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Trump pleads with U.S. Republicans to roll back Obamacare


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1 minute ago, funandsuninbangkok said:

You must be joking!


What is more personal than you wanting me to pay for your upkeep?




Whether you have the wherewithal to know it or not, we are all paying for each other's "upkeep" through deficit spending that future generations have to repay, a less efficient economy, higher child mortality, a more ill population, etc. Not only paying but paying more than other countries and the difference goes into the pockets of a handful of insurance and pharmaceutical companies.


Ideoalogy is a fool's paradise.



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42 minutes ago, Thakkar said:


Whether you have the wherewithal to know it or not, we are all paying for each other's "upkeep" through deficit spending that future generations have to repay, a less efficient economy, higher child mortality, a more ill population, etc. Not only paying but paying more than other countries and the difference goes into the pockets of a handful of insurance and pharmaceutical companies.


Ideoalogy is a fool's paradise.



The countries you admire cannot defend themselves or invent new drugs safely. 


American defends and medicates the world. Trump hopefully will end it and give them the bill 

Edited by funandsuninbangkok
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Just now, funandsuninbangkok said:


The countries you admire cannot defend themselves are invent new drugs safely. 


American defends and medicates the world. Trump hopefully will end it and give them the bill 

You can either continue to embarrass yourself, or you can take a few days to study the evidence. Put aside your ideology and simplistic notion that just because you *think* you aren't paying for something, that you aren't. 

Don't sell yourself short; all of us are capable of learning new things at any age.
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27 minutes ago, Thakkar said:

You can either continue to embarrass yourself, or you can take a few days to study the evidence. Put aside your ideology and simplistic notion that just because you *think* you aren't paying for something, that you aren't. 

Don't sell yourself short; all of us are capable of learning new things at any age.

Sorry Sonny. I'm not feeling embarrassed. 


There is nothing new about communism. Been tried. Don't work. 



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2 minutes ago, funandsuninbangkok said:

Sorry Sonny. I'm not feeling embarrassed. 


There is nothing new about communism. Been tried. Don't work. 



Fascism's been tried and doesn't work either.

If you think that the richest country in the world providing universal healthcare—something that would save businesses money, improve health outcomes for everyone, reduce the long term burden on government expenditures and prevent countless personal bankruptcies—is communism, then you really don't understand the issue at all.


Please, take a look at the evidence. It's getting to the point where, while you seem incapable of embarrassment, I'm kinda feeling embarrassed for you. (Well, not really).


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1 minute ago, Thakkar said:

Fascism's been tried and doesn't work either.

If you think that the richest country in the world providing universal healthcare—something that would save businesses money, improve health outcomes for everyone, reduce the long term burden on government expenditures and prevent countless personal bankruptcies—is communism, then you really don't understand the issue at all.


Please, take a look at the evidence. It's getting to the point where, while you seem incapable of embarrassment, I'm kinda feeling embarrassed for you. (Well, not really).


Honestly, is it really worth taking the silly red baiting POV seriously? It's the USA that is the outlier here compared to pretty much all other advanced nations.

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Not sure if the staged photo-op citizens are overjoyed about it.

They look like hostages waiting to be freed.

Maybe it was because they heard the inept one say that the ACA has been in place for 17 years...



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What is more personal than you wanting me to pay for your upkeep?

You want me to pay for your public schools and libraries? I don't have any children. Why should I pay for yours to be educated?

You want me to pay for your roads and highways? Those should be funded only by people who have cars.

You want me to help pay for your police force? No; they should operate on a 100% chargeback model and just send a $5000 bill whenever somebody calls them (throw in a 15% tip for speedy service on your next armed robbery!). I suppose if they're called to stop a bank robbery, everyone in the bank lobby can just split the bill.

You wanting me to pay for your fire and rescue companies? Forget it. Let's go back to the days when fire battalions were owned by insurance companies and you hoped and prayed that you had the right fire medallion on your burning property.

Why should I help pay for museums, public beaches, public transportation and public [fill in the blank] that I don't even use?
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3 hours ago, funandsuninbangkok said:



There is no example in the universe of government providing goods or services more efficiently than the private sector. 


You may want (free) health care but it ain't free. Somebody pays. Guess you can't. I don't want to. 



I am British and the NHS is awesome. Ok we all pay a little bit more in tax but have free health care when we need it. It is quite sad that you have never been involved in a healthcare system that cares about people.


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3 hours ago, funandsuninbangkok said:


The countries you admire cannot defend themselves or invent new drugs safely. 


American defends and medicates the world. Trump hopefully will end it and give them the bill 

Ah ok you are a trump supporter. My wait  for an intelligent answer has now ended.

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5 hours ago, funandsuninbangkok said:


The countries you admire cannot defend themselves or invent new drugs safely. 


American defends and medicates the world. Trump hopefully will end it and give them the bill 

You know you are talking about a country that can't even produce the drugs used in the death penalty?   :sleep:

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11 hours ago, funandsuninbangkok said:

Health Care is too important to leave to the government.  


Look at government housing or job training for an example of government "services" in the US. Horrible.


Certainly American society should provide for the very poor who have no money and need care.  Unfortunately. government has moved in and all faith based hospitals who used to perform care for indigent people are now mostly on the government tit and run by Washington.


It's "You get what you pay for. " not " You get what the other guy pays to the government, then depending on how much is left, after it goes through the sausage factory, the Unions take their cut, depending on my political relationships, I got something."



And yet governments worldwide are providing vastly better healthcare than the USA. 

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9 hours ago, funandsuninbangkok said:

You must be joking!


What is more personal than you wanting me to pay for your upkeep?



You are not paying a single penny toward anyone else's health care under the ACA and you must know that, so you are simply trolling in the same vein as the proverbial 14 year old in the basement of his mother's house in New Jersey.

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5 hours ago, Credo said:

You know you are talking about a country that can't even produce the drugs used in the death penalty?   :sleep:


In Trumpworld, just like health care and prisons, executions should be done by the private sector.  You'd be required to pay for the service up front, of course.

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12 hours ago, funandsuninbangkok said:

You must be joking!


What is more personal than you wanting me to pay for your upkeep?



True words.


Pay for all the fatties running around filling their mouths then crying it's a disease now treat me for free.


Keep the Governement out of healthcare.

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19 minutes ago, Luckysilk said:
12 hours ago, funandsuninbangkok said:

You must be joking!


What is more personal than you wanting me to pay for your upkeep?



True words.


Pay for all the fatties running around filling their mouths then crying it's a disease now treat me for free.


Keep the Governement out of healthcare.

Putting aside the incongruity of "fatties running around", let us assume that only fatties get cancer. 


But is it only fatties that, through the vagaries of life, can become incontinent, have children with pre existing conditions, grow old and need nursing care or have parents who grow old and need nursing care, get Alzheimer's, have an accident of any sort, get beaten to a pulp by a mugger or a drunk or a bully, catch a disease, get bit by a snake, pull a muscle while lifting something, throw their back out, get food poisoning, or slip on a banana peel.


Let's let all the fatties die and the world will be free of all health related misfortune.


Also, keep the government out of our police forces. Why should people living in safe, gated communities with private security pay for police to walk the streets of Harlem?



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9 minutes ago, Thakkar said:

Obama had a 60 vote majority. Yet he went out of his way to be inclusive. 


  Dan Diamond (@ddiamond)
EIGHT YEARS AGO TODAY — Obama does 2-hour health care town hall in Ohio, takes questions and defends his plan. pic.twitter.com/uQMInnuO5G
Where is Trump's Town Hall?

The clown couldn't possibly do that even if he wanted to. He's totally ignorant about the details of both Obamacare and the cockamamie destructive "replacement" alternatives being brewed up in congress. 

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6 hours ago, Jingthing said:

The clown couldn't possibly do that even if he wanted to. He's totally ignorant about the details of both Obamacare and the cockamamie destructive "replacement" alternatives being brewed up in congress. 

If Trump had a 'town hall' about health care, here are the parameters:


>>>  hand-picked Trump fans in attendance.  No others.

>>>  Trump would be tossing superlatives around, and making preposterous promises."


"Obamacare is a disaster, folks.  A disaster.  My plan is better in every way.  You'll pay less.  You'll get better services.  Everyone will be covered.  Pre-existing issues, no problem.  And best of all, you won't be paying anything, or at least it will cost very very little.  A tiny bit.  Less than a cup of coffee.  Believe me, folks.  Everything about Obamacare is bad, everything about my program is great."


.....and all the dumb-ass hand-picked 'townspeople' will clap and cheer.  Trump could say he was going to personally transmit yeast infections to everyone in attendance, and they would still clap and cheer.

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