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Bombings in Bangkok & CMai - opinions


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Not sure why people are saying we shouldn't speculate - isn't this a discussion board??? Thought thats why people come on here. If they want facts, they might consider watching the news or reading a paper (although its debatable you'll get "facts" there either), but for discussion and sharing of ideas and thoughts, isn't that what an online forum is for?

Dangerous to speculate? Dangerous for who???

I'm going with unsettling tactics by factions opposing the current interim government. There, pure speculation!

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These bombings don't seem to fit the Muslim extremist profile.

These took place in Bangkok and CM.

Resorts in the south would have likely been hit as they would be easier targets.

Muslim extremists seem to prefer blowing themselves up and or killing teachers, doctors or anyone with an education.

It is probably a loosely organized group of fanatical Toxin supporters. Once they figure out who did it those responsible will likely disappear, quietly feeding the fish on the bottom of the river.

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If one judges by the results, the intent was clearly not to kill many people. Small explosives, one going off in advance of the ones at the big party venue allowing time to shut down festivities....

To my mind this then rules out Southern insurgents, Al Qaeda and its wanna-bes etc....all of these are quite violent and would not hesitate to make a big splash with ample carnage.

This has a distinctly Thai politics flavor to it. Reminiscent of the bloodless coups for which Thailand is famous (OK, this wasn't completely blood-less..but as bombings go it rates way down the scale in bloodiness, and could quite easily have been much more deadly).

Whom, why, I don't know. But I would be very surprised if this was not an act from either within the local political or military establishment or from its recent and now ousted members, with an aim that is political in nature. Create embarassment for the current govt? Provide an excuse for martial law? Both possible and probably other possibilities to boot.

If I am right then surely there are a number of Thais who know who was behind this and word will start leaking out ere too long.

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Try getting toxin from China.

Yeah, he was doing such a fantastic job of dealing with unrest. :o

eigher way it is his doing...............

1.) He's causing unrest in order to get himself and his family out of having to go to court and having themselves proven guilty.


2.) It's the muslims which is also his doing for missmanaging the whole southern situation.

As hard as it is to believe I'm leaning towards the 1st point. At first I wasn't, but the chiang Mai mosque attack has pushed me towards that school of thought.

We have dark days ahead.

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I think there is a simple solution to all this. Since we are living in a country where people are not willing to die for their causes (thankfully) like in some other parts of the world, simply offer a 10M Baht reward to anyone who leads the authorities to the successful capture of the people who planted the bombs. It is sure to lead us to the ones who did it who were probably just mercenaries anyway and not the actual brainchild behind it. Then dispose of all the captured terrorists publically via firing squad on television. That should be enough to deter future attempts of this nature. But the action must be swift and strong to show that the government is not going to stand for this both to a domestic and international audience.

Edited by Colby
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Yikes. Any thoughts for how to bring peace without killing off a whole culture, tribe, nation?

listen with compassion and understanding to their grievances and make the changes that are necessary to include them in society, including changing society to accomadate them.

toxins policy of enforced behavior control has brought us to this point. the muslim generals now in charge, (i know. there's a pm 'in charge'), may have a better understanding of the issues so may have a better chance of finding a solution.

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I just got off the phone with my sister inlaw in Samut Sakorn. I told her I was concernered because I knew they were going down to the World Trade area for the count down.

I asked if everyone was OK.

She said everyone was fine, had a nice time and no problem at all... :o

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Based on my observation, what farangs say on the internet doesn't matter as it can easily be predicted to be a lot of hot air and conspiracy theories no matter what. Of more interest to me is the several Thai people I have spoken with have said and I thought I would share it. They believe the former PM did a better job with the southern problem than a military style government can do and this is sort of a manifestation of that. This is kind of on top of people not real happy popular programs Thaksin introduced are being eliminated (30 baht medical program has been mentioned). The bombings have created a delicate situation at this time and I wish the junta the best. I am sure they will do everything they can to protect the people and find a peaceful end.

I am puzzled the bombings are not making international headlines, but rather buried behind numerous other mundane stories. A strange world, the mideast seems to be the top story every single hour of every day but when the same thing happens in thailand no one seems to notice. If a bunch of bombs going off on new years in bangkok isn't a top story, then what is? Could be a blessing for tourism though.

(sorry peaceblondie, saw your post after i submitted this, hope it is ok)

Edited by The Coder
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Thank you for creating your own thread. These statements you have posted are truely interesting. Since there were about 50 people injuried, it is absolutely amazing that your sister in law went unharmed. Truely, I am shocked that she is safe tonight. God bless her, and god bless you Pete. If you have any updates, please create entirely new threads for them also.

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Jay Dee originally sites the Nation as his source of information but when I was looking online at the "Nation" I didn't find anything there on the bombing in Chaing Mai. So where is the report on the Chaing Mai bombing? Please give me the link.


travelling with aloha

the coconut wireless

Here's your link

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Based on my observation, what farangs say on the internet doesn't matter as it can easily be predicted to be a lot of hot air and conspiracy theories no matter what. Of more interest to me is the several Thai people I have spoken with have said and I thought I would share it. They believe the former PM did a better job with the southern problem than a military style government can do and this is sort of a manifestation of that. This is kind of on top of people not real happy popular programs Thaksin introduced are being eliminated (30 baht medical program has been mentioned). The bombings have created a delicate situation at this time and I wish the junta the best. I am sure they will do everything they can to protect the people and find a peaceful end.

I am puzzled the bombings are not making international headlines, but rather buried behind numerous other mundane stories. A strange world, the mideast seems to be the top story every single hour of every day but when the same thing happens in thailand no one seems to notice. If a bunch of bombs going off on new years in bangkok isn't a top story, then what is? Could be a blessing for tourism though.

(sorry peaceblondie, saw your post after i submitted this, hope it is ok)

Which news are you watching?

It's top story on BBC World. Dunno about cnn, but to them the world is USA + whoever they are at war with.

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I am puzzled the bombings are not making international headlines, but rather buried behind numerous other mundane stories. A strange world, the mideast seems to be the top story every single hour of every day but when the same thing happens in thailand no one seems to notice. If a bunch of bombs going off on new years in bangkok isn't a top story, then what is? Could be a blessing for tourism though.

(sorry peaceblondie, saw your post after i submitted this, hope it is ok)

Due to the Bush Admin's super-effective intervention in Iraq, the bar for noteworthy bombings in the world has been raised by the reigning champ for now and the foreseeable future Baghdad. Bombings with fatality counts in the single digits don't seem so important to the jaded eyes of the international media and the rest of the ADD world.

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if we stop and think carefully about the bombings last night, and then scrutinise other bombings, it becomes rather obvious that the Bangkok bombs were designed not so much to cause carnage,but possibly a ploy to create chaos and fear.

As stated by others, if this was the work of hardened killers, then they could have done a lot more damage than they did. Small bombs, mostly planted in relatively obscure areas do not get the results that are wanted by serious extremist killers.

If we look at the similar situation in the Philippines, where, like Thailand the Southern part is on fire, the extremists there target heavily populated areas such as crowded buses and such places as Airports (Davao) This is an obvious desire to kill and maim.

Again if we look at last night and think deeper, Phuket, Pattaya, Patpong, Sukhumvit would have been crowded with tourists and a prime target. The thoughts of a good size bomb going off during market hours in Patpong or at the right time in Walking Street, Pattaya leaves me cold !

If these actions were the work of islamic extremists then I fail to see why they selected the "sparser" targets as they did !

The news this morning of a bomb reportedly being set off in a mosque in CM also diverts the thoughts that this is Islamic orientated.

To me this situation smells of something more and sadly I lean towards the political situation here in Thailand

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Seen that we're allowed to speculate, here are my 2 cents:

- It was an organized group of people; that virtually excludes Thai business people and other individuals who might be pissed off by the new government.

- They obviously had access to bombs and hand grenades; how easy / difficult is it to gain access to those in Thailand? Do you need access to military equipment?

- Thais love each other, didn't 80% vote for Thai Rak Thai (before the Toxin sham was known). I do not believe that any Buddhist Thai would randomly bomb other Thais to make a statement. It's not in their nature.

- What is the message when you bomb civilians without leaving a message? The only one I see is that those in control are not really in control.

- This could bring us to the conclusion that it's the Muslims, but why would they provoke the new government now, as the new government has not taken any action against them?

- If the material used in Chiang Mai is the same than in the bombs in Bangkok, then we should exclude the Muslims (but that's not proven yet, might be a revenge act). The Muslims might have some suicide bombers, but they won't kill another Muslim to hide their actions, which are actions that are supposed to be seen.

My conclusion: I believe this is the act of the Chinese mafia who are severely pissed off that their "brother" is no longer in charge. Chinese don't care about Thais, they only care about themselves.

But of course, that's just my humble speculation.

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Not sure why people are saying we shouldn't speculate - isn't this a discussion board??? Thought thats why people come on here. If they want facts, they might consider watching the news or reading a paper (although its debatable you'll get "facts" there either), but for discussion and sharing of ideas and thoughts, isn't that what an online forum is for?

Dangerous to speculate? Dangerous for who???

I'm going with unsettling tactics by factions opposing the current interim government. There, pure speculation!

I speculate that your speculation is NOT speculative at all

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The Nation is reporting that forensic scientist Khunying Pornthip has stated that the bombs used were different from those used by southern separatists. This may explain why the police and security forces are virtualy eliminating the separitists as suspects. That doesnt really leave many suspects.

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Based on my observation, what farangs say on the internet doesn't matter as it can easily be predicted to be a lot of hot air and conspiracy theories no matter what. Of more interest to me is the several Thai people I have spoken with have said and I thought I would share it. They believe the former PM did a better job with the southern problem than a military style government can do and this is sort of a manifestation of that. This is kind of on top of people not real happy popular programs Thaksin introduced are being eliminated (30 baht medical program has been mentioned). The bombings have created a delicate situation at this time and I wish the junta the best. I am sure they will do everything they can to protect the people and find a peaceful end.

I am puzzled the bombings are not making international headlines, but rather buried behind numerous other mundane stories. A strange world, the mideast seems to be the top story every single hour of every day but when the same thing happens in thailand no one seems to notice. If a bunch of bombs going off on new years in bangkok isn't a top story, then what is? Could be a blessing for tourism though.

(sorry peaceblondie, saw your post after i submitted this, hope it is ok)

Which news are you watching?

It's top story on BBC World. Dunno about cnn, but to them the world is USA + whoever they are at war with.

It was at the time it was happening, but now (09.15 british time on the 1st) it isn't even in the News... Headlines... New year celebrations and cancelled party in edinburgh/underage smoking/Kylie's Concert in wembley/romania joining the EU.

Not even a mention anymore. :o

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I believe it is just a small warning from the south. I doubt Thaksin goons would do it as any damage and deaths reflect badly on him and certainly does not do his or their cause any good or produce any positive thoughts to his outing in any way or form.

I think the southerners were sending a message...'look, we can do it, we just proved it, not just one bomb but a co-ordinated number, we had the opportunity to make much more of a mess if we had waited a few hours until the crwods gathered, we would have killed hundreds. But we did not, listen to us now or you will regret to see what happens in 2007'

Simply if they were out to kill and cause mass damage, there were so many other more suitable targets and times they could have opted for. This is just a message of what is to come if the problem is not dealt with.

But then again I could be wrong.

Anyway, I stayed home.

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Based on my observation, what farangs say on the internet doesn't matter as it can easily be predicted to be a lot of hot air and conspiracy theories no matter what. Of more interest to me is the several Thai people I have spoken with have said and I thought I would share it. They believe the former PM did a better job with the southern problem than a military style government can do and this is sort of a manifestation of that. This is kind of on top of people not real happy popular programs Thaksin introduced are being eliminated (30 baht medical program has been mentioned). The bombings have created a delicate situation at this time and I wish the junta the best. I am sure they will do everything they can to protect the people and find a peaceful end.

I am puzzled the bombings are not making international headlines, but rather buried behind numerous other mundane stories. A strange world, the mideast seems to be the top story every single hour of every day but when the same thing happens in thailand no one seems to notice. If a bunch of bombs going off on new years in bangkok isn't a top story, then what is? Could be a blessing for tourism though.

(sorry peaceblondie, saw your post after i submitted this, hope it is ok)

Which news are you watching?

It's top story on BBC World. Dunno about cnn, but to them the world is USA + whoever they are at war with.

It was at the time it was happening, but now (09.15 british time on the 1st) it isn't even in the News... Headlines... New year celebrations and cancelled party in edinburgh/underage smoking/Kylie's Concert in wembley/romania joining the EU.

Not even a mention anymore. :o

It's top story now, 6pn bangkok time on bbc world!!!!

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Based on my observation, what farangs say on the internet doesn't matter as it can easily be predicted to be a lot of hot air and conspiracy theories no matter what. Of more interest to me is the several Thai people I have spoken with have said and I thought I would share it. They believe the former PM did a better job with the southern problem than a military style government can do and this is sort of a manifestation of that. This is kind of on top of people not real happy popular programs Thaksin introduced are being eliminated (30 baht medical program has been mentioned). The bombings have created a delicate situation at this time and I wish the junta the best. I am sure they will do everything they can to protect the people and find a peaceful end.

I am puzzled the bombings are not making international headlines, but rather buried behind numerous other mundane stories. A strange world, the mideast seems to be the top story every single hour of every day but when the same thing happens in thailand no one seems to notice. If a bunch of bombs going off on new years in bangkok isn't a top story, then what is? Could be a blessing for tourism though.

(sorry peaceblondie, saw your post after i submitted this, hope it is ok)

Which news are you watching?

It's top story on BBC World. Dunno about cnn, but to them the world is USA + whoever they are at war with.

It was at the time it was happening, but now (09.15 british time on the 1st) it isn't even in the News... Headlines... New year celebrations and cancelled party in edinburgh/underage smoking/Kylie's Concert in wembley/romania joining the EU.

Not even a mention anymore. :o

Which is a good thing!

The sole purpose of these bombs is to create headlines.

Giving them what they want isn't in our best interest.

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Well, it was really sad to hear about all these bombings in Bangkok. Once a peaceful city is now something under terror and fear. When I first heard of the bombings, I was shocked and I wonder who did all these. So following came to my mind:

1. Some so-called Muslims who were angry due to execution of Saddam on the Eid day. However, this seems remote as none of such factions have ever been reported to be in operation here in Thailand. (Please correct me if I am wrong.)

2. Some so-called Muslims from the south to prove that they are not weak and they can still control and get what they want. However, this Muslim story does not click in my mind, unless I am in a mood of putting the blame on Muslims. (Only the time will tell.)

3. Some factions who are angry with the current government and want to take a revenge. However, this was beyond the reasonable thought that they should do it so early. We have just recently got the new government installed. However, some doubts could go to them.

4. Someone powerful to put the blame of any scapegoat. So far seems to be the most likely, as people started blaming a certain personality. Remember the car bombing plot, where everyone was of the view that it was preplanned, however, I was of the view that it cannot be and the time and new government proved that, it was not. So, I believe that this will also be proven that such bombing are done by someone angry or its just some stunt.

5. Some other powerful countries, who may try to do it everywhere in the world to show that this is the result of Saddam's execution. I just read the news that there was a bomb in the Madrid Airport parking area. Please check this news on google or other sources.

Well, I suspect number 4 and 5 more relevant as compare to any other alternative. I would also like to add that some posters said that its Muslims, which is a kind of fashion nowadays that put all the blames on Muslims. I am not in favor of such Muslims who do these things, however, so far no strong evidence was found for their involvement. Maybe I will be proven wrong and the so-called Muslims maybe involved behind all these.

Another strange thing is that almost all the blasts occurred near farang hangout areas. Which maybe an attempt to chase them away from Thailand. Thai Baht is getting very strong, so one way to control it to chase the tourists away so the Baht demand will go down and everything would be fine.

Comments are welcome from everyone including trolls. :o

Why is this thread 's title "bomings in Bangkok AND CHIANG MAI". What evidence is there of a bomb in Chiang Mai??

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The Nation is reporting that forensic scientist Khunying Pornthip has stated that the bombs used were different from those used by southern separatists. This may explain why the police and security forces are virtualy eliminating the separitists as suspects. That doesnt really leave many suspects.

Purely hypothetically speaking - that still leaves a lot of people/groups/organisations.

Such as some more radical Thaksin supporters.

Such as fractions within the military that feel the coup does not go far enough, and would equally benefit from destabilising the present government.


Basically, until we have more facts, all speculation here is a futile exercise of blowing empty air and repeating uninformed rumors.

What i find is concerning is that the government is hinting at one particular corner without presenting any evidence whatsoever, and that less than a day after the bombs went off.

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