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Yingluck faces indictment over compensation payouts


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1 hour ago, rosst said:

This seems to be a fair assessment of the situation and I believe the extra judicial payments are probably illegal. 

Now the big question is : will they need to be paid back? If so by whom? 

If paid back.. it would be highly unfair to ask the people who received it to pay back.. one should go to YL and hers to get the money. Just my 2 cents. 

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The stress does seem to be taking a toll on her from that photo.
I guess the TVF posters who think she is hot has moved from the 60's age group up into the 70's now.

Well I don't know (with a couple of exceptions) what anyone else on this forum looks like.
However I think I can safely assert ( hypothetically) that I would not climb over her to get to anyone on this forum!
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indict former prime minister Yingluck Shinawatra


If she had a cold or flu, some her would try and indite her for spreading germs


The outside world is laughing at the entertainment supplied by the few who grabbed power, in time they will all be in the dock or worse and I hope she is around to dish it out. I expect a few TV poster of today will have legged it by then in fear of their stupidity.

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