternative for the same solution is Vietnam.  Thailand is not the place to run out of money and go on overstay. 


The only reason I could imagine this not being possible is if I were in a coma, and the hospital failed to notify immigration.  In that case, I would not be responsible, because I was unconscious. 


To those who get strung-out on booze or what-not - my heart goes out to you, but ... sorry.  It is fortunate you can just pay a fine and leave for a year (in this case), without criminal-charges / prison-time.

Everything you say is valid. But as i have said we all have plans for diffrent scenarios. When the do dah hits the fan the plans go out of the window. Then before you know it your despite all the best laid plans your on overstay then things just mount and mount. Then its do what you have to do and bite the bullet later. 

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53 minutes ago, psyvolt said:

For me, I would agree if it was a week or so - but seven months is taking the mickey. 

Why if I have to abide by the rules shouldn't the OP, he took the risks and is now going to have to pay the price.

Name one good reason a person might overstay for 7 months and should be excused for it?

How can anyone give a good reason as there could be anything happen unexpectedly. Just beacuse as you say you abide by the rules (All of them?). Other people dont or cant or bend them thats life. A lot on here all say the same "i have to stay within the Law and rules so everyone should" Life im afraid is not quite so black and white.

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5 hours ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

few years back a friend paid a lawyer to sort the mess out and pay the fine. cost 20k fine and 20k for the lawyer. no blacklist. not sure if it is still possible.


Then your friend was ripped off by 20k, as a few years ago you could clear overstay of any length with no threat of blacklisting, (unless caught).

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8 minutes ago, jeab1980 said:

Other people dont or cant or bend them thats life. A lot on here all say the same "i have to stay within the Law and rules so everyone should" Life im afraid is not quite so black and white.

If your going to break the rules, then you shouldn't come here crying that they need to stay in Thailand and cant stay away for a year..

I'm not exactly understanding what part of it your not getting.

It's akin to someone robbing a bank, then complaining that they don't want to go to jail. If they didnt want to go to jail then the simple answer is abide by the rules.

And sorry to say but it really is Black and white when it comes to the law. Either follow the law or face repercussions.

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21 minutes ago, 1SteveC said:


Then your friend was ripped off by 20k, as a few years ago you could clear overstay of any length with no threat of blacklisting, (unless caught).

he had overstayed more than a year and did not want to risk it. long story but some visa agent was holding his passport promising to get him a visa. then she started borrowing money off him. i was shocked when i found out about it. his brother set the whole thing up and pocketed part of his inflated visa application fee. disgusting. anyway i think the 20k was fair enough peace of mind to have it all sorted out as his whole life is in thailand.

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16 hours ago, jeab1980 said:

Cant you well i can. What you class as legit maybe a  completley diffrent view to others we can all in our minds justify anything we do right or wrong

Maybe posting some examples would shut them up  -  only legit one I can think of is Medical reasons, I roll everything else around in my head and can't come up with anything "legit" .

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6 hours ago, TunnelRat69 said:

Maybe posting some examples would shut them up  -  only legit one I can think of is Medical reasons, I roll everything else around in my head and can't come up with anything "legit" .


If you have a medical problem and can't travel, you are able to get extensions based on that. So even medical is not really a valid excuse.

Edited by 1SteveC
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18 hours ago, psyvolt said:

If your going to break the rules, then you shouldn't come here crying that they need to stay in Thailand and cant stay away for a year..

I'm not exactly understanding what part of it your not getting.

It's akin to someone robbing a bank, then complaining that they don't want to go to jail. If they didnt want to go to jail then the simple answer is abide by the rules.

And sorry to say but it really is Black and white when it comes to the law. Either follow the law or face repercussions.

There seems to be a lot you dont get! Lifes not a long bed of roses for some. 

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On 7/13/2017 at 5:10 PM, Jamesw383 said:

Thank you Perth Person for your reply it makes sense..so I guess when they scan the New passport it reads the information  and compares it with what they have in the computer..........sounds to me like there is no reason to get a new passport there is no benefit.....I only have myself to blame......I am told though that there are certain Visa Agents that can fix the problem if one greases palms ?

No they can't they will bring you more problems than now only banned for 1 year.

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On 7/13/2017 at 5:13 PM, perthperson said:


I have no knowledge about fraudulent or  other potentially illegal "solutions" and I doubt such discussion will be permitted here. 

Yeah right!!! you never knew overstaying for 7 years is against the law either.

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35 minutes ago, Tanlic said:

Yeah right!!! you never knew overstaying for 7 years is against the law either.

Obviously you failed to notice this topic concerns a person with  7 MONTHS overstay 

Your remark is OFF TOPIC.

Edited by Ron19
Correcting spelling/typing error.
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On 13/07/2017 at 10:38 PM, jeab1980 said:

There are a million and one reasons why someone might overstay. So easy to sit in judgement on here without knowing all the facts. The guy has admitted he's overstayed he doesnt need mr goody goody two shoes to jump in and kick a man whilst he's down. 

I personaly dont care if people overstay they do no harm to me. I hope you get it sorted but as i said before. I fear you wont be in Thailand for a year. Good luck

Nope, there is no way I'd overstay unless I was physically or mentally impaired. Same applies for working illegally. And I guess there are many like me. But if this was even more widely understood immigration would have a tougher job justifying all their Farang victimisation.

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1 hour ago, Momofarang said:

Nope, there is no way I'd overstay unless I was physically or mentally impaired. Same applies for working illegally. And I guess there are many like me. But if this was even more widely understood immigration would have a tougher job justifying all their Farang victimisation.

Lets hope you never get into troble then eh.

Good job we are all diffrent eh

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On 13/07/2017 at 7:57 PM, Jamesw383 said:

Hi ubonjoe..........Thank you for your prompt reply........................maybe I am a bit thick.but how does the computer at immigration link the old passport with the new one....is it done by somehow scanning in the photograph and they comparing with what they have on their database.

They match full name, date of birth, nationality and place of birth. Then they look at the photos of potential matches that come up automatically on their computer. Fingerprinting all arrivals may also be introduced soon.


Plan on spending a year away. If you try to arrive on a new passport, chances are it will be a wasted trip as you'll be refused entry.

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On 7/13/2017 at 4:41 PM, ubonjoe said:

There is no iris scan involved to link the passports. When you enter the country with a new passport your history using the old passport will be linked to the new one.

With a overstay of over 90 days you will be banned from entering the country for a year. If you get caught before leaving you will be banned for 5 years. Rule are here: New overstay rules.pdf


I sincerely wonder why a person would knowingly overstay for months.


Is it financial reasons or laziness?

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4 minutes ago, watcharacters said:

I sincerely wonder why a person would knowingly overstay for months.


Is it financial reasons or laziness?



11 years is the longest overstay that I have seen........... although I am aware of longer.



In that case,  financial reasons.

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