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Sawadee krap,

In June I'll be rounding up my Masters degree in communications. At the moment I'm wrighting my thesis over here on "How to start up a business in Thailand."

I have been here now for 4 months, first 1 month in Bangkok to learn the language and then down to Phuket where I was suppossed to start a company. Unfortunatly this didn't work out, not a bad Thai partner in this case, but nevertheless does it leave me with the time to finish my thesis.

I hope to be coming back in oktober when the high season takes off and my degree will be in my pocket. This time I'll first look for a job somewhere, cause the first thing I learned is to first get to know the place.

Anyway, if anybody could help me where to find more information on the subject or with any tips at all, it would be very appreciated.

Anyway, if anybody could help me where to find more information on the subject or with any tips at all, it would be very appreciated.

Sawadee krap,

Is this a wind up, Master's degree in communications but can't spell and write coherently? mmmm...

If analysis scrutinised Pattaya bar practices I would very much like to see the finalised Thesis!

Thaimee. :o

Sawadee krap,

In June I'll be rounding up my Masters degree in communications. At the moment I'm wrighting my thesis over here on "How to start up a business in Thailand."

I have been here now for 4 months, first 1 month in Bangkok to learn the language and then down to Phuket where I was suppossed to start a company. Unfortunatly this didn't work out, not a bad Thai partner in this case, but nevertheless does it leave me with the time to finish my thesis.

I hope to be coming back in oktober when the high season takes off and my degree will be in my pocket. This time I'll first look for a job somewhere, cause the first thing I learned is to first get to know the place.

Anyway, if anybody could help me where to find more information on the subject or with any tips at all, it would be very appreciated.

lol.. thats got to be the dumbest idea for a thesis i ever heard........

or with any tips at all, it would be very appreciated.
I'm wrighting my........

I hope to be coming back in oktober .....

make sure your spell checker is turned on !! :o


errrrrr.....help in writing your thesis???

think you dont need help mate.

you learn thai in 1 month and then for 3 months you try and find out how to start a business in Thailand.

ok......so what have you learnt so far?

bet ya anything its how to get shitfaced on daddies money,and try and shag as many hos in one night.

well done son.keep up the good work.

and when you do get your masters degree and come back here im sure you will be able to easily get a job.what with all your experience and all.

ya right.


A thesis on "How to start up a business in Thailand???"

Where, pray, are you studying?

Wrighting!!!!?? <deleted>!!!!!

Maybe you should come over in Noavember, or even better, Dizember. the weather's much more clement.

<deleted> wrighting about it mate. Just come over and open a bar.




Come on , he is asking for help in his thesis not on his english .

shouldn't that be ".......help with his thesis,not with his english."


Come on , he is asking for help in his thesis not on his english .

shouldn't that be ".......help with his thesis,not with his english."


We get 'em all here Tax. :o Our Indy must have been buggered after mastering parsar Thai in a month :D


Nice going.


Sick boy, it is spelled "rogues", not "rougues".

shouldn't that be ".......help with his thesis,not with his english."
Taxexile, you missed the obligatory space after the comma.
bet ya anything its how to get shitfaced on daddies money,and try and shag as many hos in one night.

It should be "daddy's money". It's the genitive case, not plural. You also missed the space after the comma, and failed to start your sentence with a capital letter. Also, "ya" is non-standard English which should be used sparingly, preferably only when representing direct speech.

thats got to be the dumbest idea for a thesis i ever heard

Should be "I've ever heard". "I ever heard" is non-standard usage. :o


Welcome to the site where one's English language can get a bit of a polish up.

how about....

Welcome to the forum where one's English grammar can get a bit of a polish up.

Thaimee. :o

Welcome to the forum where one's English grammar can get a bit of a polish up.

Well it's about time the winkers had chance to polish up something else for a change.


Meadish, I love it! You are the best :o

Sorry, if you are writing a thesis then you really need to know how to spell. Kind of important stuff for a master's degree in communication, don't you think?


Thank you very much, sbk! :o

I agree to some extent - but remember that he might not be a native English-speaker... and even if he is, he could be dyslexic. In that case, it's not very nice to attack his spelling..

There are 2 other possibilities as well:

1. The spelling mistakes are deliberate, the equivalent of British public school boys dropping their 'h':s like Cockneys, to seem more with it.

2. He's a troll, and we shouldn't be wasting our time.


Ha, ha, so I see there is a lot of English experts out there. Is there also one that actually managed to get something of the ground or is everybody just to busy with quoting their 'knowledge' on the internet...?

Thank you very much, sbk! :o

I agree to some extent - but remember that he might not be a native English-speaker... and even if he is, he could be dyslexic. In that case, it's not very nice to attack his spelling..

There are 2 other possibilities as well:

1. The spelling mistakes are deliberate, the equivalent of British public school boys dropping their 'h':s like Cockneys, to seem more with it.

2. He's a troll, and we shouldn't be wasting our time.

A joint disease in my opinion. A troll and an idiot combined. Do we shut down the topic ?

Welcome to the site where one's English language can get a bit of a polish up.

No chance of a spell checker in the forum ??? I could use one sometimes :o

A joint disease in my opinion. A troll and an idiot combined. Do we shut down the topic ?

What is that? A trollidiot! I have heard of those. They are said to come from the old Europe.



You will learn the language in one month? I studied Thai for 3 years and than passed the Government's Grade 6 Exam but still would not consider myself fluent. So unless you want to learn how to ask where is the restroom or how to count to ten it would be a waste of time.

What is that? A trollidiot! I have heard of those. They are said to come from the old Europe.

I think that the correct term should be "Trollidite" or "Iditroll".

Any other ideas? I'll start a poll...

Ha, ha, so I see there is a lot of English experts out there. Is there also one that actually managed to get something of the ground or is everybody just to busy with quoting their 'knowledge' on the internet...?

We can all help with the proofreading of the thesis. Jeeeez ... there's an undertaking and a half. The wrighting is gonna be hard to read. :o

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