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Sad Story About A Farang Lad Who Got Killed


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A tale which left me a little sad...

Me and my gf sat eating at one of our local street restaurants and the talkative lady owner/chef started to ask the usual questions, can the farang eat spicy? can he speak thai? etc, a nice lady working alongside her husband, an old couple and very friendly. I can speak a little thai so I got chatting and she said 'you remind me of a farang who used to come and eat here everyday, he was younger than you and used to joke with my daughter'.She went on to say that the lad lived near the restaurant and she told me 'he was killed by a thai because of 'Kik' = which i asked my thai gf to explain,

.......as far as I could work it out, he was killed because he had an affair with a thai girl and the thai girl already had a bf. I was shocked that someone could lose their life just for maybe a one night stand with a girl, did he know that she had a thai bf already? I can start to build a picture in my mind, that sometimes farang guys go with girls, and maybe they dont know they already have a thai bf? The thai bf finds out and then what happens? Well its a sorry tale, and i wanted to say it here, and i know it seems a strange sad story, i never heard anything in the thai news about this farang getting killed? right on my doorstep so to speak . Anyway i think you know the moral of the story, just be careful, a one night stand could turn out to be more than you bargained for.... Hope everyone stays safe and has a great 2550!


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A tale which left me a little sad...

Me and my gf sat eating at one of our local street restaurants and the talkative lady owner/chef started to ask the usual questions, can the farang eat spicy? can he speak thai? etc, a nice lady working alongside her husband, an old couple and very friendly. I can speak a little thai so I got chatting and she said 'you remind me of a farang who used to come and eat here everyday, he was younger than you and used to joke with my daughter'.She went on to say that the lad lived near the restaurant and she told me 'he was killed by a thai because of 'Kik' = which i asked my thai gf to explain,

.......as far as I could work it out, he was killed because he had an affair with a thai girl and the thai girl already had a bf. I was shocked that someone could lose their life just for maybe a one night stand with a girl, did he know that she had a thai bf already? I can start to build a picture in my mind, that sometimes farang guys go with girls, and maybe they dont know they already have a thai bf? The thai bf finds out and then what happens? Well its a sorry tale, and i wanted to say it here, and i know it seems a strange sad story, i never heard anything in the thai news about this farang getting killed? right on my doorstep so to speak . Anyway i think you know the moral of the story, just be careful, a one night stand could turn out to be more than you bargained for.... Hope everyone stays safe and has a great 2550!


How long have you been in Thailand?

Going off this and previous posts, I have yet to decide whether you are simply a troll, or a young kid who is on his first holiday away from his mummy?

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A tale which left me a little sad...

Me and my gf sat eating at one of our local street restaurants and the talkative lady owner/chef started to ask the usual questions, can the farang eat spicy? can he speak thai? etc, a nice lady working alongside her husband, an old couple and very friendly. I can speak a little thai so I got chatting and she said 'you remind me of a farang who used to come and eat here everyday, he was younger than you and used to joke with my daughter'.She went on to say that the lad lived near the restaurant and she told me 'he was killed by a thai because of 'Kik' = which i asked my thai gf to explain,

.......as far as I could work it out, he was killed because he had an affair with a thai girl and the thai girl already had a bf. I was shocked that someone could lose their life just for maybe a one night stand with a girl, did he know that she had a thai bf already? I can start to build a picture in my mind, that sometimes farang guys go with girls, and maybe they dont know they already have a thai bf? The thai bf finds out and then what happens? Well its a sorry tale, and i wanted to say it here, and i know it seems a strange sad story, i never heard anything in the thai news about this farang getting killed? right on my doorstep so to speak . Anyway i think you know the moral of the story, just be careful, a one night stand could turn out to be more than you bargained for.... Hope everyone stays safe and has a great 2550!


How long have you been in Thailand?

Going off this and previous posts, I have yet to decide whether you are simply a troll, or a young kid who is on his first holiday away from his mummy?

I'd say he his a kid away from Mummy.....who dreams to be a troll

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thanks for the replies..... I have been here long enough to know that these things happen and wanted to tell the new kids on the soi to be aware of it, thats all. As for my mum, she will be coming to pick me up at 4.30. I hope I have 10 baht for icecream.


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thanks for the replies..... I have been here long enough to know that these things happen and wanted to tell the new kids on the soi to be aware of it, thats all. As for my mum, she will be coming to pick me up at 4.30. I hope I have 10 baht for icecream.


New kids on the soi....muwahahahahaha....ridiculous !!!

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A few things here.

I can speak a little thai so I got chatting
I can speak a little Thai also having lived in LOS for 5 years.
because of 'Kik' = which i asked my thai gf to explain,

Surely if you can speak Thai you would have known this? The meaning i mean.

i never heard anything in the thai news about this farang getting killed? right on my doorstep so to speak
How long you been here? Could have happened years ago!
Hope everyone stays safe and has a great 2550!

On a lighter note. Have a good NY!

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thuk thong na krap! we are the 'new kids on the soi!'


.......we look better than 'arf the old wrinkly farang here with yer 21 year old thai gfs! I am SO sure that they Love you and not your wallet! 555

mums coming soon

gonna buy a water pistol for songkran, and some popcorn


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A tale which left me a little sad...

Me and my gf sat eating at one of our local street restaurants and the talkative lady owner/chef started to ask the usual questions, can the farang eat spicy? can he speak thai? etc, a nice lady working alongside her husband, an old couple and very friendly. I can speak a little thai so I got chatting and she said 'you remind me of a farang who used to come and eat here everyday, he was younger than you and used to joke with my daughter'.She went on to say that the lad lived near the restaurant and she told me 'he was killed by a thai because of 'Kik' = which i asked my thai gf to explain,

.......as far as I could work it out, he was killed because he had an affair with a thai girl and the thai girl already had a bf. I was shocked that someone could lose their life just for maybe a one night stand with a girl, did he know that she had a thai bf already? I can start to build a picture in my mind, that sometimes farang guys go with girls, and maybe they dont know they already have a thai bf? The thai bf finds out and then what happens? Well its a sorry tale, and i wanted to say it here, and i know it seems a strange sad story, i never heard anything in the thai news about this farang getting killed? right on my doorstep so to speak . Anyway i think you know the moral of the story, just be careful, a one night stand could turn out to be more than you bargained for.... Hope everyone stays safe and has a great 2550!


The fact is that you may not even know she has a thai bf until the last moment. You can ask them and pressure them into whether they have a boyfriend or not but for them lying about it is no big deal. For the most part they will say they are single as a means of playing mind games and trying to lever favours, presents etc.

I was in my apartment with a thai girl who'd told me she was single etc. Her phone rings and she answers it. Its some thai guy who asks where is she whats she doing, whens she coming home etc.

'Who's that?' I ask.

'Oh just a friend.'

Trying to flog the lie to the last furlong!

I got rid of her rapido!

Thats another thing, thai men hate it when we falang have a thai gf. Especially if she isn't from the bar scene!

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thuk thong na krap! we are the 'new kids on the soi!'


.......we look better than 'arf the old wrinkly farang here with yer 21 year old thai gfs! I am SO sure that they Love you and not your wallet! 555

mums coming soon

gonna buy a water pistol for songkran, and some popcorn


muwahahahaha.....old wrinkly farang with yer 21 year old thai gf.....he knows all about Thailand, huh !!

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Funny thing is that a lot of these young bucks that have good girl gf's dont realise that these good gf's that think they are oh so lucky to have, run off to older guys for some care and attention lol.

A young guy I know who has a gf here, well she has also at least a dozen other guys i know as side kicks lol.

there is something that comes with those wrinkles and age that the young fellas will just have to wait for.

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Funny thing is that a lot of these young bucks that have good girl gf's dont realise that these good gf's that think they are oh so lucky to have, run off to older guys for some care and attention lol.

A young guy I know who has a gf here, well she has also at least a dozen other guys i know as side kicks lol.

there is something that comes with those wrinkles and age that the young fellas will just have to wait for.

Yeah it's called percieved wealth............

Oh yeah and possibly a little less soreness 'down there' for the ladies due to less strenuous excersise :o

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The fact is that you may not even know she has a thai bf until the last moment. You can ask them and pressure them into whether they have a boyfriend or not but for them lying about it is no big deal. For the most part they will say they are single as a means of playing mind games and trying to lever favours, presents etc.

I was in my apartment with a thai girl who'd told me she was single etc. Her phone rings and she answers it. Its some thai guy who asks where is she whats she doing, whens she coming home etc.

'Who's that?' I ask.

'Oh just a friend.'

Trying to flog the lie to the last furlong!

I got rid of her rapido!

Thats another thing, thai men hate it when we falang have a thai gf. Especially if she isn't from the bar scene!

Tai Men hate it if we falang have a Thai GF ???

On what do you base this ??

Please Explain

I get on great with my wifes family, friends etc even before we married?

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Funny thing is that a lot of these young bucks that have good girl gf's dont realise that these good gf's that think they are oh so lucky to have, run off to older guys for some care and attention lol.

A young guy I know who has a gf here, well she has also at least a dozen other guys i know as side kicks lol.

there is something that comes with those wrinkles and age that the young fellas will just have to wait for.

That is so true.....I am 45, still good looking, wrinkly in a way that gives me respect but not yet a wheelchair, and so far, I have not seen any young "new kid on the soi" (muwahahahaha) being able to keep a young and beautiful thai gf for himself alone !!

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To me it seems all ages have trouble keeping the girls. You just gotta know how to pick out the winners here.

Yes a truly interacial and all generation problem we have.

But the difference is the older ones generally know it.

If we can master picking these winners, can we then start on the gee gee's and make some dosh to help with the first problem ?

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i think the main problem you old guys have in keeping your younger wives/girlfreinds is that they probably don't find you attractive or a turn on, and if you didn't give them stupid amounts of money then they wouldn't be with you in the first place.


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i think the main problem you old guys have in keeping your younger wives/girlfreinds is that they probably don't find you attractive or a turn on, and if you didn't give them stupid amounts of money then they wouldn't be with you in the first place.



(ugly,frustrated teacher syndrome) :o

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I have been here long enough to know that these things happen and wanted to tell the new kids on the soi to be aware of it, thats all.

but not so long as to know what a gik is, eh? Nor enough sense to deduce from the story as told that he would have had more than a one night stand.

Either way, you have little in the way of credibility so far here....

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