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Sending Money Regularly From Los To Uk

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Just looking for comments/advice...

Unlike many guys who live in the UK and send money to their 'tirac' using a Nationwide ATM card, I need to do the opposite! I have to send regular payments to my ex-wife in the UK. I previously made these payments from my UK bank account, so no requirement for international money transfers. However, I will make future payments to her from Thailand. Doing international fund transfers can start to get expensive, and always involves going to the bank and completing paperwork.

I have a little-used savings account with TMB, and an ATM card as well. There is an ATM branch at Phuket Airport, just a few hundred metres away from me. So I'm thinking of giving my TMB card to my ex-wife in the UK. I can then make payments as required into this bank account, and she will have immediate access to these funds.

Looks straightforward to me - can anyone forsee any problems??



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No reason why it should not work. Not sure about the legality of this arrangement though !

and it's still a fairly expensive option.

If you still have a UK account then you could wire (larger amounts) to that

account, and then use online banking to 'drip feed' your ex's account on a regular basis.


Edited by naka
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depends on how much you trust the ex I guess. Doing it the way you suggest would leave no paper trail, and she could probably turn around and claim that you haven't paid if she felt she wanted to get nasty.

Not that there is any problem logistically, I do the same when sending money to OZ. I just get my father to pull it out and deposit in my OZ bank account.

Organising a regular payment via your bank shouldn't be hard. And it would be offical.

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