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Online campaign to oust American YouTuber “My Mate Nate” is gaining momentum


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2 hours ago, chrisinth said:

I still can't get my head around this. So now the social media is an authority that can deport a person from a country for childish actions? A section of the population that become self-outraged from the comments of others has self obtained influence to over ride the judicial system?


And all because he put some coins on a rail track. Yes, it is being enforced by his last video where he put a cat and scorpion together. Whereas IMO, that wasn't exactly a clever thing to do, take away the camera and think what would happen if the cat met the scorpion outside. The feline was never in any danger, they can look after themselves and retain their primal instincts.


Cats aren't pussies you know.......................:thumbsup:.


i had been thinking that the worst he had done was acts of animal cruelty, but your point about the cat is a good one


but what about freezing a fish?


well, just yesterday, I was at the local village market, and the fish vendor was selling live fish... laid on a table with gills puffing. It turns out that the guy had an airated tub of water under the table, and he was cycling the fish thru this tank to "resuscitate" the poor things, to keep them "alive"..... so I ask, which is worse?


im sure the snap freezing choice ( also used by commercial fisheries, isnt it?), is the better way to go


and then I have to wonder.... are only farangs, who admittedly should know better, a target for animal cruelty charges / prosecution?


no matter how you slice this cake, there are far worse things happening in this country, that damage the countries image, than numb nuts nates antics.... some of which will be right here in today's edition of TV

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2 minutes ago, TeaMonkey said:


I just did a search and guess its this video. Anyone know what words he got his Mum to say



Well, he got her to say most (if not all) of the bad ones.

The lad has zero scruples if he can do that to his own mum!

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2 hours ago, speedtripler said:

He's in the news for dislikes actually.... 

Ironically, 30k+ outraged thais are making him more rich and famous than he would have otherwise been if they didn't pay any attention to him 

Are you sure it's the Thais? 

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3 hours ago, HampiK said:

Yes, he has done a lot of childisch things... and in my opinion he will never learn and have to do more "sorry" in the future... Or he want do like this, because it generates more clicks.


I really not like him... but is this enough to throw him out?

It would be better, when youtube only pays out money for "non stupid" clips.. but this never will happen

Thailand needs all the entrepreneurs it can get get. They should employ him to write some TV progs.

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If " NOT My Mate Nate " is an American, that is a phony accent he uses, Americans don't talk like that.

 He will only get worse. I live here, and, he doesn't care about Thailand, and he's Trash.

From abusing animals to his current problems of defacing money, no work permit, and abusing the railway system.

His self-made problems are escalating.

Maybe a 200,000 to a 500,000 Thai Baht fine will change his attitude.

His videos are sponsored and paid for, he can afford it.

Pay the junta OR leave the country.

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3 hours ago, lovelomsak said:

The Tourism association should hire him. 

 He does more to bring attention to Thailand than probably any one else on the internet. He single handed gets millions of views on things in Thailand he is an asset not a liability.

 The Thais should thank him for his contribution to bringing Thailand to the masses. More tourism more business etc.

 Must remember there is no bad press.

Yes a marketing truism, there is no such thing as 'bad' publicity. . . . . you may not like him but he's a clever man and if he just stays to the right side of the law he will do well, but he may have outstayed his Welcome Wai Whitey. 

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I do not care much about this guy, I think he is a clown BUT I do worry the fact he is a foreigner and because of that he will be treated unfairly. 

Amazing how the anti foreigner sentiment is running high in Thailand.

Leave your money and bend over is what they want.

Edited by 3421abc
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16 minutes ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

they made a ton of money and are hated by many as well. for me i could not care about them either way.

dunno who "they" are,  i  must be getting  old or  better at spotting crap

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14 minutes ago, losworld said:

I believe strongly in freedom of speech but imho when you put something on a railway track like this it is another story beyond freedom of speeck and he should be punted for this.  

huh? coins on a rail are totally harmless.


can't understand what gets people so worked up... when you consider very senior police and the supreme boss of railways organized big meetings over this...

they should have completely ignored him, now he is very famous.

if they wanted him out, they should have sent an immigration sargeant to nab him for working illegally, deportation, case closed...

Edited by manarak
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2 hours ago, morpho said:

Not supporting or condoning this guy...but think those 65,000 could much better spend their online time demanding that Boss be extradited and brought to justice. People's priorities amaze me.

This is an incredibly important observation, unfortunately not observed by the Thai people. 

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1 hour ago, Father Fintan Stack said:

I suspect that is the source of much of the jealousy towards him. 


Thailand in my 20's in the early 90's was incredible. I had to fight them off with a shitty stick and I am not much to look at. Never had to pay even for seasoned pros to jump aboard, just help with food and taxis in the morning after I had forced them out the door. 


So glad I was here in the prime of my young life and when Thailand was really a fun place to be.  


Those that turned up after 2005 and in their 40's missed the boat by miles. 

Yeah i envy you, but i always had to pay even when i was in my 20s. But i try to not hate on the ones that doesnt :) but envy is hard to deal with sometimes, so i can relate with the haters too i guess.

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3 hours ago, 4evermaat said:

He hasn't hurt anybody yet, but he needs to be cautious of the mob mentality that can form here.  

Agree. The lad is a man-child who didn't see this negative attention coming, and it has now taken on a life of its own.


As for punishment, a ruler across the knuckles a dozen times and a week or two on remand in one of the less salubrious Thai jails would be quite sufficient to humiliate him never to offend again. 

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1 hour ago, NextStationBangkok said:

Negative guys in the society to be thrown out. He is just using his power as American. He should use the goodwill for the good. Bad guys OUT!


Me too voted against him. ++++



i did too  :post-4641-1156694572:         he ruins it for those of us who do our best to live among the Thai people and understand and appreciate (or at least accomodate) this culture... his willful demeaning of Thais and his childlike sadistic tendencies are not needed here, methinks :post-4641-1156693976:

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22 minutes ago, manarak said:

huh? coins on a rail are totally harmless.


can't understand what gets people so worked up... when you consider very senior police and the supreme boss of railways organized big meetings over this...

they should have completely ignored him, now he is very famous.

if they wanted him out, they should have sent an immigration sargeant to nab him for working illegally, deportation, case closed...

i understand coins are not harmful but the fact he is putting anything on a track with Thailand's record of being a derailment hub is the problem

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OK, enuff alreddy! Of course Nate is a pinhead who, unfortunately, lacks integrity. And yes, his whole approach reeks of cheap and nasty.  

But I get the uncomfortable feeling a lot of critics baying for his expulsion also lack integrity. They seem to have gained resolve through envy rather than as a result of offended humanitarian principles.

Thailand is still a free country (in its own peculiar way) and this late-developing adolescent hasn't broken any laws I'm aware of that qualify him for such  extreme punishment.  

Yes, he tiptoes along a fine line between good taste and offensiveness in dealing with the market he's tapped.  But one could say the same of most businessmen and those with a little authoritarian privilege and power across Thailand.  Many of them have committed far worse crimes than sprinkle some patronising bulls..it among naive consumers of digital media..  

I don't think Nate's yet been convicted of murder, trafficking in saxual slavery, rape, arson, espionage etc.  He's just a peanut who gets up your nose and stays there.

Deprive him if the oxygen of the publicity provided by your outrage. Treat him with the contempt he deserves, but destroy him with humour when you get the chance to discuss his money-making methods with Thai friends.  How long do you think his profile will survuve when his Thai targets realise what they've let themselves in for by following his stupid antics. Once people realise his overseas cahe is a joke the gloss will will disappear from his image on the locval scene. The whole You-Tube schlock is such a plastic inane market for image that his profile will have rusted within weeks if you do it smart.

Laugh him out of business. Have fun and still be satisfied with your good works.

Farangs exercising their righteousness muscles apparently fail to realise they're creating a terrible precedent in this exercise that may well come back and bite their arse if this vigilante action succeeds. Most, farangs here - you wouid expect - have a much finer appreciation of the values of rule of law in protecting an individuals' rights and personal liberties in a truly democratic society.  Don't you think your influence and statement by example in this situation could be used more effectively to illustrate how freedoms supported by rule of law in a real democracy can function for the ultimate benefit of all citizens?

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4 hours ago, 4evermaat said:

He hasn't hurt anybody yet, but he needs to be cautious of the mob mentality that can form here.  

He hasn't hurt anyone yet, but he is encouraging young kids to play on railway lines.

Once one gets maimed or killed then people might realize the effect people like him can have.

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Let's be honest folks. How many young men at his age would not be over their head with themselves  if they made the money he has in such a short time. He has made more  than many people will make in their life time and he is so young. I feel he is just bouncing around trying to deal with what he has. Who would not be cocky at his age.Probably over 90 % of the people who dislike him will never or have never made what he has made already.He is very young to be dealing with such celebrity status and wealth give him a break.

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If only all this discontentment and anger could be channelled into getting a certain real villain brought to justice. Mr Red Bull and the like. 

Funny how small things outrage the people while nothing seems to come of serious crimes committed by the elite. Small things.......

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2 minutes ago, Zack61 said:

If only all this discontentment and anger could be channelled into getting a certain real villain brought to justice. Mr Red Bull and the like. 

Funny how small things outrage the people while nothing seems to come of serious crimes committed by the elite. Small things.......

Maybe the people realise that nothing comes of serious crimes committed by the elite,  so they get outraged by some p**t flattening coins?.

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